Author Topic: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions  (Read 70416 times)

Offline Harry Caul

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #150 on: June 09, 2014, 01:59:50 PM »
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts Brian.  If you look back through the mid-auction thread you'll see several bouts of this discussion over the last few years (and what I'm writing below has no doubt be better articulated by me in the past on multiple occasions).  Clearly, many of us have already gotten our $0.02 in and everyone should have that option.  However, I think this discussion may have veered off course...

As far as I know, NO ONE is advocating the limitation of discussion and/or the sharing of posters.  That's what makes this place great.  Sometimes we talk about our own acquisitions (monthly acquisitions thread), sometimes we discuss beautiful posters we might never be able to afford (strikes your fancy thread), sometimes we discuss genres (Bond, Hammer, etc...), sometimes we discuss authentication (mid-auction and authentication threads), and sometimes we talk about the crazy results achieved by certain posters -- whether high or low (post-auction thread).  All of that discussion will and should of course continue.  

What we are talking about here is only a tiny fraction of what is discussed at APF.  For me it boils down to the pros and cons of outing auctions before they finish -- that emphasis is key to the whole thread.

Pro: Helps collectors -- I see this one as the most cited reason.  If you think you are helping someone specific, remember there are probably 10+ visitors for every member you interact with here.  So if you think you are talking to 20-30 people, you are really talking to 200-300+.  When I started here, I envisioned my posting as akin to quietly sharing stock tips at a dinner party.  However, I quickly realized it's more like sending out a PA at Disneyland!
Pro: Doesn't increase prices -- Yes, there is no proof that outing an auction will increase prices, but that is a two way street.  I might impact prices every single time it happens and there would also be no proof.  No data != proof.
Pro: More discussion -- Sure, but there is absolutely no reason it couldn't happen after auction.  When this thread was started, even Mel suggested that super high profile auctions -- think Casablanca 6-sheet at Heritage or that Theda Bara Salome coming up at eMovie -- can be fun to discuss ahead of time and that discussion will likely not impact final prices.  The mid-auction thread is also useful (IMO) to raise flags for fellow buyers for suspected bootleg posters or authenticity issues.  It's also fun to laugh at some sellers who have ridiculous buy-it-now prices.

Con: Increases prices -- Sure, there will never be proof that this happens, but there is certainly no proof that it won't either.  
Con: Increases competition -- Or the "monkey see, monkey do" effect.  If you hang around here long enough you will certainly notice that buying habits are impacted by what is posted (i.e. Anything Gosling, Japanese B1s, Under Her Skin, etc...).  It's only natural when you see new cool posters (even those outside your collecting interest) for some to expand into those spaces and increase the competition.  
Con: No one posts what they are personally bidding on -- Not even Mel, who is beloved by so many.  Mel and I had many discussions about his arbitrary outings in the past -- once they passed *his* price threshold, he thought they were fair game to post.  Or if they weren't of interest to *him* personally, he thought they were ok to post.  How can one person assume their wants/needs apply to everyone?  That is is just being naive at best, reckless or spiteful it worst.

Even the *potential* for making my fellow collectors pay more or to increase their competition are reasons enough for me to NEVER out an ongoing auction.  I stick to PMs and emails if my goal is to help fellow collectors.  Sure, the mid-auction thread can be used carefully without hurting anyone -- and in the case of authentication issues, possibly helping people -- but there are other threads more appropriate for all three of the examples I posted.  

This thread poll shows a nearly 50/50 split, and the discussion proves it's a very polarizing issue at that.  If we could summarize this discussion concisely and put it at the front of the thread so people could at least weigh these issues before deciding to either post or wait until it's over to post (see, no limiting discussions!), great.  I'd be all in favor of that as a reasonable compromise.  However, if that is too complicated or T/H don't want to start down the slippery slope of codifying "rules" -- then I say lock it, which is how I voted.  

All I know for sure, is there is no "Pro" on that list above that would compel me to post *before* an auction is finished.  It can wait, 100% of the time.  
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 02:29:28 PM by Harry Caul »

Offline Crazy Vick

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #151 on: June 09, 2014, 02:13:45 PM »
Just ask Bruce if you want to increase the price of your poster... when he "outs" them in his weekly member email, e.g. "there are steals and then there are this poster REALLY worth only ____?"

Usually bidding on that poster skyrockets right after... of course you can say it wasn't Bruce, that bidders were only waiting until closer to the auction to bid.  Me, I say "The Bruce - the Midas Touch" 8)

Offline marklawd

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #152 on: June 09, 2014, 02:23:32 PM »
What a wonderfully reasoned and well balanced summary Matt. I have never outed a lot mid-auction either because of personal sensitivity to others. But everyone is different and while some would describe Mel's actions as selfish I and others ironically see them as altruistic. I totally believe in the unfettered exchange of information on this forum but of course our hosts ultimately decide the house rules.

Do you remember when the fake German Apocalypse Now was outed! I think we were both able to warn potential bidders that this item was not what it seemed.


Offline Charlie

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #153 on: June 09, 2014, 02:33:12 PM »
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts Brian.  If you look back through the mid-auction thread you'll see several bouts of this discussion over the last few years (and what I'm writing below has no doubt be better articulated by me in the past on multiple occasions).  Clearly, many of us have already gotten our $0.02 in and everyone should have that option.  However, I think this discussion may have veered off course...

As far as I know, NO ONE is advocating the limitation of discussion and/or the sharing of posters.  That's what makes this place great.  Sometimes we talk about our own acquisitions (monthly acquisitions thread), sometimes we discuss beautiful posters we might never be able to afford (strikes your fancy thread), sometimes we discuss genres (Bond, Hammer, etc...), sometimes we discuss authentication (mid-auction and authentication threads), and sometimes we talk about the crazy results achieved by certain posters -- whether high or low (post-auction thread).  All of that discussion will and should of course continue.  

What we are talking about here is only a tiny fraction of what is discussed at APF.  For me it boils down to the pros and cons of outing auctions before they finish -- that emphasis is key to the whole thread.

Pro: Helps collectors -- I see this one as the most cited reason.  If you think you are helping someone specific, remember there are probably 10+ visitors for every member you interact with here.  So if you think you are talking to 20-30 people, you are really talking to 200-300+.  When I started here, I envisioned my posting as akin to quietly sharing stock tips at a dinner party.  However, I quickly realized it's more like sending out a PA at Disneyland!
Pro: Doesn't increase prices -- Yes, there is no proof that outing an auction will increase prices, but that is a two way street.  I might impact prices every single time it happens and there would also be no proof.  No data != proof.
Pro: More discussion -- Sure, but there is absolutely no reason it couldn't happen after auction.  When this thread was started, even Mel suggested that super high profile auctions -- think Casablanca 6-sheet at Heritage or that Theda Bara Salome coming up at eMovie -- can be fun to discuss ahead of time and that discussion will likely not impact final prices.  The mid-auction thread is also useful (IMO) to raise flags for fellow buyers for suspected bootleg posters or authenticity issues.  It's also fun to laugh at some sellers who have ridiculous buy-it-now prices.

Con: Increases prices -- Sure, there will never be proof that this happens, but there is certainly no proof that it won't either.  
Con: Increases competition -- Or the "monkey see, monkey do" effect.  If you hang around here long enough you will certainly notice that buying habits are impacted by what is posted (i.e. Anything Gosling, Japanese B1s, Under Her Skin, etc...).  It's only natural when you see new cool posters (even those outside your collecting interest) for some to expand into those spaces and increase the competition.  
Con: No one posts what they are personally bidding on -- Not even Mel, who is beloved by so many.  Mel and I had many discussions about his arbitrary outings in the past -- once they passed *his* price threshold, he thought they were fair game to post.  Or if they weren't of interest to *him* personally, he thought they were ok to post.  How can one person assume their wants/needs apply to everyone?  That is is just being naive at best, reckless or spiteful it worst.

Even the *potential* for making my fellow collectors pay more or to increase their competition are reasons enough for me to NEVER out an ongoing auction.  I stick to PMs and emails if my goal is to help fellow collectors.  Sure, the mid-auction thread can be used carefully without hurting anyone -- and in the case of authentication issues, possibly helping people -- but there are other threads more appropriate for all three of the examples I posted.  

This thread poll shows a nearly 50/50 split, and the discussion proves it's a very polarizing issue at that.  If we could summarize this discussion concisely and put it at the front of the thread so people could at least weigh these issues before deciding to either post or wait until it's over to post (see, no limiting discussions!), great.  I'd be all in favor of that as a reasonable compromise.  However, if that is too complicated or T/H don't want to start down the slippery slope of codifying "rules" -- then I say lock it, which is how I voted.  

All I know for sure, is there is no "Pro" on that list above that would compel me to post *before* an auction is finished.  It can wait, 100% of the time.  


Offline paul waines

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #154 on: June 09, 2014, 03:15:41 PM »
Well said Matt, but the lack of proof thing.... Maybe we make our own mind up about proof.  However for me several occurrences, the first being a member on here asking a question about the validity of a poster, and posting it to the board. Within 10mins the poster was snapped up ( was on a buy it now ), by another member who had seen the post.   Another time an auction was outed, the number of watchers shot up within a day, and the poster ended up going for much more than it should have...Coincidence... I don't think so.

If you have a business to run, the more you advertise, the more clients you will pull in.. Same thing when selling posters. bag a bargain, the least amount of people who know the more chance we have. Yes some one with more money may already know about it, but why take that chance.      I find the missing thing here is Common-sense.

Ask yourselves why Bruce, Rich, Vectis, and others advertise on here? if it didn't pull in more buyers they wouldn't bother, and we all know about their auctions.
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Offline archie leach

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #155 on: June 09, 2014, 03:26:18 PM »
Pro: Doesn't increase prices -- Yes, there is no proof that outing an auction will increase prices, but that is a two way street.  I might impact prices every single time it happens and there would also be no proof.  No data != proof.
Pro: More discussion -- Sure, but there is absolutely no reason it couldn't happen after auction.  When this thread was started, even Mel suggested that super high profile auctions -- think Casablanca 6-sheet at Heritage or that Theda Bara Salome coming up at eMovie -- can be fun to discuss ahead of time and that discussion will likely not impact final prices.  The mid-auction thread is also useful (IMO) to raise flags for fellow buyers for suspected bootleg posters or authenticity issues.  It's also fun to laugh at some sellers who have ridiculous buy-it-now prices.

Con: Increases prices -- Sure, there will never be proof that this happens, but there is certainly no proof that it won't either.  
Con: Increases competition -- Or the "monkey see, monkey do" effect.  If you hang around here long enough you will certainly notice that buying habits are impacted by what is posted (i.e. Anything Gosling, Japanese B1s, Under Her Skin, etc...).  It's only natural when you see new cool posters (even those outside your collecting interest) for some to expand into those spaces and increase the competition.  
Con: No one posts what they are personally bidding on -- Not even Mel, who is beloved by so many.  Mel and I had many discussions about his arbitrary outings in the past -- once they passed *his* price threshold, he thought they were fair game to post.  Or if they weren't of interest to *him* personally, he thought they were ok to post.  How can one person assume their wants/needs apply to everyone?  That is is just being naive at best, reckless or spiteful it worst.


I agree with what you wrote, but I'd suggest that there is plenty of evidence that outing auctions (which is simply another form of advertising auctions) increases prices (overall), but it's not the kind of 'proof' the other side of the argument wants to believe, much like with Evolution.  The evidence is overwhelming. 

There are people who just search for low visibility auctions, buy on the cheap, and then flip in higher profile arenas (or just higher profile auctions within the same arena - eBay).  You advertise those low profile auction and they are no longer low profile, killing the profit margin.

But everyone is different and while some would describe Mel's actions as selfish I and others ironically see them as altruistic.

The part about...
Not even Mel, who is beloved by so many.  Mel and I had many discussions about his arbitrary outings in the past -- once they passed *his* price threshold, he thought they were fair game to post.  Or if they weren't of interest to *him* personally, he thought they were ok to post.  How can one person assume their wants/needs apply to everyone?
...removes altruism from the equation.


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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #156 on: June 09, 2014, 04:17:57 PM »
Just ask Bruce if you want to increase the price of your poster... when he "outs" them in his weekly member email, e.g. "there are steals and then there are this poster REALLY worth only ____?"

Usually bidding on that poster skyrockets right after... of course you can say it wasn't Bruce, that bidders were only waiting until closer to the auction to bid.  Me, I say "The Bruce - the Midas Touch" 8)

"The Bruce - the Midas Touch"
I've got that going for me!

Offline Filmlobbycards

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #157 on: June 10, 2014, 05:04:56 AM »
Thierry and I talked today and he brought up the fact that lurkers frequent this forum much more than actual members, and there's where the competition could come from. I don't think the folks here mind the competition from one another. But Thierry's point is that we're outing auctions to people who do not participate here, and then who compete against us with information provided by us. 

We're considering locking down the forum so that only members can see posts.  We're also going to look at whether we can lock down particular threads while leaving other areas open.

We shall see....

And others shall not....I just logged in and out to see what changes were made to the main page during this debate....and will wonders never cease...the Movie Posters heading seemed to have become mighty thin of subject matter...this thread along with mid-auction has already been locked to non-members....even though the vote is apparently still open...this discussion/debate and the 230+ pages of knowledge and views within the mid-auction may be closed to "members" only...but do all the members know this??????

Offline archie leach

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #158 on: June 10, 2014, 05:46:25 AM »
Having threads that are members only might encourage more of the lurkers to join and actually provide something, instead of just taking...

I don't see a down side...

Offline Filmlobbycards

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #159 on: June 10, 2014, 05:58:50 AM »
 ;D I bet you're wearing an all poster forum Members Only Jacket right now  ;D
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 06:00:49 AM by Filmlobbycards »

Offline Zorba

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #160 on: June 10, 2014, 10:42:22 PM »
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts Brian.  If you look back through the mid-auction thread you'll see several bouts of this discussion over the last few years (and what I'm writing below has no doubt be better articulated by me in the past on multiple occasions).  Clearly, many of us have already gotten our $0.02 in and everyone should have that option.  However, I think this discussion may have veered off course...

As far as I know, NO ONE is advocating the limitation of discussion and/or the sharing of posters.  That's what makes this place great.  Sometimes we talk about our own acquisitions (monthly acquisitions thread), sometimes we discuss beautiful posters we might never be able to afford (strikes your fancy thread), sometimes we discuss genres (Bond, Hammer, etc...), sometimes we discuss authentication (mid-auction and authentication threads), and sometimes we talk about the crazy results achieved by certain posters -- whether high or low (post-auction thread).  All of that discussion will and should of course continue.  

What we are talking about here is only a tiny fraction of what is discussed at APF.  For me it boils down to the pros and cons of outing auctions before they finish -- that emphasis is key to the whole thread.

Pro: Helps collectors -- I see this one as the most cited reason.  If you think you are helping someone specific, remember there are probably 10+ visitors for every member you interact with here.  So if you think you are talking to 20-30 people, you are really talking to 200-300+.  When I started here, I envisioned my posting as akin to quietly sharing stock tips at a dinner party.  However, I quickly realized it's more like sending out a PA at Disneyland!
Pro: Doesn't increase prices -- Yes, there is no proof that outing an auction will increase prices, but that is a two way street.  I might impact prices every single time it happens and there would also be no proof.  No data != proof.
Pro: More discussion -- Sure, but there is absolutely no reason it couldn't happen after auction.  When this thread was started, even Mel suggested that super high profile auctions -- think Casablanca 6-sheet at Heritage or that Theda Bara Salome coming up at eMovie -- can be fun to discuss ahead of time and that discussion will likely not impact final prices.  The mid-auction thread is also useful (IMO) to raise flags for fellow buyers for suspected bootleg posters or authenticity issues.  It's also fun to laugh at some sellers who have ridiculous buy-it-now prices.

Con: Increases prices -- Sure, there will never be proof that this happens, but there is certainly no proof that it won't either.  
Con: Increases competition -- Or the "monkey see, monkey do" effect.  If you hang around here long enough you will certainly notice that buying habits are impacted by what is posted (i.e. Anything Gosling, Japanese B1s, Under Her Skin, etc...).  It's only natural when you see new cool posters (even those outside your collecting interest) for some to expand into those spaces and increase the competition.  
Con: No one posts what they are personally bidding on -- Not even Mel, who is beloved by so many.  Mel and I had many discussions about his arbitrary outings in the past -- once they passed *his* price threshold, he thought they were fair game to post.  Or if they weren't of interest to *him* personally, he thought they were ok to post.  How can one person assume their wants/needs apply to everyone?  That is is just being naive at best, reckless or spiteful it worst.

Even the *potential* for making my fellow collectors pay more or to increase their competition are reasons enough for me to NEVER out an ongoing auction.  I stick to PMs and emails if my goal is to help fellow collectors.  Sure, the mid-auction thread can be used carefully without hurting anyone -- and in the case of authentication issues, possibly helping people -- but there are other threads more appropriate for all three of the examples I posted.  

This thread poll shows a nearly 50/50 split, and the discussion proves it's a very polarizing issue at that.  If we could summarize this discussion concisely and put it at the front of the thread so people could at least weigh these issues before deciding to either post or wait until it's over to post (see, no limiting discussions!), great.  I'd be all in favor of that as a reasonable compromise.  However, if that is too complicated or T/H don't want to start down the slippery slope of codifying "rules" -- then I say lock it, which is how I voted.  

All I know for sure, is there is no "Pro" on that list above that would compel me to post *before* an auction is finished.  It can wait, 100% of the time.  



Hear Hear!

Post of the decade!

Offline CSM

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #161 on: June 10, 2014, 11:39:26 PM »

Con: No one posts what they are personally bidding on -- Not even Mel, who is beloved by so many.  Mel and I had many discussions about his arbitrary outings in the past -- once they passed *his* price threshold, he thought they were fair game to post.  Or if they weren't of interest to *him* personally, he thought they were ok to post.  How can one person assume their wants/needs apply to everyone?  That is is just being naive at best, reckless or spiteful it worst.


Well-reasoned post Matt.

And, not to belabour the point, but what I have quoted from your post is of course the single most glaring issue for me. 

This fact alone clearly shows that those who out auctions fear that outing them will increase competition and prices...


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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #162 on: June 11, 2014, 04:24:50 AM »

Hear Hear!

Post of the decade!

Agree. It is a gem  post. Thanks Matt for taking the time to write this. Excellent if I may say so.

Offline Ari

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #163 on: June 11, 2014, 06:18:06 AM »
This thread ROCKS!
An Error Has Occurred!
You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!

Offline brude

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #164 on: June 14, 2014, 01:17:38 AM »
But one steadfast rule shall remain in effect:

"All really good Ebay deals on half-nekkid women and bug-eyed monster posters should be pm'd to Brude before ANY other actions are taken.  Just need to send a link, no return address necessary."

Offline 110x75

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #165 on: June 14, 2014, 10:41:51 AM »
But one steadfast rule shall remain in effect:

"All really good Ebay deals on half-nekkid women and bug-eyed monster posters should be pm'd to Brude before ANY other actions are taken.  Just need to send a link, no return address necessary."


 clap clap clap

IG: @cinepapelarchivo

Offline Tang Lung in Rome

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #166 on: June 15, 2014, 11:32:17 AM »
ebay sez : We're here , we're queer and you better get used to to da hand !

(get it , "outing"......chuckles  :P

Co Attican

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #167 on: June 15, 2014, 02:18:19 PM »
Wow, that was a long read. Now I see why Mel left. I'm admin on a gaming forum and we had to stop the links to eBay due to people joining and just posting their own auctions but this is something else. I really don't know if I should vote at all. I am very new here, not a big collector (yet) and if this issue applied to our forum I'd probably make the thread members only. In fact we had a marketplace section more than once and had to shut it down each time for other reasons. I have no problem seeing things from both sides but what Crazy Vick said (quote below) seems to hit true to me with the one exception of knowing just who you would PM.

If you see something, tell me later, when the auction's over - or email/PM me if you think its something i missed and might be interested in.  That's really what your intentions should be about. TELLING EVERYBODY, on the other hand, is more about personal ego (look how great I am, and look what I found)

Offline paul waines

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #168 on: June 15, 2014, 02:49:38 PM »
Do vote, your a member and you have the same rights as all of us......None.. ;)
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Co Attican

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #169 on: June 15, 2014, 03:03:24 PM »
The thread has been alive for four years and has well over 200 pages. How many times has there been discussions of closing it down/stopping it? I like the idea of keeping it hidden from people who just find the thread with a goolge search and do not participate here, just leaching. I don't want to hit the Lock button, I wish a third option was there.

Offline archie leach

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #170 on: June 15, 2014, 06:00:28 PM »
The thread has been alive for four years and has well over 200 pages. How many times has there been discussions of closing it down/stopping it? I like the idea of keeping it hidden from people who just find the thread with a goolge search and do not participate here, just leaching. I don't want to hit the Lock button, I wish a third option was there.

Yes, there is a blocking option for the thread that is the likeliest outcome.

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #171 on: June 17, 2014, 11:03:38 PM »
I was on David and Charlie's site earlier and they have a similar poll that shows a commanding vote against outing auctions.  I would say, at best, that it's 50/50. 
Best regards,


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"What happened to all the people?" Mystified MPF Member, February 20, 2010

"I actually quite like the name Peanut."  Andy Neal on MOPO, April 22, 2010

Thierry:  Type the word APF on MPF and it spells: "Banned due to malicious unsolicited private message ".

Charlie to the guy who lost to EatBrie:  You just got "T-boned"!  Happens to the best of us...  Wait until you get "Holidazed"!

Thierry to Silhouette:  Please tell her it's a tiny part of my collection so she doesn't think I'm a total creep.  Oh wait, no, I am a total creep.

Offline Zorba

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #172 on: June 27, 2014, 09:45:28 PM »
I was on David and Charlie's site earlier and they have a similar poll that shows a commanding vote against outing auctions.  I would say, at best, that it's 50/50. 

When you remove dealer votes, how does it look?

Offline paul waines

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #173 on: June 28, 2014, 03:03:17 AM »
It should be closer than that, as Charlie said he'd ticked the wrong box, but didn't want to cause a fuss getting it swapped...

And then take any dealers out.
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Offline archie leach

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Re: Your thoughts on OUTING Ebay auctions
« Reply #174 on: June 28, 2014, 04:17:23 AM »
The non-active, but registered members also had a vote, which likely inflated the keep it open vote...