Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359771 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Here's the MOVIE STAR AMERICAN STYLE trailer:   

Looks AWFUL! (Which is sooooo disappointing.) LSD COLOR is just tinted black and white. Whoopie...

It appears to be some wannabe screw ball comedy. I was hoping for a low-budget drama with unintentional laughs from campy dialogue and bad acting, a poor man's "Valley of the Dolls" (which is campy in itself). Oh well.

Still might have to track it down and see it. Hmm.

The poster is still groovy.

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Offline erik1925

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Here's the MOVIE STAR AMERICAN STYLE trailer:   

Looks AWFUL! (Which is sooooo disappointing.) LSD COLOR is just tinted black and white. Whoopie...

It appears to be some wannabe screw ball comedy. I was hoping for a low-budget drama with unintentional laughs from campy dialogue and bad acting, a poor man's "Valley of the Dolls" (which is campy in itself). Oh well.

Still might have to track it down and see it. Hmm.

The poster is still groovy.


I agree..100%   thumbsup.gif
« Last Edit: January 19, 2017, 02:32:01 PM by erik1925 »


Offline brude

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HOSPITAL MASSACRE: Another bulk lot piece. Nothing exciting really although it does star Barbi Benton--any one remember her? Ha! Also known as "X-RAY" and apparently THIS is the film that was advertised at the end of "NEW YEARS EVIL" as being "BE MY VALENTINE...OR ELSE"! (That mystery is finally solved!) I've nbever seen it though, but from what I have read I ain't missing much.

I met Barbi once.

I was just a lad, but she left an indelible impression on me...

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I see she made your tail curl...and it's never been able to straighten out since! Zowie! Ha!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Okay.. My splurge is winding down. I've got enough new posters for this posting and then maybe one more (possibly two) and then I'm out for a while again. (Heavy sigh...)

Anyway, ladies and gents, here are tonight's offerings...

HOUSE OF THE CRAZIES / ASYLUM:  This is a re-titled re-release poster for the Amicus (I think) horror anthology "ASYLUM" written by Robert Bloch and featuring Peter Cushing. I have always preferred this re-release poster (and title) to the original.

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (Yugoslavian): I almost passed on this poster...and maybe should have. It's kind of dull and sedate (purposely, i think). The part I liked about it were Freddy's claws seemingly cutting through the poster. It looks almost 3D. This is also supposedly a Yugoslavian poster--which this my first Yugo.

NAKED AND CRUEL WORLD (?): I think I translated that title correctly, but I've never heard of this flick. I wish I read Spanish. Oh well. It LOOKS like a mondo flick, possibly showing some of the more shocking things supposedly happening on the planet we may not even be thinking about. Oh my star! Why did I buy this? Well, looking at the bottom photo on the poster, I was initially stuck by the bloody body being eaten by the clearly fake alligator/crocodile. Ha! Looking at the upper picture, it dawned on me that I had just seen that exact same some stupid cannibal flick I had just watched a week or so earlier. Ha!  Clearly this mondo doc is fake, Fake, FAKE!!! At least the poster was cheap, Cheap, CHEAP!!!

HIGH TEST GIRLS: Never saw the flick, but the poster is kind of fun and has some good color. Plus I thought Steve would like it. You always gotta have something to post for Steve. Ha!

MONA: I don't know what this is, never saw it, and really don't care about it at all. But, if I'm going to pad out this posting, er, um... If I'm going to share my complete collection, I should post everything that comes my way. This poster was included as part of a lot. There's no other reason for it to be here.

THE SWORD OF THE BARBARIANS: Yesterday i posted a poster for an Italian "MAD MAX" clone. Now here's an Italian "Conan" clone. Never saw this, but it was kind of fun and why not. It's NOT quiet a Hercules/sword&sandal/peplum flick from the 50s/60s, but I think it wants to be. Whatever--another cheapo for the pile.

THE MINES OF KILIMANJARO: At first I thought this was one of those Richard Chamberlain 'Allen Quatermane' (spelling?) adventures from the 80s and almost passed it over. I probably should have passed it over anyway. Ha! I don't know quite what this is. It stars Christopher Connelly and is directed by Mark War (?). I'm guessing it is an Italian production...but the poster, while in English, I would almost bet was printed internationally--and is not a US one sheet. Just another cheap curio I could have (and should have) done without.

A CLOCKWORK BLUE: I have no idea what this is. An early porn flick? Although women clearly are in it, the cast list mentions only two guys--one guy who is also the director (Eric Jeffrey Haims! Zowie! WHO?) and some other guy, Joe E. Tata, who is probably the director's best pal. Two bad they weren't brothers, then they could have said the film was staring "the Tatas" and maybe gotten a bigger audience. Who knows? I bought it because I dig the colors, liked that it was a title parody, and also because it has "Orbital Cinematography in Eastman Color and UltraSonic Sound". Groovy.

FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 5: A NEW BEGINNING (Turkish): Even though this may be my least favorite of the "Friday the 13th" films, when i stumbled upon this poster I was pleasantly surprised by how different it was. I had never seen it before--and Jason is almost an after thought off to the side. Nothing great--but interesting and part of an iconic horror series (which, let's face it, has had pretty awful one sheets for most of the series--at least parts 2 through 5 for sure).

FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 6: JASON LIVES: I found this one in the same place as the other FRIDAY THE 13TH poster. This is part 6--again, very different art (for what is probably my favorite in the series, maybe). Again, why not since it is for such an iconic series and the art is far different than I've ever seen for it. After I bought it though, I discovered the same (?) art was used on the Italian version and just borrowed by the Turkish. Hmm. Not sure about the Part 5 poster I got, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the same story there as well. But I already bought them. What can you do?

So this wasn't the greatest batch of posters. Eh! I've got a jewel in the next batch I post though. It's not an original release, but I'll never be able to get one of those. But this sloppy second release I am more than pleased/satisfied with and have crossed it off my Bucket List. What is it? Come back and see... I'll post it in a day or so or...whenever.

And now--bed time. HOPEFULLY I can sleep tonight.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 01:05:22 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline erik1925

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The massive poster haul continues!!


Congrats again, Shawn!



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High Test Girls  thumbsup.gif

I want my engine serviced by these skilled professionals. Well, the one holding the hose can't hold a hose but maybe she is demonstrated her other amazing talents.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 01:19:24 AM by 50s »

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Thanks Jeff...but it's going to come to a screeching halt very, very soon as you shall see...

Steve, have you booked for a lube job with High Test Girls Tuesday morning. Can you make it? Maybe you can teach them how to properly hold a hose. Vroom! Vroom!
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Thanks MAGG, that sounds amazing  thumbsup.gif

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Special note for Crazy Vick copied from the "emovie or heritage?" thread I started a while ago pre-Maui trip when I was (as usual) lamenting my debt/poverty:

Whatever you do DONT CLICK ON THIS LINK    ;D ;)

Just a little follow up...

Hey Crazy Vick, you'll be happy to know I came, I saw, I LEFT withOUT buying a thing. It was a nice little store with some beautiful things (ZOWIE!!). However, they were all well out of my price range and all were linen backed (NOT my thing at all). See below (sorry the pictures are not that great and one is blurry...)

« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 03:38:14 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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MATIAS: How cool being in Argentina! This will seem dumb, since I have not seen many (any?) Argentine (Argentinian?) films, but one of my favorite flicks is set in Argentina. Maybe you've seen it? "Apartment Zero"? Cool little flick--about a guy obsessed with movies and a drifter. (Neither are from Argentina, now that I think about it. Hmm.)

I didn't know that. I'll have to check that out  thumbsup.gif

IG: @cinepapelarchivo

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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"the notoriously awful "At Long Last Love" (Burt Reynolds singing and dancing? Ouch--just the thought of it is painful)"

^ Thanks for sharing. It just made me smile. ;D

Hey Rosa, I am quoting you way back from the first (?) page of my thread, in response to my AT LONG LAST LOVE poster. While I do not think the film has been released on DVD/Blu Ray, you might be thrilled to know that the soundtrack IS being released soon, so you can sway and swoon (and CRINGE) to Burt Reynolds' vocal stylings!  

( )

It's too bad they don't have excerpts you can play. EEEK!

OOO!  I just looked on YouTube. Here is a perfect example for you. Here is Madeline Kahn and Burt singing and dancing their way through "You're The Top". Cybil Shepherd is the female lead in the film, but Kahn and Eileen Brennan are along for support.

ENJOY (if you can stomach it).

« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 10:26:08 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline Crazy Vick

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Special note for Crazy Vick copied from the "emovie or heritage?" thread I started a while ago pre-Maui trip when I was (as usual) lamenting my debt/poverty:

Just a little follow up...

Hey Crazy Vick, you'll be happy to know I came, I saw, I LEFT withOUT buying a thing. It was a nice little store with some beautiful things (ZOWIE!!). However, they were all well out of my price range and all were linen backed (NOT my thing at all). See below (sorry the pictures are not that great and one is blurry...)

Haha thanks for the pics Magg.  Glad you got to visit and spend time and not a dime.  What a great setting for a poster store. 
Did you chat it up with the owner?  Bio on his website is quite interesting..Always curious to know what kind of good folk run these places. 

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Haha thanks for the pics Magg.  Glad you got to visit and spend time and not a dime.  What a great setting for a poster store. 
Did you chat it up with the owner?  Bio on his website is quite interesting..Always curious to know what kind of good folk run these places. 

Actually, I did talk to the employees briefly. They were trying to make a sale--not chit chat. I was, of course, in eye candy heaven. They asked how I found the place and I said a friend online had sent me. They thought I must have meant the owner. No, I said, just a friend--because I didn't want to go into the whole APF explanation (although maybe I should have. I keep forgetting it's not just movie posters). They did have some beautiful things though. Oh my stars! They also had a few movie posters--but everything was on linen. My friends dragged me away far too quickly as they wanted to go to Fleetwood's (a restaurant above the poster store as well as a gift shop/gallery on the first floor owned by Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac. Snore. I wanted to go back to the poster shop! But the shop IS in a beautiful location. Walk out the front door, look across the street and there is the ocean! I also think one of the nearby islands is visible, too. WOW!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Rosa! Stop the car! Hold the phone! OMG! Some fool is actually putting the movie out as well.

(Just in time for Halloween? O' the HORROR of it all!!)

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Offline brude

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I didn't know that. I'll have to check that out  thumbsup.gif

Matias, Apartment Zero is quite good.
Not only was it filmed in Argentina, but it was directed by Buenos Aires-born Martin Donovan (Carlos Enrique Valera Y Peralta-Ramos).
Its been years since I saw it, but I remember it was tense and well-played.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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My last posting was not that exciting.This one has some duds in it too, but also has a super coup (well, for ME it is) that I am very excited about. But my spending spree has pretty much wound down. I have ONE more post after this and then I'm out for a while again.  But let's see what I have now:

INFERNO (Turkish): I've been wanting a poster for Argento's "INFERNO" for a long, long time. I was holding out for a US one sheet, but there never seemed to be any available (of course, I've since found out that even though it was planned to have a US release, it NEVER did. Ha!). This is the Turkish release--and they've taken the basic Italian art and added a few things. I probably should have just went with the Italian (If I could find one), but this is what was available when I was looking.

DAMIEN: OMEN II (Turkish):  The US version is sooo blah. This is much more interesting. I still want to get the Turkish poster for the first "OMEN" flick. I haven't seen the posters for 3 & 4...

DUEL (Spanish):  I was also hoping for a US one sheet of this flick. I know it was a TV movie, but I do also know it later had a theatrical release. I got the Spanish version. Whoohoo.

FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (Spanish): I already have the US (80s re-release) version, but stumbled upon this Spanish one that was not too expensive. Why not?

BATMAN (Spanish): The 60s BATMAN has been on my mind a lot lately (probably because I am re-watching the series again on DVD--Ha!) I really want the US one sheet, but have yet to get one. Saw this 1979 Spanish re-release and thought what the heck?

BATMAN (Begian): Then I saw this gorgeously colored Belgian version. Ooooo. Sold!  This is not the actual poster I got. The photo of it was funky, so I borrorwed this photo from the internet in its place. Pow! Bam! Zowie!

LINDA LOVELACE FOR PRESIDENT: This is the dud o' the day. I have no idea why I felt compelled to by this. Snore...

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY: I know i have all of the Bond posters (with the exception of the new SPECTRE). However, my copies of this one and one other have flaws that I can NOT live with so I need to replace them. I have probably already replaced them...but I'm not sure. Hmm. I have this one now--and it's posted here--so I can refer back and see it and not bid on any others in the future. That leaves just one more to track down (if I haven't done so already) AND the Spectre poster...

THE STRANGER WORE A GUN:  Another vintage 3D poster from the 50s! Yippie! Kind of lackluster--and I'm not big on westerns, but whatever.

PSYCHO: Okay--so it's a re-release. But it's in great shape and I'll never get an original. I fought hard to get this one too. Yikes!  Spent more than i meant to, but wanted/needed it. Now I just need to sell my house so i can pay for it. Ha! 


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Offline erik1925

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YOWZA is right, MAGG.

What a great overall haul, this time again. Love the Duel and Turkish posters, too. Really good art.

And you can never go wrong with some Batman, and Psycho either!!  thumbsup.gif

Congrats again!!

« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 01:53:38 PM by erik1925 »



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Hey Rosa, I am quoting you way back from the first (?) page of my thread, in response to my AT LONG LAST LOVE poster. While I do not think the film has been released on DVD/Blu Ray, you might be thrilled to know that the soundtrack IS being released soon, so you can sway and swoon (and CRINGE) to Burt Reynolds' vocal stylings!  

( )

It's too bad they don't have excerpts you can play. EEEK!

OOO!  I just looked on YouTube. Here is a perfect example for you. Here is Madeline Kahn and Burt singing and dancing their way through "You're The Top". Cybil Shepherd is the female lead in the film, but Kahn and Eileen Brennan are along for support.

ENJOY (if you can stomach it).



Rosa! Stop the car! Hold the phone! OMG! Some fool is actually putting the movie out as well.

(Just in time for Halloween? O' the HORROR of it all!!)


Ohhhhh Maaaaaan...this just made me laugh! Lolololo

Ok...I will check the video up!!!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Rosa:  Oops!  Here is the link to the video:

AWFUL!!! View at your own risk!

JEFF: Glad you like the posters. I've never bought so many foreign posters before. This month it's been almost all foreign. Hmm. I hope my enthusiasm with them keeps up.

Anyway, both of you--thank you for stopping by.
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Rosa:  Oops!  Here is the link to the video:

AWFUL!!! View at your own risk!

 This is Great!! ....MANY THANKS!!!
Is he wearing a wig?

I just really think that Madeline Kahn is one of the greatest. She steals the show in "What's up Doc" ...might re watch it 2mw!!

Hehehe ....thanks!! :-*
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 05:36:33 PM by Mirosae »

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This first batch I ordered from everyone's pal Ari. I wasn't going to post them just yet--I was going to wait until they arrived. But I decided to share with the new guy, "e", my very first locandina (did I spell that right?), which I got from the A man.

Here' the locandina (sp?).

BARRACUDA: I'm a sucker for a lot of things, movie gimmicks, bad sequels no one has ever heard of or remembers, disaster flicks, 3D, and "JAWS" knock offs, to name a few. "Barracuda" falls into the latter category. Although it's kind of dull (zzzzz..), there's still the poster (which is also, well, kind of dull). I have elsewhere in my thread an Italian (I don't know what they're called..) 1 piece (like a one sheet?) with some different art than the US poster...and then I spied this locandina that I really like. Instead of just being a menacing fish in the water, this time the barracuda has a head in its mouth! Yowza! How exciting! (More exciting than the film itself! Ha!)

THE DOCTOR AND THE DEVILS (Australian one sheet):  Never heard of this one--but probably everyone has. It looked interesting and wasn't too expensive, so why not? Thanks again Ari.

JOURNEY INTO BLISS:  This one really excited me...and I've never seen the film, but judging by the poster I really want/need to. It looks like some weird, crazy, experimental grooviness. Ari, I think, said his friend made the movie--or was involved with it somehow. Interesting and apparently very little paper on it.

RABID (Thai):  Ari had several Thai posters. I almost couldn't decide...but went with Cronenberg's "RABID". It's so different than the US poster (with the body stuffed in the refrigerator--LOVE that one, too). I hadn't seen this Thai yet, so opted for it.

Thank you, ARI!!!!!

Speaking of Thai (the RABID poster), I also picked up these:

PUPPET MASTER: The first thing I noticed when i saw this poster was the ghastly, bloody (?) mouth in the center of the poster. Was this some zombie flick? No--it's PUPPET MASTER! Ha!  Cool art though...and what is mind-blowing also is that it actually played theaters in Thailand (instead of going straight to video like it did here). Ha! Gingerman, you just posted this. I didn't say anything then--saving it for now. But we can be Thai poster twinsies! Ha! You've got GREAT TASTE!  happy1

THE BELIEVERS:  Okay, so this voodoo movie is a little less than interesting. Normally I'd have passed over this poster...but the Thai version---WOW! It has so much going on. Why can't US posters be more interesting? Had THE BELIEVERS had this poster, it might have made a little more money here (or not--because it was still kind of a dud).

PRIMITIF:  I know. I know. ANOTHER cannibal movie poster. This time from Thailand. Wow! Gruesomely cool.

EVIL DEAD 2: See why I need your posters Gingerman? You have EVIL DEAD 1...and I have the sequel! Again, may I say you have GREAT TASTE! Zowie! These Thai posters --especially for horror flicks--really rock! There are so many cool ones out there I need to get. They MUST be mine. Ha! If anything would inspire gonzo Thai art it's an EVIL DEAD movie.

Back to US one sheets, I have two more to share:

THE LAST PARADISE:  I wanted this after my trip to Hawaii. Almost as big of an obsession as posters are for me is tiki culture (as in tiki bars). Once I'm back in a house, I want to turn a spare room into a home tiki bar! I thought this poster, done up in a bamboo frame, would look swell in my tiki bar-to-be. Steve, if you are reading this, there are (gasp!) topless native chicks in this fully showing their, uh...coconuts! OH MY!!

THE GIANT SPIDER INVASION: Finally, no collection is complete without some gratuitous cheez-o-rama! EEK! THE GIANT SPIDER INVASION!!!  What a deliriously silly little bit o' low-budget '70s drive-in splendor! There is even a giant spider (a not so cleverly disguised Volkswagen) with wheels, if you look carefully enough! Ha!

Thanks for popping by.


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Offline brude

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More Monster A Go-Go madness.
Love it.
 clap clap clap clap

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Liking 3 Dimensions and Psycho... Psycho must be pretty exciting to have  thumbsup.gif

« Last Edit: October 19, 2015, 04:59:01 AM by 50s »


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What a joy!!!