Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359321 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. Welcome back to the SHOCK-A-RAMA POSTER SHOW! Take a gander and see if anything strikes your fancy today.

But first...

OKIEHAWKER! It is always a delight to see you on here. Thanks for visiting last time. Just for you, I found a different CINERAMA photo (albeit in black and white). I don't see an artist's signature or name anywhere on the SHOCK WAVE locandia. Sorry. If you give SANTA SANGRE a watch, realize it is long and kind of two movies in one---but both part of the same story. You'll understand when you see it. I LOVE it. Yes, i am super excited about my SHRINKING MAN poster and plan to hang it ASAP. It is in great shape. YIPPIE!  Thank you, as always, for your visit and comment. CHEERS!

And now...

(aka LA CASA 3) (Italian photobusta set):

Zowie! Color me SURPRISED. I came home from a little birthday road trip to discover a tube sitting on my front porch. Huh? I wasn't expecting any thing...  It was from my friend Rosa (Former APF member "Mirosae") in England. Oh my STARS!  What an amazing, delightful and totally unexpected surprise. She had sent me a set of Italian photobustas for GHOSTHOUSE (aka LA CASA 3). NO WAY! I was so shocked and thrilled by her generosity. Golly---how EXCITING! THANK YOU sooooo much, Rosa! WOW!

For those unfamiliar with the LA CASA series, the first LA CASA was THE EVIL DEAD. That was followed by LA CASA 2 (EVIL DEAD 2). But the next LA CASA? You'd expect "ARMY OF DARKNESS," right? Wrong! Those wacky Italians decided to just cash in on the name and released several unrelated films as part of the LA CASA series. GHOSTHOUSE was LA CASA 3, the David Hasselhoff/Linda Blair turd WITCHERY is LA CASA 4 and Claudio Fragrasso's (the man behind "TROLL 2") BEYOND DARKNESS is LA CASA 5. Later (after they had already been released under other names) HOUSE 2 and THE HORROR SHOW were released as LA CASA 6 & 7.

The EVIL DEAD films aside, of the bogus LA CASA sequels, GHOSTHOUSE is hands down my favorite. It makes NO SENSE whatsoever. I love it. And it's just chuck full of Italy's idea of American culture at the time---so it's like 80's PLUS. Hilarious. And awful. But totally AWESOME.

THANK YOU so very much, Rosa! Zowie!


I already have this poster. (I don't recall the characters along the top, though. A variant, perhaps?) I realize this poster is worth nothing. It was part of a "lot", so I didn't pay much / anything for it, really. I did genuinely like the movie and I have been to the house it was filmed out (near Oakland, California---NOT the East Coast as the movie says it takes place in. The same house was used in the original "PHANTASM" and "SO I MARRIED AN AX MURDERER".)


Another poster I already have... Ha!


Yet another poster I already have several copies of... HA! I'm a sucker for gimmicks. I wish I had one of the "Up-Chuck Cups" given away for this showing. ARGH! I'm not sure if  BLOOD-SPATTERED BRIDE had been released in the US before this release, but I DISMEMBER MAMA (which stars GERI REISCHL, aka "Fake Jan" from THE BRADY BUNCH VARIETY HOUR) was originally released briefly under the dull title "POOR ALBERT AND LITTLE ANNIE". The I DISMEMBER MAMA title is a much better alternate.


I already have a copy of this poster...probably more than one. Why did I buy another? I'm just stupid that way, I guess. I don't know if this movie ever played in my town or not. However, I had this poster on my ceiling as a teen in high school. Great image---the shadowy killer above and the naked couple making out in the water below. Ha! While I may not have seen this (until years and years later), I do remember reading about it in Fangoria Magazine. Ahh, Fangoria...


Surprise...I already have this poster, too. Ha! This was part of a lot and came with the I DISMEMBER MAMA combo poster. This one has fun art on it (Dig that head bouncing down the stairs). I saw this film, YEARS later when it was re-released and re-titled to cash in on the success of THE FOG. Then it was called BEYOND THE FOG. Ha! I knew it wasn't a true sequel, but for the producers to have the balls to try and pass it off as one, well, of COURSE I was curious and had to see it. It's an okay little thriller but dated and British--not American. A very young Robin Askwith  is in it (He made those popular "Confessions of..." -- "Confessions of a Window Washer", "Confessions of a Pop Performer", "Confessions of a Driving Instructor", etc. -- British sex-comedy movies in the 70s as well as starring in the terrible spoof "Queen Kong"), so I knew it was an older movie in addition to being a fake sequel. Ha!


I won this? I don't even really recall bidding on this (I was on vacation...  Most of my pre-vacation bids were outbid). I certainly did not realize it was a porn film, but I do dig the artwork of the scantily clad woman cozying up to a large, smoking revolver.

KING KONG (2005)(?):

If you were wondering who the idiot was who bought the alleged spear from the 2005 remake of "KING KONG" (despite the fact the "prop" label lists it as "2006"), I was that idiot. I saw the thing had a low bid amount and flipped out. I bid, sat back was mine. Then I looked up all of the scenes with the natives in the film---and NO WHERE did I see anything remotely resembling this spear tip. Oh well. It joins my alleged prop "legs" that were supposedly from the original "TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE" and were later housed in the Movieland Wax Museum (I even have the bogus certificate of authentication to prove it. Ha!)  I should have my own museum of fake props. Ha! However, this spear head has to be from somewhere. it may not be KING KONG, but somewhere. If I hang on to it long enough, I may be able to figure it out.


Another vacation win.  I probably already have this, but was not sure. I am a big William Castle fan (anyone want to please give me their HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL poster? It's the only Castle title I am lacking...). Castle, if you didn't know, was the king of the movie gimmicks in the 1950's and early 60's. THE TINGLER featured PERCEPTO (theater seats were wired to give tiny shocks during a key scene in the movie), MACABRE offered burial insurance in case theater goers died of fright watching the film. There was a PUNISHMENT POLL (audiences decided the fate of a villain), ILLUSION-O (ghost viewers that allowed you to see or not see ghosts of the screen), COWARD'S CORNER (if you were too afraid and wanted your money had to sit in an area where the entire audience could see cowardly you), and EMERGO (a ghost floated over the audience at a key moment).

MATINEE was sort of a tribute to that era, with John Goodman playing a fictionalized version of Castle, Lawrence Woolsey. The movie is not great, but it is entertaining. The poster (which shows a theater marquee showing the fictional film within the film, "MANT"--Half Man / Half Ant!) is perfect. I'm thrilled to get it (if I didn't already have it, that is...).

(1947 re-release):

This is my real "prize" of the lot---the thing I am most excited about (Rosa's present excepted). I know this is a re-release, but the artwork is different than the original release poster...and so much BETTER. I've been after one of these for ages. There's been one on eBay for about 2 or 3 times the amount I paid for this. Zowie! Although he is not listed below, Conrad ("The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari", "The Man Who Laughs") Veidt stars as the sinister Jaffar. Awesome.

That's all of the time (and posters) we have today. Thank you, as always, for visiting.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline okiehawker

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Hi Monster!

Thanks for the "Casino Cinerama" photo!  Gambling if the the movie is going to be great or a stinker, eh?!
 I have read some of Mirosae's previous posts and really enjoyed some of her insights.  From what I've read, you have a cool friend there!  La Casa 3 looks like several really deep paper meche cuts.
Wow, I haven't seen a crowd waiting on a movie/spook show like the one in your Asylum of Horrors picture in so loooooong.  Ah, the good old days...  "Monsters sit on your lap!"  Hot Dog! 

Paranoia: we spin in glorious groin-tandem! 

A tear welled up in my eye when reading about the free "upchuck cup".  Where can we find a theatre that looks out for its patrons like that today?!
Wouldn't "Horror of Professor Snape Island vs. Chinese Hercules" be great?  I wonder which hair cut would win?
 Mant!!!  Half man half ant!  I remember many years ago being in a novelty store and seeing "Manty Hose".  There were two regular panty hose legs and then also a much shorter leg, er, I think you get the picture.
Oh man, I love Conrad Veidt and did not remember him being in Thief of Baghdad!  How in the world was Veidt uncredited?! Congrats on the poster, and now I need to watch it again after all these years!
 Take care, Okie

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. Welcome to another edition of the Shock-A -Rama Poster Show! And what do we have in store for you today? Well, it looks like there are a couple of nice pieces and a lot of crap, as usual. Oh well, they all can't be winners. (I just wish I could somehow NOT buy so many crap posters and save the cash for better posters later...)

But first, I want to say hello to OakieHawker! Hey Oakie. Thanks for the note. Rosa (Mirosae) is very nice. I was so surprised by her gift. She was one of my first "friends" on here and remained so after she chose to leave. LA CASA 3/GHOSTHOUSE is total schlock. I wouldn't recommend it unless cheesy Italian horror was your thing---and even then I'd hesitate. Ha!
Spinning in glorious groin-tandem...zowie! If on;y something like that actually happened in the movie instead of just on the poster. Ha!
Very clever the Prof Snape Island vs Chinese Hercules. Hee hee.
I have been looking high and low for an authentic UpChuck Cup. You know there must be some still in existence. But, alas, i've not found any yet. (And I really NEED one!)
Ah yes, MantyHose---I have seen that around. I wonder if MANT wore a pair?
Yes, Conrad Veidt is the evil Jafar in THIEF OF BAGHDAD (which, if you didn't notice and I neglected to mention in that post, is spelled incorrectly on the poster, omitting the "H" ARGH! I totally meant to say something, too...which is why I was being purposely "H"-less in the description. GRR!)
Anyway, it is always a pleasure having you visit, Oakie. Stop by any time. And today, i found one more shot of a Cinerama for you---nothing exciting, but... There is one in Seattle still, by the way. I saw it just this past February.

Okay, Let's take a look at the posters:

THE STUD (English one sheet):

Snore. What was I thinking? I saw this during an auction recently. It wasn't going for much. As a fan of "Dynasty" I thought it would be fun to snag this and hunt down the sequel, "The Bitch"--both starring Joan Collins. But then I got it and was like...ugh. What a DULL poster. At only $14, I still feel I got the short end of the stick. Oh well.


There was a brief period of time when I was really obsessed with Jacqueline Susann's "Valley of the Dolls". I needed to read the book and see the movie. The book had sat on a shelf in the family room during my growing up years (as had "Helter Skelter"---which scared the heck out of me just flipping through the photos). I never read it (or "HS") back then, but its presence made me so dang curious. I knew the book had been the best-selling novel of all time and every once in a while I'd catch bits of the movie on television. I knew that "Dolls" was supposed to be very scandalous and tawdry. I read the book and saw the movie. The book was good, but very soap opera-ish. I didn't know what the big deal had been though. It wasn't that good. The movie bored me at first, until Neely O'Hara gets famous---and then the movie turns into a giant, unintentional camp fest that I LOVE.  I explored the rest of Susann's oeuvre (I'm not sure why I bothered, really). The books were okay, so I sought out the films made from them. Oh my stars! While Valley of the Dolls" was a campy classic, the other two films--"THE LOVE MACHINE" and this one, ONCE IS NOT ENOUGH", were god-awful...which is probably why they are NO WHERE on anyone's radar these days.

I already have a copy of this poster, I am sure. It was part of a "lot" purchase a while back. This movie was such a turd---but somehow a commercial success. Deborah Raffin  was horribly miscast (and utterly boring) as the young lead. Kirk Douglas is her movie producer father. Brenda Vaccaro plays her best gal pal, who is also editor of GLOSS magazine and very promiscuous. Vaccaro somehow earned an Oscar nomination for her role in this swill. And then there is David Jansen as a has-been novelist. George Hamilton is a rich young man who takes Raffin's virginity. Alexis Smith plays Raffin's controlling stepmother who is having a secret lesbian affair. It all sounds so shocking and salacious...but it's just snore-inducing.

THE 33:

Another "lot" purchase. Not a very interesting poster at all...but I did want to see the movie. Never made it though. Was it any good?

BUTTERFIELD 8 (Australian Daybill):

This daybill (and I rarely ever buy them) was in great condition. This was one of Elizabeth Taylor's more infamous roles (although it is very tame by today's standards). It was inexpensive so i placed a small bid...and I won. Okay. This is a last-minute addition to the post (which is why there are 11 entries instead of the usual 10).


I spent way too much on this poster. DUH! I think I already have this poster actually. The poster I need (I now realize) is HOUSE OF 1,000 CORPSES...NOT the sequel. Oh well. I do like the tag line though; "This summer, go to Hell". But--ugh. I did not like the movie.


Why, why, WHY do I do this? I already HAVE a copy, ...several copies...of this poster, yet I was compelled to buy another. I dig my "JAWS" ripoffs, but this is one of the slowest, most boring out there. SNORE! The BEST part about the whole movie is the poster art. Maybe that's why I keep buying copies?


I may already have this poster (This one cost me exactly $1.53 including postage---thanks to eBay bucks! Ha!), but who could pass up this art of prehistoric (?) women fighting? WOWZER! I've never seen the movie, but the poster is pretty cool.


Another poster I already have...and that I paid too much for. But I dig the movie and I dig the poster.

ALIENS (International):

Another I paid too much for (Or did I? How much is this worth anyway?). I've had an original ALIEN poster for years...and some of the sequels (starting with 3)---but never Part 2, "ALIENS". Now I do. Hooray!This is apparently the international version. I'm not a big sci-fi guy so I'm not really sure, but is the US version similar/the same---or completely different? Hmm... Nevermind. I looked it up. Same image, but they are standing in a cave full of alien eggs in the US version. Oh well.


Oooo!  I am EXCITED about this one. I've seen this poster come and go only a handful of times. I've tried to get it every time, but it always escapes my grasp. I scored this one on a recent Heritage Auction with a snipe...for the highest amount bid. Yikes---close call--but it is MINE! Whoo hoo.

The little bit of research I've done on this poster reveals that Dr. Morgus was a TV horror host out of New Orleans. Apparently he got his own, regional, low-budget flick, thus this poster. Notice the cast: Dr Morgus-Famed Inventor of Instant People, Chopsley, Red Nose, and Pencils. Zowie! It's probably a total crap storm, but since getting the poster, I've ordered the out-of-print movie on DVD (which has surprisingly good reviews). I hope it is good.


The last of the original GODZILLA films before the 1985 reboot...and frankly, one of the hardest for me to have tracked down and scored. Ha! (I am still lacking the original GODZILLA, of course, and INVASION OF THE ASTRO-MONSTER (aka MONSTER ZERO), and  DESTROY ALL MONSTERS.  SON OF GODZILLA and GODZILLA VS THE SEA MONSTER  I don't think had a US theatrical releases--so no US one sheets). I'll have them all eventually... (Maybe). I still have NOT seen this flick either. Ha!

And that's it for today, kiddies. I hope everyone is well. Until next time, stay cha-cha-cha groovy.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline cabmangray

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Monster, that's quite a haul you made! The marquee photos are great!  thumbsup.gif

Offline erik1925

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And the re-release daybill you picked up for Butterfield 8 is much better & nicer art than the first release version, so nice score there, too.  cheers
« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 01:37:33 PM by erik1925 »


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. Welcome to another snore-inducing,, glamorous and exciting edition of the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show! Happy late-spring!  Eek. Summer is just around the corner---with its blazing temperatures and zillions of kids out of school (making movie-going often unbearable). Are you ready for the summer? Hopefully so. In the mean time, thank you for popping in. Please help yourself to a gander at my latest acquisitions...

But first, hello cabmangray. Thanks for taking a look at my posters and leaving a greeting. I'm glad you liked them---and the marquee photos. I added those a while back to add more interest to my it's not just posters (which are usually just so-so) and my boring, endless commentary. THANKS!

Hi Jeff. I'm glad you liked the BUTTERFIELD 8 daybill. I didn't realize it until a few days ago, but--ha! I already have the Australian one sheet for it. Oh well. Thanks for saying hello.

And now the posters---such as they are:


This is a video poster for a direct-to-video movie I have never seen. Yes, it looks like total crap (although having Erik Estrada featured is a wonderful campy bonus). This was part of a lot (with the poster below it---which was the one I was going after). I got the lot for $10 plus shipping. So, $5 each isn't bad...  I wonder if this is worth seeing--even for camp value?


The second poster in the lot---and the one I wanted, "ELVES." I never saw this---but I know it went right to video and gave Dan Haggerty a job (He is still anxiously awaiting a sequel, I am sure). The upper corner looks kind of bent--but not torn. It looks to be in okay shape aside from that. I was looking for Christmas horror and am still trying to find a "Don't Open 'Til Christmas" poster (which I know also only went to video back in the VHS days) to round out my collection. I have never seen this--and i am sure it is awful--but I just ordered a bootleg copy on DVD. Ha! Ho ho ho!


I already have a copy of this, but I am a big Bond fan and isn't it funny how relatively inexpensive this is now (mine for $31) than when it came out (when they were going for about $100+)? Ha! I'm looking forward to the next Bond (and the next and the next...)


As a Bond fan, one might correctly assume that I also dig some of the knock-offs that came in Bond's wake...such as the Dean Martin "Matt Helm" series. I believe I already have a copy of "Murderer's Row"--but it came as part of a lot that featured another Matt Helm poster (below) I was not so sure I had already or not.


I knew I had "MURDERER'S ROW" and "THE WRECKING CREW" posters, but I'm not so sure about "THE SILENCERS" or "THE AMBUSHERS". When I spotted this lot of Matt Helm posters moments before they were to close (How had I missed them earlier? Yikes!) and saw that "THE SILENCERS" was included, I went for it. I got them for $35, which is $17.50 each---not bad at all. Now I just need to figure out if I still need "THE AMBUSHERS" or not. I'll have to look...


I already have several copies of this...and here I am, buying yet ANOTHER! Ha! I'm a sucker for "CARRIE" ripoffs. This one is unusual in that it was ripped off by "CARRIE" 's own director, Brian DePalma, and one of its stars, Amy Irving. Lame movie---but I dig it for some inexplicable reason. (Snore-A-Rama poster though...)


Here is another poster I already have several copies of. I never seem to learn...  This and the one above were two of several posters I bid on and then left to the fates to decide what I would win and what I would lose. I won two things I already have. Oh well. '80's holiday slasher horror!


I already have one of these. However, as I am prone to doing, I saw this and put a bid on it anyway.  And won. It was actually much cheaper than the one I got originally. Hmm.


As I have said several times, I am not a "Star Wars" fan. I've seen most of the movies in the theater (After the Jar-Jar Binks #1 film, I skipped out on #2 and #3), but usually late in their runs. I'm not sure if this one will fly or not. The guy playing Han Solo looks NOTHING like a young Harrison Ford. Will it be a hit or go the way of the infamous "Star Wars Holiday Special"? I have no idea. BUT...the way people go crazy over STAR WARS in general and noting how high priced the posters can get, I couldn't help but pick this up when it was reasonably priced. It the movie takes off---it will go up in value (hopefully). If it flops, well... That would be my luck.


Speaking of things getting expensive at the time of their release (See the SPECTRE poster above), I jumped on this advance poster for the upcoming HALLOWEEN movie as soon as I realized what it was (I thought it was another Mondo poster at first). I'm sure it--and especially the final release poster--will get crazy high come release time. I'm curious about this movie--and anxious to experience it. The poster is...kind of dull, though. Oh well.

That's that is all for now. Thanks for stopping by to visit and taking a look.


PS Hey, I just realized---it's only 6 months until Christmas. You'd better get shopping. (Or the "ELVES" may get you... Ha!)

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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Cool, need to finish film!

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I saw this movie at a theater in Paris when I was super young.  It freaked me out and I thought it was one of the best horror flicks ever until I grew up and was exposed to more.  It's still pretty good though.  Melissa Sue Anderson's first flick following Little House on the Prairie.  Classic.


« Last Edit: May 30, 2018, 12:49:05 AM by eatbrie »
My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

Offline okiehawker

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Hi Monster!  I couldn't help but notice the White Zombie/Marraige Bond double bill advertising.  How wild is that?!  Isn't it sort of like radio programming back to back mood setting songs of Colour My World by Chicago followed up by Welcome to the Jungle by Guns and Roses?
Wow, another great Cinerama photo and this time with a trench coat henchman changing the marquee letters from the top of a Cinerama bus?!  This is fantastic!
Murderer's Row: is Dean Martin thinking, "Hmmm, maybe I can roast Don Rickles with this!"
What about a CHiPs lost episode where "Ponch deseeds Earth's ladies by blue-light-hog-blocking those bug-eyed monsters."
Do you think  Happy Birthday to Me is a long lost backyard grilling cousin to Heathers?
Man, you made my day with the puffy coated, bell bottomed Star Wars flashback!  I got goose bumps looking into that four decade old mirror.  Chills, Okie.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 12:58:44 AM by okiehawker »

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Liking "War Godess"  thumbsup.gif

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Welcome to the next edition of the SHOCK-O-RAMA Poster Show. Eh...It's another weak entry. The entries get better as you go down the list, but there's not much here to write home about. I am broke, and my reliance on CHEAP POSTERS is evident. The last poster in the bunch cost a pretty penny---but that's the exception.  Take a look (if you can spare a wasted few moments from your life)  or don't.

But first...

MEL: Yes, SPECTRE is a pretty decent entry into the BOND series. Give it a watch. Thanks for popping by.

THIERRY: Glad you have a soft spot for HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. It's not a great flick (unless you are a kid and it's your first horror film, maybe...), but it's not bad either. I dig it--and I am sure I have more than one copy of the poster. Thanks for adding your anecdote about your seeing the movie. I love personal stuff like that. Cheers!

OKIE: It is always a delight and extreme pleasure to have you stop in for a visit. I especially liked your musings that ALIEN SEED could be a long-lost CHIPS episode. Ha! As for the "four decade old mirror"--eeek! I was there jeans, puffy jacket and pre-disco era "Brady Bunch" shaggy non-haircut as well. WHERE did the time go-go?

STEVE/50s: You LIVE!!!!  Awesome to know and HELLO!

Okay--poster time (There's still time to run away and do something more interesting. Don't say I didn't warn you...):


I have no idea what this is ---and it's only two years old? Ha! It came in a lot with the poster directly below it (nothing to rush down and see....but there's nothing to see here anyway).


I know I have a signed (by the writers or directors?) mini-poster of this, but wasn't sure about a full-sized one. No, I was not a big fan of this film. Why bother then? Well, the filmmakers and the film are/were made here, where I live. Various local locations were used as the school/theater. More interestingly, the actually "gallows" set (from the stage production in the film) was on display in a local theater for weeks. The writers (directors?) sat at a table signing autographs well beyond the film's box office viability. When it was in its last legs, playing only once a night, they were still there plugging away, promoting it. They even ran a "Gallows"-themed haunted attraction that Halloween at one of the locations. (No, I didn't go.) This was my tribute to the home team in a way. Whoopie...


This is nothing I needed or wanted. I put in a laughable bid for $3 on a lot that contained this poster and the one below it. I thought I'd be outbid. I was not. OOOPS! Never saw the film. Looks like crap...


Of the two posters I got for $3 (plus $19 buyer's premium...UGH!), this is the poster I prefer.


I pretty much loved this film. What wasn't to love? You've got zombie survival suggestions, Magic Mountain doubling as some other amusement park, a pre-Oscar Emma Stone, and---oh yes! ZOMBIES! Ha! Great fun. However---I already had this poster. Several copies. WHY did I buy yet another? UGH.


I already have one of these as well. Hmm.


I already have a copy (or two?) of this William Castle movie poster. The artwork was done by Frank Frazetta and it is fun looking. I know I saw this flick--and have it on DVD--but I can't remember much about it. (In my head, I am mixing it up with "THE LOVED ONE," I think...) I really, REALLY need to stop buying copies of stuff I have. Grrr.

HALLOWEEN II (Remake) Book Cover Prop:

You know what they say about a fool and his money---or about a sucker being born every minute?  I plead guilty to being both--a fool and a sucker. No, this is not a poster. This is a book cover for the faux book "Dr, Loomis" (Malcolm McDowell) is promoting in Rob Zombie's "Halloween 2". I hated that movie, but when I saw the prop cover up for grabs, I went for it. After it was mine, I realized just how stupid I was. DOZENS and dozens of these covers were printed. There is a whole mountain of them in the film alone---and you know they had spares left over. Oh well.


As I thought it might, the new STAR WARS slick "SOLO" is tanking. While not the epic fail of THE STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL, it is turning out to be a box office dud (even though it has taken in more than $175 million domestically, it is no where near as big of a hit as the previous three Disney-helmed STAR WARS features). (I'm sure it has cost a LOT more to make than it's hauled in thus far...) But knowing what fan boys STAR WARS fans are...when I saw this cheap I snatched it up. Who knows? It may "click" down the road and the prices may go up again (But I will not hold my breath...).


It is about time I scored one of these---and in super pristine condition. Zowie! I like my giant monster movies and have been after this title for AGES! Speaking of the title, is GIANT BEHEMOTH overkill? I mean, BEHEMOTH would have done means HUGE....and giant means HUGE. It's THE HUGE HUGE!? Ha! Whatever...I am just Giant Behemoth-ly thrilled to have it.

And that's it for now. The show (such as it was) is over for now. But I'll be B-A-C-K eventually. (You have been warned. Ha!)

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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You really should meet my 33yo femme PA, a fellow devil-worshipper!  devil 2 (oddly, she's super-religious!)

Said this one is "cool"(?)

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You don't sound to up on this lot...but you've got some winners in there (imo, whatever  that's worth  :) )

Midnight special was a super cool sci-fi/drama from a few years back. I nabbed that one sheet before it came out.

Feast is a fun, over the top horror. The sequels get crazier and even more of the top, but the first remains my favorite. I still need to get one of those.

I also really enjoyed Zombieland. Hard to go wrong with Woody Harrelson and Bill Murry in the same flick.

Nice work buddy.

Offline okiehawker

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Hi Monster!

Can you believe it?!  Of course you can, because you really, really did it! 11, count 'em, 11 Cinerama pictures in your last post!!!!!!!!!!! That has got to be an APF record of some kind, right?!  Jack Frost, Spider-Man, The Civil War, Shrek's top noggin, kilts, James Rockford, 1963, a bicycle named Julia, hills of Indians?, triple projected rocket boat, and peelable fruit!  Heaven...

"The million dollar muff" sounds a lot more fun than it's 1993 indecent cousin, eh?

Wow, Zombieland and Giant Behemoth may lead you down to a path of films ole Okie has actually seen, Monster.  Is our Tiki Bar Boo Radley bidding during daylight hours now? Well done on these gems, my friend!
« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 12:37:33 AM by okiehawker »

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Okay---welcome back! And, I promise, this is my LAST salute to CINERAMA. Ha! All of the remaining Cinerama pictures I plundered from the internet are here. (And, since there are so many photos, you get more than 10 posters this time! Yowza!) Hang on tight and get ready for an action-packed, ultra-widescreen ride as the SHOCK-O-RAMA POSTER SHOW is ready to take off again...

But first...  Hi MEL. Devil worshipper? NOT! I just dig horror flicks. Nothing wrong with a good cinematic scare now and again...

CHRIS! Super nice to see you. It's been a while. I'm glad there are titles in the last batch you liked. It's always a mixed bag with my stuff---trash & treasures...and sometimes things in between. I hope all is well. Thanks for stopping by.

OKIE! Always a pleasure having you here, sir. These are the LAST of the Cinerama pictures (pulled from the 'net and used just for you!). ENJOY them.

And now, on to the posters...


I do remember seeing this flick in the theater (under the "Without Warning" moniker) and I remember liking it. I am almost positive that it was a double bill, but--even though I can tell you what theater I saw it in--I can NOT remember what the other movie was. Hmm. I don't remember much about the movie, but that it was kind of a nifty lil flick. The ending was a bit of a surprise, but I don't want to give anything away. I am sure I have a copy or two of this poster already---but dummy me can't seem to help buying the same posters over and over and over. Ha! And I do so seemingly without warning. (Bad pun).


I know this is a British spy spoof with ribald undertones. I remember this coming to town (I used to be in the newspaper daily staring at the movie ads). I have never seen it, of course. Some day maybe. But what I would really like to track down is the "MAN FROM O.R.G.Y.: The Real Gone Girls" movie (I have the poster for that as well). I can not find it any where.


I would probably have passed on this---except I've been trying to track down one of the posters ("FANNY HILL MEETS THE RED BARON") from Barry Mahon's "Fanny Hill" trilogy that I do not have yet. (I already have "FANNY HILL MEETS LADY CHATTERLY" and "FANNY HILL MEETS DR. EROTICO"). So---because it is Fanny Hill-ish---why not? (I'll regret it later. i'll never hang it up. But whatever...)

FADE TO BLACK (alternate style):

I already had a FADE TO BLACK one sheet...actually a couple of them. However, I had never seen this style until recently. When one was up for grabs I went up and grabbed it. I need to see this film again. I don't think I've seen it since the VHS era...or maybe since the theater?  Has it held up?

PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES (Zombie Eyes promo):

I know this is NOT a poster, but as I tend to do from time to time, I'll buy and share here movie props or promotional giveaway gimmicks. This is the latter... And I am super duper thrilled to have these. A long time ago I got the double feature re-release one sheet for DRACULA PRINCE OF DARKNESS and PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES. I was drawn to it by the gimmick mentioned at the top (see below). Boys got "Dracula Fangs" and girls got "Zombie Eyes". I'm guessing Dracula Teeth are those plastic fangs that fir in your mouth---that where everywhere when I was a kid. But Zombie Eyes? I had no clue and never expected to even see a pair. Zowie! NO--I am not disappointed that it is partially punched out. I'd be thrilled to have them if they were totally punched out---since I have never seen a pair before. They must be RARE. And now, I've got one. Yahoo!


I love Jayne Mansfield. Ha! She was so god awful and tacky and totally wonderful. She is like a classier John Waters character come to life. I have several of her posters---but this one had always been hard to track down---especially in English--or so it seemed to me. Yahoo! I got one and it appears to be in great shape. I have the movie, I think...I just have not watched it. Hopefully this is from the end of her career, when the productions were cheap and cheesy. But, YIPPIE!!!  I am so excited to have this.


Ha! It's (another copy of) the wacky Doris Wishman "documentary" about sex changes in the 1970s, "LET ME DIE A WOMAN"! "Deep Throat" star Harry Reams is in the flick---and he's about the only recognizable face in the film. I keep thinking that there is graphic footage of a sex change operation---but I am also thinking I am confusing that for a scene in one of those "SHOCKING ASIA" mondo flicks? Hmm. I probably am. This is Doris Wishman after all. She's about titillation (as incompetent as her filmmaking might be), not gross out.


Snagging an old Peter Cushing poster is always cool. This poster has great art. Too bad it's only a two-color poster. I believe this is another retelling of the old Burke and Hare story of grave robbing. Apparently Donald Pleasance is in this as well.


I have one of these---but it is folded and I wanted a nice rolled one. I've tried--not very hard--to snag one for years.  The other day I bid on a bunch of stuff before work and lo' and behold...this one was the single item won that day. Hooray! I already have EVIL DEAD 1 and 2.


No idea what this is. I shouldn't have bid on it. I was the only bidder.... Hmm.


I've never seen this and I am super surprised something with this title was NOT sued by Orion (?) for copyright infringement on its TERMINATOR series. Ha! This looks like cheese heaven. Anyone see it?

DRAGONSLAYER (British Quad):

This is a beautiful poster for a so-so movie that, I believe, was a co-production of Disney's and Paramount---back in the early '80's when Disney was trying to find its place in the movie world after floundering through the 70s and early 80s. I wasn't wild about this movie---but nifty poster. Zowie!


I know nothing about this flick. The poster is simplistic and crude. I bid cheap and won cheap. This was the most recent acquisition of mine. I wish I had passed. Oh well.

And THAT is all for this time. Stay tuned for more posters-a-go-go!

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Offline erik1925

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Great imagery of that style of the FADE TO BLACK poster. I picked up a UK quad a couple years ago with this same art, as I think it totally blows the other style (which is more photographic) out of the water.


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Happy 4th of July! I'm B-A-C-K with more posters. None of these this time as exciting as the fireworks that are probably wiz-banging around your neighborhood at the moment...but they are all NEW to me. a lot of them came from Rich's auction. (Thanks, Rich)

JEFF, thanks for the visit. I'm glad we BOTH have that FADE TO BLACK art. It's cool.


This cheap-o two-color poster for one of the Paul Naschy werewolf flicks has titillated me for years. It's a Naschy...but it's kind of boring/lame. I wanted it--but didn't want to pay too much for one. I've lost out on these time and time again. I scored one tonight. Now I'm second guessing my victory.... Ha!


I already have two other copies of this poster. Why did I need a third? Argh! But I couldn't let it go by cheaper (and apparently in nice condition) than the other two I got. I've never seen this but know it predates PSYCHO and has some of the same themes. It's supposed to be good, but I have heard the available DVD is edited I'll wait to see it.


I may never (i.e. NEVER) get an original WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE one sheet. However, I picked up this military version for less than $20. I still should have passed on it---it's kind of dull being only in red and white instead of full color---but...  I remember seeing this in a theatrical re-release with WAR OF THE WORLDS in the 1970s.


I already have one of these (I think). I couldn't resist a second copy (only $5 at some obscure auction. Yowza!)


Zowie--I have NO MEMORY of this coming out, really. It must have been a stinking flop? We will soon see. i found an super cheap copy on Amazon and I'll soon see why this movie's franchise died before any sequels were produced... Ha! And while we are at it---why NOT get the poster?


I remember when this movie came out---the ad on TV made me really want to see it. I was ever so disappointed. Kind of like this disappointing poster. I had one once before, but sold it off years and years ago. Why a new copy? Because I am stupid that way...


This movie is possibly the biggest gross out cannibal horror movie ever---certainly one of the most notorious ("CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST" might actually own that claim). I have the US one sheet under the title "MAKE THEM DIE SLOWLY", but have long wanted one with the title CANNIBAL FEROX---it's original Italian title that many still prefer to call it today. So I finally scored the Italian 2F for it. Hooray!


It's an Oscar-winning classic. Why not? (But really? They went with that picture? Hmm.)


I've never seen this flick, but also remember when it came out---it was a quasi-popular something people went to see at the time. I thought the poster was quasi-interesting, with the woman's legs blending into Kris Kristofferson's bell bottoms.



Here's a Troma flick I've never seen (It looked dumb). Why not snag the poster?

And that's it. No fizzle. No pop. No pizazz. It was a dud. Oh well, maybe I'll have better luck NEXT 4th of July.

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Good evening...

I thought I'd do something a little different. While I am working on a post of new acquisitions, I thought I'd add a little something "new" to the mix. I gab on and on about my new purchases...but have really, more or less, ignored the stuff I've had for years before movie poster forums/social media/blogs existed (or, at least, before I stumbled on them). So, here is the first of my periodic "Classic Collection" posts. The posters may not all be "classics"--but they were mine before I ever started posting.

For this first batch, I'm digging through my framed stuff. (It's easier to find.Ha!)

Here we go-go:


During the lean years of the original GODZILLA cycle, GODZILLA VS MEGALON was produced on a clearly smaller budget, with several shots recycled from previous GODZILLA outings. But coming to the USA hot on the heels of the 1976 remake of KING KONG, the distributors cleverly went with a poster that depicted Godzilla and Megalon battling it out on the World Trade Center, where Kong had just appeared. Two monsters duking it out instead of just one? Yowza! The film was a hit---but the scene depicted on the poster is NOT in the film. Ha! Groovy poster though.

/THE EMBALMER (combo):

I had been in love with this poster long before I ever got a copy. Not only is it a double feature (Oooooo) of two very groovy sounding movies (ahhhhh), but the "This is HORROR!! This is TERROR!!" verbiage hooked me. The artwork (especially on THE EMBALMER) is nifty, too. While I've not yet seen THE SHE-BEAST (with BARBARA STEELE--YOWZA!), I was eventually able to view THE EMBALMER...and, well, snore. The poster is way better.


Yes, this is just a re-release...but I am fine with it. It has the same artwork and I don't need the original Bryanston version. I first saw THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (finally) on a double bill with the original EVIL DEAD (in its first run---it opened here with TCM as a co-feature. WOWZA! What a great double feature that was). I would like to call attention to the waves visible in the poster. This is not water damage or anything like that. It's the frames. I have about 200 frames from a place a decade or so ago that hold the posters in place in a sort of spring-loaded way---which causes the waves. Any idea how i can fix that (other than replacing the frames)? Thanks!


I had never heard of this flick before I bought the poster. It came with two other titles---THE CYCLOPS and another about a WEREWOLF---all vintage from the 50s, I've since seen this flick---eeeh. Instead of being bit by a vampire (spoiler), the guy who becomes a "vampire" in this does so by accidentally ingesting an experimental drug. Fairly snore-inducing...Cool poster, though.


This movie has a cool little premise---but a lame ending. I wish someone would remake it and do it right. But I so dig the bargain basement-looking poster with cheesy verbiage on it. LOVE it!

THE GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN (Military re-release):

Obtaining Universal horror titles is almost impossible, at least for me. When I came across this military re-release poster, I hemmed and hawed. The two-color military poster looked so "eh" compared to the wondrous colorful original and Reel-Art re-release posters. Ultimately I decided to get it---and I am glad I did. I really have come to like it and have it hanging in my bedroom.


This was one of the very first posters I ever got...certainly within the first five or so.  It took forever for me to track down the movie and give it a watch. Soooo hokey. Nothing great. The poster is better. The pretty cheesy "vampire tree" is only really seen in the last few minutes. But i have always dug this poster. You'll never forget the clutching horror! Ha!


PEYTON PLACE is a guilty pleasure. I knew growing up that PEYTON PLACE was supposed to be shocking and scandalous. I tracked down and read the two original books and eventually caught the movies. The movies were not nearly as good---but the first film did click a bit with me, though (even though it comes across as PEYTON PLACE-lite compared to the novel). I  scored the one sheet....but had a heck of a time tracking down the one sheet for the sequel. Director Mark Robson is also responsible for disappointing translation (but brilliantly, unintentionally campy version) of VALLEY OF THE DOLLS and the over-the-top disaster favorite EARTHQUAKE! Ha!

PINK FLAMINGOS (re-release):

I love John Waters and  dig his flicks---especially the pre-HAIRSPRAY ones. Getting to see PINK FLAMINGOS in the theater back in the 90s was a real treat. Re-release or not, of course I had to get the poster. I don't believe there was ever a one sheet created for PINK FLAMINGOS in its original release any way.


At one time I had a HALLOWEEN poster with the blue ratings box. I'd gotten it for about $10 with a couple of other posters in a lot. However, the center vertical fold was "off", going up through the "w" instead of the "o". I thought it might be a fake and sold it. I got about $100 for it---but I could kick myself. This was before I understood what a tri-folded poster was. I believe my blue ratings box HALLOWEEN had been a tri-fold that someone had folded in half, causing the crease. GRRR. I'll never score an original blue ratings box copy now...but this is a nice compromise. I got this copy BEFORE I sold off the other copy, when it was still affordable. I dig the poster, of course, and have it hanging in my poster room/office. However, it reminds me every time I see it how stupid I had been to let the other one go. Oh well.  Someone else is enjoying it.


Hooray! I had long wanted one of these---who wouldn't? I had DAWN OF THE DEAD, but needed the classic that started the whole zombie thang. At the time I got this, they were selling for about $1,000 plus. The copy I got was being sold by an estate company on eBay. It was professionally framed and matted. The matting made it look like it might have been trimmed. I think the matting may have scared some bidders off and I got this for far less than expected. Phew!  Of course, I had to wait for the poster/frame to arrive. I peeled back the back paper and took a look. It was the complete, untrimmed poster in gorgeous condition. Hooray!  I have it hanging in the hallway in all of its black and white (and green) late 60s gut-munching glory.

And that's it for now. It's time for me to boogie on outta here. Thanks for visiting.

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Hi there. It's time for another "Classic Collection" installment---looking at posters I have had BEFORE I started sharing online. Today I am going with more of my framed stuff (most of which sits in a closet). Let's see what I dug up today....


Believe it or not, NOT all of the original GODZILLA movies played in theaters. GODZILLA'S REVENGE barely made it---as the top of a first-run double bill. This is one of the more silly ones---very kiddie friendly and features the SON of Godzilla (Minya---or something like that) as well as the Big G himself and a plethora of monsters. I never saw ISLAND OF THE BURNING DAMNED though...


It may be slow and old-fashioned, but this is my all-time favorite scary movie. Turn out the lights and watch this alone late at night. It's guaranteed to send chills up and down your spine. Great performances. Great scares. Great sets. Great story---based on a Shirley Jackson book. Forget the remake. It was crap. This original is still the best.


Ah, the grindhouse classick! Originally released (and flopped) as DAY OF THE WOMAN in the mid-70s, Jerry Gross (distributor of ZOMBIE among other cool horror classics), slapped on the wonderfully exploitive title and came up with this new ad campaign to really sell it. "This woman has just cut, chopped, broken, and burned five men beyond recognition...But no jury in America would ever convict her!"  There are only FOUR men in the flick, but why not say five? it sounds bloodier. Ha!  I have often wondered who the model was for the poster as the photo is NOT from the film. Can you imagine the modeling gig assignment? You'll be nearly nude, bruised and bloody and you'll be carrying a knife by the blade. Yowza!  Sleaze at its best. Ha!


I was surprised to find JAWS 2 framed and stashed away...but then, I used to change out my posters frequently and I am sure I had all of my JAWS (and sequels---and knock-offs) up at least one month during the summer. I did not get to see JAWS or JAWS 2 when they first came out. However, i was there for the re-releases of both in the early 80s.


This movie is a MESS. Didn't it have something like 4 different directors? Either Peter Sellers or David Niven (I want to say Sellers, but...) quit before the production wrapped and the movie is just all over the place. Although there was only one James Bond (and a Jimmy Bond), seven people assume the identity of Bond. Original Bond gal Ursula Andress is in this, as is Woody Allen and Orson Welles is Le Chiffre.


Although I like the poster for the re-release (called "EYES OF HELL") better, I'm not passing up a gimmick film's poster---that clearly shows the gimmick (a cardboard "mask") that allows audiences to see the wild, hallucination-like sequences in 3D whenever the main character puts the cinematic mask on. Such a cool little film.


No this movie does not make much (any?) sense---but who cares? Those wigged out Italians made some crazy ass horror movies back in the 80s and this is one of them. From director Lucio Fulci ("ZOMBIE", "GATES OF HELL", THE BEYOND", etc,)


I have this hanging in my living room, right above my NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET pinball machine (which I still do NOT have up and running. Grrr.). Classic poster for a classic movie. Golly, I still remember going to see this with a group of friends at a little theater complex in town that no longer exists.


I also have this poster hanging. I have it on my bedroom wall near the door to the bathroom. It's not the best layout ever---but the movie is a masterpiece of schlock and ineptitude. I LOVE it. I remember seeing this---being too young, but I am tall, so they didn't question me.


This hangs in my poster room (you may notice the stray tube in the lower corner. D'oh!). I have seen every "Friday the 13th" in the theater...Ha! Yes, as old as I am now, I'd still go see a new one if it came out tomorrow.  Of course, the same can be said for the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" series and "A Nightmare on Elm Street". (I missed "Halloween 3" in theaters, otherwise I'd count that one too.). I always thought this poster was brilliant and beautiful...unlike most of the other posters in the series which are just so awful and plain.

Stay tuned. I'm almost done with my next posting of new purchases...but I'll also be back with more blasts from my pre-online poster past soon.

Thanks for visiting.

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It took you, Monster, to bring Cesar Romero, Ringo Starr, Vampira a la sublimation, chalk hypno boobies, werewolf dude "wait 'til you see my hair grow" boobies, sargassum air sac face, no-slip groped gal, and vertical undulating Addams all to one place!  I salute your eclectic connecting imagery!

Serious question, though, didn't all the Godzilla movies play in Japanese theatres?

Sending you to the Island of the Burning Damned just wasn't spicy enough, let's throw in a quadapus surfer-helmet jellyfish for that extra sting!

If it wasn't for this bad case of wedgie, I'd also bend down and Klingon cut the crap out of your grave.

"...desire fuming brain of a monstrous genius of insanity." What the heck?!  Brought to you by the same people who say, "picture movie"!  Someone in the mask department kissed the sky a little too much.

"...wigged out Italians..."  Sweet equine dreams to you, Monster!  Now, why don't you just go to sleep (with the fishes).  Careful, careful there, Monster.

Nightmare on Elm Street pinball! Though, sounds like it only works in your dreams, eh?

Your post had a nice finish, with hints of golden age feud.

Congrats, Okie

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I'm B-a-a-a-c-k.,, with more posters I've had since BEFORE I started posting. 

But beforehand, let me quickly say hello to OKIE and reply to him. Hello, Okie. Thanks for visiting and leaving a note. I rushed this post just so i could answer (or TRY to anyway...) it. Glad you like the various gifs. As for GODZILLA movies, when I said they didn't all play in theaters, I was referring to the one sheet, so I was implying US theaters. i should have been more clear. Sorry. "...desire fuming brain of a monstrous genius of insanity." Where was that? Huh? As for "wigged-out Italians", again I was referring to the Italian filmmakers who created horror flicks in the 80s---NOT Italians in general. Have you ever seen some of the Italian horror flicks of the 80s? They make very little sense but have wild imagination.   As for the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET pinball machine. I posted about it some time back (page 52 of this thread). Here is a picture:

I still do not have the legs on it (I can't remember how they attach). I also have misplaced the keys that open it up (in the move) and there was some other damage in the move. I'll need to have it repaired at some point. I've had it for years--a decade or so. Also--glad you noticed the Bette Davis/Joan Crawford photo. Ha! Anyway, thank you for your visit.

Okay--poster time.

So sit back, relax, smoke 'em if you've got 'em (Sorry---I don't have any ashtrays handy as I don't smoke myself) and let's see what I unearth today:


I love KING KONG and GODZILLA. Put them together and...well, it was a hokey but watchable monster fest the world was waiting to see (and yes, I am looking forward to the remake a few years from now).  I remember when I bought this poster on eBay years and years ago. I didn't expect to get it as it goes for such a high price usually. But somehow it became mine for far less than I (or the seller) expected.  The seller honored the deal, obviously---but he kept telling me how I had gotten a good deal on it and how he was shocked it didn't go for higher. I understand his feelings (I've been burned a couple of times the few times I tried to sell there), but lucky me! LOVE this and have it hanging in the poster room.


Oh, I had wanted one of these posters for so long. I got this on eBay back in the day...and remarkably had very little bidding competition and got this for next to nothing. I was stunned as other copies had escaped my grasp for much more many, many times before. (Of course, this was back in the day when posters didn't cost much. $30-$50 seemed like crazy high prices then. Ha!) For years I had this hanging in my kitchen. (Where else would you hang a poster of tomatoes, killer or otherwise?) Today it hangs in the poster room/office.


The 2nd of the films based on DARK SHADOWS and the least popular (as it really does not harken back to the series much. The actors are the same for the most part, but only one character from the show (Angelique the witch) is in it. As a stand alone film, it is fine. But as a DARK SHADOWS story? Hmm.

THE EXORCIST / EXORCIST II: THE HERETIC (re-release combo British quad):

For years, I had this hanging in my living room. It was my first British quad. I would have loved this double feature. I actually like EXORCIST II (for all of the wrong reasons). I actually saw the sequel (on HBO) BEFORE the original (unless you count peeks out the back window of our 1972 blue Ford Pinto at the drive-in where THE EXORCIST was playing on the screen behind us). I finally DID see the original in a re-release (co-billed with THE SHINING) in about 1981 when I was 15 or 16 (but passed as old enough to get into the R-Rated movie. Phew!).


For years I had this poster hanging above the toilet in the guest bathroom, before I had the shower added to the tub (don't want to take the chance of having steam damage). A towel rack hangs in its place now. So sad... Fun poster for a crappy (in my opinion) movie/series. I do dig the tagline: They'll get you in the end. Ha!


Gimmick alert! Of COURSE I had to have this poster. Anything called "Cannibal Girls" (no matter what the film is like) has to be acquired (kind of like VAMPIRE HOOKERS or GRAVEYARD TRAMPS). But to make it even more of a sure thing, it has a great gimmick! It has WARNING BELLS (so you can close your eyes if you are squeamish)!  Yowza! How fun.


Yes, this is a video poster---but it was never released theatrically. I've always dug the Scoobster, so if I wanted posters for the movies---I had to settle for video posters. They started off with the direct-to-video movies with a lot of fanfare for what turned out to be a very decent SCOOBY DOO movie. Zoinks!


I remember buying this poster (and one for the original EVIL DEAD) from some guy on eBay, who said he had saved them to pay for his kid's college. This was several years ago---and he didn't get much for them. O' had he only waited maybe until his kid wanted to go to grad school. I had this (and the original) hanging in my living room at one time. This one was stuffed in a closet. I have not located the other as of yet. It will turn up.


The original HELLRAISER (and it's first sequel) is an amazing horror film. It's too bad the series has devolved into the 21st century version of THE HOWLING series (with all of the bad, cheap direct-to-video sequels left and right).  I've long heard rumors of a remake---but would that really be an improvement or, like so many remakes, be an unnecessary kick in the ....    I have this poster hanging in my living room, but it's behind the TV. I placed it there because it is tall enough to see what it is over the TV screen. Pinhead is watching you...


PHANTASM is a wonderfully odd little movie that kept trying to be as cool with each succeeding sequel. The sequels never really worked for me (but they kept the actors/director employed). The last one in the series was a complete letdown. They should have just let the original film stand on its own with its quirky weirdness. It was a fun flick. This poster is hanging in my poster room.

That's it for now. I'm ONE new acquisition away from my regular poster post. I also have hundreds of posters from my pre-posting days to share with you eventually. Thanks for visiting. See you next time.

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X marks the spot!

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Hi there. Welcome to summer! (A perfect excuse to use up the leftover gifs I found online LAST summer for my posts. Ha!) Before we get to the posters, let me first acknowledge Mel. X marks the spot? INDEED it DOES! Ha! Cheers!

Okay, poster time:


Snore. Dull poster (and I already have a copy or two), but the movie was, I thought, entertaining. Back in the 90s there was a brief resurgence of the disaster movie genre, probably sparked by the amazing success of TITANIC. We got flicks like DANTE'S PEAK, VOLCANO, TURBULENCE...and DAYLIGHT. DAYLIGHT was the story of dueling explosions at either end of the Holland (?) Tunnel in NYC, which trap motorists under the Hudson River. And, of course, it starts to flood. Can Sylvester Stallone lead the people to safety? What do you think?  It was a flop, but it did have elements of THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE in it.


I have NO IDEA what this is. I never heard of it until I came across the poster for it. Clearly it is ripping off AMERICAN GRAFFITI and HAPPY DAYS...and possible beach movies?  The tag at the top, "It was fun in '61," was not so subtly designed to remind you of GRAFFITI's "Where were you in '62?"  And "Flash back to the happy days at surf city high"? Ha! Shameless.  It's probably crap. I'd love to see it.


I have no idea what this flick is. I just got the poster for the nicely done crime scene artwork.


A friend of mine remembered this movie fondly and i tracked it down for him. We watched it and...I wasn't impressed and neither was he, seeing it all of these years later. It seemed to be a sort of WAIT UNTIL DARK knock off with a blind Mia Farrow instead of a blind Audrey Hepburn as I recall (but I could be wrong). I shouldn't have bothered getting the poster, but...


I've never seen this flick, but it's grindhouse reputation was enough to bid on this poster---which I got at an amazingly low price. Followed by the sequel PREACHERMAN MEETS WIDDERWOMAN. I'm NOT kidding.

and MANIAC (re-release combo):

I paid a bit too much (I think) for this poster, considering the extra folds running up and down it's center portion. But I had to have it. I totally dig William Castle. This movie is just so-so...but this poster uses completely different art than the poster for the first release. The co-feature, MANIAC, is an old Hammer thing.


After visiting New Orleans in 2015, I decided I HAD to have one of these posters...and I tracked one down. I paid about what I paid for this one (maybe a little more?), but that one was in a bit rougher condition than this one is supposed to be in.  Of course, then I saw the movie. It wasn't really a "horror" movie. It was more like a police procedural. Whatever. It is still a sleazy but sweet looking poster and they are not that easy to find.


I already have a copy of this poster---but have never seen the flick. It looks like a knock-off of BEWITCHED (even using the name in the ad copy) and I DREAM OF JEANNIE...and it stars the original choice for captain of the USS Enterprise, Jeffrey Hunter. I'd love to see it.


I've never seen the movie, but have always liked this poster. For a while, I was trying to track down all of the posters for films Raquel Welch was in ( I still need FANTASTIC VOYAGE at the very least), but realized I'll never hang them up. I have too many cool horror titles I'd rather enjoy on the walls.  But I am glad to finally have this title.


Okay, so this is not much of a finale to my current new acquisitions thread. However, this IS the most recent thing I bought. You are shaking your head, don';t deny it. A Lou Ferrigno Sinbad movie? It's got to be AWFUL! I am sure it is, too (Haven't seen it). That is the point though. I love my cheese and I really would like to track this movie down some day. I have a LOT of SINBAD posters---those made in "Dynamation" as well as other obscure ones. I needed this one to go with them. Did I already have it? Possibly, but I don't think so. How bad is this? Anyone ever see it?

And that's about it. So go make like David Hasselhoff and have a super duper groovy summer.

Thanks for visiting.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. It's time for another batch from the "classic collection", posters I had long before I ever started posting about them.  Ready? Here we go-go!

BLACK XMAS (remake):

I don't think I ever bothered to see this remake. I got this poster from the theater. They just arbitrarily had a bunch of posters in a bin that said "FREE". I dug and didn't see much...but a horror flick? Yes, I'll take it. Thanks!


This movie is a guilty pleasure of mine. I love my EXORCIST ripoffs in a big way. But this one has extra perks in it for me. Not only are Juliet ("Nanny and the Professor") Mills and Richard "The Haunting"/"Zombie") Johnson in it, but there are plenty of exterior shots of San Francisco and Sausalito from back in the day (including the freeway along the Embarcadero that is no longer there). And hey, as an added bonus, there is a prologue by Satan himself as he sets up the action on the screen. Ha! Warner Brothers sued but LOST! Thank goodness---because that opened the door to lots of other knock-offs. Hooray!


This is not a true sequel. The only thing this film has in common with the original is the child actor who plays the little boy in both films. This film is really called "SHOCK" and was the last horror film directed by Mario Bava. It is an interesting little flick, but by repackaging it as a sequel to BEYOND THE DOOR probably earned it more box office than it would have gotten otherwise. I liked the similar-but-different newspaper ad over the poster that featured the boy morphing into the demonic cherub shown below. For years I searched for a poster version of the ad...but I have never seen one, so I guess they were never made. There was a BEYOND THE DOOR III that went straight to video. I saw it a zillion years ago on VHS. It was about some possessed train or something like that. It was disappointing. Waaaagh! Maybe some day there will be a Part 4 or a remake? Ha.


Ha! This movie MUST be a hoot. It looks so cheesy and dated. The "Street" Girls! The Strip Joints! The Drug Addicts! The "Art" Models! Every vice you ever thought of...and some you never knew existed! Too funny.I had this hanging in my guest room at one time. My friend Ricki came and I had taped her name to the plexiglass cover announcing her as the star. Ha!


I bought this poster as a gift for my brother. He was a big KISS fan and KISS is apparently featured in the film and is featured on the poster. When he moved, he left everything behind more or less. I reclaimed it and should put a new poster in its place.


Possibly David Lynch's masterpiece. I loved this film when I first saw it. I watched it recently and wasn't that thrilled with it (of course, my mother was watching it as well at that time, so...). I have both styles of the poster--but this was the one I came across now. The other will turn up eventually.


The 10th FRIDAY THE 13th flick set in space. I liked it okay, but still do NOT understand the motivation of coming to Earth to pick up Jason's body to haul off somewhere else in the galaxy. If they knew who/what he was, you'd think they'd have a clue that he was bound to come back to life and kill again. Ha!  Still, the poster is okay---certainly it is better than MOST of the posters that came before it.

CASINO ROYALE (remake advance):

I was skeptical about Daniel Craig's debut as Bond, but this film (and the ones that followed) was AWESOME. I prefer this advance poster over the final release version (which I do have also). I'm so looking forward to the NEXT Bond flick. Whoo hoo.


This was such a savage and shocking idea for a movie. I totally dug it---but the idea behind it is so frightening. Jeepers.


I saw this movie when I was about 13 or so (on a double bill with Cheech & Chong's Up In Smoke). I was bothered by all of the drug stuff in UP IN SMOKE (our next door neighbors were druggies---and there were a few too many scary incidents related to them), but fell immediately in with the story in THE WARRIORS. It was great, very suspenseful and I really liked it. The poster was impossible to get and I tried for years to get one. Imagine my surprise when I opened a box and realized I already had one. Ha!

Okay---that is 10. Time to get these old bones up and out of this chair. Thanks for visiting.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hello, it's time for another look at some of the posters I had before I ever started posting online. I thought, for this one time, it might be nice to post these "classics" alongside some classics of literature (that never existed). That was probably a dumb idea (it IS a dumb idea, actually). At the time I collected these images, was a fun idea. So, just to use them up, here they are.

Now on to the posters....


I really like this image they used for HALLOWEEN II. I have kept it framed...  I used to have it hanging in my bedroom several years ago, but it now resides in a closet. Oh well. It may go back up eventually.


I dig this fun, creepy, nightmarish poster. Too bad NOTHING like this happens in the snore-inducing movie.


Jamie Lee Curtis, who appeared in this fresh from her success in "HALLOWEEN", apparently refers to this film as "Disco Death" (I read that somewhere). Whatever. It is still fun (and unintentionally funny)---and way better than the remake. See: Jamie Lee as a disco queen strutting her stuff on the dance floor!  See: Leslie Nielsen in (one of?) his last dramatic roles before becoming a full-time funny guy ("Naked Gun", "Repossessed", etc.)  See: Jamie Lee Curtis fall for the most boring and wooden male lead in horror history and find yourself actually hoping he gets killed. Followed by 3 unrelated (except they all take place at "Hamilton High") sequels and the dull remake.


Aside from the fact this poster is for a namesake Go-Go "cousin", why is this poster framed?  I would occasionally deck out my house with winter themed posters in the winter months. I've stopped doing that. This poster remains framed though because I can NOT get some of the screws in the back loose. GRRR!. Whatever. Here is a winter BEACH PARTY ripoff ( the BEACH PARTY series had it's own winter flick, SKI PARTY) that featured musical acts you've never heard of.


Normally, I would never have bothered buying a CREEPSHOW 2 poster (probably). I received one as a gift, although it was not in the best condition (folded an extra time or two). I bought this as a replacement and stuck in a frame when the friend came to visit. I can NOT get the screws loose on the back to change it out. So it sits in the closet...


I raced to see this when it came out, having loved PEE WEE'S BIG ADVENTURE so much. Yeah, I was disappointed. Hmm. Oh well. It had its moments...and Pee Wee did have a talking pig named Vance. Still, I dig Pee Wee. This was hanging with the BIG ADVENTURE poster in a guest room at one time. Now it sits in the closet.


This is a great poster that conveys what the movie is about---and it's just a photo from the flick with a startling tag line. We are going to eat you. Classic horror/gore flick. This used to hang in my bedroom, but for now it is stuck in a closet.


I love the movies (and posters) of the 70's disaster era. I had this hanging in my dining room years ago along with AIRPORT '75 (my favorite). I later swapped out '77 for THE CONCORDE: AIRPORT '79 (second favorite--so bad it's funny). Now it just sits in a closet. AIRPORT '77 was the first AIRPORT flick I got to see in the theater. Why wasn't there an AIRPORT '81 or AIRPORT '83 etc.? Waaaagh!


This isn't much of a poster (just a faint shot of Faye Dunaway's face)--and it was hard to photograph (This was my best attempt...sorry for the flash glare, etc.). I won tickets to the opening night of this from a local radio station. I had to have my mother go with me as I was only 13 at the time. But my mom and I loved this movie. It's more of a suspense thriller than a true horror flick.. But, yowza! Such an interesting movie (to me). From a story idea by John Carpenter (before he was anyone famous really---this came out in August 1978, before HALLOWEEN debuted).  I know it is pretty much forgotten today and even then it didn't have much of a reputation---but Mom and I both found it suspenseful and shocking. I guess I just saw it at the right time in my life for it to stick with me. The poster lives in my closet though...


The big budget (well, sort of) reboot of the original GODZILLA...complete with Raymond Burr reprising his role of a reporter covering the story. I saw this at the drive in. It wasn't great---but was okay. It was the LAST cinematic appearance of the Big G on US screens until the awful Matthew Broderick version that appeared in the late 90s. I've been trying to track down all of the GODZILLA posters between the original and this one. I only have a few left to go (including the It's-So-Expensive-I'll-Never-Have-One original poster for the original flick.  This is a nice poster if not the greatest movie.

And that's it for now. Thanks for looking. CHEERS!
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!