Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 358975 times)

Offline erik1925

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Shawn, I think you can rest assured that studio style onesheets are not reprints or any kind of reproduction. There is at least one thread here on APF that discusses a bit of the history them and the NSS style.  thumbsup.gif
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 01:42:53 PM by erik1925 »



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Shawn, I think you can rest assured that studio style onesheets are not reprints or any kind of reproduction. There is at least one thread here on APF that discusses a bit of the history them and the NSS style.  thumbsup.gif

I can show you (Shawn) an NSS & a studio style of the same title when you are stinking up my office
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 03:38:37 PM by » is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there all.  Thanks for visiting. I'm still on my vacation, so I apologize for not responding sooner.

BENJAMIN:  Thank you for stopping in and saying hello. Glad you like some of the posters. I, too, wish THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE was in color . Drat it all. I saw your BEDLAM poster when you posted it your GORGEOUS BODY STEALERS poster. I didn't want to say anything then...but I can not wait to get mine framed as well.

HEPCATPUNK Hey, BRIAN!  Thanks for visiting the thread. A BRAIN collection is a cool idea, Share it with us if it comes to fruition. I'd love to see what titles you unearth. CHEERS!

CHRIS: I'm telling you, you are either my long-lost son or evil (and crazy younger) twin. Wonder SLITHIS powers activate! (You won't get that reference, but it amuses the hell outta me). Congrats on the SLITHIS. Glad you also liked the BRAIN/DIE, BETTER OFF DEAD and HOUSE/SS posters as well. It's always nice to see you hear on the thread.

JEFF: Thanks for the calming words. Perhaps NSS posters are more desirable than studio posters?  Whatever---I'll eventually pick an EFNY poster (NSS or studio) and go with it from there.

,,, when you are stinking up my office
I probably DID stink up your office. I was sooooo hot and sweaty today.

That brings me to this...  As I said, I am still on my little vacation. I'm in Las Vegas currently and today I had the amazing pleasure of meeting our friend Rich (MoviePosterBid.Com). Rich was kind enough to chat for a while, show me his amazing, poster-packed warehouse, and share some of his treasured personal collection with me. How super fab!  Here we are below with a peek at his warehouse:

Thanks again, Rich---and thank you everyone else who visited.


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Offline Damomac

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I hope you purchased a few wares off Rich when you were there - i know you said no more poster buys for a bit but surely this one time could you just have broken that rule a little bit

Great to see members for APF catching up in the flesh - next time i am in the states i must meet a few of you

Enjoy your break mate and Rich get that next auction going, looks like there are a few to sell in the background haha  thumbsup.gif
- Damo (An Aussie Movie Poster Lover)

Offline erik1925

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Looks like a fun visit, Shawn.

You look to be towering over Rich. Did you overtake him and flee with armfuls of posters?  ;D
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 12:40:45 PM by erik1925 »



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it was nice to have you over Shawn. Too bad you didn't have enough time to look for stuff to take home (aside from picking up your auction wins)

and darnit, I showed you all that other stuff.. I forgot to show you a studio & nss poster side by side is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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DAMO and JEFF, as much as I would have liked to, I did NOT go shopping. I didn't have time to shop. I had friends back at the hotel waiting for me to get back. I was only there about an hour.

RICH: No worries about not showing me the NSS vs studio comparison. I can do that with my two ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK posters.  But, again, it was a great pleasure to meet you.

Thanks for visiting.

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we packed a lot into that hour! is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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RICH: Thank you again for letting me visit. It was a great experience.

I am back from my trip (which was AWESOME!). I've worked for a few days, now I have a few days off. Today I went and picked up the spook show poster I had framed at Michael's for 70% off--which was still CRAZY EXPENSIVE! Crap-O-Rama!  It looks STUNNING...and it's so BIG. I was planning on putting it where my TERROR IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE poster is---but I need to get bigger nails/hooks. It just ripped the other one right out of the wall. But it looks incredible.

I am still taking a break from poster postings for the summer...but while I was out (April 27 - May 5th), I had a few things i had snipes on close. UGH!  Here they are (just to get them documented and out of my hair). I also didn't realize it, but when I bought that ROGUE ONE poster (back on my May 1st post), it came with 19 (!) other posters. Most of them I'll get rid of (EXPENDABLES 3 anyone?), but I'm including a few others from the batch here because---why not? But this is by no means a regular poster posting. It's a clearance posting if any thing. I'm not even going to bother to comment on them...except maybe the last two. Take a look or don't bother:

THE MUMMY (2017 remake advance):





AGENT 0038-24-26 (aka A RAVISHING IDIOT snipe retitle 40x60):


FLESH GORDON (British quad):


I already have one of these, but am glad to pick up a spare. The movie is a low-budget regional rarity NOTLD rip-off that played the drive-in circuit for a while in the early 1970s. There is a DVD available of the only surviving copy of the film here. (Did that link thing work? Hope so.) It's not anything great--but the poster is cool. (Here's the link that did not work: )


Another spare copy. This is the movie that introduced me to the bizarre film making world of DORIS WISHMAN. I had been looking for a copy of this poster for more than a decade (did one even exist?) when one popped up one day and I made it mine. For the longest time, it was the only copy I had ever seen until my recently dead friend's collection started showing up. I passed on his copy as it had red ink writing on the back that bled through. Then I spied this copy. Ooooo. The movie is crap...but amazing in its own craptastic way. And the poster is RARE (obviously) so i snagged this copy. Glad to have it.

Okay, that SHOULD hopefully be the last stray posters i have to post until i come back with my regular poster posts in the fall (well---except for those random posters in that lot of 20 I'm not going to even bother with...). From here on out, i am focusing on my WANT LIST,  which i have posted below. It's kind of a mess (I just copied/pasted from my drafts page I keep it on).  When I come back, i HOPE to only have posters from this list (which, if you read it, you'll see there really is a lot of wiggle room). In fact, I already snagged one of the titles on here I'll save to share in the fall when i come back.

Posters I still NEED:

Mighty Joe Young (original film original release)

The Day The earth Stood still

Freaks original release

Ilsa: The Wicked Warden

Olga's Girls
Olga's dance Hall girls (?)

Have Rocket Will Travel

The Terror (better copy without censor stamp)
Batwoman (NOT "Wild World of the Batwoman")

Colossus of New York

Whatever happened to baby Jane?

The Undead

Body Snatchers (Karloff)
Louisiana Hussy (NO censor stamp)

The Blob (original)
The Birds

Army of Darkness
Attack of the 50 ft Woman
Robinson Crusoe on Mars

Island of the Alive (color?)
From Hell It Came

Blackenstein (aka Black Frankenstein)
Beast Must Die
JDs Revenge

Deadly Organ

Satan's Cheerleaders



Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living And Became Mixed-Up Zombies

The Incredible Shrinking Man

Mole People

Various 1950s/1960s 3-D posters I do not have yet
House On Haunted Hill (original)

John Waters movies
David Lynch movies
David Cronenberg movies

Scream Bloody Murder (Gore-nography poster better copy--no censored stickers)

Ed Wood posters (Plan 9, Bride of the Monster, Glen or Glenda, Orgy of the Dead, etc.)

Frankenstein's Daughter

Deep Red
Argento's Dracula 3D

Aztec Mummy series (Momia Azteca)--original Mexican/Spanish versions and English
       The Aztec Mummy
       Curse of the Aztec Mummy
      Aztec Mummy vs the Robot

60s peplums/Hercules-type moviesI don't have yet

Giant Monster movies ( Tarantula, GIANT BEHEMOTH, etc.)

Tarzan posters (pre-1960)

Childhood Productions posters I don't have

Have Rocket Will Travel

Pippi posters

Sleepaway Camp
Don't Go In The Woods (?)

Exorcist ripoffs

SEYTAN (Turkish EXORCIST ripoff)

I Walked With A Zombie (original)
other vintage zombie posters

New Adventures of Casanovas (no "the" apple)

Classic AIP

Maletestas Carnival of Blood

Vintage horror from beginning up thru 1965 that I do not have yet.

House on Bare mountain

Carnival of Souls (color version)

Vintage Karloff, V. Price, Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney (jr / sr),

Classic Universal horror (Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman, Invisible Man, Creature from Black Lagoon series) I don't have yet

Godzilla original, and various sequels I don't have yet, etc. (GODZILLA,, MOTHRA, WAR OF THE GARGANTUAS/MONSTER ZERO, DESTROY ALL MONSTERS, , TERROR OF GODZILLA)

H G Lewis ( , Color Me Blood Red, etc,)

Andy Milligan ( The Body Beneath,  etc.)

Oz flicks

Future posters:

John Waters films
James Bond films
Halloween films
Friday the 13th films
A Nightmare on Elm Street films
Texas Chainsaw Massacre films
David Lynch films

That's it for now. Stay groovy. If anyone can give me words of advice on hanging my spook show poster---I'll take it.



« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 08:13:51 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline eatbrie

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That's quite a want-list there!  thumbsup.gif  Good luck with that.

I personally stopped with want-lists a long time ago.  I see something I want, something that fits my collection, I get it, but I don't search for anything.  I don't have time anymore.  If I get more than 10 items on a specific subject, then I start a collection.

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I know the list has many impossible things on it (Universal horror, for example). But by NOT sticking to a list, i found myself buying a lot of stuff i didn't need/can live without/will never display. I've spent so much money on stuff i do not really care for. I'd rather it go towards something I REALLY want. I don't actively "search". I'll look through current auction listings on eMovie, Heritage, or any other auction house that comes up. I have searches sent to my email from ebay so i don't have to search through all of those zillions of posters. I don't have a lot of time, either. It's just an experiment for over the summer or longer. I need to save money and focus on other stuff.  Besides, I realize that---oops---some parts of my list never got transferred over.

Doris Wishman posters
Coffin Joe posters
Completing any poster series I've started
Mario Bava posters
Anything KONG I don't have
Anything William Castle I do not have

Gimmick items i still need

etc etc etc.

Thanks for the visit.


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Offline Antoine1973

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I'm with you on this Shawn, I also like having a list.  I find it fun to have something specific to look for, even though of course I also buy a lot of posters that I wasn't necessarily searching for.  Right now my list is pretty small, as I have managed to get my hands on most of the posters I coveted for the time being, so here are the ones I'm still missing:
Dracula’s Daughter one-sheet
Attack of the 50ft Woman one-sheet
Man from Planet X one-sheet
Forbidden Planet one-sheet
Creature from the Black Lagoon 3-sheet
I Walked with a Zombie one-sheet

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I'm with you on this Shawn, I also like having a list.  I find it fun to have something specific to look for, even though of course I also buy a lot of posters that I wasn't necessarily searching for.  Right now my list is pretty small, as I have managed to get my hands on most of the posters I coveted for the time being, so here are the ones I'm still missing:
Dracula’s Daughter one-sheet
Attack of the 50ft Woman one-sheet
Man from Planet X one-sheet
Forbidden Planet one-sheet
Creature from the Black Lagoon 3-sheet
I Walked with a Zombie one-sheet

Benjamin---That is quite a list. With the exceptions of MAN FROM PLANET X and FORBIDDEN PLANET (both of which i'd love to have---but am trying to focus on horror for the most part), everything on your list is on my extended list. While I do have a few 3-sheets and few other odd sizes and a smattering of posters from all over (Italian, French, Asian, etc.), i mostly prefer US one-sheets.  But I suspect you'll have all six of these titles before I even score one of them. Good luck to you--and thanks for the visit.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline erik1925

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I'm with you on this Shawn, I also like having a list.  I find it fun to have something specific to look for, even though of course I also buy a lot of posters that I wasn't necessarily searching for.  Right now my list is pretty small, as I have managed to get my hands on most of the posters I coveted for the time being, so here are the ones I'm still missing:
Dracula’s Daughter one-sheet
Attack of the 50ft Woman one-sheet
Man from Planet X one-sheet
Forbidden Planet one-sheet
Creature from the Black Lagoon 3-sheet
I Walked with a Zombie one-sheet

Great list, Benjamin. You know how you want your collection to be and look to gather the missing pieces with specificity. clap clap


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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JEFF:  I agree. Benjamin's list IS a great list and I'm sure he'll have the items collected pretty quickly. He seems to be a poster magician. But that makes me wonder how YOU go about collecting? Do you have a list or do you just buy what strikes your fancy? Are there any particular genres, styles, countries, etc. that you are specifically looking for? I hope that's not too personal of a question. Thanks.

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Offline erik1925

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Hey Shawn,

Not too personal a question at all. Ive posted about your questions, the why of collecting, what attracts me to posters, the art, styles, US and foreign etc in a number of threads, including these:,3125.0.html,3483.0.html,4653.0.html,1942.0.html


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi. I'm B-A-C-K!  Just for a quick moment. Zowie! It feels weird knowing the 15th came and went withOUT me putting up a post of new posters. I really have not been shopping. Since I stopped just buying randomly, I have acquired one poster from my "want list" (which I'll post in the fall when i come back) and one other (below), which is kind of a cheat...because it was not on the list. WHY did i get it then? Because A) I love John Waters movies and by default, am interested in his "star" Divine...and B) I gave a little bit of money to help finance this flick on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo or something. (My name is listed in the end credits under "Perverts" in the lower right-hand corner on one of the two or three pages of "Perverts". "Shawn 'Monster A GoGo' Gadberry". Ha!) So i wanted it for that reason. I'd prefer an American one sheet---but the only one I've seen is far more money than i want to spend on it. So i got this small French one when I came across it. I'm posting it here now just to get it out of the way...

The real reason I'm on today is below. But first, JEFF, thank you very much for sharing---and for going to the trouble of putting the links on.

Okay---the reason I'm taking my semi-hiatus is, as I've said, to organize my posters, catalog them, pull some for auction and hang them. I still have a long, LONG way to go. BUT I did get some more up last night. These are in the dining room over the buffet table. Sorry for the crap on the buffet and the folding chair in the photos. The house is all torn up at the moment---so many projects. But I thought I'd share. I went very old school in there as i didn't want to upset anyone visiting who may be eating (I mean, do you really want to be looking at a ZOMBIE with maggots in its eye socket while eating a casserole of some kind? Ha!

Anyway---here they are. They may not be perfectly straight (grr), but I love being able to SEE them every time I go on there.

okay--thanks, as always, for looking. I'll be back when i have MORE updates.

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Offline Antoine1973

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Thanks for posting these pics of your dining room Shawn, it's cool seeing all these framed posters, they look great all together!  I especially like The Man Who Cried Wolf and The Unknown, I had never seen these posters before and they look fantastic.  Love seeing The Frozen Ghost (I really dig all the Inner Sanctum posters), The Spiritualist and The Bride and the Beast too.  Great grouping overall.

Offline Crazy Vick

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I agree looks awesome! The Unknown is scary as shit!  You owe me a casserole dude.

Offline erik1925

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Nice framing job there, Shawn, as well as seeing so many posters up and displayed.

You and your guests get a feast for the eyes while enjoying the feast served at the table.    pcorn


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Gentlemen! How nice of you to drop by and say hello.

BENJAMIN, I'm delighted to have "introduced you" to the posters for THE MAN WHO CRIED WOLF and THE UNKNOWN. The WOLF is my favorite of the batch in the dining room. It's not pristine, but the coloration and art are so nice--i think.  I'm glad you also like THE FROZEN GHOST, THE SPIRITUALIST and BRIDE AND THE BEAST (the one in the grouping i don't really feel fits. It's hidden in a corner though...I may swap it out for something else. We'll see.

CRAZY VICK, I'm sorry THE UNKNOWN upsets you so...but I don't cook. How about a pop tart?

JEFF, thanks for the compliment. I rarely eat in the dining room, but pass through it all of the time. Just having the posters up where i can SEE them is enough for me---a visual feast for sure.

In looking at  the pictures I posted last night, I am surprised no one mentioned "the foot" dangling in front of the BRIDE AND THE BEAST poster. Yes, that is a "foot" (in a very grungy-looking sock). It's part of prop that was supposed to have come from the old MOVIELAND WAX MUSEUM's "TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE" exhibit. The "certificate of authenticity" that came with is, I am sure, bogus. It says that it was used at the museum (which is plausible) and that it was originally in the movie and came directly from the set. That is a load of bull. I've seen the film several times since getting this thing and there are NO body parts (this is a cutoff at the waist pair of legs) in the movie. if anything, it may have come from the sequel. The pants are totally 80s---not early 70s. But i guess I'll never know. The gruesome "legs" are laying across a cabinet in my dining room... Hmm. Guess i could have gone for more gruesome posters after all. Ha!

Thanks for the visit.

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Offline Antoine1973

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LOL, you're right, I totally missed that foot in next to Bride and the Beast!  Now that you have pointed it out, that's the only thing I see in that pic...  I agree that there's no way it was actually featured in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but it's still a cool prop to have.

I see what you mean about Bride and the Beast not quite fitting with the rest of the posters, it definitely has a more "modern" vibe as it's the only poster from the 1950s in that room, and the graphics and color scheme are quite different from the others.  Still, a bit of variety doesn't necessarily hurt. 

I love Man Who Cried Wolf too, I agree that it's the best of the group, followed by The Unknown.  That last one seems pretty rare, where did you find it?

Once again, congrats on framing all these beauties and hanging them together!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi BENJAMIN! Thank you for the return visit. I've got to jump in the shower, but i have a moment to respond to your posting.

I'll get a few photos of the half body thing later and share, if you'd like. That's another "dumb thing" I didn't need and regret buying. What does one do with a fake half of a body with dubious origins? NOTHING! So it sits atop the cabinet... Hmm.

Like I said, THE BRIDE AND THE BEAST is tucked in a hard to see corner. I may change it out or not...depending on what I come across as I wade through my stuff. It's not a bad fit...just not a perfect fit. But that I look at them further MAN WHO CRIED WOLF doesn't really go with the group's 1937. Too OLD. Ha!

I love Man Who Cried Wolf too, I agree that it's the best of the group, followed by The Unknown. That last one seems pretty rare, where did you find it?

That last one... I'm guessing you mean THE UNKNOWN as it is the "last one" you mentioned. (Or perhaps you mean the "last one" in the grouping, THE BOOGIE MAN WILL GET YOU?). I just looked through my saved "receipts" (screen shots of auction pages). I found THE UNKNOWN on eBay (BOOGIE MAN was on eMovie). By the way, WOLF was also an eBay find. That one was a steal...almost literally. It was $60 and I used my first-ever eBay Bucks to get it cost me really only a few dollars. That's one of those happy / lucky accidents.

Okay--I'm running late. Thank you again for your visit. You have such amazing posters of your own...I'm honored you like some of mine.


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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi. I'm back. i just popped on to show/share the half torso prop of dubious origins.  This first picture is the obviously bogus letter of authenticity. While it MIGHT have been part of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre exhibit at Movieland Wax Museum, it was in NO WAY part of the original film. The 80s sequel, possibly...but even that is questionable.

Here's the half-torso prop:

It's obviously a half mannequin..not some latex or foam rubber creation. The visible "skin" has been painted a grayish blue.  One leg is broken off at the knee and gone (it did not come with the other foot). The other leg is also broken off at the knee, but is part of the prop.

The yellow "guts" are clearly some sort of foam substance. There is damage from handling/moving/time here and there, but it is still in pretty good shape...just DUSTY.

Why I believe it COULD have been in the wax museum is because it was clearly bolted to the floor (to prevent theft? HOW could you possibly steal a whole pair of legs? Hmm).  The first shows a bolt through the surviving leg. The second picture shows a bolt coming out of the butt.

And, as I said, the pants on it are clearly 80s...NOT 70s. Take a look:

I have no where to put it, really. So it sits atop a cabinet in my dining room. Dinner is served? Ha!

So there you have half-roommate!  Ha!  It would be groovy if it really did come from the old wax museum...and if it was also a real prop from TCM2. But whatever.

I hope everyone is well.


« Last Edit: May 23, 2017, 11:04:03 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi. I'm back again...but this time I have questions about hanging posters on the wall.  I have a few spaces that, for the sake of symmetry, cry out for posters. But I have furniture which blocks the space partially/ i need to know what you would do. Leave the space blank or put up a poster and have it be obscured.

Here is the living room issue:

On the right side I have a prominent place for a poster that I will hang in a larger frame. My pinball machine (when it is finally re-assembled and up on its legs) will partially obscure it---but that's not what bothers me. i'm okay with that.

It is the opposite wall i have a problem with. The TV covers much of the wall area. On the fireplace wall, i wanted to put another poster in a large frame to complement the one I'll hang on the opposite side and on the window side, keeping with what i have on the other side of the windows (ATTACK OF THE PUPPET PEOPLE and WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST), i was going to put up TWO posters in smaller frames.

My bedroom has similar issues. There is a space for a poster on either side of the window. I've put up one on one side...but the other side is hidden behind the highboy bureau. (which also obscures the other wall where I was going to hang a row of posters as well). It's hard to see, but the highboy is at an angle.

On the wall opposite the window, I have a similar situation as I do in the living room. My bedroom TV covers area that would make a great wall for posters.

So---HELP!  Would you hang posters behind these things and let them be obscured or leave those areas bare? Or possibly there are OTHER creative suggestions I haven't considered?

While I'm here, I'm going to just throw this recent poster up. I do have a collection of Disney posters--not many. I felt compelled to buy this mirror re-release poster...but then, realized, i didn't need it. Just throwing it up to get it out of the way. I'm doing well in NOT buying except for stuff I "need". The Disney thing was a sort of "need"---for the Disney collection--but I should have passed. Otherwise i now have TWO posters for my return in the fall. (Usually by now I'd have at least 10 or 20 or...)

Anyone who can help me with the poster placement dilemma, i'd appreciate it.

Thank you!


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