Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359002 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1900 on: February 10, 2024, 09:15:47 PM »
Okie! It is always such a great pleasure having you stop by the thread.

I'm glad the Cannibal Girls did not really eat Eugene Levy.  Eugene's an international superstar! 

I still haven’t seen CANNIBAL GIRLS, but what? They don’t actually eat Eugene Levy? Not even a part of him? Shocking!!!! Then what the hell good are the “warning bells”? Waaagh!

I fly home in a week (17th). I still have that dumb thing I got you a long while back. I will try to get it in the mail to you soon. Cheers!
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Offline okiehawker

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1901 on: February 10, 2024, 09:54:21 PM »
I don't want to spoil the ending for you, Monster.  I was just saying thank goodness Eugene Levy didn't get eaten in real life!

Okie! It is always such a great pleasure having you stop by the thread.

I still haven’t seen CANNIBAL GIRLS, but what? They don’t actually eat Eugene Levy? Not even a part of him? Shocking!!!! Then what the hell good are the “warning bells”? Waaagh!

I fly home in a week (17th). I still have that dumb thing I got you a long while back. I will try to get it in the mail to you soon. Cheers!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1902 on: February 10, 2024, 09:58:00 PM »
I don't want to spoil the ending for you, Monster.

Ok now. I was just being silly. No worries. Ha!!!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1903 on: February 11, 2024, 02:36:15 AM »

Hi there! Yes, I am B-A-C-K! And I’ve been bad… I’m NOT even back home yet (I’m still visiting in California until next Saturday.), and yet here I am with another Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. Oh my…
(Uh, in my defense, I do have to point out what will become obvious as we work through these, that they are far (FAR) from being some of the more interesting posters I’ve scored of late. In fact, as you’ll see, these are certainly very bottom tier posters (and were CHEAP). However, I was thrilled to get them (lover of trash flicks that I am).  But let’s not dilly dally. I need to get to bed at some time tonight…and the lights are dimming. Quick! Grab a seat. The show is about to begin…

I have one of these already (otherwise it would be further down the list). Why get another? At the moment, I do not recall the particulars, but I do recall my copy had issues that I was not fond of. A replacement was needed and it didn’t take me nearly five million years to find another. On the contrary. It took hardly any time at all.


I am reasonably sure I have this Italian CONAN THE BARBARIAN ripoff already. It was cheap and I as trying to get another poster from the dealer. To make postage cheaper, I thought I’d go for it. I lost the other poster but ended up with this and the one below. Isn’t that always the way? Ha! No big deal. I dig my ripoff trash flicks.

Here’s the other poster I won but didn’t need. Like the THOR one, it was cheap. I’ve never seen the flick—and heard it wasn’t all that great. But look at that interesting cast! Rachel Ward, Adrian Zmed, Daryl Hannah, Joe Pantoliano, etc. Ha! I’ve seen the poster a zillion times. It’s not bad—I’ve just never had an interest in getting it.

Okay. Laugh away. I am rather bemused by the fact there is a new prequel (!?!) to THE OMEN. I believe this is an advance. Hopefully there will be a final poster with more interesting art. I’m a sucker. I’ll go see it — and I’ll expect it to be awful. I’ve seen all of the OMEN movies (including the pointless remake) and the short-lived TV series, DAMIAN (which I actually liked). I’ll gladly see this too. But a prequel set in modern times?? Uh…that won’t work, I don’t think, in the context of what the film series has presented so far. We will see…

THE BEES (International):
Here is one I have been passively after for a long while. It’s the international poster for THE SWARM ripoff, THE BEES. Unfortunately for THE BEES, Irwin Allen’s big budget insect disaster flick had no sting at the box office and was a huge flop-o-rama. THE BEES kind of disappeared in its wake. The US one sheet is lame—-sort of a close up of a bee’s face. This one has laughably bad art (To me, it looks like some kid in middle school drew it.), but that’s also why I’ve wanted this version.

Did I need this? No. But I liked the colors, I liked the artwork, and I like the film. It was also cheap. (I had NO IDEA, by the way, that the movie had recently been re-released. Such is the sheltered life I lead on my island in the cold Pacific Northwest.

This hasn’t come out yet, but I am not expecting to like it. I liked the poster. It was cheap. I’m not gonna bother with the final release version. I may not even see the movie. I know, I know… It’s by Diablo Cody, who wrote and won an Oscar for JUNO. I get it. However, JUNO is precisely WHY I may pass on this flick altogether. Yes, JUNO was funny. But Oscar worthy? I wasn’t that big of a fan of JUNO because every character (the teens and the adults, even the older adults) all sounded like the SAME person. They all had the same exact snarky wit about them. To me, that got tiresome after the first half hour or so. I hope that LISA FRANKENSTEIN does not fall into the same trap. But then again, as I said, I probably won’t bother.

DON’T RING THE DOORBELL (aka THE MAFU CAGE re-titled re-release):
Ha! How utterly excited I was when I came across this poster. It’s a retitled rerelease of the odd Carol Kane/Lee Grant flick THE MAFU CAGE. While I am sure I have a copy of THE MAFU CAGE poster (However, I do NOT see one in my poster blog. Perhaps I got one before starting it?), I wanted this poster because it just makes the film look more cheesy and more exploitative than it is. DON’T RING THE DOORBELL. Ha! Hilarious title and I love the font. This movie seemed to show up all of the time in my town under the original title, under this title, and once under the name MY SISTER MY LOVE. (Is there a one sheet for that? I’d love to track it down.)

Whoo hoo!! Although I got the advance one sheet for this 80s holiday slasher throwback, I was thrilled that there was a final release version, too. I honestly did not expect one. I enjoyed the flick for what it was. It was NOT as good as the fake trailer it sprang from, but it was still a nice attempt at making an 80s slasher-style flick based around a holiday.

I had never heard of this flick—and it only came out last fall. Did it play all over or just in a few venues? I came across the poster and snatched it up. I actually bought two copies—all the seller had. I was just so intrigued by the image. Unfortunately the posters got a bit damaged in shipping. (GRRR.) However, I kept them as I have not been able to find any other copies anywhere. Most curious. Still, it is an interesting image…

And… that’s my ten for this time. Now to get back home to Washington so I can deal with them all… Ha!
Stay groovy.
(Poster) Addictedly yours…

PS Oh wait! I forgot to share my latest movie poster-inspired mail art with you. Here’s a sample:

If you’d like to see the latest mail art offerings, click
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hello! Welcome back! Yes, it has been a while since we were last here together. As you know, my buying power has been significantly cut in recent years and what funds I do have left are getting exhausted. Quickly. I tell you that to prepare you for another less-than-stellar edition of the SHOCK-O-RAMA POSTER SHOW. O' there are a few pieces I am really pumped about. The rest are sort of... eh, you'll see. (It's not like I haven't posted poster turds before...) Come, grab a seat and take a look if you'd like. The show is beginning now...

AMITYVILLE (video series posters):
The following four images I am lumping together as "one poster". They're all 11x17 (a size I don't usually bother sharing). They are also for some of the lowest-budgeted "films" (ahem!) you will ever see. Yes, they are all AMITYVILLE movies. As Amityville is a town and cannot be copyrighted, anyone can make an AMITYVILLE movie--and several non-talented bozos have given it a shot and shat them out. I've seen almost all of them. I feel compelled to--even though it is torture getting through most of them. (Of the four direct to video AMITYVILLE posters below, I have seen one, have two more, and am cointemplating buying the fourth.)  I got this group of posters though, just for curiousity's sake. I'd never seen any posters (of any size) for the non-theatrical  (apart from "AMITYVILLE 1992: IT'S ABOUT TIME and AMITYVILLE: NEXT GENERATION back in the VHS days) "movies" before.

This one is one of the ones I have, but have not seen yet. I'm sure it is utter crap--as the glut of these recent AMITYVILLE flicks are. Micro-micro-budgeted, I have to pace myself and only watch one every few months or so... (But by then, another half a dozen or so will have popped up!)

This may be one of the worst "films" in the AMITYVILLE series. (The worst that I've seen so far would have to be AMITYVILLE HEX.) This one is truly about a killer toilet...and also has a JAWS-inspired plot. This was soooooo hard to get through. (But AMITYVILLE OUTHOUSE--Yes, one really exists-- was even worse...)

I haven't seen this turkey yet. I think I am thankful for that. Hmm.

This is the one I am thinking of buyung and is the poster that got me to purchase this set. I'm sure it's just as much dreck as the others. What stupidity will they dream up next? Does it matter? Slap AMITYVILLE on the title and I'll be compelled to see it. Blah!

THE STEWARDESSES (Special Edition):
ARGH! I am sooooo mad at myself for buying this. Why? BECAUSE I already had a poster for the film--the colorful original release poster. When I bid on this, I wasn't sure I had one. Drat! This one is a different style, though. But still... I did NOT need it. The film, for those who do not know, had a very unusual release. It did not go out of release for years, but was continually changed over the course of the time it was in theaters. Things were added (This appears to be the X-rated version with insert shots added.) or removed (3D) throughout its run. It made a mint and launched the sub genre of sexy stewardess movies.

"Are mental parients turned loose too soon?" I'd never heard of this 1957 melodrama until I came across this poster. The tagline was fun. The poster not so much. Guessing the film isn't all that great either.

This is a very funny movie. I've been passively looking for a copy for years. I'll never hang it up, but I wanted to add it to my collection. Unfortunately it is folded (There were rolled copies as well) and has an extra fold line. Grrr. It was inexpensive, so... SOLD.

Hooray! I've been passively looking for this one sheet for the 1970 Mario Bava flick for years as well. It's not that hard to find, but for some reason I keep "missing" it. It's not the greatest poster ever, but--it's for an Italian giallo classic. Another title off of the list...

This has nothing to do with Edgar Allen Poe despite saying it's his story, quoted bit on the poster, and using his title. Filmed as and released elsewhere as WITCHFINDER GENERAL, AIP slappped the Poe stuff on to fool theatergoers into thinking it was another of their Poe adaptations (which also usually starred Vincent Price).Not the case. Although the knock-off movie, MARK OF THE DEVIL, that came 2 years later is probably more well known (mostly because of it's marvelously exploitative ad campaign, stating the movie was the "first film rated V for violence" and the vomit bags that were handed out to all theater patrons), WITCHFINDER GENERAL, er...THE CONQUEROR WORM is the superior movie. I am fairly certain I already had one of these, but in the moment this was available, I wasn't sure. I snagged it just in case.

THE INVISIBLE BOY (1973 re-release):
I have one of these already, but when a cheap one comes your way--why not another? I have no idea if these posters are worth anything or not. It is a re-release, but it also features Robby the Robot! I've never seen the flick. It's probably horrendous, I'm guessing. Whatever...

I'm pretty sure I have/had one of these at one time,. However, as I recall, it was pretty sun faded when I got it and , in the back of my mind, I've been watching for a better copy. I didn't really need this and know I'll probably never display it, but... it's E.T.!!!

While not as nice as the British quad version, this French poster for the film is head and boobies, er...shoulders better than either the original or 80s re-release posters for the US release. Although 3-D is not mentioned, the image of the impaled Udo Kier and the guy reaching in through the window allude to 3-D.

FROM HELL IT CAME (3-sheet):
WOW-zer! I've been after a one sheet for this flick for ages. They have just always slipped my grasp and gotten too expensive. When this 3-sheet came along, I was thrilled. I'm not really a fan of the size, but I do have a few. They tend to be more reasonable, price-wise--and I had tried to get others in the past. This one, while not perfect, became mine! YOWZA!

And that is my 10 for this post. Nothing too exciting, as I said, but I thank you for joining me once again.
Until next time, whenever that may be...
Oh wait! I keep forgetting... If you'f like a gander ar the latest batch o' my movie poster-inspired mail art envelopes, the link is HERE:
The image below is a sample.


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Another interesting batch here, MAGG.  I didn't know about the Amityville and sexy stewardess stuff.  I think I'll steer clear of the Amityville and check out the stewardess films someday.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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NEO: Yes, steer clear of the Crap-O-Rama AMITYVILLE flicks. They really are god awful. The stewardess movies…. Aside from the one (which had a 3D blu ray release), there are many! Not all are very good. (Most probably are not very good—including the one I have the poster for..). Proceed with caution!
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So many movies I have never heard of.  Thanks for bringing them to light.

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- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Really? That many? The AMITYVILLE movies I hardly think constitute real movies, but the others were new to you as well? Hmm.
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ET, Frankenstein and Spinal Tap, I know.  The rest not.

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- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

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I didn't know about those different Amityville films - the Bigfoot one looks fun!

I really like the art on 'From Hell it Came' - I had to google to see if the creature in the film looks like the poster...

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Really, as pricey and hard to get as the one sheet is for FROM HELL IT CAME is, I  thought more people knew about it. The tree monster is one of the all-time silliest!. Don’t count on AMITYVILLE BIGFOOT being any good. The poster is fun, but…
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Death Toilet and Night Runner seem to belong together in title, though perhaps not in budget?!  Monster, you are amazing in what poster images you find! It is interesting to me that many of these low budget films have actual art that was done for the posters.  How cool is that?! Peace, and long life, my friend.  Okie

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Okie! Okie! Okie!!!
Nice to see you sir, and I’m glad some o’ my silly paper resonates with you to a degree. Stay tuned. I should have a new post in a day or two. Oh my!!! Hopefully there’ll be some fun things you like in that. Cheers!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hello. Welcome back. Today's offerings are...rather unexciting for the most part. As I've said many times before, my poster-buying power has been greatly diminished. I fear my post-buying days are wrapping up, too. The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show may be finally coming to a close in the near future. For now though, here's the latest of what I have to share with you today:

This was a fairly cheap poster--but supposedly rather rare? But really, it's not much to look at. I bought it because... I remember when this obscurity came out. Although I never saw it, it appeared to be some low-rent ANIMAL HOUSE wannabe. I was always curious... I bought it on disk (with THE CHEERING SECTION) on a clearance sale for old CODE RED products. (I guess that company went out of business?) I haven't watched it yet as I read the disk was taken directly from two very badly worn VHS sources. Oh well. I'll get to it someday. Maybe. The poster will go in a drawer. Whoopie...

STAR WARS (Trilogy re-release 1997):
I came across a STAR WARS auction not too long back. I've never been a big STAR WARS fan, but I know others I buy it is I deem it affordable enough. It turns out i alreadu had this 1997 re-release poster of the "special edition" version of the trilogy. I remember when this came out. The films were released one month at a time. But they STAYED. I remember driving next to a theater with four screens in town. The large marquee out front made me laugh. STAR WARS was in one theater. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK in another. RETURN OF THE JEDI in another. On the 4th screen was FOOLS RUSH IN. That I found pretty funny.

STAR WARS (DVD rerelease 2004):
I hadn't seen this poster for the trilogy/original film before and picked it up inexpensively. It turned out to be for a DVD release. Oh well. It will just sit in a drawer anyway...

Although I am no STAR WARS fan, I did manage to see all of the movie. The prequel series was awful (I saw the first one in the theater...didn't catch the other two until years later on DVD.) I thought these three flicks were just awful--with this one possibly being the worst of the three. (At least the Jarr-Jarr character wasn't in it... Was he?) These teaser sheets--I knew I had 2 of the 3 (for parts 1-3), but didn't have time to look to make sure. Unfortunately, it turns out this is NOT the one I needed. Oh well...into the drawer it goes.

I'm not sure what to expect from this vampire ballerina girl movie. It probably won't even play here anyway. But... It wasn't that expensive.

No, I have not seen this yet...and it seems doubtful it will ever play on my island. (The lone theather seems content to play the new GODZILLA/KING KONG, GHOSTBUSTERS, and DUNE sequel forever...) But the reviews on it seem to be more or less positive! I really like the OMEN series--even if they have gotten worse and worse as they went along. The first was a masteriece of horror. The second was campy fun. The third was a bit tedious. The 4th was a stillborn abomination. The remake was unnecessary. The TV series (DAMIAN) I thought had great potential and was disappointed it was cancelled so quickly. I am glad that this new movie seems to be putting the series back on track.

I remember the TV series this was based on--and actually remember seeing this in the theater. (I could probably tell you which auditorium of which movie house I saw this in, too!) I don't know why my movie-going memory is so strong for this flick--when I couldn't tell you a thing about the movie itself (other than I became perculiarly aware, during the credits, that Rae Dawn Chong was in it. I'd known that she was around, but up until that time I hadn't really seen her in anything that I was actually aware that she was in. I was most curious to see if the daughter of Cheech & Chong's Tommy Chong could act or not--or if she was just trading on her dad's name.) While I don't remember the movie, the poster is fun. This was cheap. Why not?

JUNGLE WOMAN (re-release):
How fun! Yes, this is only a re-release poster, but hello? It's for the goofy, piece o' low-rent TARZAN-wannabe trash, JUNGLE WOMAN, starring the one and only ACQUANETTA! Ha! Evelyn Ankers and J. Carrol Naish also star.

I was very surprised--when I looked it up on my blog--that I didn't have this poster already. I might have it, having gotten it before I started the blog. Just to be sure, I snagged this copy. THE VAMPIRE-BEAST CRAVES BLOOD (the film) is a rarity. I've never seen it. Apparently the "vampire beast" is a Deathshead moth that has been experimented on so that it can transform into a young woman to lure her victims in, which she drains of blood in her moth form! Faux Hammer shenanigans starring Hammer faves Petter Cushing and Robert Flemyng. A quote from Poe on the poster may also be trying to lead you to believe it's another Poe adaptation? Rated G! CURSE OF THE BLOOD GHOULS is maybe better known here as SLAUGHTER OF THE VAMPIRES, a black & white Italian shocker--also Rated G.

UGH! This is a love-hate purchase. LOVE because how many decades have I been after this? TOO MANY. HATE because it cost me sooooooo much money (and is only in "good to very good" condition). It was just one of those times where you just yell "F------------------" at the top of your lungs and bid because you know you'll never have one otherwise. Damn! I love me some John Waters...and this is probably my favorite of his films. I write this (in early April), my birthday is less than a week away. This year, I feel like hell and will NOT be going anywhere to celebrate. This poster is my "celebration".(Now early May--I have it and it's already in a frame!)

That's my 10 for this time. I have a few posters (nothing exciting) held back for next time (if there is a next time). I hope you'll come back then. Before I go though, just in case you are interested, here are some MORE of my faux movie poster-like mail art envelopes I've been making and sending out.

Here are links to the last four posts (NOT shared here before):

Okay--once again, THANK YOU for visiting. Until we meet again...

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Well done there, Shawn.  I can't say I know much about most of these but I like your writing about them.  Congratulations on Female Trouble.  Mr. Waters sure is a character, maybe I'll check out this movie someday.  The Animal House knockoff is fun artwork, although I don't know if I could sit through the movie, definitely not on some low quality VHS rip haha.  You're not the first person I've heard say they hated the Star Wars prequels, but still bought their posters.  Something about being a completist I guess.  I hope this isn't your last post here and you're doing OK.

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Well done there, Shawn.  I can't say I know much about most of these but I like your writing about them.  Congratulations on Female Trouble.  Mr. Waters sure is a character, maybe I'll check out this movie someday.  The Animal House knockoff is fun artwork, although I don't know if I could sit through the movie, definitely not on some low quality VHS rip haha.  You're not the first person I've heard say they hated the Star Wars prequels, but still bought their posters.  Something about being a completist I guess.  I hope this isn't your last post here and you're doing OK.
Hi there! Thank you for the kind words, although I realize this is one of the lesser posts. FEMALE TROUBLE is jaw-dropping (but does wear down by the end, I think). It is my fave Waters movie, as I said. KING FRAT has decent reviews on Amazon. I still haven't seen it yet, as I really dread watching the low-res, VHS-copied DVD I have. I'll get to it eventually...  STAR WARS--never really a big fan. I just buy the posters, when affordable or a "bargain", just because they are so collectible. I've shared before that I had a chance to buy the original poster for only $25 as a kid, but I passed on it for other posters instead. What a dummy I was. Ha!
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Monster, Monster, Monster!!!

The size of the dot looking printing pattern on the girl on Frat Rats looks gigantic?!  Is that an optical illusion or are the dots really that big?  Wild!

I used to watch all that stuff on TV, like Tales from the Darkside. Shows like that were hard to find sometimes in small town America, as they were syndicated and showed up late nights, weird early morning hours, or not at all.  When we lived in the state of Alabama for a few years, that is when I first got to see Macabre Theatre with Ivonna Cadaver (Natalie Popovich) on syndication. I really liked her show and wish she was prominently broadcast nationally.

Ghouls to you, Okie

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Yes, the image IS that pixilated. Cheap ass poster for a cheap ass movie. Still want to see it--eventually.
Macabre Theatre? New one on me. (Christopher Lee hoted a bad Eastern Euto anthology series called Theatre Macabre (just the opposite), but I am fuessing it is different.
Thanks for visiting Okie. Did I ever mail your "thing"??? Hmm. You mat have already told me is you did.
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Hi Monster,

Yes, I sure did receive the cool Gene Tierney paper dolls you sent to me.  I think we texted a bit about how I'm going to display them with my Gene Tierney collection. Thank you again, my friend!  Okie

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Hi Okie!
I THOUGHT you’d gotten it, but wasn’t sure. I’m glad I finally got it sent. I also apologize for all of the typos in the previous note. My stars. How appalling my typing can be. Oops! Cheers!
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