Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 358944 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I agree. "CARRIE" has held up really well. The clothes and hair not so much...but the overall movie is still awesome. Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie are both brilliant. They deserved their Oscar nominations for it.

Yes, I think Scott would be glad I'm getting his stuff.

Thanks for the visit.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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It's a mini-BONUS post. What's the occasion? I just did something REALLY STUPID!

I got home tonight with an email telling me I had won an auction I only vaguely remember seeing online...but have ZERO MEMORY of ever bidding on. It was for a LITHOGRAPH (Grr... WHY didn't I notice that when I bid? I must have just woken up or something and was still mostly asleep. Lithograph is just a fancy term for COPY!!! UGH!!!) of the Bela Lugosi flick MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE.  The ONLY bright spot in this (if you can consider giving up a large sum of money for something you do NOT want) is that I believe I had bid the minimum bid...and NOT the estimated amount it was expected to garner. I was the ONLY bid apparently.  It's 40x30 (a size i do not collect) and apparently in excellent condition---but it's still just a COPY!  What the heck am i going to do with it? GRRR.

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Offline Dr Bill

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Don't feel bad - I almost pulled the trigger tonight on a lobby set I already own. I have far fewer pieces than you do. How the hell do you remember what you already have???

Offline erik1925

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MAGG, had it been a stone litho measuring 27x41, I would have said you scored BIG TIME!!

But lithograph doesnt mean "copy" or "reproduction." After stone lithography went out of vogue in the US due to cost, in the early-mid '40s, for the most part, it was replaced with offset lithography.

So it being a lithograph isnt a bad thing. The size indicates that its a later, commercial repro.  ;)

But Ive always loved this poster imagery..... so a thumbs up is still in order (from me, anyhow)  thumbsup.gif
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 01:04:34 AM by erik1925 »


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey DR. BILL, thanks for the visit. I buy stuff I already have all of the time. OOPS! I need to organize my stuff--make a spread sheet or whatever.

JEFF, I misspoke. I know the difference between stone litho and regular litho. This is such an old title and this is clearly a "newer" poster---hence, litho in this case clearly means reprint.

Ugh... why am I awake already? Didn't i just go to bed? Argh. Gotta get to work. just pains me to think that it took one whole long 12-hour day to pay for that stupid print. GRRR. What was I thinking?

Thanks for stopping by.

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Offline Chris9000

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Sorry to hear you ended up with something you didn't want ( I feel like this happens to you a lot :) ), but that is one iconic image that I've always loved...gorgeous print, repro or not.

Offline erik1925

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But its a beauty, nontheless, Shawn, and the color reproduction looks very spot on, too.


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi JEFF and CHRIS. Yes, it is attractive...but it's just a repro none the less. NOT for me. A very stupid and expensive mistake...

But thanks for coming by.
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Offline StarryKat

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Hi Shawn!
I just read almost  all... *checks*45 pages on your thread and I enjoy reading your comments and the wide variety of posters you share! Are you all unpacked now? Have you been making notes in a spreadsheet as you go along? I did recognise a few titles popping up at different times so I wondered if you'd started selling any of your duplicates? I was sorry to hear the news about your friend Cary but such a coincidence that his items ended up coming to you. I think he would like that you own various pieces of his beloved collection now.

Have a lovely weekend and it was a joy to see you going through what great vintage paper you have. I'm still giggling over Thar She Blows! I

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey STARRYKAT! You deserve some sort of prize or medal for wading through my thread. I hope it wasn't too long winded. THANK YOU very much for saying hello. Glad you got a laugh out of THAR SHE BLOWS. I'm at work now (shhh! Don't rat me out.) so I have to be quick (consider yourself lucky--Ha!). But, NO!  I have not been able to unpack. For whatever reason, I have been bombarded with company. In fact, I have a guest coming for two weeks starting Wednesday. My mom is also coming for a two week my guests will over lap for a couple of days. I'm glad I have two guest rooms for that to happen. I've so much to do (unpack, go through my posters, write an article I've done all of the research for, etc.), but can't because my friends keep coming and coming to visit. It's like I live at a hotel. Ha! SOMEDAY I will get to them...

I also do think Scott (or "Cary'---but I never got used to that name) would want me to have some of his collection. He would trust that it would be safe and taken care of.

Thanks again for visiting. My door, er...thread, is always open. Come on by again.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I know we are just a day  or so away from my usual 1st of the month poster update, but I have a few posters i recently framed to share. I know the videos are not popular---that is OKAY. You do NOT have to watch. (However, there are a few posters in it that I have NOT put up on my thread yet. Just an FYI in case you'd like a preview-a-go-go!)  If you click on the link below the video, it will open in a different window and be bigger on your screen. Watch or don't:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

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Offline erik1925

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Shawn, what's the Youtube channel (name) that your videos are all included in?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 01:00:16 AM by erik1925 »


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Ha ha ha... You WOULD ask. Um...well, it's "Freak Show", but all of the poster videos are "unlisted". They will not show up under the channel name. There is also another channel of mine called, "Monster A GoGo". Except for the poster videos (and the recent Fake Jan Day video), they are pretty dead channels. I rarely use them.
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Offline erik1925

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Sorry for asking......

Was just curious.

Carry on.


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Kind of embarrassing...  Never mind.
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Offline Crazy Vick

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Satan's Satellites looks awesome framed!  Thanks for sharing    thumbsup.gif

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Thanks for bothering to LOOK. I'll be back tomorrow with my usual first o' the month posting. I hope all is well in CRAZY VICK Land.  CHEERS!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1117 on: February 01, 2017, 12:05:57 AM »
Happy February! Brrrr!!!  No snow here, of course...but it has been mighty cold and WET!

This is a hodge podge post...of auction wins, leftovers from the emovie Black Friday sale, and more things from my dead friend's estate (see my January 15th post if you don't know what I am talking about)..


I realize I have one of these already. This was an upgrade. I saw this flick in the theater...but think it might have been super hero-y...which may account for me remembering NOTHING of the movie. (Superhero flicks are a big turn off for me.) Anyway, another bargain hold over from the eMovie Black Friday sale (as is the one below).


Here it is. At last, STEVE's life story on the silver screen. This just "looked interesting" and was a cheap why not? Never saw the flick. eMovie Black Friday strikes again.


Another tidbit from Scott. No idea what this flick is though. Cheap.


I'm not usually a collector of video posters, but i figure the WIZARD OF OZ market is pretty big. I might be able to turn a buck or two down the road for this. From my friend Scott's collection.

Another OZ-related poster (this time, an ultra-low budget kiddie matinee sequel that is beyond awful). Prepare yourself for this one. It's so packed with thrills "you'll be OZified!" Another from Scott.


Harry Novak's company, Box Office International, has a slew of these hillbilly-themed softcore nudies that played the drive-ins for years. Titles like "Sassy Sue", "Country Cuzzins", "The Pig-Keeper's Daughter", "Midnight Plowboy" and "Southern Comforts" and their respective ads in the newspaper, had me so curious as a kid as to what these movies were like. I saw a few years later on Something Weird Video and eventually started collecting the posters. I already have this one--as I found out just a week or so AFTER buying this when i started going through my old boxes of posters. I've never seen TOBACCO ROODY (the movie) though.


I think i stated before I would love to get my hands on more of the ANDY WARHOL movie posters. This one for FLESH is very different than any I've seen before. it's Australian and at only $20 i thought it was too good of a deal to pass up. From Scott's estate.

CARRIE (British quad):

Forget the remakes (theatrical and TV), the original CARRIE is a classic. Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie truly deserved their Oscar nominations for their incredible performances. I already have the US one sheet, but this quad was different and i went for it. This also turned out to be from Scott. A lot of his posters have escaped me--but that is okay as I've only bid minimal amounts on them. I just can NOT buy everything that was his...and, by now, I have way too much CARRIE. Ha! (Hmm... i wonder if, down the road, any of you will be saying things like "This was from Monster A GoGo's estate"? Creepy to think about...)


I think i already have one, but it doesn't hurt having a spare. Isn't there supposed to be ANOTHER remake coming soon-ish?


OH MY STARS!!!!  I am SO EXCITED about this one. I have been after a FLESHPOT ON 42ND STREET forever. I found this at some smaller auction online---thank God!  If it had been anywhere else, I'd have paid a lot, LOT more for it.  It's distributed/produced by William Mishkin (I have a collection of his posters---such a notoriously cheap/exploitive producer). Better yet, it was directed by the incomparable (and INCOMPETENT) Andy Milligan (director of such sleaze as TORTURE DUNGEON, THE RATS ARE COMING THE WEREWOLVES ARE HERE, and BLOODTHIRSTY BUTCHERS). A young Harry Reems (under a different alias and without the porn stache) is in this flick along with a bunch of nobodies. What a joy for me to get. Yahoo! And this turned out to be from Scott also--which I did NOT realize at the time I bought it. I am sure he would have wanted me to have this. He would ask now and again if I had scored one yet.


I am mad at myself for this one. I paid too much for the condition it is in (but really, it's only the borders that look shabby)...but it's an ED Wood (written by) poster. Too many times these have slipped through my fingers. I just flipped a bit. Ooops. As Wilma and Betty used to say, "C-H-A-R-G-E it!" (Not a good habit to fall in to, but I have. Oh my...)

And now, let February happen!  It's the month of love (and groundhogs). (But not necessarily together. EEEW!) Have a groovy time and enjoy it.

Stay warm!


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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1118 on: February 02, 2017, 12:08:14 AM »


Did you see your shadow this morning? If you did, I believe that means you'll have 7 more weeks of great poster hunting. Hey! How fab! Happy groundhog Day!  Love any reason to why not celebrate Groundhog Day with a bonus post? And to get things started, we have...


I saw this movie a long while back. i don't remember much other than the day kept being repeated over and over and over...but I wanted the poster because, for a while, I was posting posters with all holidays by my front door (NEW YEAR'S EVIL, MY BLOODY VALENTINE, HALLOWEEN, etc.) I needed a GROUNDHOG DAY!


Silly cannibal flick I saw sometime last year. It's a fun way. I like my cannibal flicks, but this one is laughable. Towards the end, deep in the remote jungle in the cannibal village, cars can be seen driving in the background. Ha! I'd love to have this poster in English, but don';t think that will happen. So, I'll just stick with this Canadian poster in French.


A Nazisploitation flick poster.... I could have done without it, but it was cheap. From Canada but in French.


Along with the cannibal movie poster and the other Nazisploitation poster, I picked this up largely because it was cheap.


Ferlin Husky? Who is he? He is featured in two other posters I have--LAS VEGAS HILLBILLIES and HILLBILLIES IN A HAUNTED HOUSE--but beyond that, i have no idea who he is. I got this poster largely because I recognize it as a Something Weird title. But I have never seen it.,


I have one of these, but this was cheap and in really decent condition---sold!


I knew NOTHING about this movie before buying this poster. I've since looked into it---not seen it, just read up on it--and it sounds like a big piece o' crap with more nudity than violence/blood shed (Attention Steve!). The reviews I've seen are mostly negative... But that is OKAY. I still think the poster art is incredible. That's why i bought it the instant I saw it. Zowie! It's so cool.


Yahoo!  I scored another of those wonderful old VINCENT PRICE / A.I.P. Poe horror posters. THE HAUNTED PALACE is a great poster and, in addition to Vincent Price, also features LON CHANEY and DEBRA PAGET. Awesome.


I already have a copy or two of this notorious JAWS rip-off (Universal sued over copyright infringement...and WON! I was lucky enough to see this in the theater the day before it was yanked from the theater). I didn't need to spend the money on this copy, but I couldn't let it go so cheap either.

JAWS 2 (Red Advance):

I already have a copy of this poster---but this one is in ultra pristine shape...C-9, according to Heritage Auctions...but that is the confusing part. This is a rarer form of JAWS 2 poster in c-9 tri-fold shape that I got for less than the one that sold on eMovie just before Thanksgiving (in not as nice shape as this one) that Heritage sold--not in their weekly auctions, but as a Buy It Now on eBay for less than I even paid for my other copy (also not in nearly as nice condition). WHAT!?! It had obviously just been posted---it had 29 days and many hours left to go. I didn't take a chance and just snagged it while the snagging was good. There were already several other "watchers". Not as rare as the other poster (with the artwork used on the soundtrack album of the shark coming up on the small sail boat with a young teen guy in the water and his panicked girlfriend in the boat), but still quasi-rare. Whoo hoo. I'm so thrilled to get this.

And now, go out and get your groundhog on!  (Whatever that might mean...).


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Online Tob

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1119 on: February 03, 2017, 06:06:26 AM »
I just wanted to say that I always love checking your thread, Shawn. Obviously for the handsome and interesting poster images, but also for your infectious energy, humour and interesting notes on each purchase. Keep it up please, I'm a big fan.

Groundhog Day is an interesting one - it's a great example of a pretty poor design which I can happily ignore as I'm so fond of the film. My brain just overrides the design and tells me "you must acquire that poster one day as it pleases you". I've also always liked that poster for Great White...very good.

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1120 on: February 03, 2017, 08:19:45 AM »
I just wanted to say that I always love checking your thread, Shawn. Obviously for the handsome and interesting poster images, but also for your infectious energy, humour and interesting notes on each purchase. Keep it up please, I'm a big fan.

I'm a big fan too!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1121 on: February 03, 2017, 08:42:55 AM »
TOB Thank you for such kind words. Zowie! I needed that this morning.  I agree with you on the GROUNDHOG DAY and GREAT WHITE posters. Thank you ever so much for stopping in and leaving the note.

BRUCE !?! Kowabunga! I am HONORED that you even know my thread exists. And may i just say that while i do shop other auction houses, eMovie is hands down my super fave. Terri and Joann are marvelous to deal with. I just feel so comfortable on your site. I wish I could buy EVERYTHING! Thank you.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 08:44:11 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline BruceH

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1122 on: February 03, 2017, 08:30:12 PM »
BRUCE !?! Kowabunga! I am HONORED that you even know my thread exists. And may i just say that while i do shop other auction houses, eMovie is hands down my super fave. Terri and Joann are marvelous to deal with. I just feel so comfortable on your site. I wish I could buy EVERYTHING! Thank you.

I have read every one of your threads and really liked your comments. It reminds of my early comic book days in the 1960s when EVERYONE in the hobby had a true love of comics, and we talked for hours about the artists and the characters, and hardly anyone ever talked "value". But I never commented because I didn't want it to seem like I was trying to suck up to you, because you are a regular customer.

I only commented now because when Tob said "for your infectious energy, humour and interesting notes on each purchase" it captured EXACTLY how I feel about your posts. Please keep up your frequent posting, and if you ever encounter any trolling or negativity, just completely ignore it!
We ( hold 2,500 to 4,000 auctions every four weeks.
We have auctioned more movie paper for more money (in real sales) than any auction in the world.
We have the longest continuously running auctions of any auction, with over 1,914,280 to date from over 3,192 consignors.
See all of our current auctions in one gallery here:

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1123 on: February 04, 2017, 08:43:19 AM »
BRUCE, thank you so much.  I appreciate what you said. Sometimes I feel like I've overstayed my welcome...and then people like you and TOB pop up and keep me going. I LOVE my movie posters. Thanks for visiting.
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Offline brude

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1124 on: February 08, 2017, 12:10:17 PM »
I just wanted to say that I always love checking your thread, Shawn. Obviously for the handsome and interesting poster images, but also for your infectious energy, humour and interesting notes on each purchase. Keep it up please, I'm a big fan.
