Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 358949 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey there Chris9000/FilmArmada!

Thanks for popping by. it has been a while...but it's always a delight to see you. Thanks for the nods to some of my new acquisitions. That makes me feel a little more...I don't know...poster-y? I've kind of been feeling "out of it" lately. Anxious to see your updates on your thread...or in the New Acquisitions thread. Glad to see you.

Thanks for the visit.

PS Just because I'm still in my funk, here's a peek at two other posters (not very stellar, but...) I recently got. I was going to run them with my Aug. 1st post...but, eh...why NOT just post them now? They're not worth the wait...


I'm not sure where this poster is from. It's in English, but has no NSS info or rating. The poster is for the same movie that was released here as THE HANGING WOMAN (a copy of which I got not too long ago). Although this poster clearly has some issues, it is the only copy I've ever seen. I've been watching it for months---and the dealer finally put it on a 50% off I bought it. Lame poster...but...


I've long wanted a copy of this mondo movie poster. Never saw the flick--never wanted to. I was in a mondo phase briefly during the VHS era and  watched a bunch. For the most part, I found them slow and dated and several had a lot of clearly faked scenes in them. BRUTES AND SAVAGES has a brutal reputation, though...but I'm done with mondos for the most part (still want to see Ari's fave GOODBYE UNCLE TOM which i have in an unwatched DVD collection of mondo flicks).

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Offline erik1925

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Cool Brutes & Savages, there, Shawn! I particularly like the top scene, showing the impending battle between the alligator and the armadillo. The winner could be a toss up.  ;D

And that Return of the Zombis is also an eye grabber. Love the imagery. That is one poster that would look even more killer, if restored and those fold lines made a bit more invisible. But I like it just as is, too.  thumbsup.gif

Congrats on the snags!


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Brutes and Savages...  clap clap clap clap

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Zowie! Color me surprised. I thought I would be the only one who liked BRUTES AND SAVAGES ("in fantastic brute sound!"). The artist was a little TOO into alligators/crocodiles, but whatever. It's still a cool, savage and brutal poster. Thank you both JEFF and TED for stopping by and giving it a mention.

As for the RETURN OF THE ZOMBIES poster...yes, as i originally mentioned, it has some issues. It could do with some "help"/restoration. Then again, it's wear and tear give it a grindhouse look that is kind of appropriate for this kind of poster. I'll consider letting it have a "face lift" down the road and/or will keep my eye out for a better copy (but as i said before, this is the ONLY copy I've ever seen). Glad you like it. Thanks.
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hello there.

Oh my stars!  It's already August? How did that happen? (Well, I am really writing this on July 18th, so...I'm still a ways away.)  Did anyone bid in / watch the Heritage 'Signature Auction this past weekend? I will have been at work that whole weekend (Remember, i am writing this from BEFORE the auction), but I already have some snipes in on 5 things. I doubt I'll win any of them--but if, unfortunately, I DO win them, they SHOULD be listed below. ( 7/31: I actually DID end up winning some. EEEK! Now I have to (gulp...) PAY for them.  I sniped some since I was working that weekend--as usual--not expecting to win anything, but also hoping I would/wouldn't win something. Fortunately the two things I wanted the most I was outbid on. I believe I was the 2nd place bidder for PLAN 9 FROM OUT SPACE...which, with fees, went for several hundred over $2,000. Yikes!  I couldn't afford that. My wins were costly--but not THAT costly.) I hope YOU won whatever you were hoping to get.

BTW, I recently posted a mystery poster...RETURN OF THE ZOMBIES. I say mystery because, although in English, I have no idea where the poster came from. As I said, here the movie played as THE HANGING WOMAN. I just noticed that the title is missing the E in ZOMBIES, making it ZOMBIS...which is the Italian and Spanish spelling. I believe the movie is originally from Spain (it features Paul Naschy), so perhaps this was a country of origin poster printed for English speaking countries? It's a not a great poster, but it makes me curious...

Okay...FINALLY! Here is my usual post-a-rama. Read it or DON'T! (Definitely do NOT hold your breath. I've not had much luck lately --with the exception, I guess, of the Heritage auction wins--and have just not been "feeling" it at all. Oh well... My slump will hopefully end soon... Now on to the less than groovy poster offerings for the first half of August):


I think I probably already have this, but I'm not sure. Why did I get it? I have been collecting the posters for the BLOOD ISLAND series of films from the 60s and 70s. I have most of them, with the notable exception being the first--BRIDES OF BLOOD. The series proved profitable for the distributor and every Halloween season they had a BLOOD movie in the theaters for several years. When the Filipino-based BLOOD movies dried up, the distributor attempted to snow the audience with faux BLOOD-titled movies in their place. BRAIN OF BLOOD is one of those faux BLOOD ISLAND films as is this movie, HORROR OF THE BLOOD MONSTERS.

Here is the bargain basement trailer for the film. So cheesy--better than the movie. The movie was one of the final nails in the coffin for the BLOOD series as it was such a rip-off. It was some bad black & white movie, tinted in various colors (so they can say the movie is "in color") with color wrap-around scenes produced by Al Adamson that try to tie in with the original movie.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


Another thing I'm also not really sure WHY I bought it. I already have (at least) one copy. But with the NIGHTMARE series, you can't go wrong with collecting for down the road. The older the poster in the series (especially the first three??), the more desirable. Right? I don't know. I shouldn't have got it--but it was cheap-ish.

NIGHTMARE (International version):

Not really attractive--or horrifying, this is the international poster for the low-budget cult slasher NIGHTMARE that, on the original US ads, tried to imply that effects wizard Tom Savini had done the effects---and promptly got sued for that...causing a slight alteration. The movie is not all that good (or memorable. I saw it in the theater...forgot what happens. Bought the DVD and watched it...and still do NOT remember much about it. Ha!). The US poster is pretty badly done (A screaming woman and an arm reaching up from no where... Huh?). I have a copy (or two or three or...) of the US version, so i thought I'd snatch this unusual International version as well. I know... WHY?, right?


I already have a copy. ARGH!  I saw this for roughly the same price as I paid for my other copy 10 or 15 years or so ago...and snatched it up. To all of those "watchers" out there, you snooze--you lose!  But man, o' man...I really need to STOP doing that. I'm not only a collector--but with these repeat buys all of the time, I really am becoming a poster hoarder. EEEK!  However the poster is in gorgeous shape---MUCH NICER than the copy I've had for years. Zowie!


Oh MAN!  I only wish I had become aware of this movie earlier---I really want to see it. I think it came and went already--while I was on my road trip. Dang!


It's British Quad time. I have a string of new quads starting with this peplum/sword & sandal (or, as I call them, "Hercules movies"...even though Herc isn't in either one) double feature quad. LAND OF THE MONSTERS is a re-titling of something...but I'm too lazy to bother looking it up. REVENGE OF THE GLADIATORS was called the same thing here. I didn't need this poster, but I do like my old Hercules-type movies...especially when they have magic, fictional worlds, or MONSTERS (as the first feature apparently does). How fun.


Okay--I admit it. BEYOND THE DOOR is a guilty pleasure favorite of mine. Sort of a hybrid ripoff of both THE EXORCIST and ROSEMARY'S BABY (Warner's sued...and LOST!) and filmed in/around San Francisco in the mid-70s, it's a cheesy, bizarre Italian romp with lots of puke and other weirdness. While the British Quad isn't that exciting (the face on the woman is kind of horrific), what excited me (lover of gimmicks) is that this quad (there are similar quads that omit this blurb altogether--why bother?) advertises that the film is "The ultimate in audience involvement through VIBRASOUND! You will definitely quiver with fright." For YEARS I've been searching for reference on a US poster with a similar blurb. When it toured the US, the film was promoted as being in "4-quad POSSESSISOUND". Zowie! The British VIBRASOUND is probably as close as I'll ever get to POSSESSISOUND. That added tag "It is strongly advised that persons with a nervous disposition do not see this film." is a nice added bonus/touch. Ha!

SHIVERS (aka THEY CAME FROM WITHIN) and RABID (British Quad combo):

Here is an unexpected little pick up, a British quad combo for two of David Cronenberg's 70s horror flicks. Although I never cared much for RABID (Marilyn Chambers and her vicious armpit "penis" didn't work for me--but the poster image was pretty awesome), SHIVERS (which I saw as a kid in the theater as THEY CAME FROM WITHIN) I thought was creepily, nauseatingly brilliant. EEK!  Sexual parasites!!!

FORBIDDEN ZONE (French small affiche):

I stumbled on this movie back in the 80s as a video rental---and was just in AWE of it. What a strange little movie. It wasn't until years and years later (the original place I'd rented if from lost it---so I was never able to rent it again)
when I finally tracked it down on DVD that I got to see it again. It didn't hold up to what I remembered it being--but it was still an influential movie (to me). I don't think I've ever seen a US one sheet for this movie---but the poster art is the same as the VHS box and the soundtrack CD. YIPPIE that I got it.

SON OF DRACULA (1957 re-release British Quad):

This poster has several issues I'm not too keen on (as can be seen in the photo), but it's a cool poster and re-release or not, how much in the way of classic Universal monsters do I have in my collection? Virtually NONE. So I could NOT resist. This is a good candidate for restoration---something i may very well consider once i am back home in my house and have more time/space for my posters.


Oh my stars! I have a folded copy of the A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS poster and have long been half-heartedly looking for a better, rolled copy. It never seemed to happen. The real dream was the 3D lenticular version---which I remember being dazzled by when I first saw the poster (the first movie poster lenticular I had ever seen) at the theater when I went to see the movie.  The lenticulars are so rare and so utterly out of my price range...I never thought I'd have one. Thanks to my crazy high snipe, one became mine. YIKES! How am I going to pay for it? But oooooo....I am super thrilled! I know my final price was outed elsewhere on the forum...but remember I bid LESS than the final price. (The final price includes the buyer's premium). This is, i believe, the 2nd most I've spent on a poster (right behind my 1957 re-release of KING KONG that I got last year). Dang! What was i thinking...?


Wow! Another poster I didn't expect to win. While it's not a great poster in itself. What it represents to me is that I am inching closer to the old Universal Monsters. (In the Heritage auction, it was even grouped with the classic monster posters they had up for bid.) When the monster sequels died off, many were spun off into Abbott and Costello comedies. So this is a step or two passed the Universal Monsters (which i will never be able to afford/get) posters in a way. Now i just have to be stressed out about paying for it... But---it';s mine. Golly.

That's it. Now, just one more month of summer to get through (I am sooooo DONE with the heat already). Stay cha-cha-cha groovy! Thanks for visiting.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 08:38:02 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline eatbrie

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Nice Nightmare lenticular.  I actually thought of bidding on it, but didn't because of the Southern Cal. weather.  I've had a couple lenticulars melt in the past, become all sticky because they were exposed to 90+ temperatures.  So no more lenticulars for me.  I don't know where you live, but make sure you keep it in a cool environment.

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

Offline erik1925

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Nice haul there, Shawn. The AC Meet Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, Devil Within Her and Dawn of the Dead, all especially nice. And I agree with you - the face of the woman on the DWH quad is truly creepy. It really caught my eye, the first time I saw one of these for sale, a year or so ago.

More demonic possession at its finest, looks like.   >:D


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Good morning. Thanks for visiting the thread.

THIERRY: I know how fragile lenticulars can be. I had one destroyed while being shipped in the mail to me. UGH! I do have several (15 or 20 +) of them.With the NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS lenticular, I think I've satisfied me collection. If I come across more at reasonable prices I'll snatch them up...but at this point I have the ones I truly wanted. (NIGHTMARE, LOST WORLD-JURASSIC PARK 2, MONSTER HOUSE, etc.)  One of my favorites is a very under-rated's the TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D lenticular. Although it does not move like the gif below does, if you walk back and forth while looking at it, you have a similar effect. Lenticulars are just so cool...or can be.

JEFF: I'm glad you like a few of my pick ups this month as well. Thanks!  I do like my possession movies, so I really am excited about the VIBRASOUND version of the DEVIL WITHIN HER/ BEYOND THE DOOR. DAWN OF THE DEAD is a classic poster. And the A&C MEET DR. J has really grown on me. I wanted it---but now I am in love with it. Thanks for looking and leaving a note.
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Offline eatbrie

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I don't think the Chainsaw Massacre is underrated.  It's a cool piece which is unfortunately associated to a terrible movie.  Imagine if it was for the original, even as a re-release.  It would be much more in demand.  Heck, I would want one yesterday.

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

Offline brude

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Another nice haul of cheeze, sleaze and film oddities.
Love 'em all, Go-Go, especially Forbidden Zone, Son of Dracula and A&C Meet Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. Thanks for coming to re-visit the thread.

THIERRY: Agreed. It's a case of when bad movies happen to good posters. TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D was a mess. The best part about it was the scenes from the original transferred to 3D. WOW! Why didn't they just transfer the whole original film to 3D and release that? I'd have been there to see it.

TED: WHERE did you go? Hibernating, were you? I'm glad you liked some of the posters, especially the SON OF DRACULA. I was unsure about that one because of its condition... But I have very little classic Universal horror (re-release or not) and I like the color scheme.The bulk of the poster/image is okay though. I don't know much about British quads, so I probably paid too much it. But I DO like it so. I'm thrilled to get it..
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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It's BONUS POST time again...but this bonus post can easily be skipped. Why? It is filled with nothing but CRAP I really do not want/.need that I picked up in the lot sale on emovie recently. WHAT WAS I THINKING and WHY did I bid? UGH!  Will i never learn? There were some interesting tidbits in the lots (and I'll save those for another time), but by and large I got nothing but JUNK! Here, barring multiple copies, is the dregs of my recent lot acquisitions. SKIP THIS POST NOW. Do NOT waste your time. You have been warned....


Really? Someone wasted there money on a movie on Moses when THE TEN COMMANDMENTS was still uber popular? Snore.


WHY? This looks like it probably didn't make its promotional budget back.


A cute enough movie...but a bland and boring poster.


I ask again. WHY?


Robert Hayes had a job in this movie version of a 2 minute novelty song. I didn't bother to see it. Did anyone?


Looks like He-Man wanna be kiddie sci-fi crap.


I actually wanted to see this movie. i had the soundtrack CD and it was cool... But the poster is boring.


I already have one somewhere (I think). NOT that I needed the first copy either, but...


I was never a Stallone fan. (Or a Jack Palance fan either).




UGH...a World War II movie...almost as dull as a western. EEEK! Run away.


Did I need this poster? Does any one need this poster? UGH!


No idea.


O' the HORROR of this crap. The really SCARY thing is I already have a copy of this, CRAP!


Bland and boring poster featuring a has-been star and a movie that has already been forgotten about.


No interest.


I actually saw this movie. In the theater. It was a flop and I know why. Snore.




I prefer Old Maid.


I'm soooo NOT into martial arts posters.


This poster was EVERYWHERE in 1978 or so. Now it's no where. I'm certainly LONG over it.

And we are done. Now go to sleep and try to forget you ever saw this post...
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Offline Crazy Vick

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One of my favorite posts MAGG! 

I love postercrap, it makes me laugh, boggles my mind the money spent of such shitty flicks.  Except for Tango and Cash of course which was awesome!

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Hey Crazy Vick...I'm glad someone appreciated these bulk lot rejects. Below is the ROUGH CUT poster, which I apparently goofed up on when I originally posted. (Not that it needs to be seen...but...)

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hot on the heels of my less-than-stellar, crap-O-rama bulk lot poster post, I thought I'd redeem myself just a little with MORE bulk lot posters that are just a tad interesting (but still nothing I'd proudly save for my scheduled posts).


I generally do not collect posters for sequels--with the exception of some horror titles and others. I have the original AIRPLANE poster and the original film was a comedy classic. The sequel though...well, it was BAD (and the reason there was never a Part 3). It didn't even have the Zucker Brothers (the original's creator, writers and directors) involvement. The poster is not a winner either, but it came with a lot---so there you are.


Boring poster over all. Interesting only in that it is part of the ALIEN series. ALIEN 3 was not all that memorable... was this the one in the prison?


This poster could have been so much better. It's apparently for some schlock movie I never heard of. The poster should have been...schlockier!


80s 3D (I'm a sucker for gimmicks/3D). This was a crap movie (confusing and open-ended), but as part of a bulk lot, it's now mine (I already have a copy---of course).


The poster is a little lame...but it pretty much sums up the movie, which is a poster's job. I saw this flick (and vaguely remember it). It was a CREEPSHOW knock-off, an anthology of little horror stories. It seems like one of them was an updated version of either LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD or GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS (I'm guessing it was LITTLE RED though...). Not horrible...just not that memorable...and where is it now? Forgotten...


Did i see this? I don't even remember. But it's got big stars and is Hollywood mainstream. No big deal. (But really? Al Pacino took second billing to Keanu Reeves?)


I already have one of these, but I am delighted to have gotten this so i can post it again. This is one of those movies that is probably crap to the rest of the world---but has a sentimental place in my heart. Just before this came out, there was a big promotion for the film at the local mall. There was this big Wonderland display. You entered at one end and walked down through it. They had several characters in costume (White Rabbit, Mad Hatter, probably Alice as well, etc.) greet you as you walked through. At the end, you were given a balloon with the title of the movie printed on it. It was so neat--and I've never seen anything like it since. So yes, i BUGGED my mom to take me--which she did. I'm sure she hated it....and, although I've seen it a few times since, I don't really remember it that well. It was a musical (ugh) but did have a semi-impressive cast. Whatever---the poster alone reminds me of that unique promotional display every time I see one...and THAT is the real nostalgic magic of this poster for me.


This movie should/could have been much better than it was. Oh well...


Here's an obscurity... The original theatrical poster for the movie that launched a long line of direct-to-video sequels (in name only).


I never saw this, but it's kind of a fun poster. I do recall the ads though and this has a SOME LIKE IT HOT subplot going on with boys dressed as girls for some reason. There's al;so a very real Phoebe Cates in it too.

As I said, nothing to write home about...but more interesting (slightly) than the batch I posted last night.

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Offline brude

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Looks like He-Man wanna be kiddie sci-fi crap.

Far from "He-Man wanna be kiddie sci-fi crap."
This is the 1985 one sheet for the American release of Hayao Miyazaki's animated 'Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind."
This was before audiences over here had come to realize the genius of Miyazaki, who also created Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, etc., etc.
Nice poster, Shawn!

Offline erik1925

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Interesting mix there, Shawn.

In looking at the poster for Little Miss Marker (I like the art; it has the feel of a Saturday Evening Post cover) AND it also reminds me of the poster that Richard Amsel did for The Sting (1974), using the same central circular design and the black lines. Same font style and colors, too, for both the red title and gold credits.  thumbup


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TED: I'm afraid I've never seen anything by Miyazaki. That may be why this poster was completely off my radar. I've never seen the movie...

JEFF: I get both of your references---Saturday Evening Post and THE STING. But I know me. I'll NEVER display LITTLE MISS MARKER...EVER!  Now if it was LITTLE MISS MARKER IS DEAD or THE POSSESSION OF LITTLE MISS MARKER I'd be all over it. wynk

So glad you guys found treasures in my trash.   :)
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Offline erik1925

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I might not hang LMM either, Shawn, but I do like the look of it. I think it's a nice add. And it helps to balance out the schlock and horror pieces, maybe? LOL

It goes well with Deadtime Stories, too.  ;) 

That poster also has such a classic, 80's look to it.  clap clap
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 12:20:59 AM by erik1925 »


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I'm soooo NOT into martial arts posters.

Nice Neal Adams art on this one.
If you don't know Neal, here's some of his more popular work:

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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JEFF: I kind of like the DEADTIME STORIES poster too.

TED: Neal Adams? Are you sure? I don't see a signature anywhere. Are you just super familiar with his work?
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Offline jedgerley

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Geez louise....I had to avoid bidding on that nightmare before Xmas lent.  Glad you got it!!!!!!!!!!
And the texas chainsaw massacre. Love that one. Great stuff

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JEFF: I kind of like the DEADTIME STORIES poster too.

TED: Neal Adams? Are you sure? I don't see a signature anywhere. Are you just super familiar with his work?

His sig is just above the word 'Shadow," buried in the art.
Nice poster, man.

Offline Chris9000

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Loving the Warriors of the Wind, The Curse, and Private School paper buddy!

Your taste in schlock and blockbuster alike never ceases to amaze me.... and the rate at which you bring them in.

We are kindred souls for sure!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Geez louise....I had to avoid bidding on that nightmare before Xmas lent.  Glad you got it!!!!!!!!!!
And the texas chainsaw massacre. Love that one. Great stuff

JASON: I'm sure you already have the NIGHTMARE lenticular...and the CHAINSAW one, right? Both are super cool. I've had the CHAINSAW one for a while. It's one of my faves. NIGHTMARE has also been on my want list for years. Glad you like them. Thanks.

His sig is just above the word 'Shadow," buried in the art.
Nice poster, man.

TED: What sharp little eyes you have, sir. How did i miss it? Glad you like it. Thank you.

Loving the Warriors of the Wind, The Curse, and Private School paper buddy!
Your taste in schlock and blockbuster alike never ceases to amaze me.... and the rate at which you bring them in.
We are kindred souls for sure!

CHRIS: Hi. Thanks for popping by. I'm glad you liked some of the recent bulk lot stuff I got. The first post was stuff in the lot that I really do not want, came with it. The 2nd post was the "just okay/quasi-interesting" stuff. I've got some more of the lot stuff (and other stuff as well--of course) coming in my next regular post on the 15th. Hopefully there'll be a thing or two you like there as well.

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