Author Topic: FS - Jeff Marshall Lithographs Signed by Sir Roger Moore! GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC!  (Read 31742 times)


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Hi guys,

Some of you are aware; some of you are not:
It was through that I acquired all existing UK & European stocks of the Jeff Marshall James Bond Lithographs direct from the original retailers - SpyGuise in the USA & Solo Publishing in the UK.

I recently had a limited number of these lithographs signed by Sir Roger Moore.
They are listed on

However, I have decided to experiment a little to see how they go on eBay:
I have listed 7 lithographs - one for each movie!
Here is the link:

eBay Auctions

It would also be good to know your thoughts.

Thank you,


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Hi guys,

Some of you are aware; some of you are not:
It was through that I acquired all existing UK & European stocks of the Jeff Marshall James Bond Lithographs direct from the original retailers - SpyGuise in the USA & Solo Publishing in the UK.

I recently had a limited number of these lithographs signed by Sir Roger Moore.
They are listed on

However, I have decided to experiment a little to see how they go on eBay:
I have listed 7 lithographs - one for each movie!
Here is the link:

eBay Auctions

It would also be good to know your thoughts.

Thank you,

Adz, on the positive side, a couple of these are actually pretty decent IMHO:

On the not-so-positive side, your credibility is absolute zero around here due to your bragging about your invisible Bond collection. 

So how about explaining why Roger Moore - who is wealthy and mostly concentrates on charity work nowadays - would sign commercial posters and show us some pics of him actually signing them?


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I don't know why you are worried Mel. The auctions clearly state:

"I personally guarantee the authenticity of this item. You will be provided with a Certificate of Authenticity showing Sir Roger Moore signing the lithograph!"

jawdrop  hitself jawdrop  hitself jawdrop  hitself


Offline ddilts399

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Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.

Ted Nelson, Customer: Go on, I'm listening.

Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.

Ted Nelson, Customer: Yeah, makes a man feel good.

Tommy: 'Course it does. Why shouldn't it? Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?

Ted Nelson, Customer: [impatiently] What's your point?

Tommy: The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I seen it a hundred times.

Ted Nelson, Customer: But why do they put a guarantee on the box?

Tommy: Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of shit. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time.

Offline eatbrie

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WOW!!!  Adz FINALLY took pictures of his EXTRAORDINARY Bond collection!!!  And it comes with a Certificate of Authenticity from the owner of the GREATEST Bond collection in the world!!!  MAGICAL is the only word that comes to mind.  TRULY MAGICAL!
My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

Offline stewart boyle

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If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.


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Hmm . . .
Interesting . . .

My credibility, Mel, is 'zero' to you because of Thierry's et al lies.
Some people believe those lies without reading the WHOLE story.
Some people believe those lies without ever having spoken one word to me directly.

I reiterate the very thing that those guys got annoyed about:
I said things about a few James Bond posters.
I wasn't bragging, boasting, or whatever.
I apologised privately and publicly to each of those persons who thought I was.
Most accepted the apology, because I am a genuine guy.
However, some did not accept my apology.
Those who did not accept my apology have since acted very childishly and do not wish to acknowledge any of my answers to their ridiculous questions and statements.

Yeah, this is just a forum, but where's the maturity in understanding when someone is actually telling the truth???

Here's a question for you guys:
Why is it on almost EVERY topic I create, or reply to, the same people deliberately & unfairly attempt to shoot me down?
Bearing in mind I have answered so many of the lies? Yes, may be not in imagery, but in words I have.

Seriously, what are those people going to say when they realise I am not a liar?

Do I expect an apology - damn right.

Offline stewart boyle

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Hey Adz,hope your well.
Im a noob to these forums but i dont understand why you wont post 1 picture from your collection?
Would you let me know?
If you perhaps dont own a digi camera would you pm me and i could maybe help you out.



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I wasn't bragging, boasting, or whatever.

Adz, as we say in the Southern US, "it ain't bragging if it's the truth."

Your website continues to state "This James Bond love affair, ultimately, has culminated in Adz931 being the owner of one of the world's largest, private collections of James Bond movie posters."

So is it the truth?


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@ Stewart:
It's not the case I won't post any images.
I don't know what exactly has been said on here in full, but if you go over to MPF & complete a search, you will find some images I have uploaded . . . Yet Thierry says I have never showed any images???

Please contact me privately - I will answer any questions.

@ Mel:
I've replied privately.

Is it the truth? ... Well, I am most definitely not a liar.

Offline eatbrie

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And the Adam Saga lives on...   ;D


It's really pretty simple.  Show us the damn posters.  Show us "one of the world's largest, private collections of James Bond movie posters" (thanks Mel) or SHUT UP, once and for all.  And don't tell us to look for them on MPF.  We don't go to MPF, we don't care for MPF.  It is YOUR job to post them here, Mr. genuine-all-my-friends-love-me guy.


My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

Offline eatbrie

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I make a promise, here and now, to publicly apologize to ADZ for my ignorance and stupidity as soon as he posts pictures of "one of the world's largest, private collections of James Bond movie posters".

Seems fair enough, doesn't it?

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)


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@ Thierry

You know, this is quite pathetic.
This so-called saga only survives because you are keeping it alive with your lies and attacks.

I have tried so many times to solve this with you maturely, yet each time you have thrown it in my face.
I mean, you are very petulant & extremely childish, and that's not even taking into account your personal responses and attacks on me via email.

You never ever acknowledge and admit on here that you asked to see my Dr. No quad on MPF, do you?
I have never seen you admit on this forum that I did indeed post an image of that poster, and others, on MPF, and that you did indeed see them. Why don't you?

. . . To digress slightly . . .

I like both forums:
This one has a lot of different areas, which is great!
MPF is an easy to use forum and far less aggressive than here, which is a true fact.

So, don't make MPF out to be a place of insignificance, because it isn't. No forum is.
Your attacks on MPF are childish, too - especially to put those lines in your signature.
Now that is wrong.
Yes, I have had disagreements with the owner, Andy, but that still gives me no reason to throw all my toys out of the pram and leave the place and turn crazy towards it like yourself.

. . . Back to topic . . .

I know a fair few James Bond collectors, and this whole thing with me is the exact reason why they don't come on here, because they don't have the time to take a picture of every single poster they own, and post it here, or on MPF, or on any forum on the internet.

Here's another point I'd like to make (again):
Why don't you acknowledge what I said about my Bond website, that if the image is not attributed to someone then I have taken that image? Yes, the majority of the images are attributed to someone, but that is the point.

Creating a visual record of the posters I own is a very long and laborious task; one you should be able to understand.
But you obviously have a lot of time on your hands to not be able to understand.

I'm sorry, but when I do take images, my immediate thoughts do not turn to this forum or any other forum; they turn to my image folders and then to possible uploading to my Bond website.

I do have to stress that I have never refused to upload an image.

So, here's another question for you:
Are you going to kick and scream and cry and continue your lies if I post a link to my website when I upload a new image - a picture I have taken of one of my own posters?

Surely, doing that is OK for you??

Just because you are this forums part-owner does not mean you are God.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 12:04:02 PM by Adz931 »

Offline eatbrie

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Really?  Seriously?

Alright, a few things come to mind:

1) If you like MPF so much, maybe you should keep posting over there, because they're in desperate need of posts.  Your input on James Bond posters will for sure revive that forum.
2) Apparently, Mr. Busy has plenty of time to post on this forum.  In the time it took you to post, you could have taken 3 pictures of your posters.  3 pictures, Adam!!!
3) The lines in my signature are great because 1) Scorsese never wrote that and 2) MPF is not the largest social gathering of poster collectors.  If anything, Mopo is.
4) We know that you know all the Bond collectors and are so well connected and we love you for it.
5) So you never refuse to upload other people's pictures?  Might as well.  They replace yours. right?
6) And yes, I am God.

Thanks for the entertainment.  Still waiting to see the posters.  Any posters.  Something.
My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)


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I do have to stress that I have never refused to upload an image.

Let's all predict Adz's excuses for not even listing what posters he actually owns:

Here are my predictions:

It depends what “owns” means.

I’ve “misremembered” what posters I own.

I’ve run out of gas.

I have a flat tire. 

I don’t have enough money for cab fare. 

My tux hasn’t come back from the cleaners

This is all a sting operation.

I am innocent and have proved that I am innocent.

An old friend has come into town and I don’t have the time.

There has been an earthquake, a terrible flood – locusts!


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@ Mel

Why do that?
Even after everything I have said to you?
This is crazy.

@ Thierry

I have to laugh, because this whole thing is stupid - I knew you were going to say the following:

"2) Apparently, Mr. Busy has plenty of time to post on this forum.  In the time it took you to post, you could have taken 3 pictures of your posters.  3 pictures, Adam!!!"

Now, you see, that is where you are wrong . . . You are showing your lack of understanding.
Do you really think I sit around at a computer all day doing nothing but post on forums?

Thierry, come on ... Not all of us have a cushty life where we are able to sponge off our nearest and dearest.

I actually do work.
It just so happens I have many applications open at the same time:
Forums, Social Networks, News websites etc . . .
. . . It's like multi-tasking . . . You know what that is, right?

You are saying things in an attempt to back up your own silly words.
Things like ' know all the bond collectors...' - You know fine well I've never said I know all the Bond collectors - who does!?

Would you stop being so ridiculous, please?
You sound like a spoilt kid who isn't getting what he wants.

Yet again, you have failed to answer the major questions I have asked you.

Are you going to kick and scream and cry and continue your lies if I post a link to my website when I upload a new image - a picture I have taken of one of my own posters?

. . . As for MPF:
I am merely defending it as a forum, as I would defend this one.
That is not wrong. Or is it wrong to you as I am defending a forum that you dislike so much for whatever reason?

People like you are what we call a bully & a coward (by 'we' I refer to those who are good folk).
You try to provoke worse actions by the very person you target, in this case me, so that when a retaliation does occur you feel good about yourself, and in effect make the person look as bad as what you make them out to be . . .

You really need to grow up.

Oh, and answer this question:
Are you going to kick and scream and cry and continue your lies if I post a link to my website when I upload a new image - a picture I have taken of one of my own posters?

Offline eatbrie

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I love this guy!!!

This is hilarious.  Egbert used to be my fav, but now I can honestly say that Adam is a genuine #1.   ;D

Keep it up, buddy.  And sorry if I ever doubted the owner of "one of the world's largest, private collections of James Bond movie posters".

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
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As a rule, I don't do BOND posters, but this living dead thread has truly piqued my curiosity...So Adz, why the 'f' don't you post some of these mythical posters to prove all of these doubting thomases wrong?

Methinks they may be right and you don't own them...

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Wait, he's going to PM you and tell you a very sad story.  You may cry a little, it will make you sad, but in the end, you'll run back here and we'll have a laugh.  It's all good.

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

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Adz, this ongoing saga is absolutely ridiculous.  I would be the first one to defend someone getting bullied, in the vast majority of cases, but I am afraid that there is nothing anyone can do other than yourself.  

This is a POSTER forum.  Telling people you have this amazing collection without any pictures is absolutely meaningless, and everyone is getting a big kick out of your reasons for not posting some pictures.  In a fraction of the amount of time that you have posted about how you don't have the time to photograph your collection, you could have, in fact, taken pictures of your entire collection, and posted them, and most likely earned some respect in the process.  Personally, I felt a lot better when I said "I will have a new digital camera in a week, and I will take some pictures of my 'humble abode'", and even though I was tired and blah blah blah the day I got the camera, I took some pictures.  I didn't just keep saying I would do it, I actually did it, and that is what life is about.  Actions speak far louder than words, and quite frankly, every time I hear the old "I'm too busy take pictures", I feel like this: .

Just trying to help a brother out, and you seem like a nice enough person, but you must realize that this will be a never ending saga, unless you, in the words of the ultra suave Frenchman Mr. Brie


This ongoing saga is kind of funny, and you should take some lessons from Archie Leach, or LouieD., who can take the razzing as well as they can dish it out.

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the ultra suave Frenchman Mr. Brie

That would be me!

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)


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@ Thierry:

Answer the question.

@ Everyone else:

I'm not refusing to post any images, I never have refused.
Yeah, I could easily take a load of photos, and post them here, there and everywhere.
But I wouldn't be taking a picture of every single poster & the images would all be crap!
Or is that what you all want!? And don't say '...We just want to see the posters...'.
When I take photos I do it as best as is possible so that I can use the image on my website and never have to retake the picture.

I reiterate the fact I work, therefore, implying I could have been taking pictures instead of replying on here is nonsense.

It's not about being able to take the shit from certain members - I laugh about it all off-line with friends and family, because it really is THAT silly. I could so easily react to the taunts and attacks, and quite simply drop to another level, but that's not me.
Some advice, however: Don't underestimate someone you don't know...

This is just a forum.
Some of you guys are so serious about it.
So serious about seeing something, and when it isn't shown you get annoyed and upset.

Therefore, just for you, here is a LINK to some images of different posters - go to Page 3 for a couple of Bond posters though:

A Few Images

AND, HERE WE GO !!!!!! ...

... Over the next few weeks, I am going to take a few pictures of the Bond posters, but not individually.
I just don't have the time. I'm already messing up my work just for you lot.
If I can wrangle out of things this weekend I may do it as soon as this Saturday!!!

'What!?!?! . . . Are you joking!' - I hear you all say . . . No, I'm not joking.

Therefore, don't complain ...

And yes, apologies will be expected ...

Dr Hackenbush

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The links you posted didn't work

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I hear ya, Adz.  I could be working on various things right now, but I'm goofing off here, and I do have sort of a one track mind, so my work has been "derailed".  The part about how you don't want to take photographs that are crap makes sense, as I understand the frustration of having to do things more than once, and I live by "get it done right the first time".  

Good advice on "don't underestimate someone you don't know."  A quote from Sun Tzu was similar, "never underestimate your enemy."  I told that to someone on my team playing Gears of War 2, and he said "never underestimate anything", which is also very true.

Another good quote is "don't take life too seriously."

By the way, those are some nice posters on MPF.

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What a joke!

The neverending saga continues...
My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)