Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 360307 times)

Offline Ari

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I saw PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS at the DRIVE INS, I was 11 I think.
WOW WOW WOW (thats me at 11)

Still remember a scene with a girl riding on a horse, she was topless, some bloke comments (something like) THATS THE BEST EXAMPLE OF BARE BACK RIDING I HAVE SEEN.

Oh to be a kid again.

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Offline Posteroid

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Oh to be a kid again.

You really must miss all those math exams at school.


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I do, we counted baby kangaroos
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Happy mid-August. OOPS! I'm a tad's the 16th. Duh... But...UGH!  Get this summer HEAT outta here.  Just a little more than a month to go until I move back into my house. Already i am feeling the financial pressure. That will be a lot more money out of my wallet---with no rent coming in (which basically covered my a little more) and me paying the mortgage, I'll be OUT $1250 each month. Ouch. No more pricey posters for a while.... With that in mind, i don't think I'll be having any more surprise bonus postings either. From September on, i'll be lucky to make my usual 10 posters per post. In fact, I've already started September 1st's post with spill over from this month.

ARI: Sooooo nice to have you pop by. I was wondering if you'd gone too far down under--and fell off the planet. I hope all is well.

Armin/Posteroid: Thanks for stopping by as well. It's nice to see you here.

And now, here're the posters:


What is this? It's a Brazilian movie poster for a Jose Mojica Marins movie---so when I saw it, i pounced on it, thinking it might be a Coffin Joe film. It's NOT a Coffin Joe film...drat it all. But it's still nice to have in my collection.


This was a poster from the recent bulk lot sale on emovie (see previous two bonus posts). Clearly an ALIEN wanna be...I dig the cheesy art work. Never have seen the movie---but the poster is fun.


I'm pretty sure I saw this movie when it first came out---but I do not remember it at all. I totally dig the artwork though. WOW! Very nice.,


Ha! I love crap movies, and this MAD MAX / ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK Italian hybrid has a schlocky wonderful poster. Gotta dig it.


I scored one of these before. Recently another dealer had several...I bought two more. All the easier to display (eventually) the two sides. This promo was for the double feature re-release of WITCHCRAFT and THE HORROR OF IT ALL.


I LOVED this movie as a kid. When it came out on DVD a few years back, I eagerly bought it...and was disappointed to see that it had not held up that well. However the best thing about it was the fictional onscreen movie they would occasionally flash to---DISASTER '76--which featured a plane (AIRPORT) crashing into a building, causing it to burn (TOWERING INFERNO) and then an ocean of sharks (JAWS) for some reason and MORE! The poster kind of gives an example of what went on. Remember the Alamo! (That's the name of the drive in theater and it's slogan.)


A-ha!  I got one finally (but did I already own one? Hmm). I saw this film during the VHS era...but don't remember anything about it really. But who can resist a poster with someone pulling off their face!?! Yowzer! Very cool.


I recall when this came was kind of a cult hit (but seems largely forgotten now). I remember liking it well enough---but don't remember much. It seemed to take place in one small apartment for a good chunk (all?) of the movie, if I'm not mistaken. I don't really remember.


I already have one of these---but this appears to be in better condition. HOPEFULLY. Such a classic shock-a-rama double feature poster. AWESOME!!!!


Zowie wow!  The US one sheet for the classic Mario Bava anthology that stars Boris Karloff in the final (and most famous) chapter. Groovy!

That's it for now. Here's hoping August winds down quickly and that September, while still quite warm, has some nice days ahead for you.  See you again September 1st.


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Offline 50s

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I like the screaming girls on Black Sabbath  thumbsup.gif

Offline Ari

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(its the best)

Love the notquitecoffinjoe

SOCIETY is a great film,  it wasn't received well in the states at the time, but its really good and aged VERY WELL. Give it another go.

If you want to part with your lesser condition I DRINK YOUR BLOOD/EAT YOUR SKIN One sheet, put me down as first in line.

Great stuff as always.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey Steve and Ari---it's always an honor to have you drop by.

STEVE: Glad there was some, thing about the BLACK SABBATH poster that appealed to you. Thanks for visiting.

ARI: I am glad you like the not-quite-Coffin-Joe poster (There IS a picture of Coffin Joe in the upper left it was an easy mistake).  I do really want to see THE BRONX WARRIORS. Somewhere I think I have the movie on DVD (and I can see from where I am sitting that I also have the sequel, ESCAPE FROM THE BRONX) and I hope to watch it at some point before I die. Good, huh? Even if it were cheesy, I'd still enjoy it. I do want to see SOCIETY again at some point. The VHS era was a blur---too much fast forwarding and ejecting of movies that didn't seem interesting (unlike now where I watch a movie straight through). But alas...I was young and impatient then.  And I'll have to find my other BLOOD/SKIN poster before I even consider selling one of them. Let me get back to my house first.

Oh that reminds me. Someone asked about another poster of mine--and I said I'd get back to them LAST week. OOPS! Chris, if you are out there and still interested--let me know. The poster you wanted should be relatively easy to find. (I think...)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 09:24:37 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline Crazy Vick

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No more pricey posters for a while.... With that in mind, i don't think I'll be having any more surprise bonus postings either. From September on, i'll be lucky to make my usual 10 posters per post.
Can I contribute to the fund that allows you to keep buying and sharing these movie gems! The Brazilian one is super cool, and im watching Star Crystal this weekend!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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CRAZY VICK! How are you?

Can I contribute to the fund that allows you to keep buying and sharing these movie gems! The Brazilian one is super cool, and im watching Star Crystal this weekend!

Ha! Awfully nice of you to offer...but I'll survive somehow. (Tonight's signature auction on emovie closed without me buying anything...I'm er, ...happy to report. I've been doing way too much last-minute spending. It will be budget-a-go-go time soon enough.) Glad you like the Brazilian poster (the title translates to WORLD SEX MARKET with the subtitle --or possibly original title?--reading BANNER HEADLINE). And if you do indeed watch STAR CRYSTAL this weekend, please give me a full report.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey CRAZY VICK! I found the movioe for you. Let me know what you think:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Oh wait... there's nothing but BLACK now. No video. Waaaaagh. But you can still find the video here:

« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 10:57:27 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline brude

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Lotsa really nice posters, there.
Especially like Society, Hardware and Black Sabbath.
 clap clap clap clap

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Ted. Thank you for dropping by and visiting the posters. Glad you found three you liked. (I usually put my faves of the batch towards the those are among my faves too.)

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #887 on: September 01, 2016, 12:05:49 AM »
(* It's still August here in California for a few more hours...but the post is done and it's September in the most of the rest of the world already, so why not post it now, right?  Whoo hoo!)

Happy September!  Yahoo! By the month's end, I should have started to move back into my house!!!!!  What that means is that i'll be able to start working on cataloging and organizing my posters once again. Yippie!!! But that also means I'll have a mortgage to pay and utilities. EEEK!

Now on to the posters...


This is held over from one of those bulk lots I got from emovie at the beginning of last month. Who ever heard of this movie? Was it even released? Co-star Chris Makepeace had about 5 minutes of fame and he must have slipped this movie in during  the last few seconds of that 5 minutes. Lee Majors? Burgess Meredith?? And a very large Italian supporting cast? Hmm. I'm curious about this one...not anything great, i'm sure---but a mystery of sorts. Hopefully it's spectacularly awful.


Whatever this movie is---I've never heard of it...but I was intrigued enough by the poster to pick it up. It was super inexpensive---which for me is always the right price. Anyone know anything about this flick? Any good?


Also held over from the bulk lot sale...I couldn't decide if I liked this poster or not. It looks like it would be a piece of garbage film, but there's something about the image that keeps me coming back to it. That's why I held it back. It's kind of cheap--but fun.

INDEPENDENCE DAY (stuyle B teaser):

Just a few weeks back I got my first INDEPENDENCE DAY poster...but there are just soooo many styles of it. UGH!. Here's my 2nd ID4 poster. If I get more--great. If not--c'est la vie. I'm NOT that actively looking for them.


Buying Disney is always a safe bet. Even though this movie is generally NOT one of the favorites out there and even though this poster is fairly easy to get, I decided to go for it any way because it was cheap. And Disney.

WALL-E (advance):

Another Disney poster--this time more beloved (I think). I have not seen WALL-E yet, but hope to soon.


I bid on this half-heartedly, thinking it would go for more. Probably the best/most famous live-action mermaid movie (and one that inspired countless thousands of baby girls to be named Madison) and it went reasonably less than i thought it would. Lucky me, i guess. (But do I already have a copy? Hmm.)


I didn't need this (did I need ANYTHING on this list?). I was outbid and should have just let it go... Oh well. I kind of dig this B2 as it has a striking image of the killer coal miner from the film. Classic 80s slasher---Japanese style.

BATWOMAN (Turkish 1980 re-release)

Yippie! I've wanted one of these for a long while. There's another BATWOMAN poster I've seen repros of--but never the original for sale. I'll track it down eventually maybe. In the meantime, i have this one. Who knew there were TWO BATMAN rip-off BATWOMAN movies? There's this one and THE WILD WORLD OF BATWOMAN, which i always thought were the same movie...until I actually saw THE WILD WORLD and realized the movie i remember was NOT the same one. The Mexican one (this one) is the one I saw originally.  How fun to finally have a poster of it...albeit Turkish.


I've been looking for one of these since it came out. Although it's not the best poster ever and the movie was rather disappointing (I actually saw it in a theater, dragged a friend along with me and forced him to watch this crap), it's very hard to find a one sheet for this flick. And it IS part of the Three Mothers trilogy that started with the great SUSPIRIA and continued with INFERNO, So why NOT?

That's it for now (but I've already started working on the NEXT post. EEK!).


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Offline Ari

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #888 on: September 01, 2016, 02:24:16 AM »
I actually LOVE Mother of Tears (the film),

Good stuff as always
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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #889 on: September 01, 2016, 11:02:26 AM »
TRANSMUTATIONS is great! He looks like a proper mad scientist.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #890 on: September 01, 2016, 11:40:59 AM »
ARI: I should maybe give MOTHER OF TEARS another shot. All I really remember is I didn't stop hearing about it from the friend I took to it for weeks. Complain. Complain. Complain.  It was not long after (or maybe not long before?) I dragged the same friend off to see DOMINION (the alternate version of EXORCIST 4). Oh my stars...that was awful. There was actually someone SNORING in the theater when we saw that.

TOB:  I know, right? It is such a cheap-looking poster....but you can't help coming back to it. I'm guessing the movie is awful--but i dig the poster.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #891 on: September 15, 2016, 01:48:17 AM »

Happy mid-September!  In about 2 weeks (or LESS!!!) I should be fully moved back into my house. Hooray!  Finally! (EEEK! How am I going to afford life? SERIOUSLY! As I'll be paying the mortgage now, water, sewage, and electrical....that will be an additional $2,000 a month out of my wallet I was NOT having to fork over before. EEEK!). I've actually already started hauling stuff over there little by little. In October I hope to start sorting through all of my posters and making a list of what I have. In the mean time, here're this mid-month's offerings. Ho-hum.... They're pretty slim pickings. Things will get less and less exciting from here on out as my spending money is drying up / has dried up. Drat. These first few, as you'll see, are examples of how I'm having to be frugal with my poster postings--having to post even the most mundane and boring of posters I buy. Let's take a look (if you can stifle the yawns...):


Snore! Ugh...this is a leftover from one of the bulk lots I bought in early August. I just realized I did NOT post this ultra boring poster with my post of poster trash i got from that lot. I'll post it here... just because I have it and--as you can see below--I don't have much to offer this posting.


Speaking of boring posters, this was part of another lot I got. UGH! Snore. For an adult movie sure lacks imagination.


Another dud from a lot...and another x-rated poster...featuring Cheri Champagne? Ha! I'll bet she'll pop your cork. Lame poster though...

THE SWARM (advance)

Another of those bulk lot posters I somehow missed posting. :This teaser aims to scare...but all the movie did was bore. (Don't get me wrong. The thing is a gloriously bad turkey. I've seen it several times--including at the theater-- and have it on DVD). But I already have this poster and the regular one sheet. Didn't need this one too.


I'm reasonably sure I saw this movie, but do not recall it at all. This was also one of the bulk lot posters I never posted...but at least it has a fun title.


This was a recent pick up from our pal Rich's auctions. I have NO IDEA what this movie is about or WHO the titular BIMBO is...but it's kind of a cool image and there's something boasting that it is in CIRCUSCOPE in the upper left corner. Wow! Ha! Probably nothing to CIRCUSCOPE...just a gimmick to get them in (I'd be there). Barnum said there was a sucker born every minute. He'd be pleased with the gimmick, i'm sure.


I'm a sucker for 3D and this adult 3D movie poster got me bidding. It was only $3 (with buyers premium tacked on it was $23--oh well). But CHAMBER-MADES? Hmm.


I didn't need this so why did I bid? ARGH! The art is fun though on this Italian poster.


Yes, it is a little rough...but I had never seen another one before. This is the sequel to the Ronald Reagan (pre-presidential years, obviously) flick BEDTIME FOR BONZO. Id love to have that poster as well.

'BATMAN (French small affiche):

Whoo hoo!  I've wanted one of these BATMAN posters for a long time. There are just two more BATMAN styles out there I'm waiting for....POW! BASH! SPLAT! Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nug-nuh...BATMAN!

That's it for now. Have a super autumn (or spring if you are in the Southern Hemisphere).

Thanks for coming by and I'll see you next time.


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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #892 on: September 15, 2016, 02:19:10 AM »
Nice Grinsson.  This is the kind of posters I like.

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #893 on: September 15, 2016, 02:41:26 AM »
I like Chamber Mades :)

Offline Chris9000

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #894 on: September 15, 2016, 03:26:29 AM »

Sweet Batman affiche, buddy!

Hoping that extra $2K a month doesn't but a dent in your duplicates collection  ;)

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #895 on: September 15, 2016, 11:35:10 AM »
That Dracula/Frankenstein is great thumbsup.gif  And I love the credit line on The Swarm (Michael Caine!  Fred MacMurray! ...)

Offline brude

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #896 on: September 15, 2016, 04:37:12 PM »
That Dracula/Frankenstein is great thumbsup.gif

Sure is!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #897 on: September 16, 2016, 01:21:31 PM »
THIERRY: I realize most of this post was crap. I tend to save my favorites until the end of the post. The Grinsson is clearly the fave of the bunch. Love my 60s BATMAN. Thanks.

STEVE: Of COURSE you liked CHAMBER-MADES. I had you in my mind when I was posting it. Ha!

CHRIS Yes, the financial thing is a BIG shock-a-roo to my system. I hope to go through my posters next month, and pull things out for auction. I know you wanted a specific poster...I forgot about it until a little while back. I left a message for you on here (this thread) but you didn't respond. I should have sent you a private message. oh well. I still have it but now that I am actually in the middle of the move I do NOT know where it is...

HICKS77 and TED: Thanks for the thumbs up on the DRACULA/FRANKENSTEIN poster. I wasn't that wild about it at first, but it has grown on me.

I'll post some pictures of my boxed up poster collection as it gets moved in. Oh my stars. The room that was/is going to be my "poster room" is looking like it will be TOO SMALL. EEEEK! Stay tuned.

And thanks for visiting.
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Offline eatbrie

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #898 on: September 16, 2016, 02:01:25 PM »
What I like most about this forum is to see things that are completely out of my collection realm.  I don't care seeing what I collect, since I collect it.  Your stuff is fun, not my thing per se, but fun, and I certainly do understand the attraction.  It's just a different niche.  We can't just collect everything, can we?

Keep it up.


My Personal Collection

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #899 on: September 16, 2016, 05:25:32 PM »
T: Yes, I agree. Seeing others stuff is a great glimpse into things outside of your own collecting taste. It also opens your eye to things you might want to track down yourself at some point.

I'm moving as I said. From the tiny, cramped storage shed-like Shack-A-Rama back into a real house. I lived in the Shack-A-Rama (with everything I owned) while I was going back to school. I couldn't work at the time (my old job would not let me go part time), so I moved in here and rented my house out. After 5+ years in that hell hole, I'm moving back to the house.

This first shot is pre-move in the Shack-A-Rama. These are tubes with rolled posters outside of the walk-in closest. Tons of them....and there are many more in the closet (along with a dresser and a recliner). The three boxes you see also have folded posters.

This next photo is of another closet in the poster room of the house as I start to fill it up with the rolled posters (until I can go through and condense them). Clearly it's not going to be big enough. EEEK!

Today I was trying to squeeze a few more rolled posters in and I had an avalanche!

The room is just too small---I still have the bulk of my 200+ framed posters to move over and a few boxes of folded posters and lots more rolls. Here's some lenticulars and folded posters in the bankers boxes:

And here is the room in general with a few of the framed posters moved over (I have enough room against the wall for three piles...third not shown obviously). It'a far too small! And where will I put the ugly metal poster cabinet thing I bought (that is sitting in the garage on its side)?  I really need to weed through my posters soon.

And YES, i still have a lot more to move over... UGH!

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