Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359281 times)


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MEN IN TIGHTS looks good to me
...say no more

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Utter gent.

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Hello!  I'm back for my monthly visit (no wise-cracks about that. Ha!). I'm popping in a day early to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day (and because, after work, I'll be on the road tomorrow heading to Palm Springs. No time to write then...).

I really, REALLY miss being on here all of the time. I still sneak on for moments at a time when I get a notification for new updates on certain threads...but it's not the same as actively participating on a day-to-day basis. I especially miss my "friends" on here. I hope everyone has been well.

Still, my reason for doing this was to keep my spending in check (and I really HAVE been spending less) and to focus on things I really want / "need". This hasn't been as successful (as you'll see in my latest acquisitions below and on my 2nd post I'll have up later today, after work)...but it's still a step in the right direction. (Hopefully.)

Of the posters I have acquired in the past month (!!), the ones in this post are my least favorite. The ones in my next post (later tonight) I am more enthusiastic about. There will also be another post with last-minute additions.

But before we get to them, i must say hello to those who dropped in during the last month!

e : We've talked since you posted here--but it's always so good to see you visit. Glad you liked those particular posters you mentioned. Of the ones you liked, I am still beside myself with joy over WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST--which will probably be my favorite purchase for all of 2016. Zowie!  I hope you are building your collection up. I'll check in and see it later today.  

Monocle : Glad you liked the VILLAGE/CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED combo poster. Thanks. As for Xaviera Hollander and her Amsterdam B&B, not long ago I wondered whatever happened to her (I had come across some of "her" books. Most of her books, post-the original HAPPY HOOKER, were ghost written by my friend Thom Racina...which is why I have "her" books.) and looked her up and saw what she was up to today. Thanks for sharing though...  How odd that the world's most notorious "hooker" should make a living renting out rooms/beds in her golden years--and back in Amsterdam where she started.

Rosa :MEN IN TIGHTS does it for you? Is it the film or the visual the title conjures there are no men in tights shown on the poster actually? Hmm.

Okay--on with the posters...


I have never heard of this movie--nor am I all that wild about the poster (I do like the color scheme though). This particular poster came with another poster I picked up as a lot. I probably would not have bothered to include this otherwise if my acquisitions haven't slowed down to just enough for the two posts I'm making today.


I already have this poster--but I'm a sucker for gimmicks/3D. COMIN' AT YA was the first 3D film of the 80s and its success brought on the short-lived 80s 3D revival that included such films as JAWS 3D, AMITYVILLE 3D, and FRIDAY THE 13th PART 3 3D! I picked up this copy because it was cheap...but mostly because it came with the bonus poster posted below...


While I am reasonably sure I already have this poster---I'm not 100% sure. Despite the ding on the right side, i really needed to get this copy--just in case I do not have the copy I think i have already. HOT HEIR was one of the string of low-budget 3D flicks produced by Earl Owensby in the 80s. His flicks got mostly regional releases (south mostly--and east coast). I never got to see an Owensby 3D 3D or otherwise. Because of the limited saturation/play dates, there were not the millions of posters produced a normal Hollywood blockbuster would have printed. I have a nice copy of his poster for TALES OF THE THIRD DIMENSION and a crappy copy of the poster for well as this poster...there are still a few other Owensby 3D poster titles that elude me. Gotta get 'em!!!! Wish they'd put these movies out on 3D home video!  Yowza!


I am not a STAR WARS fanatic. I came across this though and picked it up. It was inexpensive and, as the poster for the first release of the first part of the CLONE WARS animated series, i thought it might be worth something down the road. Or not. Whatever...


I already had a copy of this with a big tape paper lift on i needed another. This is a re-titling of some crappy Ray Dennis Steckler film I found and downloaded online years ago. If I watched it, I promptly forgot it. What i do remember was grainy, bad and boring... Interesting rip-off title though... (which is why I bought it in the first place).


I have seen this---but even to this day, i keep mistaking this title for the 1960 Irwin Allen flick THE LOST WORLD. I probably have this title already (but do i have THE LOST WORLD?  Hmm...)...but if I didn't, well... I do now.

TARZAN THE APE MAN (1959 remake):

 I already have a copy of this, but Im hoping this is a better copy. I love my TARZAN movies...and am super curious about this one. It is a notorious stinker...and is the only TARZAN movie (known to still be in existence) that is NOT available on home video. This is the remake of the Johnny Weismeuller original---with Denny Miller in his solo turn as the King of the Jungle.


I was delighted to get this poster---Jan. 17th--but it was back when I was forced to use my laptop computer for everything. I couldn't see much on the small completely missed the dark line/stain running down the vertical fold. Waaaagh!  This will go in the future sell pile for sure.


Here is another poster I really have wanted for some time...that I did not notice on my tiny laptop screen that it had problems all down the right side of the poster. Hmm. Maybe it will cover with a frame?


I know this film has a big cult following. i saw the film in the theater back in the day. While I thought it was okay--I wasn't ga-ga over it. I did like the poster for it (this style---the others didn';t work for me). While I am reasonably sure I have a copy of this already, i am not 100% sure---so i picked this up. Now that I can see it on a bigger screen (I have a new desktop computer), I see it's not in as groovy of shape as i thought. i may have to look for another copy... Hmm.

And that's 10. Later tonight i'll post the rest of the posters I've acquired during my month away. Stay tuned,

« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 09:27:15 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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It's that time of the month, already?  Zowie!    rofl1

Nice pickups.  The Boogie Nights poster is cool.  I had one on my wall way back when.  I must say though, my fave from this lot is The Sexorcist's Devil.  >:D
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 02:17:33 PM by Neo »

Offline erik1925

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An arrayed assortment, once again, there, MAGG. Quite the eclectic mix!

Congrats.. and with more to come tonight!!


Online Monster_A_GoGo

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NEO:  Hi there. Nice to see you. Ha!  THE SEXORCIST'S DEVIL poster is the best part of the whole movie. Glad you like it.

JEFF: New avatar? It almost looks like it's from CABINET OF DR CALIGARI--the somnambulist. Is it? Where is it from?

I wrote my morning posting (and the posting that will follow this one) several days ago so I would have an easy time of things when posting time came. But--oops! Auctions happened and wins occurred.

These are late additions to my poster postings for the month--and not my FAVES of the month (those will come still later this evening...)  I am writing this on the 12th. Obviously, I still have NOT learned my lesson about buying things I do not need...but it could have been worse. Last Tuesday's emovie auction had many different posters from all over the world. I did NOT "need" any of them, but saw a bunch i liked and bid conservatively on them. I won 3...but that's still $30-odd dollars i did not need to spend. Last Thursday's auction left me winning only 1 when the auction dust had cleared...and then there was Richard's Movie Poster Bid auction and who knows what--if anything--I may have won tonight (while working. Whatever I won will have to wait for my March visit for posting)!  Oh well. Here are those recent win posters I did not need (well, the last two I'm kind of pumped about, but)......


I know nothing about this, but found the photo poster of the child charming... But I didn't need this.


Another movie I know nothing about...but I liked the art. Did NOT need it though.


This is apparently not a movie poster, but a poster for a live performance. It does not say where or when it is happening though. The poster is supposed to be Polish--and it looks like it could be Polish art--but every word on it is in English. Another poster, while cool, it was not necessary...


This is a small, indie movie nobody saw. It was kind of like a poor man's MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO in that it featured two up and coming actors (David Arquette and Lucas Haas) daringly playing male prostitutes. It didn't have the punch MOPI has, but it was still a good little movie. Plus it was only $5.


Zowie! I am kind of excited about this poster. While i am reasonably sure i have a copy already, I don't think it's in as nice of condition as this one and while this poster usually gets very pricey for some reason---this very good copy wasn't too bad price-wise. I didn't need this copy, but I'm glad I got it.


Of the really recent stuff (on this posting...all from the last few days), I am most pumped about this one. I THINK I may have a LOST HIGHWAY poster---but I am NOT sure. I loved TWIN PEAKS and am looking forward to the continuation series next year. LOST HIGHWAY, when I first saw it, was soooo amazing. It was my favorite Lynch piece until his masterpiece (imo) MULHOLLAD DR. was released. LOST HIGHWAY doesn't hold up for me (the last half hour or so is still wonderfully wtf-ish though) since MULHOLLAND DR. came along...but anything Lynch is worth grabbing. Yahoo!

And that's it for this mini-post. My final post (my favorites from the last month) will come a little later this evening.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. How was your Valentine's Day? Filled with hugs, kisses and (as Shirley Feeney would say) vo-dee-o-dodo? (Oh my!) Maybe just sweet exchanges of cards, flowers and chocolates? I worked all day...  That was fine. (UGH...sooooo dang tired...)
Anyway--I hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day everyone. And now on with the posters:


I already have a copy of this that I got years ago from the theater that was showing it. But my copy got some damage after years of storage. I picked this copy up as a replacement. With the new series coming out soon (now scheduled for 2017--ugh! I can NOT wait!) I am hoping interest in this title will go up. I wasn't wild about the film prequel---but it was still better than no TWIN PEAKS at all.


From behind the moon they invade the earth, abduct its women, level its cities! Zowie! I have half-heartedly been trying to get one of these posters for years. I was surprised to win this lot...especially since it came with TWO copies of the same poster (cutting the actual price in half). I'll re-sell one later down the line. In big screen color! Greatest science fiction picture ever conceived by the mind of man! (That, of course, implies that all of the other better sci fi movies were conceived by, what? Aliens!? Ooooooo!) Ha!~

LOGAN'S RUN (Beach Towel):

What a minute, you are saying. That isn't a poster. It's a beach towel. That is correct. Nearly 40 years ago, in the summer of 1976, I remember buying one of these Farrah Fawcett/LOGAN'S RUN beach towels at the long-defunct GEMCO department store in town. It was thin and very cheaply made. I had it thumb-tacked up to my wall for 2 years, until we moved. It was somehow lost in the move and never recovered. Since that time I have been trying to get a replacement. It's been a seemingly impossible task...until I came across this one is as nice of shape as you can expect after nearly 40 years. i am delighted to finally have another copy (who knows...maybe  this was actually MY towel from way back when?) and will eventually frame it and hang it up on a wall again.

THE CRAZIES (original version):

I was thrilled to snag this little gem...the one sheet for the original CRAZIES bt George Romero. I finally saw the film last year...expect to see the remake this year some time.


I find this poster just gorgeous. I had been watching it for some time, but didn't want to pay what the dealer was asking for it. He also had the poster below (no peeking---you'll see it in a moment any way) and, after hanging on to my rather generous allotment of eBay Bucks for a few weeks with nothing better to spend them on--I opted for this poster (and the one below) and got both essentially almost for free. Wow!


I do not like the Italian 4F size. They are just TOO BIG and how do you keep the two sheets that make up the poster together? Hmm. Despite NOT liking the 4F size, i was just drawn to this poster. The 2F for this title did not work for me at fact, this movie is crappy in my opinion. But this poster? I don't know why, but I just love it. When I decided to finally cash in my eBay bucks, i decided to just go for it and get this. It's big (too big) and beautiful...and free! Yowza!

JAWS 2 Advance Red/sunset-style:

Oooo. I have been wanting one of the rare "red"/"sunset" advance posters for "JAWS 2" for a long while. Never thought I'd get one. Looks as if it has a bit more fold wear than i am comfortable with, but... I'll have to wait and see what it looks like in real life when I get it before i can tell for sure. It did take a big bite out of my wallet though. Ouch...


Whoo hoo!  Another classic GODZILLA title for my collection. of course, i still need the original (never gonna happen) and a few other posters--mostly from the 70s---but this brings me one step closer to completing (as much as possible) the series.


Zowie!  Another giant monster movie/Godzilla rip off poster! GORGO!!!! Cross that off my list. Yippie!

GOLDFINGER and DR. NO re-release combo:

This had been on my list for the longest time...  I actually have left it on the list, because I am going to seek out a better copy than this one. I have one sheets for all of the Bond films (admittedly, most of the Connery Bond titles are the 80s re-release versions) and had most of the double (or triple) feature re-release posters...except for this one. ARGH!  I've been trying to procure one for the last 20 years +/-. I'd see one and it would slip away...constantly. I didn';t let this one go---but paid too much for it and am not happy with the wear on it. BUT--I am one step closer to happily having a copy i like.

And that's it for February. I'll see you guys in mid-March. Drop me a line if you like. Buy great posters! CHEERS!
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Offline Crazy Vick

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nice one MAGG!  I would also love to wrap that Farrah towel around myself.  Make sure you wash it thoroughly in case the previous owner did so, too!

I see your not being on APF = not buying posters is only moderately effective, perhaps you can spend more time around here and live vicariously through others' purchases?  Just don't click on the "upcoming movie poster event calendar" thread...  That way we're all winners!   

Offline erik1925

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You pegged the avatar correctly, there, MAGG.  :D

It's Conrad Veidt from Caligari  

And I was curious. I noticed on a good handful of your recent buys that you mentioned you may already own a copy but weren't sure if you did or not.

How many posters would you say are in your collection?

Sounds like you dont have any kind of database or "tally list," so that you don't buy duplicates by accident? (But I'm not meaning getting a better, duplicate replacement copy).

« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 03:41:47 PM by erik1925 »



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I already have a copy of this that I got years ago from the theater that was showing it. But my copy got some damage after years of storage. I picked this copy up as a replacement. With the new series coming out soon (now scheduled for 2017--ugh! I can NOT wait!) I am hoping interest in this title will go up. I wasn't wild about the film prequel---but it was still better than no TWIN PEAKS at all.

Yes I can't wait for the new series either! Great haul here as usual. I love the art on the Blood-Spattered Bride 4f, never seen the movie. Can't wait to see what next month brings.

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GOGO!!!  WEll done! Nice to see you this month. We spoke in email a bit, but I wanted to come and look at your new paper.

Jaws 2...isn't that the first version printed?

Moonlight...I love the art on this one. Nice eye you have.

Nurnburg....I don't see a signature, any idea who the artist is?

The Crazies....I like the remake better. This could however be, only be because, I saw the remake before I saw the original.
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I just love reading your posts Shawn, there is always something for everyone. And always something different and original.... I think your Beach Towel is the item of the month!!!  I like the Italian Bride too, quite striking indeed...oh man.. :)


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Love them, especially 5 million.... Quatermass is the best.

The towel is also great.

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I know I am probably sick, but, it looks like the designer of the towel modified the Logan's run logo into a pair of briefs

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I know I am probably sick,




it looks like the designer of the towel modified the Logan's run logo into a pair of briefs

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Hi there!  No, this is not my usual monthly visit. I'm just correcting an error. For some reason, my LOST BOYS poster didn't show up in my last post. We all know what it looks like, but it bothers the crap out of me that it's NOT posted.

But I should say my hellos first.


Hi there. Glad you liked the towel. Ha. As for your suggestion of jumping back on because my plan isn't working...I beg to differ. It's been a week since my visit and in that time I've only purchased 1 (ONE!) poster. That's awesome. I gotta keep trying to NOT buy. About visiting more---we'll see. I'm here now for a (stupid) special appearance now, aren't I? I dopn't want to make a habit of it, but...

JEFF : You are right---I have no master list of what i have in my collection. I need to dig them all out, go through them and make a list very soon. That old website I was using was my only record of my purchases--although those were more recent purchases. When that was wiped out (!!!!!???!!!), I started over...then found this place and made my thread. My thread is the only place where I have a record of purchases...but the things on my page are not from all of the way back since I started buying. Some posters I KNOW I have or don't have. Some posters I am pretty sure about...others I just don't know. (But having things posted here---so I can look at them and see that, yes i do have one, has been a big help....which is why I am posting the LOST BOYS today---so i can see it and hopefully NOT buy a 2nd one....which this actually might already be. Ha!)

e : Always a delight to see you---glad you like the BRIDE poster and the TWIN PEAKS!

GINGERMAN : Yes, the JAWS 2 is an was a rare version (but a lot seem to have popped up). There is an even rarer advance, with the shark emerging from the depths on a small sail boat. Wish i had that one. As for the artist on the VIRGIN poster...I have no idea.

ROSA : Zowie! I am glad you liked my towel..."Item of the Month". Ha!  I was afraid i'd be harshly criticized for putting it up as it's a towel...not a poster. But to me, my original towel was always gonna be on the wall. It was never purchased for use as a towel.

RDAVEY26 : Wow! Thanks for stopping by. It is a pleasure to see you here.

ARI : Glad you dig the QUARTERMASS poster--and the towel. And your response to Steve was awesome! Ha!

STEVE : Hi there. Thanks for stopping by... And only YOU would come up with somethiong like that. Ha!

Okay...poster time. So here it is. (No drum roll needed.):


Since this is sort of a repeated post (since I mentioned LOST BOYS when I visited on the 14th), I'm going to go ahead and through in the only other new poster I have at the moment....

BARRACUDA (Italian 4F):

ANOTHER 4F. I'm NO fan of that size (It's super huge and in 2 pieces), but I am a sucker for JAWS ripoffs. I already have the 2F version which is different. This version has a gorier image with the barracuda with the diver's head in its mouth. Yowza!  I like the image...and had gotten it on an Italian locandina (?). I guess if I want it on a poster, it will have to be a 4F. Apparently in Italy, most 2F and 4F posters feature different that true? Anyway, here it is...

Okay...I'll see you all again in about 3 weeks.

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Offline erik1925

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As a fellow, co-owner of a rolled (never folded) LOST BOYS one sheet -- I commend you, MAGG.   ;D

I got mine from work, back in 1987, and I think it's a great visual for the Schumacher, vampire flicker. 

 devil 2


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As a fellow, co-owner of a rolled (never folded) LOST BOYS one sheet -- I commend you, MAGG.   ;D

I got mine from work, back in 1987, and I think it's a great visual for the Schumacher, vampire flicker. 

 devil 2
I too own a Steve rolled never folded Lost Boys.  Great movie.  Monster a GoGo I really like your collection.  I think I asked this a long time ago, as a general question, but what do you look for in a poster? Do you have to like the movie? The artist? I am sure it is a bit of a blend, but I am curious.   
Lowering the brow of APF since 2010.

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Hi there. Happy March.  How have you all been? Well, I hope. As I write this (well, everything from the hellos to recent visitors downward has already been written), it is late on the evening of March 4th. I need to get to bed as i have to be up at 5 a.m. for work. Ugh. Anyway, my post is generally uninteresting this time. Really, I've nothing I'm super excited about. The last two titles I am glad to have, I suppose, but the rest are unnecessary. I really, REALLY need to STOP buying stuff I don't need. Anyway, I thought I'd just sneak this up and get rid of it and start fresh for my mid-March posting (if I get anything else between then and now, that is...).

Before we get to the posters, let me say hello to those who visited since my last post:

JEFF: Huh. I had no idea that a rolled LOST BOYS was a bit of a rarity. I just got one when I got one. I really never thought about rolled vs folded for this title and never noticed the difference. I think that is probably because I have been collecting for so long--from way back in the days when everything was folded--that I don't notice whether something from around when the switch was made is rolled or folded (unless it is brought to my attention). So THANK YOU for waking me up to that fact.

CJ138:  Wow!  Nice to see you visiting. Thanks for leaving a note and the compliment about my collection. As to your question as to what i look for in a poster--it is sort of a blend. Liking the movie helps--but not always. (Some movies suck but have amazing posters.) The work of a particular artist you enjoy is also something to look for--but he/she doesn't make posters for every movie. Mainly what I look for in a poster is just the poster itself. This current crop o' posters is a poor example. But down the list you'll see NIGHTMARE CASTLE, a film I know nothing about and the poster is done by some artist I am completely oblivious to. However, i liked the I bought it. Mostly I buy what I like. Of all of the posters in my collection (and you've seen my thread) a good chunk of them are for movies i've never seen and/or had never heard of (until i saw the poster). I got the posters because I liked them. It's ultimately MY collection. I'm buying for me and no one else. So buy what YOU like. There are no right or wrong purchases if they are right for you.

Okay--poster time.

I already posted my 4F Italian BARRACUDA poster I got earlier (late February) when I re-posted the LOST BOYS poster that somehow did NOT get added to an earlier mid-February posting. But here are the rest of this month's poster acquisitions:


I already shared this on the March "new acquisitions" thread, thanks to Jeff calling me out for starting the March thread (when others were clearly still writing in February's...). But whatever. i re-post it here for my reference only. If you don't like my re-posting it, I may send some cannibals over to your house for dinner some night. And by the way, despite the lurid blurbs on the poster, the entire movie is fictional. No actual cannibalism occurs--it's all staged. Gotta love the exploitative huckster-ness of it all. Ha!)


I am pretty sure I have this already--and even though I thought the film was visually stunning (as is the poster--in my opinion), the storyline was not that interesting. Oh well. I bid an unlucky $13 for it any way---and won.


This is another of those "What was I thinking?" items. I have not bought as many lately--which is good--but it still happens (this being the case in point). I figured this would be worth some $$ to someone. I paid too much for it (in my opinion), but I could probably sell it for more than i paid. (Hopefully). But will i ever get around to selling it? Hmm.


Not quite the "what was I thinking" item like the Holmes poster above, but still along the lines of "I didn't really need this", it's the poster for last summer's "CHAPPIE". I never saw the film, but the previews looked interesting and I recall someone posted images of the poster(s?) on the recent acquisition thread back at the time. I liked them. This poster was recently at auction. I watched it, but have no memory of bidding on it. In fact, i didn't realize I had or that it was mine until I got the invoice. $4? Okay...


Another item i didn't really need. I liked TED (and TED 2, although not as much). I didn't need a TED poster, but out of all of them for both films, this is the one I liked best. I saw this at auction--didn't need it so I only bid $5. Sold. I was surprised--but pleasantly so--even though I don't need this.


I got a rough copy of this a few years back. I picked this one up as a replacement. That's pretty much the story. I did see the flick (in theaters---yes, i'm THAT old), but it wasn't my thing. But it is kind of along the lines of my 60s "Hercules"/sword and sandal/peplum movies  that i collect, so I bought the CONAN posters as well.


THE TWILIGHT PEOPLE is a cheesy bad 60s ripoff of THE ISLAND OF DR MOREAU made by the same group of Filipino filmmakers that made the BLOOD ISLAND films. It's not anything to write home about--but it has the distinction of being the first movie I ever saw on DVD. Ha! In honor of that alone, I have been trying to get a copy of the poster for a while. While I might have one already, I don't think I do. I do not like the twilight-y hues of the makes the artwork difficult to see. I didn't really need this poster either, but apparently this one is a bit of a rarity. I didn't even notice when I was first bidding on it (I just looked at the grading--didn't read the full description). It's a rare rolled version---it was never folded, which is almost unheard of in anything pre-1980s.


Do I have this already? i think I might, but didn't want to chance NOT having one when this came up. The poster is for a combo re-release of both films, but this time there's a gimmick involved to get patrons to go to the show that is prominently displayed on the poster...a free WITCH DETECTOR! Zowie!  I want one. How groovy cool.


I've never seen this old flick, but I am a fan of Barbara Steele and Euro horrors from the 60s. Came across this and thought it would be a nice addition. It was NOT something I was searching for---but neither was the John Holmes poster. But this has far more of a chance of being hung on my walls than the Holmes poster ever will. Holmes is for re-sale. This is a keeper.


Hot diggity!  Another vintage poster for a 50s 3D flick!  I've never seen it, of course...but I am a sucker for gimmicks and 3D (especially from the 50s) is one of the all-time best gimmicks. While the poster doesn't play up the 3D-ness of the movie (if any), I am still in-your-face glad to have it! Yippie!

That's it. Ho-hum. I'll be back in mid-March. Stay groovy.

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^ Yes I like the 3D Drums poster above. With all those flames, the dress must surely loosen up even more


Offline Chris9000

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Some killer pick-ups there! Congrats on some good hauls.


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^ Yes I like the 3D Drums poster above. With all those flames, the dress must surely loosen up even more


I second that! Great looking poster, nice dress  :P

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Hello everyone.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!  I am back for my usual visit. I waited two extra days (NOT that anyone noticed. ha!) so i could be timely and St. Patrick-y (although the posters are mostly devoid of green...  Pinch them---if you can! Ha!).( I'm actually writing this on the 9th...getting it ready for posting. I don't have much to share---but that can change in the week between now and the 17th. )  (EEEK! It actually has changed. I'm going to have to do TWO posts again...)

I haven't had much luck shopping lately.(I certainly have not found any leprechaun's to grant me three wishes---or a pot o' gold to buy whatever i'd like!) I had those 11 other items from my quick post last time---but nothing spectacular there either. What I did get continues to drive home a lesson I CAN'T seem to learn--to stop buying stuff I don't need and to stop buying stuff I already have!  Jeepers!!

Still, I am OK with the things that have been getting away. I had a super great year last year and I already started the year off with a great poster (WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST--which I am still stunned i won). A certain someone (you know who you are) outbid me at the last minute on something recently when I stepped away from the computer for at the wrong time--and he won! But, as i told him, I am THRILLED that it went to him. Sure, I'd like to have had it---but I have so many posters, and this guy is just getting started. He deserves it!

Anyway, before we slog our way through the latest posters, let's say hello to a few folks:

Steve and Rosa: I am so glad you like the vintage 3D poster for DRUMS OF TAHITI...or just the dress (that appears to be falling off. Oh my!). It's not the most exciting of posters, but I am happy to have it. LOVE 3D---and vintage is awesome.

Filmarmada: Thank you for the compliment and welcome aboard APF. I apologize for my delayed response. I am a recovering APF addict and try to limit my visits to only once a month (but with that last post...well, I had a momentary relapse. Ha!). I am sooooo very glad you've joined the APF party and are participating in it as well. Welcome. I WILL be visiting your thread later today. I've peeked already and am very impressed. You are already a fine addition to the regular gang on here.

Okay--not to get too excited, but it's poster time...


I wanted to see this movie, but never got around to it. Looking at the quad, i was startled to discover it is a Tim Burton movie. Really? i had no idea. Now i really want to see it. I picked up this quad cheap. I was aiming for this, but it was something to pad out the shipping costs. I didn't need this and probably should have saved my money...

POLTERGEIST 2015 (Quad) :

Another thing I didn't need--just got to pad out the shipping costs. Picked this up super cheap as well. The new POLTERGEIST was no improvement on the original (and actually, it sort of played as a quasi-sequel/remake...). Whatever.


This third quad is the quad I was actually going for. i also got this quite cheaply. I never saw this flick either---it came and went much too quickly (a bad sign? Was it any good?). Of the designs for the poster, i liked this group poster best and was delighted to get this for less than $2 (shipping was another story---ugh!). I need to track down the film though. Too bad it was a bomb. i really was looking forward to it.


I am reasonably sure I have this---but a quick flip through my thread does not show a copy from the last year or so. Still, I am almost certain I have one. I REALLY NEED to do an inventory of my posters ASAP. I finally have a space I can use to do so in---just have to dig all of my posters out and get them there. The reason for the interest in this poster is because of the history of this film. It was made/exhibited as intended . Later it was re-edited with porno inserts and had the title changed to "Penetration". I do NOT think I have that poster yet (trying to get both posters). I've never seen either version, but for the x-rated one, it must be strange to Farley Granger and Sylva Koscina headlining a porn film. I can hardly think of anything less appealing. Ha!


This is a title I've been wanting for years. I finally got one this past week...again!  OOPS! I did NOT remember that I also got one about a year ago--finally! I wonder how many times I've FINALLY gotten one over the years? Hopefully it's just been this one and the one last year. But--ARGH! I hate to spend money on a duplicate.


Here is another that I think I might already have---but am not sure. And it's nothing exciting whether or not I already have it. VAMPIRES NIGHT ORGY is not a very good film. The most compelling thing about it was the little town they used as the location. But, if nothing else, I thought Rosa might get a minor kick out of this poster as it features a total role reversal.... Here we have a vampire woman carrying out a scantily clad young man who appears to have fainted. Ha!


I dig my JAWS rip-offs. GREAT WHITE is a doozie --possibly the king of the rip-offs! It was such a rip-off that Universal Studios sued...and WON! I remember reading about the lawsuit in the paper when the film was playing and I RUSHED out to see the movie before it was pulled from the theater (and it was pulled---it did not make it to the end of the week. Something else was playing in its place the last 2 days or so).  I have the three US GREAT WHITE one sheets and had seen an international version of the poster (different art altogether). But I had never seen this completely different version until recently. It's not the best shark poster ever---but I couldn't let it slip away.

MULHOLLAND DR. (Styles A and B):

I already had single-sided copies of the posters for MULHOLLAD DR. I'd gotten them back around the time I saw the movie. At that time, I found it difficult to find any double-sided copies and thought that maybe the distributor had only made single-sided? I bought them (the single-sided ones) from a dealer who swore up and down they were legit originals. I framed them as I LOVE the movie (MULHOLLAND DR., to me, is David Lynch's best work to date.), but in the back of my mind, I was always questioning their authenticity. I hadn't actively looked for double-sided versions in ages...and these came along (as a set). I got these to replace the single-sided ones I have. Hooray! These, at least, have frames already waiting for them.


At last, another poster off of my bucket list!  Of all of the posters in this posting, this one i am truly ecstatic about!  I's just "The Munsters" movie. And it wasn't even a very good movie. And it has a fake Marilyn. Big deal. Hello? It's STILL "The Munsters". Hot diggity. This has been on my want list for decades. I just erased it off of the list! Yahoo! It's MINE! Groovy!

That's 10. Not much excitement there....but i DO have more coming to share later today (NOT much to get excited in that batch either. Ho-hum.)

Are you wearing green? If not, PINCH yourself for me!

« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 03:59:51 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

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Hi MAGG, one of the images isn't showing, I like the slasher. I notice the occasional non shlockorama like MULHOLLAND DR. Are you expanding away from your core?