Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359613 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Okay---this could be it. This could be the LAST Shock-a-rama poster show of the year. There are auctions Thursday (but I work), Sunday, and in to next week. If I get something, i suppose i can do another quick post---or wait until my once-a-month posts in 2016.

e---Yowza!  Look at the typos in that note to you. Ha! Looks like you figured out what i was saying though. Sorry about the Italian DEEP RED (it had paper loss and was still graded "very good"?  Hmm...), Better luck in the elsewhere place.

Crazy Vick--Thanks for popping by. I'm not planning on going away for ever---just severely limiting my time on here...and my poster buying (to essential stuff only---hopefully).

Gingerman---What I said to Crazy Vick. I'm not leaving entirely. I'll be back monthly to check in. Thanks for the invitation to contact you. The same goes for me. Anyone can send me a PM or an email. Congrats again on the B2 F13.

Okay--here are the last of the posters (unless i get a few more). There are only 9 of them, instead of the full 10 I usually do.  These first three are not all that spectacular---certainly not climax-worthy---but I got them last night...and they're not too shabby. I dig them anyway. Two were on emovie, the other was just something I picked up. I totally forgot about the emovie auction until near the very end. Dang!  oh well...I guess I saved some money? Ha!


Like the others I got in the last few postings, I just picked this up as it was inexpensive and interesting. i had no idea what DELIRIUM HOUSE could be---and it took a while before i tracked it down on IMDB as TERROR. Nice artwork--that was the draw. Interesting British flick least I think i am remembering the right flick. I wish the US one sheet had utilized the ad slick, which , as i recall had the title being skewered. Ha!


It looks like this might have been an EMMANUELLE film? Laura Gemser stars, so... I liked the exploitative women in prison art--nicely done--with the sexy EMMANUELLE silhouette in the center. This auction marked the first Argentinean posters in my collection).

MOM AND DAD, GLEN OR GLENDA? and THIRD SEX (Argentinean triple feature):

WoW! Wow! WOW!!!  Someone had one of these posted elsewhere a while back and I loved it. Despite it being in Spanish, i really dig this triple feature of quasi-sex ed of which is the Ed Wood classic!  Zowie!!! I just realized! I finally have some Ed Wood paper!  WHOO HOO! very COOL!


Jinkies!  I am so thrilled about this one too. My blaxploitation collection has mostly been the blaxploitation horror titles (BLACULA, DR BLACK & MR HYDE, etc.). But the other blaxploitation titles have always tempted me. I have bid, but usually get outbid. The poster for THE BLACK GESTAPO has always been my favorite. Sure, i'd love a SUPER FLY or a SLAUGHTER or a COFFY---but BLACK GESTAPO is THE (non-horror) blaxploitation poster in my opinion. Yowza!  Love it. I had the flick on video back in the vhs days. Ha!  I love my trash--and this is great trash.


Oh my STARS!!!!  You may remember reading in my thread about my big lament over selling (for next to nothing) my GIGANTIS THE FIRE MONSTER and LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT (original) years ago. With the end of the year approaching, I was stunned to see BOTH GIGANTIS and LAST HOUSE up for sale on an emovie auction. i thought this was a sign--and my chance--to get both posters once again. Hooray!  I won GIGANTIS (and it is a better copy than my original) but the LAST HOUSE went all kinds of crazy price-wise and I let it go... Oh well. GIGANTIS once again!  That's groovy enough for now. HOORAY!!!!

ZOMBIE (aka ZOMBI 2) (Italian):

Man, o' man! Am i thrilled-o-rama to get this! I had NEVER seen this ZOMBI 2 poster before---ever!  It's an original Italian poster...and i got it for under $35. CRAZY! And AWESOME!  ultra rare for sure. WOW!!!!!!!

STAR WARS, THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK and RETURN OF THE JEDI (British re-release combo quad):

While i'm not into the whole STAR WARS thing, I stumbled upon this British quad of the original trilogy playing all together and thought I should get it. It's got to be worth more than i paid for it. People are all crazy about STAR WARS--especially right now! And--I actually LIKE this poster. Cool.

THE DISEMBODIED: my B-movie horror flicks!  This one has such great imagery---a skull, a scantily clad woman performing voodoo rites, and cool spooky lettering. Allison (the 50ft Woman herself) Hayes stars! Zowie!

MIGHTY JOE YOUNG (1953 re-release):

I know this is a re-release poster, but what an awesome poster it is---KING KONG's cousin MIGHTY JOE YOUNG!!!  WOW! I've wanted a MJY poster forever as well. Whoo hoo!

Anyway, that may very well be the LAST of the Shock-A-Rama Poster Shows until my once-a-month visits starting in 2016. I will do at least ONE more post this year telling you my plans for next year---and there may be a poster or two to share then. We'll see.

Until then, have a super duper Merry Christmas and a cha-cha-cha groovy New Year!


« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 12:05:18 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Ari

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Love the ZOMBIE/ZOMBI 2 / ZOMBIE FLESH EATERS, and what a bargain.
Thats the best poster for the film.
Although the daybill I got yesterday is a cracker (not so cheap)
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Offline brude

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So many new cool posters.
Absolutely love the art on this one...

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. I wasn't planning on any more posts...but auctions happened and I won. Argh!  This is the main reason i am imposing strict buying rules on myself in the coming year. I just spend too much money. All last fall, i knew I was going to sell my house---so I charged posters left and right, as I planned on paying off my credit cards when i did sell the house. I sold the house, paid off the cards...and still keep buying like crazy with the profits from the sale. I don't want to poop all of the money away, so i MUST stop my spending by slapping rules on myself. Jeepers!  i mean all of the posters below are nice (well...), but I certainly did NOT "need" any of them....and there is at least another full postings worth of posters left to share! ARGH!

ARI--Glad you like the ZOMBI 2 poster. But i really dig your ZOMBIE FLESH EATERS poster. AWESOME!!!!!!!!

TED--Hmm. Glad you liked the posters, but I am stunned that you seemed to like the one for TERROR the most/best.  As always, thanks for visiting.

ROSA---I don't know if you've visited lately or will visit in the near future,. I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow I am heading to the Bay Area via train and have packed THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE to watch on the way up. Whoo hoo!

Okay--here are ten new posters I really could have lived without:


I actually wanted to see this (sort of) when it came out. No humans--just animals (owls?). And in 3D? It looked interesting. i bought the 3D blu ray---just have no way to watch it yet. But did I "need" the poster? No.


I opted to bid on this because it was old (40s) and had good (not great) art work and was in very good condition. But I didn't love it. I'd never even heard of this flick... Something else i could have lived without...


I like spy movies, James Bond especially. While i may already have this poster, I'm not positive if i do or not. I'm no fan of Ahh-nold's but I do like Jamie Lee Curtis. Hmm.


I didn't bother to see this or Part 3 (this is Part 5, right?) I don't have any of the TERMINATOR posters (at least, i don't think i do). Why did i feel the need to go after this one? Hmm.


This was a pretty good little flick, but I figured out the "gimmick" early on. (I was surprised at how they chose to "reveal" the truth though--unexpected!  EEK!) But did I need the poster? No.


This stars the real Happy Hooker, Xaviera Hollander. It was in great condition and only going for $1. I bid $2---and won it. ($2 really being $16 with buyers premiums, etc).  Ooops. I didn't need this.

ROOM 11:

Despite the stolen BOB, CAROL, TED, AND ALICE pose on the bottom of this poster, there's nothing to write home about. This came with PLEASURE IS MY BUSINESS.


Another freebie with the PLEASURE IS MY BUSINESS poster. Whoopie.


I've only half-heartedly tried to get this poster over the years. The artwork looks lifted from THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN instead of LIVE AND LET DIE. Oh well.

OCTOPUSSY (Japanese B2):

And Bond---Japanese style in this B2. Totally not necessary as I have the US one sheet.

I have another ten to post later---and a few after that. Ugh!  Good thing 2015 is almost over.

Happy almost new year.


« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 01:30:13 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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Well I just watched your video on youtube of your framed posters... all I can say is WOW! Both impressed by the posters and that you framed that many of them, I got annoyed after framing 4 :P. I'm curious if you ever plan on cataloging all of your posters? Probably going to be quite the project!


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Well I just watched your video on youtube of your framed posters... all I can say is WOW! Both impressed by the posters and that you framed that many of them, I got annoyed after framing 4 :P. I'm curious if you ever plan on cataloging all of your posters? Probably going to be quite the project!

+ 1 

And hope you enjoyed the film. It is a strange one, it seems an old, harmless western but soon one can see why it is a masterpiece. And that ending...

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. Here is another batch of recent posters---all nice, but things I really could have lived without (well, the last three I may have "needed". Hmm.) Yikes!  I am running out of days. I'll need to post a few more tomorrow along with my plans for 2016.

e--thanks for watching that old video (made in 2008---seven, almost eight years ago!).  Since getting another copy of GIGANTIS THE FIRE MONSTER, the only poster in that video that I no longer own is the original LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT. I gave up the folly of trying to frame them all---but not immediately after the video was made--so there are still several dozen other posters that actually were framed (some left out of the video accidentally---others that were framed after i made it) that are not shown.  As for cataloging them, I am feeling pressure to do so. An insurance guy needs me to do just that. So, sometime this spring when it's dry and I have several days off in a row, I plan to dig all of my posters out---take all of the boxes, tubes, and frames to a hotel room or someplace I'll have space, catalog and photograph them as proof for the insurance people. It will be a HUGE job as i do literally have THOUSANDS of posters...but it needs to be done, because even i am not sure what i have and don';t have. I'll share that ordeal on here when i get to it.

Rosa---I saw the film on the train (which was weird because the film opens and closes with a train). I also must say I figured out the ending LONG before the incident in the film occurred, I was a bit disappointed the song by Gene Pitney was not included---but it would have seemed out of place, i suppose. But thank you for the recommendation.

Okay--here are the posters:


Did i need this? No. But I am reasonably sure I have all of the Mel Brooks posters from BLAZING SADDLES or YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN (whichever came first) onward. I don't have anything before then (i.e. THE PRODUCERS) though. I probably have this already, but just to be sure...


I know this was a big box office dud...but I heard it was good (?), I kind of want to see it and the stark red and blue hues in the poster really grabbed my attention.


I remember going to see this in the theater with something called MY DEMON LOVER. MY DEMON LOVER played first, and for one reason or another, my date and i never saw the 2nd feature (I'll leave just WHY to your imagination. Ha!). I've always wanted to see it though because, of the two movies, that was the one i really wanted to see. Ha! Oh well... I have to poster to taunt me now until i finally DO see the flick.


Never saw this movie, but I've seen the poster now and again. it's i finally got one.


A creepy Charles Manson exploitation movie poster? Zowie!  Every cheesy poster collector in my age bracket should have at least one.


Just because it's a cult classic and inspired a series. i'll go ahead and get this first poster, but I'll pass on the sequels.


I saw this movie (in the theaters) way, way after everyone else did. It was a huge hit and my expectations for it were very high because of it. When i finally saw it, i was utterly disappointed. BUT, when i bid on this classic 80s poster, despite my lack of feelings for the movie, I was stunned to learn that this image---which I had always assumed was an early photoshop thing (since i never bothered to look at it that closely)--was actually a painting by Struzan! Looking at it more closely, i can see that now. Wow!


I've never seen this flick, but the poster is cool and always seems to escape my bidding grasp===until now. Whoo hoo!


I've been curious about this Christmas horror (?) flick for some time. i should just buy it perhaps? Hmm.


Although the first FLINT movie is better, I am thrilled to FINALLY get a FLINT poster!  After the Bond flicks but before the MATT HELM flicks, I dig my FLINT films! Super happy to finally have a poster for one. Yahoo.

I have others that i MUST post tomorrow since tomorrow is the last day of 2015. Where has the year gone?

See you tomorrow.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline 50s

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Nice 3D Time Travellers

MAGG you must have averaged a poster purchase every 4 hours throughout all of 2015!  thumbsup.gif

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Okay, here it is the LAST day of the year and this is my LAST post on my thread (I may visit some of the other threads before the day is out...) before my self-imposed absence from APF starts. As I've been saying, I am leaving because--since joining--movie posters have consumed all of my energy (and wallet)--especially towards the end of the year. I maxed out my credit cards buying posters because I knew i was going to sell my house. After selling the house and paying off the cards, here i am spending my meager profits on the house (which i still need to pay taxes on--eeek!), because I am only giving myself until the end of the year to shop without guidelines. Starting at midnight tonight, I really need to stop being so poster happy and buying nearly everything I see that amuses me. NO. i need to focus on my bucket list of "possible dreams" (I won't even attempt the impossible any original Universal posters...) and SAVE $$$ for the higher-priced items on my list.

That's NOT to say i won't be checking in. I plan to visit about once a month, around the 15th or so (that works out great because that will mean I only have to go 2 weeks without APF at the beginning, instead of going cold turkey for a full month!).  And if anyone wants to reach me (even anyone I've never communicated with before) between my visits, all you need to do is send me a PM or (preferably--so i don't have to come back to the site to reply) an email. I'll post my purchases (if any) when i do check in as well.

I kind of want to limit myself to just 13 searches...12 main searches (I figured one for each month of the year was good enough. The 13 is sort of a catch all... I'll explain below). While my bucket list is large, these lucky 13 are a good way to help me stay focused. If I get one, i can add in a new search.

Here they are (if you are curious):


2.  The AZTEC MUMMY series (Mexico)

3. THE BLOB (original)



6.  BATMAN (60s)

7.   I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE (original release)

8. THE BODY SNATCHERS (original release)

9. vintage 3D posters


11. Andy Milligan horror titles I don't have (GURU THE MAD MONK, THE BODY BENEATH, etc.)

12. HG LEWIS horror titles I don't have yet (COLOR ME BLOOD RED, WIZARD OF GORE)

13. Anything needed to finish off a series I've started (i.e. OLGA'S GIRLS, LA CASA 6, PLANET OF THE APES (original), EVIL DEAD (Thai), etc .GOLDFINGER/DR. NO combo re-release poster, etc.)

I got so many things from my bucket list this past year. It's really been a good poster year. If I only get ONE thing from this list in the coming year, i won't be disappointed.

Which means that after today I will NOT be bidding on anything that is not on my list (so--eeek!  I need to make my last minute bids on all future emovie auctions up and running and put in all of my snipes for Heritage right away! Today is my last chance and i think i can snipe this week's, next week's and part of the big March auction on Heritage...and will try to bid on emovie's auctions for next Thursday later tonight... ) I'll undoubtedly land a few titles in the coming days from those future auctions I'll bid on--and those I'll post when i visit.

In the mean time, here are the LAST (again) posters i have for the year, (If i do happen to buy any more between now and midnight, i'll share those when i visit as well).


I've had this for a while but it somehow never got posted. I thought it was interesting that this Italian poster's title is actually in English. KILLING BIRDS was released here (on DVD) as ZOMBIE 5: KILLING BIRDS. I have a copy and have seen it---but I've never really been sure how the ZOMBIE 5 label got stuck on ity, since apparently in italy it was NOT Zombi 5 either. Hmm


I bought this because I am curious about this film. I almost bought this on DVD, but the dealer ran out of them and couldn't get more. There are others, but they have the title in Spanish on the DVD cover.  I know this is dumb but, because i know an English cover is available (like this English poster) i am holding out for that DVD version,. Anyone see this flick? Is it any good?


The other day I got my long-time ultimate (non-horror)  Blaxploitation prize poster, THE BLACK GESTAPO. When i was writing about that beauty, I mentioned how it was my fave even more so than my 2nd fave (non-horror) blaxploitation title SUPER FLY. Imagine my delight when I ended up getting SUPER FLY as well!  OH MY STARS!!!! I am uber thrilled!.

THE HORRIBLE DR. HICHCOCK (Italian re-release):

I bought this ...and then noticed another copy for sale on emovie this week, I didn't pay that much for my copy...but it will be interesting to see how much the emovie one goes for. Did i get a bargain or not? Hmm.


I have been watching this poster for a while and decided to pick it up before my self-imposed poster buying rules go into effect. After 2015, I will probably never buy another foreign poster--except for the ones I need to complete certain series (LA CASA 6 Italian, EVIL DEAD Thai, etc.). I do like my cannibal flicks and already have the US one sheet for this...but why not on the original Italian version?

HELL TRAIN (Italian):

The dealer who sold me THE LAST CANNIBAL WORLD poster approached me about some other posters he had for sale. He had two nazisploitation titles I couldn't resist (original Italian releases). This was one of them. He also had this cool ILSA poster (Italian) that someone snatched away from me at the last second. oh well/ These are their own sleazy way.


This is the other nazisploitation poster from the dealer. What an incredible find (for someone into trash like this...)

SS GIRLS (Italian):

Yikes! I am surprised this poster was actually ever printed.  It's almost offensive (and Rosa, i apologize if it bothers you.). I saw this and realized this had to be rare...and bought it right away. The dealer had 4 copies, all in near-mint condition, all for about $25---a steal! I didn't realize it when I bought it, but this poster is for what was released here as SS GIRLS. The US one sheet for SS GIRLS was one of my very first posters I purchased at the beginning of the year. I thought getting this was an amazing coincidence now that the year is ending.  Anyway, with the disturbing image, near-mint condition, and the fact it was a nazisploitation title, I told myself I would go back and buy another copy to sell down the it was too good of a deal (and so cheap!) not to. I had purchased the poster just before going to bed and the plan was to buy another first thing in the morning. I woke up several times thinking about it--but waited for morning. When i finally got up and went to get another I was stunned to see that the remaining three were already GONE! Yowza!  I was so lucky to get this one.


I was trying to decide which of my final remaining posters would be the best one to fade out with. I picked this one...even though it's yet another film I have (gasp!) never seen (at least i don't think i have). I have seen this pop up now and again---cool image of the vampire chick with the crazy eyebrow-esque hair that grows into her regular hair. What is that all about? Wild! Looks like a great B movie! What a great way to end the SHOCK-A-RAMA POSTER SHOW for 2015.

STEVE---Thanks for checking in. I am glad you dig the TIME TRAVELERS. And yes,, it FEELS like I really HAVE been buying a poster every 4 hours. That really needs to STOP. I hope I can control myself like i plan to. Thierry said somewhere (maybe in the thread he started on OUR BEST POSTERS OF 2015 or something like that) that he had purchased more than 1200 posters for the year so far. While that is great for him and he has some wonderfully awesome stuff and apparently can afford it, I don't want that to be me. I can't afford that to be me. I really do need to rein things in and focus on my poster goals....and watch my finances.

Anyway, i hope you all have a super groovilicious cha-cha awesome new year (and a fantastic Fake Jan Day on Jan. 2). May all of your poster dreams come true! I am anxious to see YOUR new additions when I get back!

I'll see you in a few weeks. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

« Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 12:18:20 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline 50s

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Nice pickups, especially the NAZI ones.

See you every few days here


Offline Crazy Vick

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What a way to end the year!  One of your better albeit disturbing threads MAGG!

I really like the Manson one in the earlier post too.  Go-go and have a great 2016!


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   Maaaan... The Day of The Beast "Dia de la Bestia" is such a fantastic film by Director Alex de la Iglesias. You will love it,it is half comedy and half something else.

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   Maaaan... The Day of The Beast "Dia de la Bestia" is such a fantastic film by Director Alex de la Iglesias. You will love it,it is half comedy and half something else.

As usual, Rosa's right. El dia de la bestia is a fascinating, funny film. You should check it out asap, along with anything by De la Iglesia.

Y ya que estamos Rosa, mas adelante tendrás que ayudarme justamente con un poster de esta peli...  ;)

Espero que hayas empezado bien el año!!!  cheers

IG: @cinepapelarchivo

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This auction marked the first Argentinean posters in my collection).

That's a road with no return my friend...
Congrats on the triple bill. I got me one of those recently too. Lovely piece of paper  ;D

IG: @cinepapelarchivo

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This is the other nazisploitation poster from the dealer. What an incredible find (for someone into trash like this...)

My, oh my.
They just don't make 'em like this anymore.


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As usual, Rosa's right. El dia de la bestia is a fascinating, funny film. You should check it out asap, along with anything by De la Iglesia.

Y ya que estamos Rosa, mas adelante tendrás que ayudarme justamente con un poster de esta peli...  ;)

Espero que hayas empezado bien el año!!!  cheers

Por supuesto Matias. Ya sabes que estamos para lo que necesites, encantada de poder ayudarte. Y feliz Año  :D

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Igualmente!  cheers

IG: @cinepapelarchivo

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. It's the middle of the month...and I'm back, as promised. It was sooooo HARD to stay away, In all fairness, I have popped on momentarily now and again (whenever i get a notice that something new has been added to a thread I follow...)--but never stay long enough to write a response. I'm trying to avoid the forum to damper my poster mania and save some money. How is that working for me? Well...It's really too early to say.  i do have a whole lot of new posters to share with you (I'm breaking this post into two posts. i'll post the other half of it later tonight when I get home from work...). While that might SOUND like failure (and it kind of is), the bulk of them (especially the ones on this posting) were made via pre-bidding and or setting up snipes prior to my Dec. 31st, 2015 self-imposed deadline. Others have been acquired in the same way. I don't think--except for one instance which i will explain in the next posting---that I've even bothered to watch (or even remembered to watch) the auctions as they happen live. I consider that a good thing. That means whatever i was outbid on i did NOT fight (and bid higher) to get.

Before getting to the posters though, let me say hello to my guests who visited while i have been away...

Nice pickups, especially the NAZI ones.
See you every few days here

Hey Steve!  Always nice to see you. Glad you like the Nazi ones. Weird i'd end the year with such unpleasant Nazisploitation stuff...but you really can't pick what will ;pop up when. Thanks for the note...and yes. You are seeing me NOW and , after my Part 2 posting, you'll see me back in mid-February. Cheers!!!

What a way to end the year!  One of your better albeit disturbing threads MAGG!
I really like the Manson one in the earlier post too.  Go-go and have a great 2016!

HI ya, Crazy Vick!  I just said the same thing to Steve about ending my poster year on such a bizarre and disturbing poster note...but what are you going to do? NOT buy posters when you have the chance? Glad you liked them and the MANSON poster too. Thanks for the well wishes for the new year. You have yourself a go-go groovy 2016 as well, pal!  CHEERS!

   Maaaan... The Day of The Beast "Dia de la Bestia" is such a fantastic film by Director Alex de la Iglesias. You will love it,it is half comedy and half something else.

Rosa!  Thanks for the thumbs up word on DAY OF THE BEAST. i'll get a copy sooner or later and check it out. I'm really curious now. CHEERS!

As usual, Rosa's right. El dia de la bestia is a fascinating, funny film. You should check it out asap, along with anything by De la Iglesia.
Y ya que estamos Rosa, mas adelante tendrás que ayudarme justamente con un poster de esta peli...  ;)
Espero que hayas empezado bien el año!!!  cheers

Matias!  What an honor to have you stop by. Thanks!  I am glad to hear you second Rosa's enthusiasm for DAY OF THE BEAST. I really MUST check it out.
You also had this to say about my recent purchase of my first Argentine posters:
That's a road with no return my friend...
Congrats on the triple bill. I got me one of those recently too. Lovely piece of paper  ;D

I concur. I really, REALLY love that triple bill. Glad you have one too. In fact, i think that when you posted yours, the seed was planted in my head that I MUST also get one. Thanks!

My, oh my.
They just don't make 'em like this anymore.

Zowie!  i am glad you liked it...and surprised by all of the positive feedback on the Nazisploitation stuff i found. Yowza!  I thought I was the ONLY one who liked schlock like that! Ha!

Okay--it's poster time!  Let's get part 1 of the January Shock-A-Rama Poster Show going... (but fair warning. i'm saving the better stuff for tomorrow...)!.


This poster, and several of the posters below, was part of the bidding frenzy I found myself in on DFec. 31st. I bid on almost anything and everything remotely interesting that was due to close after the 1st. I did this because of my self-imposed restrictions on what i could buy this year. This was my last free-for-all. And I learned a lesson, too. Most of the really good stuff ended up getting outbid on...and the stuff that was "just okay" that i didn't really need...became mine. And...eeek! This is a 4F. I never buy 4Fs. I don't do well with posters in two parts. Oh well.


Another mad-dash bid...and another poster I could have lived without.


Speaking of posters I did not's THIS! What was I thinking? Ha-ha...a porn parody of the Elm Street series...but did i need it? NO!


This one was kind of interesting...but nothing I really had to have...


I bid on several Japanese/Asian Bond posters...and was outbid on all of them except this one...which was the one i most wanted to be outbid on. Why? Because i already have the US one sheet...which this looks just like minus the Asian characters. Oh well.

SPECTRE (Advance):

Now that SPECTRE has come and gone, the posters are more affordable. I got the advance poster's kind of dull actually. Hmm.


I bought this earlier this week---so my end of the year last minute bid-o-rama does not explain this. I'm using self-imposed rule #13--finishing off series I have already started. i have a collection of OZ posters and while I already have the one sheet for this flick, I thought I'd pick up this video poster for it as well.


I already had some posters from TRON 2 (whatever it was called), so...


Hercules/sword & sandal/peplum flicks are a fave. This French poster is cool...and one of the last of the last minute bidding frenzy bids made before 2016. Notice how HERCULES is someone else when released in France? Ha!


A end of the year snipe that ended up as a win this year..


Another poster I didn't really need...but won anyway.

BLOOD OF THE EXECUTIONER (French-affiche grande):

I like this one--and other bid last year/won this year thing. I know nothing about the flick though.

While none of these posters are bad...for the most part they really do not "do it" for me. This was a HUGE lesson for me and my buying/bidding habits. I really need to focus on things I really like/need/want...not just things that are "okay".

The batch i'll share later tonight (?) has much better stuff...but a few more bid on whatever oops-es. Hopefully when i am back in February I'll have fewer posters--but nicer ones still.


Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline 110x75

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Putting a limit has worked well for me. I just buy anything I can find on around 15 films. And IF and only IF the price is too cheap and the funds are available I go for other stuff I find interesting.

IG: @cinepapelarchivo

Online eatbrie

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Personally, and it's all very personal, of course, but I don't think you should ever spend money you don't have on posters, which are, by essence, not essential and frivolous.  I only buy posters with extra money, meaning money that I do not need to live.  I'm very strict about this.  I know of a few people who have maxed out their credit cards to buy posters, and I think it's a very risky endeavor. 

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)


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The Nightmare on Porn Street gave me a laugh...Looking forward to what's next.

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This is a 4F. I never buy 4Fs. I don't do well with posters in two parts. Oh well.

Toss out the top half, it doesn't add much, unless you are a horse head fan   :P

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Hi there. Here is Part 2 of my monthly post for my thread. The previous post was not that exciting (but it did have some nice things). But this post has me excited. And I get more excited the further down today's list I go. Wait until you see the last one. OH MY STARS!!!! I can NOT believe it is mine!

But I am getting ahead of myself... First I need to say hello to those who visited today.

MATIAS: I like your advice. But instead of focusing on 15 titles and buying posters for them in various versions, I am focusing (well, I am supposed to hasn't quite worked that way yet) on 13 titles /types/series of posters I do not have yet. Hopefully that will keep me from buying things I don't really need like the CALIGULA AND MESSALINA titles. I'm hoping that the further into the year i go, the more disciplined I become... Fingers crossed.

THIERRY: I hear you. Getting deep in credit card debt, etc. is exactly what I am trying to avoid by this "experiment". I am currently "debt free" (except for some student loans) because i sold a house. But I don't want to poop all of the house profits away. I am actually buying less than i was last month (or  the month before---or the month before that) right now. I hope I can get myself in the habit of just getting what i "need" and avoiding the extraneous stuff. But thanks for the sound advice.

e: I hear you. It gave me a chuckle too...and then I bought it and really looked at it. Didn't need it. But it's too late...

STEVE: Of COURSE!  I should have KNOWN you would zero in on that one. Ha! Nice to see you!

Now let's take a look at the posters and see what/why i got them


This is from a Heritage Auction--AFTER the Dec. 31st frenzy. I still sniped this auction--didn't see it happen. The outcome was a surprise. I opted to try and get this one as i have a collection of "adult" fairy tale movie posters (ALICE IN WONDERLAND, EROTIC ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO, CINDERELLA, THE EXOTIC ADVENTURES OF ZORRO, etc.). Did i need it? Not really. But glad i have it.


Wow! I have no idea what this is or how i bid on it. I think i must have made a goof when i was doing my snipes. I know it's a Fellini film...but only because it says so on the poster. i've never seen it, never even heard of it...(and, shocking I know, but I've never seen a Fellini film!). but it's a cool poster--snipe goof or not!


NOT the most attractive poster ever, but VALLEY OF THE DOLLS is a camp classic that has been a personal fave for years and years! This Japanese B2 was the only thing i bid on in last Tuesday's emovie poster...and I promptly forgot about it...and was surprised to find out I WON it. (Why couldn't this have happened with the Power Ball? ARGH!) Yahoo.

SPECTRE (Subway):

Jeff/Erik 1925 introduced me to subway posters...and this SPECTYRE subway is better than the Spectre advance I shared this morning. Love my Bond flicks and have all of the posters now (except ONE combo re-issue...argh! But it WILL be mine this year...I hope.)


This one is mine...Grrr. This is the ONE poster I bid on blindly and got caught up in during the auction. I just happened to see the outbid notice on it---lost my head (why? Did i need this?), went bananas trying to hang on to it for some inexplicable reason, and bid crazy high!  UGH!!!!  Oh well. Lesson learned...hopefully. But what a hoot to own the Italian poster for Sylvester Stallone ("The Italian Stallion") in his pre-fame blunder into porn! Ha!


Plus side, i won this without watching the auction. COOL art. Down side,'s a 4F. i don't like those 2 section posters. How do you even frame these without somehow attaching the two pieces together?


Wow!  I wanted this forever!  While not the best George Romero flick by far, i dig the poster. I have the dull style B poster (just a photo collage basically)...but have always wanted the illustrated style A. Yahoo. i jousted with a big bid, left it to fate...and it's mine!


This is an interesting win. In my pre-2016 bidding/sniping frenzy, i ended up losing a lot of really cool stuff on eMovie and getting a bunch of things i didn't really need (see previous posting). I did the same on HA....only the opposite happened. i lost out on EVERYTHING I bid on...except one thing...this awesome first release (I already have the re-release) BARBARELLA poster! It's doubly awesome as I was their under bidder for this same poster in their big November auction....and this one went for considerably less than the one in November!  Whoo hoo!!!!!


OH MY STARS!!!!!  This poster, to me, is just GORGEOUS!!!!!  The story behind this one is also awesome. Usually, before an auction, I will look at everything being offered ahead of time, put some of it in my watch list and wait to bid until the last moment (if I'm actually watching the auction) or at the last possible moment (like just before leaving for work) if I will not be watching. This was a Thursday night auction on emovie. Occasionally there will be something I want that I know will be way, WAY out of my price range/league and I will never get it. On those occasions, instead of putting it in my watch list, i'll just bid some crazy number and forget about it---knowing I won't get it. I had several cool things in my watch list...some of them went for fairly reasonable or cheap prices....and were NOT mine because I simply forgot all about the auction! I had, however, bid some random price on this poster---forgot about it--and ended up winning it! What!?! NO WAY!  Despite losing many other cool lots that night simply because I forgot about the auction, my wallet was glad I didn't have to shell out even MORE after the auction ended than I had to pay for this. But--zowie! This is the most amazing colossal poster of the year...and it's only mid-January (and the original film's poster, THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN, is coming up for auction in March...i won't stand a chance of winning it--especially since I am NOT the Power Ball winner, but I can try and dream...). Wow! WOW!! W-O-W ! ! !

And that's it for this month. I'll pop around tonight and visit a few of the threads I usually visit and then I'll be gone again until mid-February-ish.

I hope the first few weeks of the new year have been promising (although we all lost out on the Power Ball drawing, soooo.. waaagh. There goes those Universal monster poster dreams... Ha!)

See  you in a month. You can also always email or message me if you like. Don't buy anything I wouldn't buy I want to buy. Ha!

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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Well I had to pop in again right before I go to bed. Great stuff! Especially love the Valley of the Dolls, Barbarella, Tales from the Crypt and War of the Colossal Beast. Well goodnight, see ya soon!

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This stars the real Happy Hooker, Xaviera Hollander. It was in great condition and only going for $1. I bid $2---and won it. ($2 really being $16 with buyers premiums, etc).  Ooops. I didn't need this.

When I was planning my hols to Bruges and Amsterdam last year I was kept busy methodically researching possible hotels and B&B accommodation. The aforesaid Xaviera Hollander (not an easy name to forget) actually runs a Bed and Breakfast in Amsterdam.

And no, before you ask, I stayed here instead...

Oh and that 'Children of the Damned ' poster is excellent by the way!
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 12:32:43 PM by monocle »
Utter gent.