Author Topic: Copyright and "Fair Use" -  (Read 61582 times)

Offline CSM

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #175 on: November 13, 2013, 10:39:59 AM »

Offline 110x75

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #176 on: November 13, 2013, 10:46:31 AM »
oh shit I forget is it sue

Sue was your name when in drag?

Nice legs by the way...  :-*

IG: @cinepapelarchivo


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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #177 on: November 13, 2013, 11:13:54 AM »
WOW! ...Like, seriously, WOW!  jawdrop
This guy never ceases to amaze me.

Jees, I'm not a lawyer, however, I and the majority of people understand certain areas of copyright law.
As a lawyer himself, he doesn't seem to understand much but in saying that he doesn't specialise in copyright law so I suppose we have to let him off.
...Actually no, as a lawyer, HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER!

If a poster itself has been worked on or the image of the poster has been worked on in order to enhance the aesthetics of it, it then effectively has copyright protection.
Yes, he is quite right - SOME photographs CAN be deemed slavish copies but others are NOT slavish copies, much like many of those he uses on his website etc.

I'm amazed that he called Mike a troll for asking him genuine questions.
And then questioning him on his contribution to this forum.
Mel sadly is, in the simplest of terms, A HYPOCRITICAL BULLY.

Oh, that's right - Mel attacking my website yet again to aid him in his crusade because he doesn't like my comments in backing up Mike  rofl1
So Mel does not understand what a non-profit organisation is. Well it is something which makes no profit...and that means any money that goes into the organisation gets put straight back into it. Oh, what Mel doesn't know is priceless. Using sly tactics to attack me again is very silly and pointless, but the fact remains the website is a non-profit cause. I don't make ANY money from the website. Not that I need to explain myself, but what I do receive goes into the maintenance and promotion of the website (actually it doesn't even get anywhere near the promotional finances!). There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work going on at the moment and if I was to make ANY profit whatsoever my website would then REALLY have to be infested with ads (he makes my website sound like eBay!) and it making a small fortune, but even then it would still be non-profit as the money would be pumped straight back in to the site sm1

Why would Mel mention how much he has spent with Heritage and Poster Mountain?
Spending money does not give him the right to do what he does.

It doesn't surprise me that Mel openly admits he skimmed through the comments (with more attacks).
It goes to show he hasn't got the jewels to stand up and be counted and actually answer people properly for once without attacking them. He talks like he is some God-like authority here; who's he kidding!?
I am honestly fascinated with how he STILL acts this way; it's bizarre to say the least.

He should credit all his sources instead of making the images look like his own.
This is false advertisement of his website, if I was to be really picky  ;D

Is he for real!? Harassment!?  laugh1
He is the BIGGEST culprit of all on this forum!
He attacks and bullies people a heck of a lot here and yet when somebody questions him he runs to the head master and deputy head!
Classic bully. What a joke! puke

Wow. Threatening Mike with court. Who would have thought that!?
Very novel and a sad scare tactic from a grade A bully.

I don't believe Mike ever called Mel a criminal.
I love it how he always twists other peoples words.

And to have the audacity of accusing Mike of defamation - again...  laugh1
Is he for real!? I mean, again, HYPOCRITE OR WHAT!?  eyeroll

The post Mel links to was from almost three years ago, hardly back in the day.
You see, back then he pissed people off and he still doesn't realise that he pisses people off today; even people who do not post on these forums. Now that's a sign of a good "pisser offer"!  ;)
Mel as we all know can dish it out but can he hell take it, and yet he still attacks Mike, focusing on something that was a simple error that anyone could have made (apart from him of course).

Ari would of course know the IP address of Nick Lowe, and rightly so that he refused to tell Mel what it was.
Why on earth would a forum owner give out IP address information to anyone let alone to Mel? This is private information and as a lawyer Mel should know better than to demand this information. Sure, Mel could probably wrangle his way into getting some form of warrant executed on his behalf, but he isn't the law - I never knew he demanded this information!  nono

Some advice, Mike:

Mel will NEVER bury the hatchet with anyone he has had a feud with (even when he knows he is in the wrong) especially with someone who has disagreed with him. He bears a grudge I cannot liken to anyone else. Mel also NEVER apologises to anyone. You see, when he thinks he is right we, the majority, are always wrong no matter what the truth is. The truth does hurt him.

I find it truly ASTONISHING what Mel did with your details.
He cried his little heart out when I mentioned just his name in my signature a while ago when I was subject to his wrath (it was something I acknowledged I should not have done) but then he goes and publishes SOMEONE ELSE'S contact information like that! What a numpty!  hitself Proves he believes he is above everyone else here. I guarantee that if someone posted HIS contact information he would reply with a load of legal threats as per and scurry away to Thierry and Holiday again like a school kid. I wonder how many people (on and off the forums) have all HIS personal information ready for when he ACTUALLY goes through with his legal threats, which are all a complete joke as he is the biggest culprit of all.

What he needs to understand is that the way he is upsets a lot of people.

The prohibiting of posting personally identifiable information is a rule in the SMF forum pack rules and guidelines that Thierry and Holiday will have received when they set up this forum. But they have both said this place has no rules and as far as I am aware, have not once upheld those rules (or if they have I do not know about it). If they had upheld those rules, Mel would have presumably been banned LONG AGO and quite rightly so.

Again, Mike did not call Mel a criminal.

I'm amazed Mel thinks it is OK to post somebody else's contact information without their consent and then try to make Ted sound like he is wrong for sounding him out about it.
What a hypocrite - Mel's full name is publicly available if you do a search, but it is wrong to mention that  :o

Mel used to openly support MoviePosterDB (everyone should know they are a dodgy website; stealing artists work on many occasion and the like which is publicly available information), so why is he trying to divert people's attentions to that place? Why should Mike's priorities be that website? He was asking Mel a number of questions. Trying to get answers from an individual is far easier than doing the same with a company, so he does have his priorities right.

Is he for real!?
HE AVOIDED the questions posed by Mike and still has NOT answered them  hitself
Instead of answering Mike's questions and other people's comments, all he does is reply with a load of digressed  blahblah

Well said, Ted.
What was his response? A half-arsed quip at something you said about him.
STILL no answers or anything that show he has a conscience.

I find it astonishing some people here actually defend Mel's actions at times.
The day he does get a woman will be the day all this shit ends as he will see the light.  happy1

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #178 on: November 13, 2013, 04:57:13 PM »
Now I am offended and may sue or is sew or oh shit I forget is it sue

That is a nice clean floor

Offline brude

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #179 on: November 13, 2013, 06:51:46 PM »
Hey, Ari!
You have a closeup on the figurine on the knick-knack shelf?
Still own it?

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #180 on: November 13, 2013, 07:50:08 PM »
No, wasn't mine, this was inside the house, I lived in the garage.
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Offline erik1925

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #181 on: November 13, 2013, 07:58:46 PM »
Ari.. this has the makings of a great movie of the week..

A man, occasionally dressed in drag, with his wife, living and sleeping in the garage of a palatial, Australian estate.

And with the 2 camouflaged dust bins acting as entryways to your abode! 

I know I'd watch!!



Offline AdamCarterJones

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #182 on: February 18, 2014, 01:19:38 PM »
Someone mentioned this very topic to me today at Vectis of all places!
I mean, seriously, what the hell!? This crap gets everywhere!
Best wishes,

Offline Ari

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #183 on: March 14, 2015, 01:18:58 AM »
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You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!

Offline brude

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #184 on: March 18, 2015, 07:16:41 PM »
Cool article.
Rapoza is a class act.


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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #185 on: June 03, 2017, 09:37:07 AM »
I think HA has solved the problem by adding a "imaged by" addition to the image: