Author Topic: Copyright and "Fair Use" -  (Read 61571 times)

Offline Undead

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #125 on: November 10, 2013, 09:49:53 PM »
The craziness began when Undead's avatar changed to double full moon... Can you change your avatar to a waterfall. Thank you.

How's that, the Great Patterson Falls. Keep one thing in mind if visiting Patterson here in NJ. The river did once catch fire. Just an FYI. Coming Soon...ish to a nightmare near you!
Just bleach the bitch!

Offline Zorba

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #126 on: November 10, 2013, 09:55:42 PM »

Offline Undead

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #127 on: November 10, 2013, 09:56:28 PM »
Now I need to pee. Coming Soon...ish to a nightmare near you!
Just bleach the bitch!

Offline Zorba

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #128 on: November 10, 2013, 10:00:16 PM »


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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #129 on: November 10, 2013, 10:24:51 PM »
Guys, please go out and do something else (like get laid)! You are both good guys, and there are a ton of crooks and slimeballs polluting this hobby. I bet they are laughing their heads off reading this thread.

I tried.  I just can't deal with online dating anymore - 15 girls in 15 weeks.  Too easy to meet them, too easy to let them go (and vise-versa of course). Gotta find one in "real" life. Plus my poster crack habit spending has returned with a vengeance - $5,000 in the last 30 days (including a big chunk to you - thanks a lot!) - with no end in sight, no escape pod  :-[
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 10:28:58 PM by Dread_Pirate_Mel »


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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #130 on: November 10, 2013, 10:37:09 PM »

Offline Zorba

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #131 on: November 10, 2013, 10:50:56 PM »

Offline CSM

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #132 on: November 10, 2013, 10:56:38 PM »
I tried.  I just can't deal with online dating anymore - 15 girls in 15 weeks.  Too easy to meet them, too easy to let them go (and vise-versa of course). Gotta find one in "real" life. Plus my poster crack habit spending has returned with a vengeance - $5,000 in the last 30 days (including a big chunk to you - thanks a lot!) - with no end in sight, no escape pod  :-[

For $5,000 you could get quite the escort

Offline Silence

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #133 on: November 10, 2013, 11:00:12 PM »
several all at the same time.

Offline AdamCarterJones

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #134 on: November 10, 2013, 11:02:37 PM »
Boys, your faux-enlightened legal analysis and complaints are simultaneously amusing and tiresome.  You've gone on and on about various subjects but we're only talking about photographs of movie posters.  For legal purposes, they are considered "slavish" copies of pre-existing creative works and do not enjoy any independent copyright protection.  The plaintiff in Bridgeman made the same losing arguments you're making.

Mike, who are you anyway? Wow, you are a tiresome troll. Have you ever contributed anything to this forum or do you just come here to launch "digital piracy" crusades?

And of course the legal “help” from Adam is hilarious. This is the guy whose “nonprofit” website ( is infested with advertising and promotes gambling websites. (The front page states: “We recommend visiting whose poker games should help brush up your casino knowledge to hopefully defeat the budding Goldfinger's and Le Chiffre's of today.”) I can't imagine that Danjaq LLC – the copyright owner of all James Bond posters – would knowingly tolerate that abuse of its intellectual property.

But notwithstanding the foregoing please feel free to complain to Heritage and/or Poster Mountain that I am "stealing" from them and/or being un“fare” by posting some of their digital reproduction images on this forum to amuse and entertain my fellow poster nerds. That is a terrible crime indeed.  Or perhaps not.  Of course, aside from the ridiculousness of such complaints, I should mention that I have paid Heritage and its consignors $14,912 and Poster Mountain more than $1,000 for their wares and services, so your complaints may fall on deaf ears. Too bad, so sad.

WOW! ...Like, seriously, WOW!  jawdrop
This guy never ceases to amaze me.

Jees, I'm not a lawyer, however, I and the majority of people understand certain areas of copyright law.
As a lawyer himself, he doesn't seem to understand much but in saying that he doesn't specialise in copyright law so I suppose we have to let him off.
...Actually no, as a lawyer, HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER!

If a poster itself has been worked on or the image of the poster has been worked on in order to enhance the aesthetics of it, it then effectively has copyright protection.
Yes, he is quite right - SOME photographs CAN be deemed slavish copies but others are NOT slavish copies, much like many of those he uses on his website etc.

I'm amazed that he called Mike a troll for asking him genuine questions.
And then questioning him on his contribution to this forum.
Mel sadly is, in the simplest of terms, A HYPOCRITICAL BULLY.

Oh, that's right - Mel attacking my website yet again to aid him in his crusade because he doesn't like my comments in backing up Mike  rofl1
So Mel does not understand what a non-profit organisation is. Well it is something which makes no profit...and that means any money that goes into the organisation gets put straight back into it. Oh, what Mel doesn't know is priceless. Using sly tactics to attack me again is very silly and pointless, but the fact remains the website is a non-profit cause. I don't make ANY money from the website. Not that I need to explain myself, but what I do receive goes into the maintenance and promotion of the website (actually it doesn't even get anywhere near the promotional finances!). There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work going on at the moment and if I was to make ANY profit whatsoever my website would then REALLY have to be infested with ads (he makes my website sound like eBay!) and it making a small fortune, but even then it would still be non-profit as the money would be pumped straight back in to the site sm1

Why would Mel mention how much he has spent with Heritage and Poster Mountain?
Spending money does not give him the right to do what he does.

I've simply skimmed through the gibberish that Mike and his pals wrote.  Suffice it to say that I think we can all agree that we're right and everybody else is wrong and/or diabolically evil. It's too bad Mike (is that you NickLowe?) and Adam don't do anything on this forum other than start fights.  Jeff really does nothing other than praise others' contributions.  We can only hope they actually contribute something positive and original someday.

I will continue to post images of movie posters generally without crediting intermediary sources on this forum for the reasons I've stated and the authorities I've cited. If you think I've committed a crime and/or been un"fare," please call the FBI, the MPAA, the National Enquirer, or sue me. Whatev:

It doesn't surprise me that Mel openly admits he skimmed through the comments (with more attacks).
It goes to show he hasn't got the jewels to stand up and be counted and actually answer people properly for once without attacking them. He talks like he is some God-like authority here; who's he kidding!?
I am honestly fascinated with how he STILL acts this way; it's bizarre to say the least.

He should credit all his sources instead of making the images look like his own.
This is false advertisement of his website, if I was to be really picky  ;D

However, this is verging on harassment and I've reported it to the forum owners for appropriate action.

Is he for real!? Harassment!?  laugh1
He is the BIGGEST culprit of all on this forum!
He attacks and bullies people a heck of a lot here and yet when somebody questions him he runs to the head master and deputy head!
Classic bully. What a joke! puke

Thanks, just wanted some more info about you. [This area is where Mel had a link to Undead's personal information] Can I use this address for service of process in case we have to go to court to resolve our little spat?

Wow. Threatening Mike with court. Who would have thought that!?
Very novel and a sad scare tactic from a grade A bully.

We shall see. Not too cool to call someone a criminal for posting an image on a just-for-fun forum like this.  It's also defamation with presumed damages. By the way, here's the original post showing a public domain image that you've identified as "criminal activity."  As you can see, to the extent it's relevant, I clearly identified Poster Mountain as the source.

I don't believe Mike ever called Mel a criminal.
I love it how he always twists other peoples words.

And to have the audacity of accusing Mike of defamation - again...  laugh1
Is he for real!? I mean, again, HYPOCRITE OR WHAT!?  eyeroll

Now Steve, Chris and Ari and the old NS4 gang will remember my old pal Nick Lowe, who made similar charges of "plagiarism" against me back in the day:

"Nick Lowe" also had very odd problems with the English language, just like "Mike" can't seem to spell "fare" right.

Now Ari, do pray tell if Nick's posts originated from New Jersey? You refused to tell me the IP address of "Nick Lowe," even though you knew the answer:

The post Mel links to was from almost three years ago, hardly back in the day.
You see, back then he pissed people off and he still doesn't realise that he pisses people off today; even people who do not post on these forums. Now that's a sign of a good "pisser offer"!  ;)
Mel as we all know can dish it out but can he hell take it, and yet he still attacks Mike, focusing on something that was a simple error that anyone could have made (apart from him of course).

Ari would of course know the IP address of Nick Lowe, and rightly so that he refused to tell Mel what it was.
Why on earth would a forum owner give out IP address information to anyone let alone to Mel? This is private information and as a lawyer Mel should know better than to demand this information. Sure, Mel could probably wrangle his way into getting some form of warrant executed on his behalf, but he isn't the law - I never knew he demanded this information!  nono

In the spirit of such I will offer this to Mel. Let's bury the hatchet. I will leave it alone and not say any more on the subject. I think my point has been made for good or bad too many times. I will not badger, badmouth or say anything else referring to this incident on the forum. I would ask you to do the same. I would also ask that you delete the screen grab of my corporations contact information and address from your website and ask the moderators to do the same from this thread. Though it is public information I feel that it is unwarranted to publish it like it is and have refrained from doing the same with Mels home address for the same reason. It would just be bad form.

Some advice, Mike:

Mel will NEVER bury the hatchet with anyone he has had a feud with (even when he knows he is in the wrong) especially with someone who has disagreed with him. He bears a grudge I cannot liken to anyone else. Mel also NEVER apologises to anyone. You see, when he thinks he is right we, the majority, are always wrong no matter what the truth is. The truth does hurt him.

I find it truly ASTONISHING what Mel did with your details.
He cried his little heart out when I mentioned just his name in my signature a while ago when I was subject to his wrath (it was something I acknowledged I should not have done) but then he goes and publishes SOMEONE ELSE'S contact information like that! What a numpty!  hitself Proves he believes he is above everyone else here. I guarantee that if someone posted HIS contact information he would reply with a load of legal threats as per and scurry away to Thierry and Holiday again like a school kid. I wonder how many people (on and off the forums) have all HIS personal information ready for when he ACTUALLY goes through with his legal threats, which are all a complete joke as he is the biggest culprit of all.

What he needs to understand is that the way he is upsets a lot of people.

Can a one post thread (presumably locked and pinned) be created by an admin in the APF Welcome/Join section that clearly states some of the rules?

Such as comment from Holiday buried away:

"Thierry and I have made clear - or at least we thought we did - that slurs, epithets, racist comments, hate mongering and the like WILL NOT BE FUCKING TOLERATED!"

But one comment I cant find but was said was that personally identifiable information is not to be posted.

The prohibiting of posting personally identifiable information is a rule in the SMF forum pack rules and guidelines that Thierry and Holiday will have received when they set up this forum. But they have both said this place has no rules and as far as I am aware, have not once upheld those rules (or if they have I do not know about it). If they had upheld those rules, Mel would have presumably been banned LONG AGO and quite rightly so.

So it's perfectly OK to call somebody a criminal multiple times for posting a public domain image to entertain forum members but God forbid if you post public information that anyone can look up on  Very logical, Ted.

And by the way Mike, don't you know that MoviePosterDB has downloaded virtually every "protected" Heritage image and sells them FOR PROFIT? Get your priorities straight. also has virtually every "protected" Heritage image.

Again, Mike did not call Mel a criminal.

I'm amazed Mel thinks it is OK to post somebody else's contact information without their consent and then try to make Ted sound like he is wrong for sounding him out about it.
What a hypocrite - Mel's full name is publicly available if you do a search, but it is wrong to mention that  :o

Mel used to openly support MoviePosterDB (everyone should know they are a dodgy website; stealing artists work on many occasion and the like which is publicly available information), so why is he trying to divert people's attentions to that place? Why should Mike's priorities be that website? He was asking Mel a number of questions. Trying to get answers from an individual is far easier than doing the same with a company, so he does have his priorities right.

But you avoided the question.  Is it perfectly OK to call somebody a criminal without consequences here?

Is Mel a great guy? I have no doubt he is in most respects and believe that this issue no withstanding would get along with him just fine but not on this particular one and am sorry that some people feel that it is a crusade against him. It is not. For me it is about laws that have been broken intentionally and incorrect use of the reading and intent of certain laws used to make it look OK which may make others think it is legal when it is not. Is Mel a criminal, in this particular case my personal opinion is a crime has been committed but I am not an attorney and it is for a court to decide which I am sure will not and hope for his sake never happens.

Is he for real!?
HE AVOIDED the questions posed by Mike and still has NOT answered them  hitself
Instead of answering Mike's questions and other people's comments, all he does is reply with a load of digressed  blahblah

Look Mel, I like you.
I think you've got your heart in the right place.
But sometimes you can be a real dickhead.

You are the master of avoiding answering specific questions.
But, in this case, I will answer you directly.

No, I do not think it is OK to call someone a "criminal" on a public forum.
And I don't believe Mike has called you that.
He asked you a question and you avoided the answer. Repeatedly.

But, regardless, how the fuck does that exonerate you from calling him a 'troll" (which he obviously is not) and then posting personal contact info about him?
What is the adult rationale behind that behavior?

Well said, Ted.
What was his response? A half-arsed quip at something you said about him.
STILL no answers or anything that show he has a conscience.

I find it astonishing some people here actually defend Mel's actions at times.
The day he does get a woman will be the day all this shit ends as he will see the light.  happy1
Best wishes,

Offline AdamCarterJones

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #135 on: November 10, 2013, 11:04:47 PM »
And on that note, my piece has been said and I will stay away from this ridiculous confrontation; yet another that concerns Mel and a decent member of this forum  cheers
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 11:05:28 PM by bondposters »
Best wishes,

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #136 on: November 10, 2013, 11:08:52 PM »
^^^ Now that you read the above longest post eva, because it will be tomorrow, my below reference is long forgotten

I just can't deal with online dating anymore - 15 girls in 15 weeks.  Too easy to meet them

You need to put on your profile that you are a poster addict and you are a expert on ET movie posters. That should slow the floodgate somewhat

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #137 on: November 10, 2013, 11:17:58 PM »
^^^ Now that you read the above longest post eva, because it will be tomorrow, my below reference is long forgotten

You need to put on your profile that you are a poster addict and you are a expert on ET movie posters. That should slow the floodgate somewhat

 ;D ;D

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #138 on: November 11, 2013, 12:03:47 AM »
Now Steve, Chris and Ari and the old NS4 gang will remember my old pal Nick Lowe, who made similar charges of "plagiarism" against me back in the day:

Those bastards are not very cooperative...

IG: @cinepapelarchivo

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #139 on: November 11, 2013, 12:16:25 AM »
Oh how I miss the good old days when no one got up anyone else's nose and all the other members were just a friendly nickname from a far off land with a wondrous avatar. Ahh yes I remember it well...those few moments right before one's membership was confirmed and we ran headlong like Chicken Little into this place...

*sigh* ...memories  :P

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #140 on: November 11, 2013, 12:18:46 AM »
Those bastards are not very cooperative...

I do agree they are bastards but in my case at least they do seem to cooperate   8)

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #141 on: November 11, 2013, 12:20:36 AM »


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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #142 on: November 11, 2013, 12:26:47 AM »

So Drew Brees got me 35 Fantasy Points tonight...  woohoo

Offline Zorba

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #143 on: November 11, 2013, 12:31:14 AM »

So Drew Brees got me 35 Fantasy Points tonight...  woohoo

Good for you Charlie!

I hate the Cowboys.  ;D


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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #144 on: November 11, 2013, 12:34:57 AM »
Good for you Charlie!

I hate the Cowboys.  ;D

My dad was not happy.  I told him about two years ago that I couldn't be a Cowboys fan again until they got rid of Tony Romo...  Else, I am one of those legacy fans... Dad, his dad, etc...  Staubach Jersey pics from childhood etc...


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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #145 on: November 11, 2013, 10:12:20 AM »
Does anybody ever actually read Adam's posts? I just skimmed it and it appeared to be the same anti-Mel gibberish he has posted a few hundred times before, with some comical amateur legal analysis thrown in as a bonus. Virtually every thread on this forum is now thoroughly infested with Adam's rants about me.  One day I'll have to publish them on It's simply astounding - and frankly disturbing - that he continues to hang around these forums for the primary purpose of publishing bizarre encyclopedic posts about me.  Really, who is this guy? What does he do for a living? Why would somebody who doesn't even collect posters (or at least non-Bond posters) hang around here?

BTW is down for now, so the site and all the 3,333 (!) images I hosted there are down for a while.  I gotta rebuild it because it's outdated now that I've consigned half my posters and it's too much work to maintain in iWeb and Aperture.  (I have to manually upload new HTML pages for every update.) I may just close it permanently and host everything on Flickr.  MPC is still up and will stay up but I need to rebuild it in something other than iWeb.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 10:36:05 AM by Dread_Pirate_Mel »


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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #146 on: November 11, 2013, 12:30:16 PM »
There are ONLY 43 days, 6 hours, 30mn and 2 seconds until XMAS

Kindoff fits here in this lovezly zread....

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #147 on: November 11, 2013, 01:49:50 PM »
Folks, where else can you get this kind of entertainment for free?!

By the way, Brude is a mod because we trust him.  Whatever he says or does is fully supported by Thierry and I. 

What I find most numerous is that the ones bitching today about being a victim will be the very ones doing the victimizing tomorrow.

We are all hypocrites of one form or another.
Best regards,


Check out my new place!
Two Parrots Gallery

"What happened to all the people?" Mystified MPF Member, February 20, 2010

"I actually quite like the name Peanut."  Andy Neal on MOPO, April 22, 2010

Thierry:  Type the word APF on MPF and it spells: "Banned due to malicious unsolicited private message ".

Charlie to the guy who lost to EatBrie:  You just got "T-boned"!  Happens to the best of us...  Wait until you get "Holidazed"!

Thierry to Silhouette:  Please tell her it's a tiny part of my collection so she doesn't think I'm a total creep.  Oh wait, no, I am a total creep.

Offline stewart boyle

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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #148 on: November 11, 2013, 04:50:05 PM »

By the way, Brude is a mod because we trust him.  Whatever he says or does is fully supported by Thierry and I. 

Brude just appointed me Global status.Yes!.who`s got bubblegum?


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Re: Copyright and "Fair Use" -
« Reply #149 on: November 11, 2013, 04:54:21 PM »
By the way, Brude is a mod because we trust him.  Whatever he says or does is fully supported by Thierry and I. 

Except when he talks Politics.  Then all hell breaks loose.

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)