Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359335 times)

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Francis Ford Coppola's $26 million folly that bankrupted him and his studio (it only made $650,000 back at the box office---ouch!). Still it is a fascinating piece of film.

I'm one of very, very few people who actually loves One From the Heart.  There is a reason it has been my avatar since I started this forum.  The presence of Nastassja Kinski at the height of her beauty probably helps, but I also find the movie extremely romantic and I love Tom Waits' songs in it.  The story behind it is also fascinating, the fact that Coppola spent everything he had made from Apocalypse Now on this movie to eventually yank it out of theaters because he couldn't bare the negative reviews.  It's Hollywood at its finest.

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- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

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Also, I meant to ask you, have you seen any or all the movies linked to the posters you collect?  I'm assuming you haven't, since most of these movies are hard, if not impossible to find.  The way you collect is very interesting to me, because I only collect posters of movies i have seen, and I have never heard of any of the titles on those posters.  Which leads to my next question: What is the main appeal to you?  The genre, horror obviously, B movies, the designs, but then you criticize a lot if it...  Just wondering.

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hello, THIERRY. What a pleasant surprise to find you in my thread. I agree with you on ONE FROM THE HEART. As I said "Still it is a fascinating piece of film." I wouldn't have bought the poster (it's NOT horror or schlocky B-movie) if I didn't. In some ways it reminds me of LA LA LAND....  I also have it on DVD or Blu Ray (not sure which). As to your question about have I seen any or all of the movies for the posters I collect. No--I have NOT seen all of the movies the posters represent...but I have seen the bulk of them. For example, for all of the posters on the last page, there were only 5 films represented that i have NOT seen (HALF PAST MIDNIGHT, PORT OF MISSING GIRLS, SCARED STIFF, LUANA, and SUPER STOOGES VS THE WONDER WOMEN). I hadn't seen MISS PEREGRINE when I bought the poster, but have seen it since. But, generally, whether I have seen them or not, I tend to buy what strikes my fancy....and that is mostly horror/B-movies. True, I do ted to criticize my purchases at times--whether it's a duplicate I spent too much money on, something that had a flaw I didn't notice before (Canadian censor stamps i ALWAYS miss...and they annoy the hell out of me), or maybe they are things I just really didn't need. Why did I bother? Hmm. Then there are those posters, such as Any Milligan's THE MAN WITH TWO HEADS as seen in my most recent framed posters video. The artwork is awful, very juvenile...and just plain BAD, I framed it anyway (when i could have framed Milligan's BLOODTHIRSTY BUTCHERS or TORTURE DUNGEON...or any other poster I have really), because--aside from the fact that i collect Milligan, as bad as it is, it makes me laugh/smile. I get enjoyment out of it.  So basically, i buy whatever floats my boat. I don't feel he need to limit myself.

THANK YOU for visiting, T. It's always an honor to have you visiting the cheesy side of APF.

And now, another BONUS mini-post:


Zowie! I had seen one of these floating around on eBay for a while. I saw this and went for it. I'm not sure which is in better shape (but this one does have a few "bites" in it along the side), but this one was a little cheaper (by $34 and $28 shipping) and...yippie! It's mine. This is a Jess Franco flick that someone wisely re-titled/re-dubbed and turned into an ILSA movie (which is how I first saw it's always been an Ilsa flick to me).


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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there! BONUS post time again...but not to show you any new poster. Instead...YIPPIE...I have finally started to hang up some of my framed posters again. There are only 7 up so far...but soon EVERY wall will be posterfied!   Whoo hoo!  Here is a peek:

These two were the first to go-go up. I like the juxtaposition of ATTACK OF THE PUPPET PEOPLE with WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST...tiny Vs HUGE! That wall was the perfect place to start. However, as I was hanging them, I realized (GRRR!) that the small window by the front door was shorter than the rest of the windows in the living room by 2 inches. Whose bright idea was that? So I compromised and have them a little shorter than the main windows and a little taller than the lone short window. The rest of the posters will also be hung at this height. I apologize for the awful lighting...and the posters all over the place. Ha!

Next up, just inside the door in the little entry area, across from the little window, I've hung HORROR HOTEL. It may not be the best choice poster-wise, but it's very fitting. Since moving back to my house, I've FELT like a hotel. I've had people visiting/staying here more often than not. (My mom is here visiting now. My best friend will be here on the 29th until mid-April, etc.) place is truly like a hotel.

Again, this next one is lit horribly. Sorry. But on the living room wall that borders the kitchen, I've stuck up BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE, THE SCREAMING SKULL, and CURSE OF THE UNDEAD.

Finally, for now at least, I have TERROR IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE on the space between the coat closet and the poster room. I will see it every time I enter the hallway from the kitchen/dining room. Yowza! Coolsville.

Now to find perfect places for sooooo many others.

I'm finally getting my groove on. Whoo hoo!

Thanks for looking.

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Offline 50s

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This space is screaming out for a 3 sheet!

Posters look great an your walls  thumbsup.gif

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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STEVE:  Funny you should say that. As I was posting these photos, I was looking at this cool poster on an otherwise plain, empty space...and I was already mentally thinking of what I could do to jazz it up. Maybe move the poster to the side and add some lobby cards on the side or change the poster and add some artifacts from the film (3D glasses or other gimmick premiums) or maybe hang my groovy MAN WITH THE ATOM BRAIN 3-sheet? (I just need to get that framed if that were the case...). Great minds and all of that...  But thanks for looking.
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Offline brude

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Wow, those posters look great on the walls of your horror hotel.
 clap clap clap clap

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi TED. Thanks for stopping in and the note about the posters on the wall. I put up two more (NIGHT OF THE BLOOD BEAST with the combo FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE SPACE MONSTER / CURSE OF THE VOODOO) in the hall today, but they are hard to photograph. I'm so excited to have posters up again.

Here's a bonus mini-post:


Zowie! This is a poster for an apparently unfinished video documentary on grindhouse movies and their makers. Wow, you've got Ilsa, Werewolves on Wheels, Invasion of the Blood Farmers, and many others represented on the poster. I hope it gets completed and released. I have looked it up and seen clips. Great stuff there.

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Online Neo

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Shawn, you continue to outdo yourself.  From the commentaries, to the gifs, framed gallery, and of course the posters.  Outstanding.


Offline brude

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^ What Neo said.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey BRANDON and TED! I was just about to call it a day and head to bed. Tomorrow is another thrill-a-minute, 12-hour work day. GROAN!  Your kind words really perked me up. THANK YOU. I was feeling kind of bummed out because I (gasp!) missed National Pancake Day. The co-worker who was going to go with me bailed twice. First she postponed the trip from noon until 7 p.m. Then she just canceled altogether. I didn't need the carbs/pancakes, but I go EVERY year. Oh well.

Anyway, your messages made me "get over it". Ha!

To further perk things up, here's ANOTHER Bonus mini-post. Yahoo!


"If you can stand that fishy smell, you'll love THE MERMAID" So screams the tag line at the top of the poster. HA! I had read an article about this movie several years ago. Apparently it was a low-budget nudie shot in someone's pool. The producers hated it so much they destroyed all known copies of the film (I think there were only about 10 copies to begin with), leaving only the posters behind. We can only guess what it was like--but i believe it had starred Rene Bond? Hmm. I had been looking for this poster since reading that article. Glad I hooked this one. Only $30. Nothing fishy about that.

Thanks again for the visit.

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Offline brude

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The Mermaid is certainly a keeper.
Well done, sir!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi TED! I'm glad you were as much hooked on THE MERMAID as i was. I actually went back and bought a second copy from the same dealer...just for future whatever!

Thanks for saying HELLO.

Here's a BONUS mini-post:


I love Tarantino, but believe it or not, I have NOT seen the KILL BILL flicks. Still, I picked this up tonight from one of Rich's auction. I've seen much talk on the KILL BILL films (and posters) on APF. This is not the most exciting poster, but I'm sure I'll be pleased to have it once I finally see the film.

Good night!
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I'm perked up

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I'm perked up

Ah, another fan of THE MERMAID.It is a fun and colorful poster. I'm glad you like it, STEVE. Ugh...had to take a sleeping pill last night and Im groggy...but need to get up ASAP as its another glamorous work day. O' the joy...

Here's a quick mini-bonus:


I love the first two HELLRAISER films (after that, they really started going downhill quickly...). Part 2 may even be my favorite. I already have the poster for two, but picked this up last night from one of Rich's auctions. Thank you, Rich.

Now it's "time to play", no. It's time to go to work. ARGH!

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Offline brude

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I love the first two HELLRAISER films (after that, they really started going downhill quickly...). Part 2 may even be my favorite.

Total agreement.
I liked the second one a bit more than the first and the followups certainly suck.

Offline erik1925

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I also think HRII was better than the first. A bigger budget and better special FX and look overall. I dont even think Ive seen any of the series past this sequel. No interest, really.


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Maybe mermaids destroyed the film, but spared some of the posters so the legend lives on.

Nice win. 

« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 02:11:54 AM by erik1925 »

Offline erik1925

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Maybe mermaids destroyed the film, but spared some of the posters so the legend lives on.

Nice win. 


Brandon, I think the tag line may have also helped, leaving a nasty odor in its wake.  puke

But it is a cool looking poster.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 01:42:00 AM by erik1925 »


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Brandon, I think the tag line may have also helped, leaving a nasty odor in its wake.  puke

But it is a cool looking poster.

Absolutely. 8)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 02:42:40 AM by Neo »

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Good morning, TED and JEFF. Okay. It is unanimous. HELLRAISER 2 is better than HELLRAISER 1.  >:D

BRANDON, another MERMAID poster, fan. Hooray!

Gents, thank you all for visiting. UGH. I have to get ready to go to work now. I'm sooooo tired. But here's yet ANOTHER mini-post:


This is a cool and colorful stone litho from 1946. I have no idea what the flick is like---but it looked quasi-suspenseful/horror-ish and the price was right and the poster was nifty. SOLD!

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Offline brude

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Very cool poster from a film I hadn't heard of.
Found some info and reviews on IMDb:

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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TED, how kind of you to dig that information up and post it for me. I was so intrigued and the review I read made me even more curious, I went ahead and bought the set of three films on Amazon (just a DVD-R, but probably the only way I'll ever get to see them). THANKS for that---and thank you for visiting as always.
And here's another mini-bonus post:


Yes, I DO already have one of these that i posted earlier...but this was a better copy. Possibly the GONE WITH THE WIND of cannibal movies (Ha! Did I really just say that?), this poster is super hard to find. Yahoo! It's MINE!  I'll sell off my other one some time this spring / summer (if I can find it), I hope. I need the $$$. Even if I don't break even it will still be better than no $$$ at all. The poster could have been better...but no one asked my opinion. Ha!

PS: OH---and have you seen the new KONG film yet? How is it? I'm hoping to go Tuesday.

I actually have a DAY OFF today. Whoo HOO!

Oh my's almost the 15th. Already! I'll have my usual mid-month full posting then.

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Offline erik1925

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Cool looking The Unknown poster, there, Shawn. I love the multi-colored background and the way the knife wielding guy is in that red "halo.".

Looking close at the print style, plus the year its from, I'm going to offer that this isnt a stone litho but was done using offset printing. Stone lithography had become too expensive to do and was being phased out in the early 40s, since offset was so much cheaper to do. But it looks to be all created artwork, which I love, and it's a killer poster (no pun intended).  ;D


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Good morning. UGH!  It's 5 a.m....which, yesterday, would have been 4 a.m.. Argh!  It's Daylight Savings Time and I have to wake up, shave, shower, and shine---and go to work. Oh God---I'm gonna be dragging my butt all day long... Zzzzz.

Hey JEFF, thanks for coming by. I'm glad you like THE UNKNOWN poster. Yes, you are the resident stone litho you are probably right about the poster. It doesn't matter to me whether it is or isn't really. i just dig the poster (I already have it framed).

Blah... It's already almost hit-the-shower time. Nooooo. Did I just lay down to sleep? This day is gonna be AWFUL!

Thanks for visiting. Here's a mini-bonus post:

TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (Remake Japanese Chirashi):

The ONLY reason i have this is because it came with two others (that I'll share soon). Michael Bay remakes---UGH! And this image is NOT all that exciting...

Okay---the male nurse zombie is shuffling off to get ready for his day. Blah!  Have a better one then me.

Happy Daylight Savings Time!

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