Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359854 times)

Offline brude

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Sorry to hear your auction woes, Go-Go.

Maybe its time to to start selling off duplicates and undesirables?

That way you refine your collection and give yourself some breathing room.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Yes. That is a good idea. However, I am not in a house again  yet. Everything I own is still crammed into a tiny space. I don't even know where all of my posters are or what exactly I have. But I have other junk, er... objects d'art I need to get rid of. It will happen...I just need to find the time. Thanks. Cheers!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Okay...I don't know what the hell I've been stalling for, but here is the story of those last three posters...that has stopped me COLD from bidding (or even looking) on other posters.

(To skip the sob story, skip down to the row of these: ******)

I have been struggling to pay off financial aid loans and credit card debt I accrued while going to nursing school and not working (I had been a writer for the newspaper, but they would not let me work part time. I couldn't handle full time and school so...). The student loans are slowly, slowly shrinking. The credit card debt I actually was able to pay off a big chunk of when I refinanced one of my houses last November.

Once I joined the forum (last January), I learned about a few other options out there of where to acquire posters and was feeling a bit more confidant financially. I started buying some of the things I had only dreamed about before, but still kept buying the smaller things as well. More than once I found myself having to charge my orders when I'd get carried away. A little here, a little there. Other expenses came up--trips (New Orleans for my 50th birthday in April, Maui coming up at the end of September, and I just had a back-to-back trip to Los Angeles and the Bay Area). Flights, hotels, and car rental had to be paid for. All charged. And then one of my houses became vacant (and is still vacant while I clean/fix it up), requiring me to somehow pay the mortgage on it. Yikes!

Then came the whole pursuit of the original OLGA film, WHITE SLAVES OF CHINATOWN. I had to have it. I spent hundreds ($302) on one trimmed copy...and then, at another auction, got an untrimmed one (along with HG Lewis's 2000 MANIACS one sheet--not in the best condition) for a grand total of $705 (that's with buyer's premium, tax, shipping and the credit card fee, and whatever else was tacked on). I had already been spending some bigger dollars than I am used to spending on other posters here and there...but the $705 was staggering to me. I was gonna NOT buy anything else...but did anyway, especially when I saw the big summer auction at Heritage. Oh my stars!  There were so many, many things I wanted/needed that were on my "Possible Dreams" list, including the poster that was at the very top of the list, the 1956 re-release of "King Kong". There were several other posters in my top ten list as well. I was beyond excited, but already panicked about my re-escalating debt.

The '56 "King Kong" was my ultimate prize and I focused on that most of all. Sure, I'd prefer a 1933 original; release one sheet, but that will never happen. The '56 was the re-release poster I liked 2nd best. The art had been used before, but the coloring of the '56 version interested me more than the other versions. I had seen one a few years earlier on eBay that was priced about $200 and it languished there for weeks--no takers. O' if only I had had the money back then...  But I was determined to get this one.

And I did---spending way,way, WAY TOO MUCH money in the process. Oh crap-a-rama! With buyer's premium, I paid $956 for it. WTF!?! It killed me to pay that much for it, especially when I remembered seeing it for only $200 not that long ago.

Anyway, that stressful/fierce bidding competition for KONG rattled me. I was totally unhinged by it. I was NOT letting KONG get away from me and the next thing that had been on my long list of posters to buy was also not going to get away from me...which is how I paid (with BP) a staggering $836 for Doris Wishman's "NUDE ON THE MOON". Holy F&#@!!!

I was punched in the gut after that. Most of the other things I wanted--things from my top ten--were scheduled for the 2nd day of auction. NUDE ON THE MOON had NOT been one of those. NOTM would normally have been something I'd have let pass by...but I did not have my wits about me after the KONG war. UGH! And with nearly $2000 (!!) already spent, I wasn't going to be able to buy anything the next day probably. Why, o' why had I bought NOTM? Waaaagh!

The next day came and I tried to have a level head. As soon as the bidding started and something I hadn't had on the list of things I was going to bid on (I'll tell you why it wasn't on my list in a moment) came up, I freaked out and went into bidding frenzy again--and got it. It was THE GREEN SLIME for $167.30 (with BP). Only after I won--actually, during the bidding phase when I was the high bidder, did it occur to me that the reason it was not on my written list to bid on was because I had just won one less than a week earlier! D'oh! And the auction clock counted down, no one had any last bids against me,and it was mine. ARGH!

Other things I really wanted (including that poster that had been No. 2 on my Possible Dream list) came up. I bid, but had to stop...I was usually the 2nd place bidder on a lot of those posters---but I just had to let them go, one by one...  UGH!  All because I made two stupid purchases and spent way too much for the third. DANG!

The invoice was $2151.08....eeek! The highest invoice before that had been in May, for $1,019.19...but I had won 7 posters (instead of 3) then, including some real beauties. But I was now truly, TRULY maxed out. In fact, while I was in Los Angeles (on a trip scheduled/paid for before my house became vacant and before the big auction) I realized I needed a few hundred bucks in CASH for an event I was going to...and I had completely forgotten to get some before leaving. Not having any reserves to pull from in my regular account, I thought I'd try to get a cash advance from one of my credit cards. I went to the bank the card was issued from, but didn't know my pin number since I never get cash advances. They called and the people at the credit card line said i was okay to get the money out--but for whatever reason, the transaction kept getting declined...even with the credit card people still on the phone line talking to the bank people. My only option was to open an account there and get a personal loan...the minimum loan offered was $2000 at a crazy interest rate---but I had no choice. UGH!

I can laugh about the loan now--but at the time I was just soooooo upset with myself for allowing myself to get so poster crazy and charging up all the debt I had gotten OFF of my cards. Dang!  I realize the money I spent on those posters may not be a big deal to some of you out there--but to me, it was a fortune. KONG is now the most expensive poster I've ever purchased with NUDES ON THE MOON in 2nd place. The previous most expensive had been an original NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD a few years ago for $650 or so. Even THAT was a fortune to me. OUCH! I have NO ONE to blame but myself...


Anyway, here are the 3 posters that did me in...

I don't know when I'll even THINK about looking at posters to buy again...  Groan...

« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 01:14:24 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline brude

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I can feel your pain.

Every day we are inundated with auction ads, watch-list alerts and internet images of items that we MUST have.
Once connected, we are like kids in a candy shop.
I'm sure that I'm not alone when I say that a week doesn't pass when the temptation to blow the budget is almost unbearable.

But restraint and patience always seems to pay off.
Just when we seem to give up on certain items that are just too expensive, wham! -- one appears within our budget.

But if temptation starts winning, refer to Kenny Rogers.
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>  wynk
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 03:31:12 AM by brude »

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I wish he had taken his own advice when it came to plastic surgery. :-)

I'm outta the game for a while. I was just sitting here paying bills. Yikes!  It's NOT fun. I only owe $46,309 on my student loans. Ha. (oh boy...) My credit cards? Let's not even go there...

It's gonna be a long while until I'm back in the poster game. But that's okay.

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Offline Crazy Vick

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Thanks for sharing.  I knew you had a gaping wound already from your White Slaves adventure but now I get the whole cold turkey thing.  Its a good plan.  God i hate Heritage, and buyer's premiums, and taxes, and shipping charages and brokerage fees, etc.

For what its worth those are fantastic posters and that KING KONG is AWESOME.  Maybe what you need is to open a tube or unwrap some frames and get reacquainted with some old friends... that always helps me. 

Of course there's always Maui coming up in September... ;)

Offline 50s

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Congratulations MAGG! I've been wishing to get a nude on the moon into my collection for quite a while now. Also the US green slime... The tentacle is a bit more risquè than in the Italian version which I would have preferred normally. The Kong looks great too... You are really getting some great stuff now, some very desirable pieces thumbsup.gif. I reckon a few highly desirable ones are better than heaps of undesirables, good on ya.

Offline erik1925

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MAGG, love the '56 KING KONG poster. Certainly a great looking piece for such an iconic film!

Congrats on all 3, too. You are on a roll, that's for sure!!




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I wish he had taken his own advice when it came to plastic surgery. :-)


You have a fantastic trio, wonderful posters. This hobby can eat your money away, but boy, it also gives you some of the best posters out there. I am craving a Kong too, very happy you´ve found yours.

Enjoy it!!!!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Oh my stars! Lots of callers came to visit.

Vick! Hi there. Instead of opening boxes or tubes and looking at "old friends", I need to have a HOUSE with WALLS again so i can hang them up and enjoy them. Someday...  Maui will be fun. I'm a tag-a-long on this trip. I paid airfare for myself and a friend and will need to pitch in for food, drinks, etc., but the condo they are renting is NOT going to be my responsibility. Thank goodness. I just can NOT afford this trip...but have the tickets and I may never get another chance to go to Maui (this is my first time...). I'm looking forward to it, but not really. Iam just sooooo stressed about money right now to even think of anything else.

50s/Steve Thanks for the comments on my posters. KONG was really all I needed out of the trio (I wanted NUDE ON THE MOON, but not at that price. Yowza!). Glad you like them.

Jeff/erik1925. Are you back? I hope you had a nice trip (or are STILL having a nice trip). Me, on a roll? Possibly, but it has come to a screeching halt. Glad you like the costly trio as well.

Rosa, good luck with your KONG hunt...and may yours be not nearly as expensive (and in better shape. I think mine was graded too high, honestly. It's still nice though, but...).

Finally, as I was going through mail yesterday (I had it held while I was on my trip. It all arrived yesterday), I opened a box of posters that I had completely forgotten about (so dazed was I by the fallout from the Heritage auctions...). The day of the Heritage auctions, another poster auction was closing. I had put in some snipes for things and promptly forgotten about them. I "won" 3 of them--and apparently paid for them as well--but have zero memory of it all. Ha! Anyway--here are the three bonus posters I had forgotten I had won. Again, these are NOT "new" posters since the Heritage fiasco. These are same day auctions I bid on before Heritage wiped me out.  Enjoy or don't. Cheers...

The least exciting is "The Tinder Box"--a kiddie matinee poster from Childhood Productions (my favorite kiddie matinee company. They had the best posters) presented in Storybook Color!  I probably already had this poster, but wasn't sure.

Next,oh my's another vintage 1950s 3D poster!  This one is INFERNO (which was recently released on 3D blu ray. I bought a copy, but don't have a 3D blu ray player or a 3D tv yet. Ha!). The poster is not in as good of shape as the photo would have you believe, but it's still presentable and I am thrilled. I have so few 3D posters from the 50s.

The last is the ecological horror flick "FROGS" from the early 70s (starring Ray Milland and a very young Sam Elliot and Joan Van Ark). There are no giant frogs in the movie, but you gotta dig the frog with the arm hanging out of its mouth. Zowie! I've wanted a "FROGS" for years. Apparently the Heritage auction diverted everyone away from this auction and "FROGS" (and the other two) became mine.

And that's it. NOTHING else to share now...and probably nothing else to share for a long, LONG time to come.

I'll see you all around.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 07:35:05 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline brude

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Three damn fine posters there, Go-Go.
Especially that INFERNO.
I too have a soft spot for 3D advertising and that is a super-cool poster.

And, FROGS is rivet-ing. (pun intended.)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Brude/Ted, hi there!  I'm glad you like my posters. I'm happy-ish with them (but the sting from the others kind of clouds the joy of having them). It is amazing though how much I paid for the Heritage three ...and how little (comparatively) I paid for these forgotten three.

Oh well. I'll be saving my pennies now--to pay off loads and loads of debt.

I'll be back in the game eventually though.  :-)

Have a groovy day!

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline monocle

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Is it just me, or is that lizard blighter in 'Arena' wearing a monocle? If they keep giving them out like this, I'm going to have to stop wearing mine!
Utter gent.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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What can I say? They all want to be you, or as close to being like you as possible, Monocle. But then, who doesn't want to be like you? Great eye, by the way...but then, it is monocled. Ha. Cheers!
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Offline brude

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This is one of the four posters that stole my childhood innocence and dragged me kicking and screaming into this sordid hobby.
Well done.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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And the other three were... which ones?
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Offline stewart boyle

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And the other three were... which ones?

The Lumière's brothers - A train arrives,teaser.

Yep he's that wise.


Offline brude

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One Million Years BC (1966), Robert McGinnis' BARBARELLA (1968) and this one...

Offline erik1925

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Further nice adds, there, MAGG!

The poster roll continues, for sure!!



Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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The Lumière's brothers - A train arrives,teaser.

Very funny/clever, Stew! Thanks for visiting...and the laugh.  (By the way, I'd love the teaser for that film as well. Ha! Probably worth some $$$)

One Million Years BC (1966), Robert McGinnis' BARBARELLA (1968) and this one...

WOW!  Who wouldn't be swayed into a life of poster corruption and addiction with posters like those!? What a lucky lad you were to get those (especially since they're worth a small fortune now)!

Further nice adds, there, MAGG!
The poster roll continues, for sure!!

Jeff, as I said before. The roll came to a screeching halt the day I "O.D.ed" on the big Heritage summer auction. I'm out of the running for a long while to come... I have not bought a poster since then (SHOCKING, I know...).
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Offline Ari

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surprised I haven't commented yet, but better late than never.
Good stuff, I like your style.
An Error Has Occurred!
You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Ari, I could have sworn you had visited/left comments on here as well. I looked through the pages. Nope. Perhaps I was thinking of my introduction page? Anyway, no worries. Better late than never and my stuff isn't to everyone's taste. But I do appreciate your stopping by and saying hello.

And now to get ready for work again...ugh!

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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Rosa, good luck with your KONG hunt...and may yours be not nearly as expensive (and in better shape. I think mine was graded too high, honestly. It's still nice though, ..).

Hi Shawn, and yes, I am going to need all the luck to find my KK. Not sure how you found yours (what made you go for that version- it is a fab poster!!!).  It has been quite a search to find ''my'' Kong poster. The one that most speaks to me.  I had several options, after a long search I finally know now for sure which one I want and will go for.  Watch this space! :P ;) :)

In the meantime, I will just admire yours..! :)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 04:18:59 PM by Mirosae »

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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OOoooo... I am super duper excited for you. Fingers and toes crossed that you get it.

How did I decide which KONG was right for me? I just looked at what was out there and what was available. The versions from 1933 were out of my league. There were some foreign ones (there are some Italian re-releases that are gorgeous). Back in the day, when foreign posters were a dime a dozen, I had a chance at getting them. Stupidly at the time I was sticking with just US posters --they'd all fit the standard frame size-- so i passed. Now that I've come to my senses and changed my tune about foreign posters, those are sky high. The 1956 art had been used before, but the coloration on the 56 poster really worked. It seemed the most "authentic" of all of them out, aside from the 1933 originals--if that makes any sense. Now that I have it though, I am ever so anxious to see how YOUR quest goes and which one you eventually end up with. GOOD LUCK!!!
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 05:15:40 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline erik1925

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You got a great poster, MAGG. You knew what you wanted, you went for it, and now it's yours. CONGRATS. Good things come to those that are deserving.

Again, your KONG is a great poster. Happy that you snagged it!

