Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359023 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1150 on: February 23, 2017, 06:34:46 PM »
Hi TED. Thank you (and the 3 others out there who did as well) for watching my little video of newly framed posters...and for NOT revealing my new poster (which i will finally share on the 1st).  I gleefully framed another bunch last night...and will frame others tonight. Yippie! Such a joy to see them again---out of the box. Now to hang them... That will happen soon.

Here is yet another mini-bonus since I'm here again today:


I don't suppose many people saw least not in the theater. I did. It's from Troma, so you have some idea of what to expect. The tag line reads "Just when you thought it was safe to putt...", which may give you some idea of what this movie is. It's about a killer lawn mower...on a golf course...done as a spoof of JAWS. I thought it was clever (at least I did at the time. i'm not sure what i'd think as an adult...). I probably already have this and did NOT need this. But it's mine now.

Thanks for visiting. See ya next time.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1151 on: February 24, 2017, 07:29:00 PM »
I'm back...with a (less than thrilling) poster room update.  I have the flat file (it's HUGE), painted and in the poster room, on the table. I still need to attach the handles to the drawers---but I'll get to it eventually. While going through stuff, I found a whole bunch of rolled posters (some had previously been folded) I had completely forgotten about. Some had edge damage from their poor previous storage (I didn't even realize these were movie posters---oops!), but most are fine or not too bad (if damaged at all). There was a rolled DS MULHOLLAND DR., a cool but smaller (in English) GODZILLA VS MEGALON (with lots of monsters on it) i didn't know I had, an INVASION OF THE BLOOD FARMERS I had also forgotten about and lots, lots more. I have not even looked at it all yet (because i can NOT figure out how to keep them flat in the flat there is a mass of rolled posters on top waiting for storage).  Here's a picture of the flat file in the poster room. It's HUGE!

Since I'm here, it's BONUS mini-post time again:


This is something else i could have lived without, but... This is the International one sheet. I doubt there was a domestic version as the movie originally aired on TV as a 2 part mini-series before being edited down into this movie version for foreign release. I constantly amazed by the crap we used to get on TV for free that others had to pay to see in theaters. Ha! 

Okay--back to trying to figure out storing rolled posters in a flat drawer...  Thanks for stopping by.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Welcome to the March 1st version of the Shock-A-Rama Poster Show. Ho-hum. Believe it or not, I am still reeling from the financial blow of my three purchases from Heritage way back in November...UGH!  So, as you'll see, this is probably one of the most lack-luster posts in a while. (And they've been pretty lame for a while...) I am just b-r-o-k-e.

Take a look, if you want to bother...


I'd have preferred to get a BETTER OFF DEAD poster, but I also dig this other John Cusack flick poster for ONE CRAZY SUMMER. The giant smiling sun makes it. Did I need it? No. But whatever...It will perk me up through the rest of winter. Come on spring!


Another poster I probably did not need... I really wanted to see this flick--but have not done so yet. I read the books. The first book--the inspiration for this flick--was the better of the three. (The other two were not as good, in my opinion...). Tim Burton directed, so it's bound to be interesting visually (but...hmm. All of Burton's films have been visually stunning...but the last one I actually liked thoroughly was EDWARD SCISSORHANDS or BEETLEJUICE.) Hopefully this is a good flick. Do you know if they are going ahead with the sequels or not? The poster is interesting at least.

LICENSE TO KILL (International version):

Something else i didn't need. I have a couple of US one sheets for this Bond film. Although the film was not well received (and kind of bombed at the box office, ending Timothy Dalton's turn as Bond after only 2 movies), I liked it well enough and saw it in the theater. This International one sheet is not that exciting. Why i felt I needed it at the time is beyond me. oh well.


This poster and the four below it I got off of some small auction based out of New York state. I bid a pittance for them---and was surprised i won. My winning bids ran from $5 (minimum bid) to a whopping $15. I lost a few (one guy out bid me by $1 for a grand total of $6. Ha!). I'd bid on these weeks ago--and had forgotten all about them. This one, I got for the minimum bid. I have no idea what this movie is---looks Asian. i think I have it on a DVD multi-movie set, but I have not seen it yet. i think i have/had another copy of this in rather poor condition. Whatever... it was $5.


This one set me back $9. I don't think i have any of the SUPERMAN movie posters for the four Christopher Reeve SUPERMAN films, so i don't know why i bothered with even attempting to get the poster for the flop spin-off.'s mine. Actually, i think i've seen these go for a decent price...certainly more than $9. So maybe I got a deal?


This is the one I wanted most of all (*)--and this is the one squeezed an entire $15 out of my wallet. Ha! (That's the cost of shipping for some sellers these days). I like my Tarzan movies...and this is a female version knockoff with cool art work (Is that Frazetta or Boris?).(* from the auction mentioned in the SUPER STOOGES poster)


From the creators of SOUTH PARK and starring one of them, this is ORGAZMO the poster (notice the humping dog. Oh my...) $5 special. Hee hee. I think I actually saw this flick---but have totally forgotten it.


The 4th (out of 5) of the Christopher Lee FU MANCHU movies.  I finally saw the films about 3 years ago...and was not impressed. The anticipation of years and years was met with only mediocracy. Nice period pieces, but ho-hum plots. Still, I have been slowly picking up the posters as i come across them.


After SNOW WHITE AND THE THREE STOOGES and THE THREE STOOGES MEET HERCULES, this is the 3rd THREE STOOGES poster now in my collection. I've never seen it and it probably sucks...but it also co-stars Adam West, just before he became BATMAN! Whatever. i'm glad to have it.


TED's not-too-long-ago win of DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS reminded me how awesome of a poster it is....and I mentally pulled it from the back burner (where sooooo many poster wants are boiling away) to the forefront and...I GOT one. Yippie! I WAS holding sharing this until my birthday post (April 15th)...but since it is in my recent framed posters video, I thought I'd share it now. Whoo hoo!

Okay kiddies. Get your March on! Spring is just around the corner (hopefully... That damn groundhog saw his shadow a while back, meaning there's be 6 more weeks of winter. That leaves 2 weeks left,. UGH!  But then, daylight savings time hits...and I work the day before AND day of. Groan... No rest for the weary.

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Offline brude

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This is the one I wanted most of all (*)--and this is the one squeezed an entire $15 out of my wallet. Ha! (That's the cost of shipping for some sellers these days). I like my Tarzan movies...and this is a female version knockoff with cool art work (Is that Frazetta or Boris?).(* from the auction mentioned in the SUPER STOOGES poster)

Good score for a great price.
That is by Frank Frazetta.  That art was used on both the B one-sheet and the 22x28 half sheet.
Frazetta also did the A sheet.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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TED, THANKS for the info. i just looked up the A sheet. I had NO idea there were two versions, but I dig that one MUCH better. Zowie!

AND--THANK YOU once again for putting me mentally on the trail of a TRIFFIDS poster. I'm so glad we have similar tastes. Thank you for stopping in.

And since I'm here, here's a mini-bonus post again:


No idea what this is--but it looks awful. So I NEEDED it (of course). I got this from Rich's auction. Thanks Rich.

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Offline 50s

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Yeah, Day Of The Triffids  thumbsup.gif

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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STEVE! Thank you for coming over to see what else was new. Nothing too exciting...except DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS! YEAH is RIGHT! I am soooo thrilled. It is already framed and WILL be on my walls SOON!

And now--here's another mini-bonus post, purchased just MINUTES ago (literally):


Although the third flick in Dario Argento's "Three Mothers" trilogy was, how shall i put it?, disappointing, and the poster is kind of blah, I still think this is a good poster to go after as the film had a very limited release (i.e. fewer posters then normal out there) and it IS part of an interesting series that started with the masterpiece film SUSPIRIA---and you know how hard THOSE posters are to get. This is, i believe, my 2nd copy? Hmm. Literally just stumbled on it with mere minutes left to go, bid and 10 minutes ago or so. Yahoo!

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Offline erik1925

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That last gif looks to be Clint Howard --  pre-Gentle Ben



Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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JEFF--Correctamundo! That IS Clint Howard from the original STAR TREK series. GOOD eye! And thanks for taking a look.

Time for another mini-post!


I saw this in the theater and liked it...a LOT. The poster is based on a famous painting by, umm... (Sherlock Jeff?) (no, wait, i found it!) Henry Fuseli called THE NIGHTMARE (, which was also used as the inspiration for the poster art for William Castle's THE NIGHT WALKER (

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Offline brude

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GOTHIC is such an underrated film.
Love the movie -- and the poster.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Thanks, TED. I like it. I'm also still groovin' om your FRANKENSTEIN poster and the TRIFFIDS. Thanks AGAIN for unintentionally setting my sites on one.

And because I am so UP about things right now, here is yet another mini-bonus post, that I got on eMovie just last night:


John Waters? Duh! Of course I had to get it.


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Online Tob

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I've never seen Gothic, but have wanted to since Ted shared that poster. Now you're sharing it again, I've gotta watch it soon!

Regarding Miss Peregrine - I enjoyed it. Subject matter fits his style well and Eva Green is easy to watch in anything. I usually always prefer the book though when it comes to film adaptations, so if you're a fan of the book, perhaps you'll have the film (I've not read the book).

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I've never seen Gothic, but have wanted to since Ted shared that poster. Now you're sharing it again, I've gotta watch it soon!

Don't be scared, Tob.
Watch it soon!

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey TOB. Thanks for popping in. I actually DID see MISS PEREGRINE... It was at the 2nd run theater here. I had read the book, as i stated, so i was comparing it to the book the whole time. It was a very close adaptation (with a few minor changes and differences in the peculiar children here and there) up until the end. The ending was entirely different---but necessary to give the movie a conclusion. (The book is left open-ended, on a cliffhanger, to get you to read the other two books). Thumbs up. I liked it.

TED, I know you posted the trailer for TOB, but I appreciated it as well. I have NOT seen the movie since it first came out in theaters in 1986. Seeing the trailer again reminded me even more about it---and I may need to track it down and see it again soon-ish. By the way, i had completely forgotten (if I ever knew) that you had gotten a GOTHIC poster. Well done. It is a cool image. I seem to be copying your poster moves--first TRIFFIDS (totally intentional) and now GOTHIC (although that was purely coincidental that time). Ha!

Thank you both for dropping in, gents.

And now, mini-bonus time again:

INLAND EMPIRE (British quad):

I picked this up from eMovie on Tuesday (with the John Waters poster above). I already had a foreign poster (I forget from where) for INLAND EMPIRE, but I like this quad much better. I have never seen a US one sheet for it---but I know they exist. Or do they? I saw the flick in the theater the first time I watched it---and am sure i saw a poster for it outside the theater. Hmm. NOT nearly as good as MULHOLLAND DR or even the better episodes of TWIN PEAKS Lynch directed, but still an interesting flick. Lynch is also one of my faves. I'm soooo looking forward to the new season of TWIN PEAKS.

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Offline brude

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Love that quad, Shawn.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but the trailer is great.
Must track it down now to watch.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi TED. I love Lynch's work...but this one, while interesting, kind of meanders and could do with some editing. But give it a watch and let me know what you think. There is one really awesome Lynch-ian moment in it I still think of often.

And now, min-bonus post time:


Groovy old Mongram Pictures poster, which is set, i believe, somewhere in Australia near Steve's house. Oh my!

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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So, I framed some more of my posters. Here's a short video. There may be a poster or two (or three) on here that have never been on my thread before...but they are not new. They're just PRE-APF. There are a dozen or so. Take a look or don't:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

In lieu of my usual mini-post, I wanted to present this poster. It's one of the PRE-APF framed ones from the video:


I got this poster (and the one sheet under it's pre-release original title "FALL BREAK", which was never used) several years ago on eBay. Somewhere I saved the printout of the auction listing, but as I recall, the guy who sold them to me told me in the course of our transaction that he was a writer and that he had written an article on the film. The writer/director/star had given the guy several copies of the posters and other items. I had read an article on the movie in Fangoria way back in the day and asked if that had been the article. He said that yes, that had been it. THE MUTILATOR I DID see in the theaters (mostly because of the poster--not so much because of the article, which i may not have even seen until afterwards). I wrote about that experience (with a real life psycho weirdo in the audience) earlier in my thread, when i apparently scored another copy of the MUTILATOR poster (folded). Both this and FALL BREAK (which is not nearly as interesting of a poster) are ROLLED. I've never seen another rolled one. EMovie has a tri-fold shown in past auctions and a few folded ones, but no rolled ones. Forgive the reflection from the plexiglas frame. I should probably have featured one of the other posters in the video not seen on my thread before...but whatever.

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Offline Damomac

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Some nice additions there - Blood Bath is my pick out of the video, i just missed out on one at the last EMP auction - but another one will hopefully be around the corner soon thumbsup.gif
- Damo (An Aussie Movie Poster Lover)

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DAMO! Yowza! Nice to see ya. THANK YOU so much for watching the short video on my recent frame jobs. As I type this, you are the ONLY one to have watched so far (according to YouTube's little counter anyway). Glad you liked BLOOD BATH. There are a few posters I really want to frame that i just can NOT find in my folded poster boxes (I thought I had 6...but as it turns out I had 8 boxes. I went through all 8 of them, sorted them out, put stuff aside to sell on the 'Bay and stuff to send to auction. Now that i'm starting to dig through my tubes, it's kind of a pain---but also exciting. I find stuff in almost every tube I had forgotten about. Hooray!

Since I'm here, here is another mini-post:


Another of those hillbilly sexploiters from Box Office International. Do I have one of these already? Probably. I don't know... (Heck, i may have another already on my thread for all i know...) I think I've mentioned in the past how these country bumpkin drive in flicks really caught my eye when ads for them appeared in the newspaper during my growing up years. JOHN TULL (whoever he was...or is now...if he's even still alive) played JUNIOR in several of the films, even though they each seem to be stand alones and are unrelated aside from their country bumpkin theme. Tull also appeared as other characters in other films from the same producers as well.

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As i am starting to collect old school horror please let me know when you are selling on ebay as i would be a buyer - i am sure you have heaps of stuff i would like as i am starting out in the category. One thing though please offer UPS international postage the GSP is a scam - when i buy of ebay auctions i only buy if the seller has multiple items i want or the postage cost makes it uneconomical. Just got 8 folded posters off a seller in the USA and the total postage was $23 - if they were via GSP it would be $160 plus as they don't allow you to combine. Bloody scam haha

The videos are great btw i must prefer of seeing pics although i maybe in the minority it seems
- Damo (An Aussie Movie Poster Lover)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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DAMO, hi there. getting my posters separated and then actually getting around to selling them are two different things. But, yes, i'll post something if/when I actually do sell some stuff. But don't get too excited. The stuff i pulled for eBay is junk mostly. The better things/duplicates I have pulled to send to the auction houses (if i actually get around to that).

Bonus mini-post time again (and then I have to get ready for work--ARGH!):


Francis Ford Coppola's $26 million folly that bankrupted him and his studio (it only made $650,000 back at the box office---ouch!). Still it is a fascinating piece of film.

Okay--time to go turn into super nurse and get to work. (Groan.)

CHEERS and thanks for visiting.
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Offline brude

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So, I framed some more of my posters. Here's a short video. There may be a poster or two (or three) on here that have never been on my thread before...but they are not new. They're just PRE-APF. There are a dozen or so. Take a look or don't:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Always enjoy your videos.
I watched on youtube so I could give it a thumbs up.
That Curse of the Undead is a beautiful poster I've been meaning to snag.
Keep 'em coming.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi TED.  Thanks for watching the video. I'm glad you liked the CURSE OF THE UNDEAD poster. That was my fave of the bunch as well. It's just beautiful, i think. I'm also partial to the last one a lot, BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE. You'll get yourself a CURSE OF THE UNDEAD someday, I'll bet.  There are other posters I really am anxious to frame but I either can NOT find them yet (they must be rolled. GRRR!) OR they are on linen and I have not figured out HOW to frame those yet. ARGH!  BUT--THANK you for giving the vid a watch.

Mini-post time (before i head to bed. Tomorrow is another long, long, l-o-n-g work day. o' the joy...


I know nothing about this old 1948 movie, but the poster was very old school cool in my book. SOLD!

Okay---bed time. Thanks for visiting. Good night and CHEERS!
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Offline 50s

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Great to see posters in frames. Liking especially two heads poster, Also Half Past Midnight above  thumbsup.gif

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi STEVE. Thanks for the visit. I'm glad you like the doofy MAN WITH TWO HEADS poster in the video. Could the art be any worse? HA! Also thanks for the thumbs up on my HALF PAST MIDNIGHT poster. I dig it.

And now a bonus post, before I have to get ready for work on this soggy California Sunday morning... (MORE rain! UGH!):


I know this is a popular title to go after...and was amazed to actually get one. It was only after I got it and saw that it was double sided that i realized how/why i got it... It's FOLDED. It should be rolled. Oh well...

Happy Sunday!

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