Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359098 times)

Offline Chris9000

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Hey Shawn,

Just saw the post with some of your posters framed and on the walls... it's looking great buddy. Love the three old schlock sci-fi/horror in a row by the table.

Always love to see posters in folks home.

Offline erik1925

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I'm hardly any stone litho expert, Shawn.. but just wanted to pass along what Ive read on how printing went from one method to another in that time period (in the US, at least). What i really like about that Unknown poster is that all the characters almost look like photos, until you look close and realize they were redone by an artist, based on whatever photos he/she used as a reference.

I wish they still would do some posters like this today. I think it looks so cool!  thumbup


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Ooooo i am sooooo tired. I'm off to bed after this (and going back to work tomorrow. EEEK! Look out! 5 a.m. is coming...).

CHRIS: Thanks for taking a look at my more recent posts. I'm glad you like what I've got up on my walls so far. I have many walls left to go---just a little short of time right now to get on it.  Below is a shot of one of my hallway walls. It's hard to see, but it's taken from inside the poster room door looking out. The doorbell chime and thermostat are poorly placed for hanging they are where they are for that reason.  And the glare is horrible on them, but they are up. LOVE seeing them when I come out of the poster room/office (which i am in right now):

JEFF: I had NEVER really thought about how posters were printed until you said something a while back. So to me, you are the stone litho guru/expert. Glad you dig the poster. i do too.

Speaking of posters, here's a BONUS poster:



Fill in the blank and say whatever you want about it. I'm tired going to bed.

Good night and sweet (or wild or frightful---whatever you prefer) dreams

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I just had a private message conversation with BIGMIKE, He gave me permission to reprint it here in case anyone else was interested:


I noticed you had a bunch of poster in frames. Were they from HPF? If so, were they the economy frames or archival?

Thanks, Mike

Hi Big Mike!

Thanks for your note.

Yes, i do have a LOT of framed posters and I'm slowly getting them back up on my walls. However, they are NOT HPF frames. I have had these frames for years and years and YEARS. I am just re-using them (taking old posters out and putting new ones in). I have been a collector for years---since I was a kid in the late 1970s. I bought my frames (more than 200---eeek!) a long time ago, long before I ever knew about APF (I've only been a member for 2 years now). I've heard good things about HPF frames, but have no first-hand knowledge. Sorry.

But I do appreciate your asking.


Sounds like you have an interesting collection and from the posters I've scene posted. Looks good!

Are the frames archival quality?

No, I do not believe so. When i bought them, that never entered my mind. The backing boards are just standard foam core---NOT acid free. I did just recently buy some microchamber paper to lay between the poster and the foam core backing board to reduce any acid damage:

It just arrived this past weekend, so i'll soon be opening all of my framed posters AGAIN and adding it (well, i only have 100 sheets --so expensive--at the moment. I'll have to get more later...)

Good luck.


Did you notice any damage from the regular foam board? I might do the same and get the microchamber paper too then...

Well, yes I think so. But you have to understand that I had posters in the frames for YEARS--like 10 years in some cases. I did notice little blotches of discoloration/yellowing where I was sure there were none before. It would be too costly to replace all of my backing boards with acid-free ones. I am hoping the microchamber paper will act as a barrier and do the job an acid-free backing board would.

Thanks again and GOOD LUCK to you.

I think I'll stick with the acid free backings then.

I don't blame you. If I had it to do all over again or was just starting out, I'd go with acid-free backing boards, too. Good luck!

Thank you BIGMIKE for letting me repost this. I thought someone out there may find this helpful, should they happen to stumble in here and see it.

Tomorrow (the 15th) is my regular post.  I'd also include a quick mini-post, but I want to go see the new KONG movie...and it starts in less than 30 minutes. EEEK!

Catch ya later!

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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It's the regular middle of the month Shock-O-Rama poster post. How has your month been so far? March-y?

I experienced a SHOCKING thing today. I went to the movies to see KONG: SKULL ISLAND (It was okay---not bad, but not great). While there, i noticed one wall that normally has posters for coming attractions was under construction. There were free standing digital "posters" in the lobby and I had a sinking feeling. Yes, when I inquired, the wall of posters was getting a digital overhaul. Isn't that great? NO! Golly, it looks like the age of PAPER posters is coming to an end sooner than i thought.  Blah...

Anyway, here is another less than WOW-able offering. The April posts (already under construction) will be better. I promise. Here's what I have for the moment. There is at least a gem or two in here, though. Take a look or don't:


I've always wanted to see this flick, although I hear it is a star-studded disastrous MESS.When I saw the poster available, i jumped on...then realized, after it was mine, that it was NOT the style I wanted to get. D'oh!  Oh well...


Not a great poster, but a poster for a movie written by ED WOOD. Thumbs up for that (although the movie probably sucks).


I always thought it was Adam and EVE. Oh well....forbidden fruit. poster-style.

WHAT!?! Oh my stars! A movie poster gets censored by Photobucket.  Here's a copy of the same poster found on the 'net (but mine is in English):


I may already have this poster--probably I do--and I know I have a Ted V. Mikels-autographed press book (thanks to Ari. Bless you, my son). You can't go wrong with a WORM EATER one sheet. This doesn't seem like a typical Mikels film...although both he and his son have cameos in the film, it's obvious this is someone else's project with just Mikels' backing. Still a cool (and unusual) piece of psychotronic movie making. Must be seen to be believed. Zowie, man.

PECKER (French):

I liked this different art for John Waters' flick. This is one of his later, tamer flicks. I barely remember it--and know I have it on DVD--but... it IS John Waters.


An old Monogram Pictures poster I got cheap. i dig it.


This was my ONLY win from eMovie's big March auction (I worked every night of the auction--waaaagh!). While "shopping" through the auction listings, this poster caught my eye. Early on it was not getting many bids and the awkward, almost amateurish art appealed to me for some reason as did the description. Here's an edited down recap from emovie:  (The Lonely Sex, the 1959 Richard Hilliard kidnapping crime thriller . Note that this movie was made the year prior to both "Psycho" and "Peeping Tom", two major films from highly respected directors, and it has a similar plot line, and yet it is completely forgotten today, except by major film buffs. It only had a running time of 58 minutes, and there is brief nudity at the beginning of the movie, and it is often dismissed as simply another "sexploitation" movie of the time, but it was really quite different, with an attempt to both understand and feel pity for the mentally unbalanced kidnapper, just as would occur a year later in the above two major movies.)That really got me wondering about the, like everything else i was interested in, at 5 a.m. I bid on a bunch of stuff...and this was my only win. But I am thrilled. Now to track down the flick...


I'm not sure I like these little chirashi things...they're so little. But--zowie! Texas Chainsaw Massacre! CLAS-SICK!

HALLOWEEN (Japanese Chirashi):

HALLOWEEN,Chirashi-style. These and the other two (the one above and the one posted a few days ago) may be heading for an auction near you soon...I just need to FIND them. Ha! My life is still so disorganized. Anyway, this poster is cool--but i really, REALLY need to get rid of a LOT of my posters. Hmm. Maybe I should keep it?


I've never seen this movie, but always wanted to...which means I always wanted the poster as well...but never had it (I don't think) until now.  I get this movie confused with THE BEAST FROM HOLLOW MOUNTAIN, another movie I have never seen but always wanted to. Both seem to be about cowboys vs dinosaurs. Ha! VALLEY OF THE GWANGI seems to be the more respected of the two and it's in DYNAMATION with stop motion animation by RAY HARRYHAUSEN, Zowie!  I really need to track this down.

That's it for now. Until next time... Thanks for stopping by.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Top 'o the mornin' to ya. Happy March 17th (a.k.a. St. Patrick's Day)! You are in luck. With today being St. Patrick's Day, it's time for a BONUS post! Whoo hoo! (And that ain't no blarney.)


Of's St. Patrick's Day. You can't have a St. Patrick's Day post without something to go with it. For years I resisted buying this poster (because I hated the film and didn't bother with any of its 6 sequels). Instead, to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, i'd hang up a re-release poster for DARBY O'GILL AND THE LITTLE PEOPLE. Snore. I finally decided to throw up a LEPRECHAUN poster. I may not like the flick but anyone coming to the house around the 17th would immediately get it,


I have not seen the film yet, but i thought the trailer looked genuinely interesting. I meant to go see it, but never got to it. I do like the poster too with it's use of color. Will i ever hang it--probably not, but you never know.

MAN IN THE DARK (2-D one sheet):

I already have one of these, but i couldn't resist a 2nd one (possibly an upgrade?). This is the one sheet for the flat, 2-D version of the film noir flicker MAN IN THE DARK. While a rollercoaster is still featured in the ad, it's not as prominent as in the 3-D version of the poster. I sooooo want to see this movie. I have a 3-D blu-ray player and a 3-D blu-ray of the movie...I just need a 3-D TV. Drat!  I got this from Rich. Thanks as always, Rich.

STRICTLY BALLROOM (British quad?):

Another of my dead friend's posters. I could have done without this...but what the heck? I did enjoy the movie when it came out. Haven't seen it since.


I'm not entirely sure this is a movie poster...but if not, what else is it? Is the movie called LOS MONSTRUOS? Santo is listed---but there are no other credits. Just a small blurb saying it is in color. The monster stuff was enough for me.

JAWS 3D (3D glasses):

NOT a poster---I know. But you know I like my gimmicks and I even have a pair of 3D glasses from the first 3D feature, BWANA getting a JAWS 3D is nothing strange for me. This apparently is also from my friend Scott's estate. When JAWS 3D played (actually when most, if not all, of the 80s 3D flicks played my town), we were given generic glasses to watch the film with. I do remember getting the FRIDAY THE 13TH 3D glasses for F13 3D (and still have those somewhere), but that's it, i believe. So a pair of JAWS 3D glasses? SOLD!


I waited in line to see this opening day back in the 70s (1977?)...and was promptly disappointed. What could have been a compelling sci-fi yarn with a Captain Nemo-like captain of the main space ship, was too Disney-ed up with cute robots and a lame ending. Oh well. Cool art though.


I already have one of these. This was also from Scott's estate. I bid nominally and won. Simple as that. But it is a great movie...and River Phoenix's swan song (and yes, Keanu Reeves ALMOST ruins it at times. Ugh. HOW does he still get work?).

BORN LOSERS (re-release and re-release lobby card set):

After buying this, i was officially OVER my semi-obsession with the BILLY JACK films, which i STILL have NOT seen. ha! To top it off, after buying this, I discovered I already HAD the poster. ARGH!


My first anything with Brigitte Bardot. Not a great poster, but vintage va-va-va-voom star material. Hooray!


This was not a poster i actively wanted. I just know it's very collectible, came across it and went for it. Now that I have it, i really like it. And I was never a big MAD MAX fan...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Give yourself a big PINCH for me if you're not wearing green! Maybe you'll catch a poster leprechaun. Zowie! Wouldn't that be fab?

Have the luckiest of lucky days.


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Whoa, MAGG.  Quite a St. Patrick's Day extravaganza.  Looks like you're feeling the spirit of the day.  Well done.


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Top o' the evenin' to you, BRANDON. Nice of you to stop in. Glad you liked my St. Paddy's Day post. Even though my posters have been on the tame/lame/snoozer side of late, I did try to jazz it up with festive and fun holiday gifs. My April posts should have better stuff. I have 4 posts (2 regular and 2 bonus posts...can you guess what the bonuses posts are celebrating?) coming in April and then...(gasp!) I hope to take a sort of "sabbatical" from the buying aspect of the hobby, so i can focus on the organization, cataloging, weeding-out, displaying, storing, etc. of my collection. That means no bi-monthly posts of new things for a while (and why I've had so many mini-bonus posts lately---don't want to have an new acquisitions getting stale and moldy laying around waiting for me to restart things). Plus I have a lot of trips coming up (Tuesday i fly to Washington State to visit my family for a week, in April I'll spend a long 4-day weekend at the coast and then, at the end of the month thru the first week of May I have a wild road trip to Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and several other areas in Nevada...and that is followed by another week-long road trip in June to Oregon for a wedding.) AND I have other projects I need to work on as well.

Blah! Blah! Blah!  More info than you cared to or needed to know.

But thank you anyway for your visit.

Here is another bonus mini-post:

TIDAL WAVE (Half sheet):

This is another example of my bidding on things at 5 a.m.... Ha!  Yesterday was a work day. It was also the day eMovie was having an auction of half sheets and inserts...which i really do NOT collect. However, I half-heartedly bid on several items before jumping in the shower and getting ready for work. I got several outbid notices throughout the day on my phone...and than an invoice telling me I'd won this. Ha! Who even remembers this turd? It is certainly NOT available on DVD or BluRay...did it ever come out on VHS even? I don't think so. "Bonanaza"-star Lorne Greene, just off of "EARTHQUAKE", stars in this Americanized version of a Japanese movie called "The Submersion of Japan". Just as was done with Raymond Burr in the original GODZILLA (and GODZILLA 1985 actually), Greene was inserted into the flick with new scenes where he is an ambassador for the United Nations frantically trying to get help for the doomed people of Japan. I have the one sheet (with better art). This half sheet is kind of...well,'s just sort of not that thrilling. From the 70s disaster era. The disaster effects are so very Toho--obvious models (sorely in need of Godzilla to come along. But, alas, he's no where to be seen...).

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Happy SPRING! Happy APRIL!  I promised this month would have better posters than last month. I intend for that to be's just starting off a little slowly with this first entry for April. I just got back from a trip to visit my mom in Washington and now I'm back at work...ugh. I DID win a few things in the recent Heritage Auction (one is below), but I will have to work them in during later posts. In the mean time, here are these offerings. Enjoy them or don't.


On my St. Patrick's Day post, I had an original MAD MAX. While I've seen all four films, they're not my kind of flick and I don't really count myself as a "fan". BUT...since I got the first poster in the series, why not get the sequels?


A win from Rich's auctions (Thanks Rich). I've never seen it but it's supposed to be a sexploitive softcore version of THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME! Zowie! How cheesy fun.


This movie was a disappointment. Hmm. But i do like the French poster for it. Much more interesting than the US version.

EL VAMPIRO (French re-release):

I'd love the original Mexican version of this poster. That's not gonna happen. So...I'll settle for this French re-release version.


I'm a sucker for vintage 3D. Despite the small piece missing from the bottom border, this poster looked to be in pretty good shape...and this title has escaped my grasp many, MANY times for far more money than I paid for this (less than $20). Yippie!


I saw this double feature on VHS (or maybe DVD) from Something Weird Video. The HEADLESS HORSEMAN thing is unwatchable, boring trash. Zzzzz. CARNIVAL OF BLOOD, while nothing great, is a sleazy yet interesting time capsule with lots of shots of a vintage (circa early 70s) Coney Island, blood and a young version of Burt Young. The poster is colorful if nothing else.


You know, this is one of the midnight movies that played seemingly endlessly here in town in the late 70s/early 80s...and somehow I never saw it. (And I saw virtually everything that played I could get in to.)  I probably would have hated it---not an Alice Cooper fan--but I've heard the visuals are fun? It's "The JAWS of rock" apparently and, hello!? It's in "Sound-A-Round"! Whatever that is...

It's time for a BONUS post within a regular post (even though  I shared this on the March collection thread, it was NOT originally going to be included here.) It's a groovy (hopefully?) Santa Claus horror flick---apparently. I NEED to see this. I already have one of these. This was an (hopefully) upgrade I picked up from eMovie the other night. Thank you Bruce and company. Anyone see this? Should i track it down? It looks terribly fascinating to me for some reason...

THE MASK (gimmick 3D masks):

And it's ANOTHER BONUS post within my regular post. I just got home from work and found out I "won" these. (Really--I haven't even paid for these yet---that's how "fresh" this win is...) I already have a very nice copy or two of the gimmick, hand-out mask (aka 3D glasses without the sides) to view the 3D gimmick of THE MASK, but thought I'd try for this lot. They are not in the best condition...but not in the worst either. What i'll do with them, I don't know...but I LOVED the gimmick and the surreal 3D sequences from THE MASK and couldn't let these go (I SHOULD have...but I'm stupid that way...).


Speaking of gimmicks, here is a THIRD and FINAL BONUS post within my regular post: Normally, i probably would have passed on this. However, there is a gimmick (ROLLERCOASTER was one of only 4 movies to use the great SENSURROUND gimmick) AND it used the early artwork that was used on the novelization---but NOT on the eventual US one sheets. I dig the art---so i got the poster. I've always liked the film anyway.

SON OF FRANKENSTEIN (60s French re-release):

This is a recent eMovieposter win. I was also the 2nd place person (I think) for the 1953 re-release US one sheet for this on, having won this one was a nice-ish consolation prize.


A while back, i mentioned there was something on my bucket list that had been eliminated because I had gotten it. This was that item. I have been trying for DECADES to get one. I had a US one sheet poster for every film in the series--except this one. It's not that attractive at all--but totally elusive. And I've seen the price of them go up, and up and UP. I ALMOST had one for around $100  5 or 6 years ago. That would be impossible today. But yippie!  My Apes one sheet collection is complete!

PLANET OF THE APES: are NOT seeing double. This is my latest blunder (D'OH!). I already had a PLANET OF THE APES (see above), right? Well, in the final day of the recent Heritage Auction, i got a little carried away when i was able to tune in ever so briefly (I was in Washington at the time, visiting my mom. I wasn't fully paying attention and could only check in now and again to see what was happening. During one of those instances, this poster was on and ending. Yikes! I bid at the last second was mine! No way!  And then I remembered...oh... that's right. i have one already. OOPS! Crap-a-rama ding-dong!

Finally, I picked this up this old thing as well. I know it's not much...but it struck my fancy and I had to have it. Of course I had to sell my car, my house, and a kidney to pay for it, but only live once, right?

And, of course, I am KIDDING!  Hello? It's April 1st? I had to throw an April Fool's Day joke in here somewhere... Ha! I WISH that had been mine. Oh well. I was also 2nd place runner up for the INVISIBLE MAN 1951 re-release 3-sheet Heritage Auction had. NO JOKE. Waaagh... At least losing that gave me the ability to buy other things (none of which are as wonderful as the posters [3 sheet INVISIBLE MAN re-release and the 1953 SON OF FRANKENSTEIN re-release] I came so close to owning, but...). I did have 5 Heritage wins altogether, though. One is posted above (one of the Planet Of The Apes posters). Stay tuned for the others...

Okay. That's it for now.
Have a groovy, springy April!  See ya next time.

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Well done. After the third "bonus post" I thought it was the end...then..."but wait there's more".. 4 times.  Haha.

Interesting history with the "Sensurround."  I was just reading about it.  Although as you said it was only used for a few films, it apparently had a big impact on subwoofer additions to theaters, as well as a rise in the popularity of Cerwin-Vega speakers.

You haven't seen Rare Exports?  Highly recommended for the Christmas viewing list.  A must see.

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Hi BRANDON! Thank you for checking in and saying hello. I'm glad you liked my early April post. I hope you'll like this BONUS post as well. It's always a treat to have you visit. Thanks!

ZOWIE! It's BONUS post time once again. It's after April Fool's Day and it's too early for Easter. What's the occasion? It's the 2nd anniversary of my thread here on APF. Golly, that was a super FAST 2 years. Thank YOU APF members for including me here still. You are an AWESOME group of folks. Really! Okay. Let's see what crap, er...goodies I have this time...


My 2nd of the 5 posters I won on the recent big Heritage Auction. I've never seen the flick and the poster (and film) look cheap. However, it prominently features BELA LUGOSI and JOHN CARRADINE---so, I went for it. I believe it is my first US one sheet of anything BELA. (Or is it? I really need to work on my inventory/spreadsheet).


Zowie! Here's some sleaze right out of the grindhouse era (and something I have on Something Weird Video, i believe). An early 70s low budget exploitationer. EEK! Because of the connection with Something Weird, i couldn't resist going for this one. And look! There's a 2nd feature billed: THE FRIGHTENED WOMAN. Yikes! Maybe she knows Steve is somewhere out there lurking?

TANK GIRL (Advance):

I may already have one of these. Or not. The colors look much better in real life. they really pop. I got this with the idea of giving this to a friend next holiday season. Years ago, pre-Facebook, MySpace was king. This friend of mine I met on MySpace. i was Monster A GoGo there...and she was Tank Girl. We are still in contact. Every year she sends me a jar of homemade blackberry jam and I send her...something. This next holiday season, it might be this poster (if I don't decide to keep it that is. Hmmm... ).


FINALLY!!!  I've been wanting something with Bettie Page. I never got to meet her, but I did (almost literally) stumble upon her grave at the Westwood Village Memorial Park cemetery...and was super thrilled when that happened. Bettie Page was awesome---and I'm glad she got some recognition for it, even if it was late in life.


I got this on a whim. While i already have the US one sheet, i liked this one because of the different art. Adding the RV scene in the mix was a nice touch. Did I need it? No. But it's nice.

THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI (Italian 2F re-release):

This film is impossible to get any original release paper on, so i had to settle for this recent Italian re-release...and the poster art isn't too shabby on it (harkening back to one of the original release posters). It evokes the expressionistic look of the film very nicely. I'm pleased.


Last year (?) i picked up the awesome French PLANET OF THE APES poster (best poster for the film in my opinion). I've toyed with picking up the other French ("petite" size) posters in the series---but was always outbid...until i scored this one recently. Also very nice--better than the US one sheet once again. Do i dare try for the other French APE posters? Ha! Wish me luck...

BLOOD-O-RAMA (combo):

It may NOT quite be SHOCK-A-RAMA, but I could NOT pass up this poster for the 4-feature horror show BLOOD-O-RAMA featuring re-releases of 4 cheap and sleazy-fun horror flicks on the same bill. BLOOD FIEND, BLOOD DRINKERS, BLOOD CREATURE, and BRIDES OF BLOOD! In blood-curdling color.


Not one of his horror flicks (I just need posters for two more of them), but a Herschel Gordon Lewis poster anyway.  I'll take it.


I've never seen this flick but have long sought the poster due to it's unusual advertising. Instead of showing what the movie is about, there are all of these Charles Addams-like drawings about ghoulish people going to see the movie. Different!


Yahoo! Another Hammer DRACULA poster in the pile. This was my 4th Hammer Drac film after COUNT DRACULA AND HIS VAMPIRE BRIDE, DRACULA A.D. 1972, and TASTE THE BLOOD OF DRACULA. (I stupidly sold my DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE poster years ago. Grrr.) I'm thrilled to get it. Just a few more to track down.


After YEARS of kicking myself for letting my other copy go for about $10 a few years back (and lamenting over it several times on this thread), i finally, finally, FINALLY have another copy of the original LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT. It's not in the most pristine of conditions, but neither was my original one. I'm just glad I scored one. One less thing on my list...

Okay gang. That's my usual 10 posters per post. (Well, okay... i threw in a couple of extras. I am celebrating after all. Whoo hoo!) Thank you EVER so much for these fantastic last two years. You are a fantastic bunch! I am thinking about taking some time off away from posting for awhile (May 1 should be my last post -- maybe) as I TRY to get my posters organized and cataloged (and some sent off for hopefully selling). But I WILL be back...if you'll still have me, that is.

Thank you all again.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 12:41:37 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Congrats on the 2 year anniversary.

Another good set of posters, and write-ups.

The Tank Girl poster is pretty cool.  If you don't already know, it's a "black light" poster.  Groovy.  8)

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BRANDON, thank you for popping by again. I'm glad you liked this post as well.  Yes, i know the TANK GIRL poster is blacklight or day-glo or something. I don't have a blacklight, so I've never seen it do it's thing. But thank you for mentioning it for others who may not have known.

And now, because I am getting ready to go into poster posting hibernation, here is a bonus mini-post:


Not exactly "shack-a-rama"...and something I've not even seen...but it was a Disney poster, so i thought I'd pick it up for possible resale some day down the road.

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I like your last post, some good stuff there, particularly The Hills Have Eyes and Last House on the Left.  Classic Craven.

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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THIERRY, it's always a surprise when you visit the cheesy side of APF and leave a comment on my page. I know my taste is not usually your cup of tea. But thank you for the comments. Glad you dig a couple of the posters.

In honor of T's comment (and because I have a few posters left to burn through before my self-imposed poster-posting exile on May 1st), here is another mini-bonus posting:


I have never seen this flick, but I DO remember seeing this poster in ad form in the newspaper vividly. It's terror in the subway car as seen through the window of the door to the connecting car. Some things are left to mystery (such as who is carrying the big gun right near the window...and possibly what he has already done with it), all just out of sight, blocked by the surrounding metal of the door. I was fascinated by this as a kid. When i recently had a chance to grab this poster...even though it's not "horror" in the traditional sense... i went for it.

Okay. I've just finished my 4th day in a row working (48.5 hours on the clock). I need to get to bed.

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Offline Damomac

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The Zodiac killer poster is killer - i just added to my want list. I see that Bruce hasn't ever auctioned one - is it a hard to find poster Shawn? What's this self imposed poster ban come May 1? Hope all is going well mate thumbsup.gif
- Damo (An Aussie Movie Poster Lover)

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DAMO!  How delightful to see you. Thanks for dropping in.I am glad you like THE ZODIAC KILLER poster. I don't know if it's hard to find or not. I never actively looked for one. One just presented itself and I bid on it...and voila!

I mentioned my self-imposed poster-posting exile at the end of my anniversary post (April 3rd). "I am thinking about taking some time off away from posting for awhile (May 1 should be my last post -- maybe) as I TRY to get my posters organized and cataloged (and some sent off for hopefully selling). But I WILL be back...if you'll still have me, that is." My house is a poster mess. I have tubes opened and being gone through all over the place, framed posters in need of hanging, the poster room is a disaster area, etc. It's overwhelming. I need to get it all cleaned up and organized. So I am taking some time away from the poster posting/shopping/etc. It won't be too long---just a month or two---or, at max, over the summer (or Aussie winter).

Here's another bonus post---just for you:


I know I have seen this...just don't remember it all that well. John Karlen (Willie Loomis and other characters on DARK SHADOWS and later on CAGNEY AND LACEY) was the male lead, but it was the two unknown (to me anyway) females who are the focus (one of them playing Countess Elizabeth Bathory, if that gives you any idea of what it is about) of the film (and poster) from 1971. I just stumbled on the poster and got it.

Thanks again for the visit.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. I got a few more posters up today and have photos to share. They're not that exciting as they don't really show you the placement in the room---just the posters on the wall, but whatever...

Don't mind the weird flash glare on this and others, but here is my REVOLT OF THE ZOMBIES re-release to the left of my refrigerator next to my pantry cabinet. (YES! The posters HAVE invaded my kitchen..)

And on the other side of the fridge, here is my ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE:

Back in the living room, along the back wall, here are two views of the foursome i got up. It's X THE MAN WITH X-RAY EYES, THE THING THAT COULDN'T DIE, KING KONG (1956 re-release), and THE INDESTRUCTIBLE MAN. My NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET pinball machine can be seen folded up on the floor. I will get that up on its legs and going eventually. It will look groovy next to the posters and be jutting out from the corner.

In the hallway, next to the poster room (you can see some of the poster rolls leaning against the doorway), I put up my NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and CREATURE WALKS AMONG US.

Finally, at the end of the hall, I put up my super cheesy THE RATS ARE COMING THE WEREWOLVES ARE HERE.

I still have LOTS of wall space left...3 bedrooms, the poster room, the dining room and more in the living room. Those will get posterfied soon.

Here's another mini-poster post while I'm here:


Another poster for something I have NOT seen. Still, I like the art, so why not?

Thanks for visiting.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Damomac

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Those framed posters look great - good luck with he spring clean in summer, if you can get as organised as T is i will be impressed, clear space re organise then more space for more posters  thumbsup.gif
- Damo (An Aussie Movie Poster Lover)

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Hi DAMO! Welcome back. I'm glad you like the framed posters I got up. I can't wait to get the posters organized, get the poster room back in shape...and get the posters on the walls!  Whoo hoo!

Just for you, here is a mega-mini-bonus post (5 posters instead of just 1)--all of which i got from Rich last night on one of his auctions. (Thank you, Rich!):


Okay, this is NOT a movie poster (but this is the ALL Posters Forum). I'm not even sure this isn't a reprint of the original poster (it was listed as an 80s poster instead of a 70s poster), but...yowza! I remember this poster EVERY WHERE when I was a kid. i never had one and sort of always regretted it. Who knew I'd have one 40 years later!? Ha!


I have this already, but who could resist cheesy bad posters for cheesy bad (in a good way) movies? Especially when it's not very expensive?


I already have this as well...and prefer the actual regular release poster (with the cast shown in a knife blade). The last of the original series was not the best...but NOT the worst either (HALLOWEEN 6, anyone? UGH!).


Another poster I already have...  Tim Burton's full-length animated version of his short film of the same name. Too bad it didn't do better at the box office. Still a cool flick visually.


And ANOTHER poster I already have...and another disappointment. Hopefully the rumored Indy 5 will leave the series off on a high note. Nice poster art though.

Thanks again for visiting.


Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Chris9000

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Awesome new frame jobs, Shawn! The Man with the X-Ray Eyes is one I have been lusting after for a while now. I might have to break bad and get one here soon. It's between that and Corman's, The Undead.

My kids and I are big Frankenweenie fan's too.. they have both teasers, and the final OS.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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CHRIS!!!  Thanks for dropping in and the nod towards my framed and up posters--especially X-THE MAN WITH X-RAY EYES. That is a super poster. And yes, THE UNDEAD is gorgeous. I have been after one for the last few years. If you go for one ---let me know. i'd hate to be caught in a battle for it with you.

Here's a special bonus mini-post just for you:


I've heard this movie is crap and, no I have not seen it. It's a direct-to-video thing, so no theatrical poster. BUT, i got it because I thought the poster was cool.

Well, DRAT! I don't even know if this post is presented correctly as Photobucket is DOWN once again. GRRR!

Any way, thank you again for stopping by.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Chris9000

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I've heard this movie is crap and, no I have not seen it. It's a direct-to-video thing, so no theatrical poster. BUT, i got it because I thought the poster was cool.

Cool for sure, man. I love the video only horror, but sadly don't have many in my collection. There are a ton of titles from Full Moon Ent. that I'd love to have, just never run across... I think my latest that might fit close to this genre is the Sorority Babes in the Slime Bowl-a-Rama one sheet I grabbed recently. It was one of my favs from the Up All Night collection.

I'll let you know on the Undead as well. I've been eyeing one for a while now, been working away at the seller to get him to a price that works for me. We'll see what happens.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi CHRIS! Thanks for popping by. SORORITY BABES is a cool title to have.  Below you will see I got me an 8MM like yours...only NOT as much of a bargain as yours. Still a cool poster though.  Good luck with THE UNDEAD.

8 MM:

I dig the image. The movie was also good...have not watched the sequel yet, although I do have it.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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OUCH!!!  Michael's is having a 70% off sale on custom framing. It was today or not gonna happen (the sale ends in a few days) because I work for the next few days and then am out of town. I also had to get to a small dinner party---so i had less than an hour to get there and put in my order. I had wanted to see about getting my 3-sheet CREATURES WITH THE ATOM BRAIN framed...but in my mad rush I could NOT find it. Instead I settled on something else (to be shared in a later post). It is on linen and the original size was 40x60...but it's a little larger now due to the linen.  With 70% off, i didn't think it would be all that much. WRONG!  Oh my stars. At first she told me it would be $900+. WHAT!?!  I was floored. That was WITH the discount.  I balked at the price and she said they could use ordinary plexiglass instead of some fancy anti-glare kind. That brought the price way down...but it was STILL $535. EEEK!

OMG!  HOW am I ever going to get my other regular one sheets on linen framed OR my 3 sheet on linen framed? That cost is sooooo incredibly OUT of my price range. JEEPERS!

Here's a bonus post:


Like so many other posters for movies I haven't seen, I've not seen this flick either. But current JAMES BOND star Daniel Craig is the lead and I picked this up, rather inexpensively, hoping it could turn a buck down the road.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!