Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359293 times)

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there,  It's the middle of May 2016--ALREADY! Jeepers, this year is zooming on by. Here are my latest acquisitions for your perusal. I apologize about the emovieposter watermark on some of them, but the photo person there has not sent me my unmarked versions yet (watch them show up tomorrow. ha! No big deal. You can SEE what they look like anyway...)

 But first, let me say hello to Rosa...

ROSA: What GWTW stuff do you have? Just curious. I have a few posters,,,but just from 60s/70s/80s releases...and that last one from the 2000s. Hmm.

Okay---off to the posters (and a few non-poster surprises! Oh my!)


I already have a copy or two of this poster, but when this one came up (and it was cheap), I just couldn't let it go. Hello? Despite the fact it is a butt-ugly poster and the movie is a pretty crappy (yet obscure) early 70s grindhouse turd-o-rama (supposedly based on the crimes of Ed Gein, the same Wisconsin wacko who was the basis for PSYCHO, TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and DERANGED), the poster is rare. Snagged it.


My second Bowery Boys poster (after my recent purchase of THE BOWERY BOYS MEET THE MONSTERS which is cool and on page 28 of my thread:,9480.700.html ). I figured why not? How many Bowery Boys films there are, i have no idea. I've never seen one. I'm not wild about it--but as i said, what the heck. Right?  And who names their kid "Huntz" anyway? Whatever...


I'm a huge James Bond it's only natural to be curious about the knockoffs that came in 007's successful wake. This one starred Rod "The Birds" Taylor and future Bond girl ("Diamonds Are Forever"), Jill St. John. I have this poster...but saw this one so cheap and bought it. I really need to STOP doing that...especially since this movie was not all that great. Sigh...


I've never seen this disco vampiress flick from the late 70s (also known as NOCTURNA: GRANDDAUGHTER OF DRACULA), but I remember reading about it (and lots of other things) in the very first issue of FANGORIA magazine back in 1979. It's funny i remember buying that first issue and its contents so distinctly. I had never seen a magazine like that devoted to horror flicks (FAMOUS MONSTERS i had never really seen...). It's funny how "firsts" in our lives leave impressions...and later instances less so (if at all). Anyway, some day i'll track this movie down and give it a watch. It was just one of many films i read about that NEVER seemed to come out (or, at least, play in my town. Another that comes to mind was "THE COMING" with Susan Swift from AUDREY ROSE. I've been wanting to see that for years as well. Did that ever come out? Hmm...), Anyway, a movie about a disco vampiress can't SUCK too bad, can it? Hmm.


Here's another poster for a movie i know absolutely nothing about. It's a 1955 flick and it stars a young Dirk Bogarde I liked it because it looked like it might fit in with my tiki-esque or cannibal-themed posters. SIMBA: MARK OF MAU MAU...Hmm, maybe this Simba guy was the original Papa Ooo Mau Mau?  I dig the skull on the end of his stick. Crazy, man! Ooo Mau Mau, Papa Ooo Mau -muh-Mau!


I know nothing about this movie either, but I've seen this poster come and go over the years. i finally picked one up. I know this is NOT the movie (a short) I saw in Spain once (playing before THE WIZARD OF OZ, which had Spanish dialogue, but the songs were original English versions. Ha!). That movie I have no idea what it was called, but I've been looking for it forever. It was a short film about a woman walking around a town. She was veiled or had her face covered in some way so all you could see was one eye (which seemed to be in the middle of her face (?) ). I don't remember much of the plot or the ending, but everywhere this woman went, people ran in fear from her. It was black and white also, i think. Creepy--but nothing scary actually happened. I wish I could find this flick again. Anyway--the title (and kind of the image) remind me of that weird short--which i saw way, WAY back in 1983.


Yes, i got one of these, even though I am not that much of a fan. I DID see the movie in the theater though. I was curious to see what happened to the characters from the original/middle trilogy. The image below is just a photo from online---not the actual poster. Mine was "free" but has a rough edge on one side and a tear in the upper corner. All could easily be hidden with framing. I just wanted to get it because these things are ridiculously expensive. Jeepers!


I already have a copy of this, but this is a MUCH BETTER copy. Oooo. I don't talk about Sinbad posters that often, because i think I have all/most of the posters for the various movies already. Similar to my affection for the Tarzan series or the Hercules-type movies of the 50s and 60s (especially the ones with monsters and/or magic in them), I'm a big fan of the Sinbad films, probably because I was so enchanted with the Harryhausen Sinbads...but i also have posters for obscure Sinbad films such as "The Magic Voyage of Sinbad" (Russian), "The Lost World of Sinbad" (Japanese), and the aggravatingly misspelled "Captain Sindbad", etc. I've never seen "Son of Sinbad" (or most of the earlier films), but the idea of the character/adventures interests me and has had me suffering through many of the awful newer direct-to-video "films". But i am thrilled with this treasure! Whoo hoo!


Yowza!  I had my eye on this and the price went way, WAY too high. I paid too much for it, but had never seen another one and I really "needed" it to go with a similar Mexican double-feature horror poster I got a while back (Here in my thread on page 16...scroll to about half way down:,9480.375.html) WOW! I'm such a sucker for gimmicks, too. Just take a look. Despite the crudely drawn art (which is also a plus in a way...), the poster boasts that you can "see the living headless body in person"! Zowie! That prop must have racked up a lot of miles...I wonder whatever happened to it? I also dig how the grammatically incorrect wording ("The most fiendish idea ever conceived by human brain") is prominently splashed across the poster for all to see -- and to shake their head at. Ha! CHEESY awful yet wonderful!


Look out! It's the one sheet for the Earl Owensby low budget in-your-face 3D regional rarity, "ROTTWEILER"! Also known as "DOGS OF HELL", this is one of a string of 7 or 8 3D flicks Owensby churned out in the 80s...that NEVER played in my town. ARGH! I'm sure it's awful. but as a sucker for gimmicks and vintage 3D (the new stuff offers great clarity and depth, but not much reaching out into your face thrills...), I've always wanted to see this "dog". I have another copy of this poster, but it has a lot of issues (including a big snipe/sticker covering a bunch of the lower portion of the poster). This is not perfect, but I'll take it. I don't see Owensby 3D posters that often... Woof!

BWANA DEVIL (Original 3D glasses):

Speaking of gimmicks, i know these next two items are NOT posters, but I've got to let my gimmick freak flag fly for a moment. (If I can post beach towels...what's wrong with vintage gimmick premiums?) These are 3D glasses from "BWANA DEVIL", the original 3D movie that launched the 3D craze of the 1950s. Granted these are not in the best shape (the dork who owned these previously apparently stapled them--eeek!--to something), but how many of these puppies are still in existence? I HAD to have them. Zowie! These will be nice to have to display next to the poster (which I have on page 4 of my thread:,9480.75.html. Scroll about halfway down...).

WITCHCRAFT and  THE HORROR OF IT ALL (Witch Deflector coin):

Yahoo!  I have been looking for one of these for YEARS!  I also thought that all of these little plastic coins (there were ones in green plastic as well, or so i read) had slipped through the fingers of time, never to be seen again. Yippie for me that i FINALLY found one. This is from 1964 and was used as a gimmick to promote the re-release double-feature combo of WITCHCRAFT and THE HORROR OF IT ALL (starring Pat Boone?! Ha!). I have the one sheet that advertisers the WITCH DEFLECTOR on page 26 of my thread (You can see it here. Scroll down:,9480.625.html  .) The coin is similar to the "Zotz!" coin given out with the William Castle film of the same name (I have one of those too). I'm sure this promotional gimmick was inspired by Castle and his penchant for gimmicks to get people into his so-so low-budget thrillers. I'm including pictures of the front of the coin as well as the back (with the film titles printed on the coin), as well as an image describing how to use the coin. I've been looking for a one sheet version (or ANY version) of this image---but have never seen one for sale. Hmm. If there's one out there, I'll track it down. Anyway, the instructions are very is the power of the coin. Ha!  But at least now I'll be safe from witches...while all of you all will just have to suffer from any spell or curse that comes your way. Ha!  Because "only the Witch Deflector can save you from the eerie web of the unknown!" Ooo-EE-ooo-ooo...


Zowie! I have long wanted this poster for THE ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES ever since seeing the cool/horrifying image of the woman embracing a near-skeletal faced Vincent Price on some horror bubble gum cards I got back in the day. Creepy cool! While the PHIBES films didn't really work for me, this poster is awesome imagery... While I generally dislike the new Photoshop stuff used for movies and have rarely liked cheap-o photo posters in general, this gruesomely groovy photo would really sell me on seeing this movie back in the 1970s. Yowza!

And that's it for this posting. Thanks for stopping by. See you next time.I hope poster shopping in your world has been successful. Now I MUST get my rear in gear and get to work. ARGH!  CHEERS!
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My favs are The Evil Eye and Son Of Sinbad. Fun + attractive.

Wondering what the image is in the top portion of the red cape?!

Offline erik1925

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A blood-based diet must be healthy AND nutritious. Miss Nocturna looks to be in great shape and I'll bet she doesnt even do spinning classes. Maybe she does cape-flinging ones, instead!  ;D


Online Monster_A_GoGo

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STEVE : Glad there were a few things for you to eyeball. Ha!  As for the cape--i never noticed that before. Hmm. Veins maybe? (In a cape? How could that be?)

JEFF : Very funny. Still, this movie ought to be a hoot (unintentionally) because of it's disco-era disco-ness. I kind of want to see it. Really.

Thanks for visiting both of you.
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline erik1925

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STEVE : Glad there were a few things for you to eyeball. Ha!  As for the cape--i never noticed that before. Hmm. Veins maybe? (In a cape? How could that be?)

JEFF : Very funny. Still, this movie ought to be a hoot (unintentionally) because of it's disco-era disco-ness. I kind of want to see it. Really.

Thanks for visiting both of you.

Of that I have NO doubt, Shawn. Probably so bad that it's actually GooD! (Let alone the disco soundtrack)  8)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2016, 12:26:34 AM by erik1925 »


Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Just looked it up on looks pretty awful.

Here's the trailer:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Or, if you have the time, here apparently is the full movie:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline erik1925

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But dont forget that it has a song sung by GLORIA GAYNOR!!   woohoo



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Ha!  As for the cape--i never noticed that before. Hmm. Veins maybe?

It is clear I stand alone with a very perverted mind... I am think rather, the male anatomy shown


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You really have an eye steve... ;D


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Hi there,  It's the middle of May 2016--ALREADY! Jeepers, this year is zooming on by. Here are my latest acquisitions for your perusal. I apologize about the emovieposter watermark on some of them, but the photo person there has not sent me my unmarked versions yet (watch them show up tomorrow. ha! No big deal. You can SEE what they look like anyway...)

 But first, let me say hello to Rosa...

ROSA: What GWTW stuff do you have? Just curious. I have a few posters,,,but just from 60s/70s/80s releases...and that last one from the 2000s. Hmm.

 MUST get my rear in gear and get to work. ARGH!  CHEERS!

Hi there..oh boy you are well ahead of  me. I am GWTW "less" I'm yet to get "my copy " . Which one do you have from 60s?

I will get mine soon.."as God is my witness..."

Be  good!!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2016, 04:56:49 AM by Mirosae »

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You really have an eye steve... ;D



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Here's another poster for a movie i know absolutely nothing about. It's a 1955 flick and it stars a young Dirk Bogarde I liked it because it looked like it might fit in with my tiki-esque or cannibal-themed posters. SIMBA: MARK OF MAU MAU...Hmm, maybe this Simba guy was the original Papa Ooo Mau Mau?  I dig the skull on the end of his stick. Crazy, man! Ooo Mau Mau, Papa Ooo Mau -muh-Mau!

BWANA DEVIL (Original 3D glasses):

Speaking of gimmicks, i know these next two items are NOT posters, but I've got to let my gimmick freak flag fly for a moment. (If I can post beach towels...what's wrong with vintage gimmick premiums?) These are 3D glasses from "BWANA DEVIL", the original 3D movie that launched the 3D craze of the 1950s. Granted these are not in the best shape (the dork who owned these previously apparently stapled them--eeek!--to something), but how many of these puppies are still in existence? I HAD to have them. Zowie! These will be nice to have to display next to the poster (which I have on page 4 of my thread:,9480.75.html. Scroll about halfway down...).

Simba (1955), this movie is nowhere to be found...  There are few DVDs on ebay but otherwise it is an almost forgotten movie.  The African tribeman is a kikuyu - from Kenya.  The face is well done as it is a typical kikuyu face.  As for the skull on the stick and the all cannibal-look,this is cinema :) Kikuyus aren't like that but they were fierced warriors.  What is interesting about the movie is that it was filmed during the Mau Mau uprising but I guess the plot of the movie must be less interesting than "Something of value" which is based upon a roman.

As for the "Bwana devil" glasses, you are lucky I am in different time zone otherwise it would have been a bidding war against me :)  You got them at a very good price.   I am sad to have missed these.  FYI, "Bwana devil" was filmed in USA, African images are footage images.

Well done !!

Offline erik1925

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Great background info there, BB.  :D


Offline Chris9000

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I wanted that Brainiac/Curse of... some kind of bad, truly a unique piece! As you said though, the price shot up quick. I was really surprised at how high it went. It just goes to show that there are a lot more folks out there that go for the odd & weird (like us) than we like to think.

Congrats, went to a worthy home!

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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JEFF : AND Vickie Sue Robinson! Zowie! I'll have to rush out and buy the soundtrack... or not.

Steve : Oh my stars!  I totally see, THEM now. HA! AMAZING sex-o-vision you have. Golly!

Rosa :The 60s one I have is white with the couple embracing on the top, as i recall. The poster has issues though. The 70s and 80s re-releases i have look very similar to each other---just different text on them with fiery orange/red colors/background. As god is my witness, i loved the little GWTW gif. Ha!

Big Boss : As Jeff said, THANK YOU for all of the background info on the obscure SIMBA movie/poster. Amazing! I'm also glad you approve of the BWANA DEVIL glasses and am glad I didn't have a bidding war with you. Usually, if i recognize a bidder, i'll step aside and let them have it. But there are those very special pieces where I will fight until I can't fight any longer....the 3D BWANA glasses were in that latter category.

Chris9000 : Did you change your name? Are you Film Armada rechristened? Either way, I'm glad you like the Brainiac/Curse poster and I do apologize for bidding it away from you. As i told BIG BOSS above, Normally if I recognized you as bidding against me, i'd concede...but this was one i HAD to have (hence the crazy high price! EEEK!). As I said, i needed it to go with my other gonzo Mexican horror double feature poster. But I do feel awful knowing you were trying to get it as well...especially with you being relatively new here.

Anyway, thank you all for visiting the latest posters...or just stopping by in general.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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Big Boss : As Jeff said, THANK YOU for all of the background info on the obscure SIMBA movie/poster. Amazing! I'm also glad you approve of the BWANA DEVIL glasses and am glad I didn't have a bidding war with you. Usually, if i recognize a bidder, i'll step aside and let them have it. But there are those very special pieces where I will fight until I can't fight any longer....the 3D BWANA glasses were in that latter category.

Bidding war was an hyperbole  as I am a low bidder and usually leave the room fast :)    I checked a bit in some auctions site for these 3D Bwana glasses, only found one pair and as description said, it was the first one on EMP.  All this to say, as you mentioned early, I don't think there are that many in the market. Again, well done !!  If you see some in the market somewhere, let me know as I dig these !


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Simba (1955), this movie is nowhere to be found...  There are few DVDs on ebay but otherwise it is an almost forgotten movie.  The African tribeman is a kikuyu - from Kenya.  The face is well done as it is a typical kikuyu face.  As for the skull on the stick and the all cannibal-look,this is cinema :) Kikuyus aren't like that but they were fierced warriors.  What is interesting about the movie is that it was filmed during the Mau Mau uprising but I guess the plot of the movie must be less interesting than "Something of value" which is based upon a roman.

As for the "Bwana devil" glasses, you are lucky I am in different time zone otherwise it would have been a bidding war against me :)  You got them at a very good price.   I am sad to have missed these.  FYI, "Bwana devil" was filmed in USA, African images are footage images.

Well done !!

This is really interesting, and as you say it is rather difficult to find any information about this film or history. Thanks for sharing.  I  will try to find it and watch it.

Offline Chris9000

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Hey man.. yep, same guy as filmarmada. It felt odd for me to have people address me as that, so I changed it to something with my proper name in it.

No worries at all on the bidding! I usually do the same thing if I recognize the bidder, unless it's something I'm really interested in or have been looking for, for some time.

Keep up the killer work!

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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BIG BOSS : Yes, should I come across any other pairs of BWANA DEVIL glasses, I'll send word your way.

ROSA : Thanks for stopping in, as always.

CHRIS9000 : Hi. Glad there are no hard feelings about the bidding. I got into a bidding war last night on emovie. It's funny because I had dozens of things in my watch list. I let almost everything go to others (there were two items I bid low amounts on...abandoned...and ended up getting anyway). The bidding war was for one of those elusive posters I had to have...I hated to spend so much but had to have it. UGH!  Glad you understand. Your collection is off to a rockin' start!
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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Mirosae - Same apply for the "Mister Moses" (1965) (featuring Carol Baker and Robert Mitchum), a movie about missionaries being conmen.  Largely edited/cut in 80s VHS release, it is now totally unavailable worldwide. It seems MGM has decided to let the movie die as it is dull, bad quality and highly controversial.

Monster-A-Gogo - Thanks !!

Offline Undead

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As always some cool scary additions there well done. Coming Soon...ish to a nightmare near you!
Just bleach the bitch!

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Monster-A-Gogo - Thanks !!

BIG BOSS: It's always a pleasure having you drop by. Thank you for enlightening us on the various movies (BWANA DEVIL, SIMBA, etc.). That was very much appreciated.

As always some cool scary additions there well done.

UNDEAD: Thank you. It's always a pleasure having you stop in as well. Be sure to check back around the 1st of June when i should have another batch ready to post. (I have an UN-lucky 13 posters so far... EEEK! I kind of hope I don't spend any more---clearly my experiment in limiting my time on here to curb my poster buying is NOT working. Ha!)  I hope you'll return to check them out.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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BIG BOSS: It's always a pleasure having you drop by. Thank you for enlightening us on the various movies (BWANA DEVIL, SIMBA, etc.). That was very much appreciated.


Mirosae - Same apply for the "Mister Moses" (1965) (featuring Carol Baker and Robert Mitchum), a movie about missionaries being conmen.  Largely edited/cut in 80s VHS release, it is now totally unavailable worldwide. It seems MGM has decided to let the movie die as it is dull, bad quality and highly controversial.

Monster-A-Gogo - Thanks !!

Excellent information.  Many thanks for sharing . And do please keep it coming.

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Eek! It's NOT June 1st, but here I am with a BONUS posting. Why? It seems I can't stop buying...and I had more than 20 posters ready to post on the 1st. Yikes!  Too big of a posting, so i scooped out 10 less exciting posters and made this little bonus post to keep the June 1st post from getting to be overwhelming...

Before we get to them though, thank you ROSA for stopping by and furthering the thanks to BIG BOSS for his helpful insight.

Okay--BONUS time:

BILLY JACK (re-release):

I still have not watched my 4-pack of BILLY JACK movies yet.I had gotten a one sheet for THE TRIALS OF BILLY JACK sometime last year (not long after buying the DVD set) and thought I'd try to track down the rest of the posters in the series as well. This is a re-release of the first film (which is really the 2nd film sort of. BORN LOSERS introduced the character, but from what I understand, Billy Jack is more of a supporting/bit character in that film).


A while back i got the video release poster for FLESH GORDON 2, thinking it had never had a theatrical release and it was the only type of poster available. Wrong. It had a limited release and there are one sheets out there---they're just scarce. In the mean time while I look for one, I stumbled on this British quad. It will do. I was never really enamored with either the first film or the sequel. i thought both were missed opportunities. I did like the idea of what they could be though--and the original's cheesy effects. Whatever.


Although I already have the US one sheets for PEYTON PLACE and RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE (some of my guilty pleasure faves. Ha!), I saw this Yugo RETURN and bid a very modest amount ($6?). I was surprised to find out later it was mind. Not too shabby.


I've wanted this poster for YEARS! There was one on ebay 6 months or so that kept being relisted and ignored. I didn't go for that one because it had a big yellow snipe over the "X-Rated" ratings box. I saw the movie (seeing this bizarre poster years ago --and losing it--was the reason i track the movie down), and don't believe it is a true x-rated (i.e. porn) film. There may have been some inserts added or maybe I am mistaken (or remembering incorrectly), but I don't think it was a hardcore film...more like a tame R with nudity. It's the story of a mentally off over 18 teen who runs away from home and goes to live with her ex-step father and his current girlfriend...and causes mayhem on the way (I think she actually kills someone by the end of the movie?), including (attempting?) seducing her ex step father! It was a low budget mishmash...but the quirky poster for it still intrigues me. You've got the barber shop pole stripes around three sides. You've got the odd-sized daybed/chair (too short to be a bed, too wrong shaped to be a chair) with the worn lower corner (I love that detail) and the perplexed-looking rag doll leaning against it. Then there is a statue of David haphazardly sitting on the chair arm (headboard?) while a blue man comes through a window, staring/heading off to the left. The girl (with only one shoe) is much nicer looking than the real "girl" in the movie. The art is just "off" somehow, rather unsophisticated--almost juvenile. I don't know. It just appeals to me and I'm glad I finally got one.


I just got a copy of this not too long back for free, but it was damaged along the side edge. I stumbled on this new, never hung one for sale at a reasonable price and thought I should get it--as they are crazy high everywhere else. As i said before when I got the other one, I am no big Star Wars fan...but I'll hang on to it for a future sale, I think.

COMMUNION (a.k.a. ALICE SWEET ALICE) and TINTORERA (combo British quad):

Another low ball bid that I was startled to discover was also mine was this combo for COMMUNION (which is also known as ALICE SWEET ALICE...and I already have the US one sheet for that) with the Mexican JAWS rip-off, TINTORERA. I love my JAWS ripoffs, and even though I already have a TINTORERA one sheet (and even though the movie SUCKS big time), TINTORERA was the magic attraction to this surprisingly cheap British quad.


I know this flick was a big box office bomb. I saw it and thought it was almost good. Something was just not quite right. But for some reason, i think this flick will catch on down the i wanted to get the poster. I already have an advance. Now I have the final version. Yahoo.


Another film that was almost my opinion, anyway. As a sequel to CLOVERFIELD, it was somewhat disappointing. A matter of too little, too late. As a thriller on its own--it had potential. It seemed like a mash-up between two different movies actually. I think i actually read something about them deciding to make it a CLOVERFIELD sequel partway through the filming, actually. I do like the poster design though.


Oh my stars...what IS this movie? I'd seen this poster a time or two but it always eluded me. THE WOMAN EATER? Aside from the poster, I've never heard of it. A monster that eats only women? I couldn't resist---and this time, it's finally mine. Anyone know about this film? I may have to look it up and hunt it down...

THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD (French medium? affiche):

Wow! I got this French (medium-sized? I thought there was only petite and grande?) version of THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD for a song. It's gorgeous! I saw one go for some pretty decent bucks not long back at an auction. Yikes! This was a total bargain.

That's it. Thanks for visiting. Check back Wednesday the 1st for my regularly scheduled update. Keep cha-cha-cha-ing! Oww!

« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 06:11:28 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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