Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359411 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Thanks Steve! I got it fixed in time...before the error was set in stone. As for Mulholland may not be true shockarama material, but it has shockarama elements. I have my taste in posters, but if something else grabs my attention, i go for it. Thanks for the error heads up. Good night. It's 1 a.m. I'll be back in the morning...zzzzzzz

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Haha re Vampires night what a good one. I certainly  get a good kick out of it ;)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Rosa....I musty get to bed. It's long past my bedtime...

Glad you stopped by. I'll have more later today, but I was thinking about you with the VAMPIRE poster. I know you like seeing the male as victim from time to time...but even that is a little over the top. Ha! 


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Hi Rosa....I musty get to bed. It's long past my bedtime...

Glad you stopped by. I'll have more later today, but I was thinking about you with the VAMPIRE poster. I know you like seeing the male as victim from time to time...but even that is a little over the top. Ha! 


But aren't  they always the victims hehehe  >:D

Just kidding. Equality  is not about  equal violence  for all.  But of course you all know ;)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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It's later....hopefully you've put some green on so you can't be pinched any more today! (Unless you are like Steve and are purposely NOT wearing any green so you CAN be pinched! Ha!) 

Rosa: Touche!

Anyway, here are more lackluster additions to this month's lackluster posting. Hmm.


I'm not really wild about this poster. It's not spooky enough. However, i am a sucker for all things AMITYVILLE HORROR. I've seen/bought all of the movies (the last 3 or 4 direct-to-video ones were just god-awful...worse than AMITYVILLE CURSE!), read all (?) of the books. I'm not sure why--except that I hate to "miss out" on things. I want to see what the filmmakers come up with next (although it's usually not much. But the more they try the cheesier they seem to get. AMITYVILLE 3D anyone? Ha!)).  This film is no exception, I'm sure. And I say that before it's even been released. It was supposed to come out in January 2015. Then got held back to April of this year...and literally minutes after I bought this poster promoting it's upcoming April release, I learn that it has been bumped back to a January 2017 date! Jeepers! So this poster was bound for the trash heap when I bought it. Ha! Will the film ever come out? If they wait until January like they now say, there is still time to come up with a BETTER poster. Ha!


I saw this cheesy drama/romance movie on TV as a kid...and it strangely stuck with me all of these years (perhaps because **SPOILER ALERT** the woman...or maybe the whole couple...yes, i think it was the couple...jump into a volcano together because the woman was slated to be a sacrifice to the volcano god anyway. Ha!). Not that it's all that tiki-esque (there are a few tiki idols on the right and the volcano in the background), but if/when i ever get a little tiki bar in my home (if I ever get back into a home again), I thought this would be a nice addition to it. Really, that's the reason I bought it---as decor for a tiki bar. Ha!


Here's a poster for an old Steve ("Hercules") Reeves poster from the tail-end of the Italian peplum/sword&sandal/Hercules era. This, of course, is a pirate movie, but whatever. I got it because I do like (most of) the films from the genre (as bad as they are...but I have not seen this film yet). But I already HAD this poster. WHY did I need another copy? it's not even that great of a poster. ha!


I have never seen any of the MA & PA KETTLE movies (although I have the DVD set somewhere with all of the films). I once wrote a short story years ago in school and one of the comments was that it reminded someone of "THE EGG AND I"--which i had never heard of. "The Egg And I" was a novel, that was turned into a film (Sounds kind of like the inspiration for GREEN ACRES too---a couple from the city movie to the country to run a farm and meet a bunch of crazy country folks). MA & PA KETTLE were supporting characters in that and were so popular with audiences, they were spun off into their own film series. Altogether, with "THE EGG AND I", there were a total of 10 MA & PA KETTLE films.  I got a poster for one a while back (THE KETTLES IN THE OZARKS"). When I saw this one, I thought why not go for it?Now I only have 8 posters to go to get the whole series. Ha!


ARGH!  Why, o' why, o' WHY did I buy this?I worked last Sunday and had placed snipe bids for Heritage before leaving that morning on a variety of posters. This was NOT one of them. After years of wanting this one, I had scored one last year. I didn't need one any more. However, when I had a free moment on Sunday, i stupidly logged on and this poster was being auctioned off at that very moment...and suddenly I was in a crazed bidding frenzy until i won it. OOPS. WHY did I do that? Argh...

THE CHILD (Italian 2F):

I already had a copy of this that I saw and bought before looking at it properly. I had never seen one before and loved the ghoulish zombie imagery...and didn't see all of the rips, tears and tape. OOPS!  I was quite surprised to stumble on this second copy in much better condition. Hooray!!!


After the fiasco of the EQUINOX poster and the realization of what a stupid thing I'd done bidding up and up and up on something I already had and getting stuck with it, you'd think I'd have learned my lesson. Right? True--most of what I'd placed bids on that day i did not win (the two MULHOLLAND DR. posters were the exception). But I didn't need another EQUINOX. Anyway, later in the day I stupidly found a moment to log in again---and this poster, which was not even on my radar to begin with, was up for bid. I have no idea why I bid--but I did...and the frenzy was on again...until, d'oh! It was mine. Oh least Steve will enjoy it...


You know I love my KING KONG...(the original is STILL the BEST) i couldn't pass this Spanish poster up as I did not have this one in my collection. It's not so great, but what the heck. It shows Kong getting an air lift and Mecha-Kong causing havoc. To this day i am surprised the Japanese didn't utilize Kong in more of their monster movies.

KING KONG (Spanish re-release):

Speaking of KING KONG, here's a Spanish re-release poster i did not have yet. The poster is nice, although it seems to have borrowed inspiration from the poster for KONGA (note the double-decker bus for instance). Still a cool poster.

That's it for this month's posters.

And in late-breaking personal news (feel free to skip until the **** line below), I may have to curtail my poster addiction altogether (for at least 2 years or so). OH MY STARS!  My life has veered onto a path i did not anticipate. It's nothing major, just unexpected. Due to the huge tax liability for selling my house, I've had to rethink selling my other house. I am now planning on moving back into it for 2 years (around the end of May/beginning of June) before selling it to minimize the tax liability when i do sell it. That will be great in a sense, as i'll be able to move out of my cramped and cluttered shack-o-rama. I'll be able to go through, document and organize my posters--FINALLY! However, without that $1200 a month in rent coming in, I'll have to cough up that amount myself to cover the mortgage. Plus i'll now have PG&E, water, sewage, garbage fees. i'll have to hire a gardener (I am sooooo not handy outside). Etc. EEEK!. I'll also need to cut back on my student loan repayment. I was paying $1000 a month ($500 to the federal loans and $500 to a private loan). Those will have to be scaled way, way back. My little trips I've been taking (to keep my sanity will trapped in my little place and while trapped in Fresno---and the trips were mostly to Los Angeles and/or the Bay Area) will also have to be cut back or eliminated. I do have 2 in April (one to the Bay Area and one to the Central Coast) that I am committed to, as well as a longer road trip this summer (up to Washington with a stay at my mom's place on Whidbey Island) and a hugely expensive trip to Europe next spring (2017). All of those involve other people and I have already committed myself to them. But beyond that, i'll be stuck in Fresno. UGH! I know this is all piddly in the bigger scheme of things and there are many people worse off than me... It's just...waaaagh! Not fun.

But dead last on my list of expenses will have to be posters. Groan... That has been one of my greatest joys while stuck in this hell hole I'm living in now---posters and my little trips. I'm just going to have to cut them out altogether---at least for the minimum of 2 years until i sell my house. Blah!


Anyway, i'll be back next month sometime. It won't be on the 15th. That's my birthday and I'll be on one of those mini-trips that day (Central Coast...waking up in one of the cave rooms at the Madonna Inn---I've always wanted to stay there!). So, I'll be posting my April thing either the 13th or around the 17th/18th.

Hopefully I've had a chance to visit around APF today and visited every thread I've been needing/wanting to visit. (I've been previewing threads all month as my subscription alerts have sent me notices of updates. Oh my! Some mighty FINE looking paper out there you've all been gathering! Zowie!)  I'll see you all in a month or so. If you want to chat or just say hello, etc., feel free to contact me away from the thread. Have a groovy Easter and I'll see you in April.

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Offline erik1925

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Agree with you, MAGG, tho, in this case, I wouldn't call it "inspiration."

Could that Spanish RR for King Kong have been any more blatant in ripping off Reynold Brown's terrific art that he created for Konga? (aside from a few, minor building changes)

It shows the complete lack of original creativity, in this case. And how easy it can be to just "pluck and paste" someone else's art.  hitself    eyeroll


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Ha! It IS KONGA!!!  I should have looked at a KONGA before even mentioning it. Too funny. I still dig it---even more now. How BALLSY of the Spanish film industry to just steal Brown's art like that.
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Offline erik1925

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Ha! It IS KONGA!!!  I should have looked at a KONGA before even mentioning it. Too funny. I still dig it---even more now. How BALLSY of the Spanish film industry to just steal Brown's art like that.

I'd call it lazy.  :P

bigmike showed this other example, so i'm sure it happens with some regularity. Your Kong poster would fit well in this thread, too.,10493.msg198037.html#msg198037
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 01:11:18 PM by erik1925 »


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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AWESOME! Thanks for the link...and I HAVE that Turkish FRIDAY THE 13TH sequel. Two "stolen art" posters. Ha! I know it's "lazy" of the film distributors to do that, but I think it's funny. I especially like the one that was re-purposed for F13th 5. I'd have probably never seen the art otherwise.
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I'm liking Bird of Paradise  thumbsup.gif

Good luck with all the upheavals. I reckon you'll still be buying some posters along the way, as it is fun

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Steve. I'm glad you like the BIRD OF PARADISE  poster. Thanks. I've got a few weeks to go before the move (late May or early June), so I'll be buying until then. I'm stupid that way. Cheers!
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Offline Gingerman

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GOGO!!! I always have to pick one or 2, so I don't swoon all over your post. That being said, the winner was a toughy but clearly The Spanish Kong Escapes!
I really like this one. Loch Ness is cool, AGAIN!!!Finally ...wait..... DOH!
Congrats on everything, your hauls are as mixed as mine are!
This Space For Rent!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Chris! Thank you for popping by. It's always nice to see you. Glad you liked the KING KONG ESCAPES. My favorites this month are the MUNSTERS poster...and the two repeats (LOCH NESS HORROR and CASA DEGLI ZOMBI (THE CHILD). Your thread has been quiet this month (I checked it out...I was the last February!) Perhaps i just need to visit your site? I'll do that later this evening (right now I've got to trudge off to the laundromat... Blah!).

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Offline Gingerman

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Hi Chris! Thank you for popping by. It's always nice to see you. Glad you liked the KING KONG ESCAPES. My favorites this month are the MUNSTERS poster...and the two repeats (LOCH NESS HORROR and CASA DEGLI ZOMBI (THE CHILD). Your thread has been quiet this month (I checked it out...I was the last February!) Perhaps i just need to visit your site? I'll do that later this evening (right now I've got to trudge off to the laundromat... Blah!).


I was working on an update about a week ago, and lost power....doh. LOST MY ENTIRE UPDATE....sigh. I have around 45ish I need to add to the site. I am also making a few "pricey" purchases in the next few weeks. Probably gonna take a pause on EMP, buy the list of stuff from a few sellers here, and pickup a flat file. Tell you what I will post a poster I picked up that I have not shared here yet in my thread! Give me a few!!
This Space For Rent!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Just about to head off to do the wash. Groan. But I'll check out your page when I get things going. (That will at least be something to do while I wait). I'm looking forward to your latest! Yippie! CHEERS!
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Offline Chris9000

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That, 'King Kong Escapes' is killer! The Mecha-Kong looks like something off of 'Futurama!'

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Filmarmada---what a delight to see you visiting my thread once again. Thank you for the nod towards my Spanish KING KONG ESCAPES. You are the second person to comment on it. It's funny that THAT poster (out of the 20 I posted on the 17th) was singled out by both you and Chris (Gingerman) as, to me, it's a less interesting poster. I just got it because it was KONG related. But you are right about Mecha Kong looking like he escaped from Futurama. Ha! Cheers!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Surprise! It's NOT the middle of the month yet. In fact, it's less than a week since my last poster posting. Oh man...I have totally relapsed. This addiction to posters is stronger than i thought. I can NOT stop looking/buying. It's all consuming. UGH!.. I was working on my mid-April posting and it kept growing and growing and growing--and not even a week has gone by since my St. Patrick's Day post and I have already acquired 10 more posters. UGH! I am out of control again.

Anyway...I'm posting these now. I'll start again on my April post (which, as I write this, I am thrilled to say has NO POSTERS on it for the moment. Let's see how long that lasts though).


I already posted this one in the new acquisitions thread (for March), but I am posting it here for MY reference. It's the 2nd of the infamous ILSA flicks. I think I might already have one...but wasn't 100% sure. I KNOW I have the first one and the third one for sure...but I was not certain about this one. it! I also have the one sheet for WANDA THE WICKED WARDEN...which, through the magic of dubbing and re-titling, eventually became ILSA THE WICKED WARDEN (WANDA starred Dyanne Thorne...Ilsa herself. Very similar movies, so why not?). Hooray! I have all of the US one sheets (but I do need to track down an Italian 2F of the first one...just stunning. Dang! This quest never seems to end...)

T mentioned something in the March acquisitions thread about passing on the nazi stuff. I totally understand his feelings, but it's not that the first Ilsa movie deals with nazis that is the fascination for me. I separate exploitation stuff like Ilsa from the real atrocities of WWII. Ilsa is over the top. Not only has Ilsa been a concentration camp commandant in the first film, but was a harem keeper, commandant of a men's prison in Siberia, madame of a massage parlor/prostitution ring and the warden of a woman's prison. And she's a woman! (How many female commandants were there?)...AND let's not forget that Ilsa goes from the 1940s to the late 1970s in the different films withOUT aging nor is there any explanation of how she survived her death in the first film. It's just total exploitation cheese and sleaze--not real at all. If I had to sit through a "regular" World War II drama (such as "Force 10 From Navarone" or "Midway" or "Run Silent, Run Deep" etc.) . I'd be bored to tears and if it were a documentary about the atrocities, i'd be utterly disturbed and horrified and probably walk out. Fictional violence and horror I can stand--real stuff bothers me to no end. I apologize though if my tastes offend anyone. Besides--this poster is for the 2nd film in the series. No nazis here---but we still have Ilsa as a harem keeper! Ha!  Such crazy sleaze.

ZOMBIE (Italian 2F):

Not too long ago, I stumbled upon an Italian release poster for "ZOMBIE" that I had never seen before. I snapped it up. Imagine my surprise when I came across a 2nd one. I should have known better, but i went for it any way--and bought it. The first one was super cheap. This one not so much. Coupled with the shipping costs (it's in...well, Italy!), I paid a lot more for it than I should have. UGH!  Oh well.


This movie was supposed to have been a follow up reuniting of Bette Davis and Joan Crawford after their WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE success. Crawford pulled out and was replaced by Olivia DeHavilland. I don't think this film is nearly as good as BABY JANE, but it has its fans.


One of the JAWS-inspired animal attack films of the 70s, I've always liked DAY OF THE ANIMALS.I already had this poster. I just got it again as it came with next poster in the same lot.


It's JAWS on land! GRIZZLY was a surprise low budget hit. It didn't really work for me, but it did inspire some ripoffs of its own (and a never-finished sequel...look for the work print on youtube and be amazed by the all-star cast. I'm NOT kidding! Here check it out yourself:  but skip to the 3:50 mark to avoid an annoying and long introduction by the bozo who posted it).  I did want the poster though. I think I have it, but have never been I got it.


This would have been further down the list than it is as i have wanted this poster for years. I love me my bad movies. I was in a "bad girl" phase a while back and bought this movie along with several others titles (SHANTY TRAMP, COMMON-LAW WIFE, etc.). While LOUISIANA HUSSY wasn't the hoot that SHANTY TRAMP was, I still dug the poster. I bought this during a Heritage Auction I had a chance to log into briefly while at work,. It had NOT been on my watch list (I now remember why) and I wanted it. I spent a good amount on it...and then later realized...ugh! It has a Canadian Censor stamp on it. That's a deal breaker for me, darn it all. UGH! Once I saw mention of the stamp, i remembered that I HAD seen it listed, but did not save it to my list because of the damn stamp. GRRR!  Oh well...the hunt goes on. But what a wonderfully trashy poster otherwise!


"Then it's too late for exorcism" screams the tag line!!!  Zowie! That grabbed my attention. i'm a sucker for Exorcist knock-offs. However, this little regional rarity was released in 1972...before "The Exorcist" hit the screens. The book was a big best seller by 1972 though and the film version was in production---which I'm sure got the attention of the marketing people since, from what i understand about this movie, this flick does not contain any exorcisms at all (Well, it is TOO LATE for exorcisms after all). Instead this appears to be some forgotten flick about a satanic cult off in the desert somewhere. It's a smaller size than most one sheets, measuring 22 x 34.5. Hmm. Still it has interesting yet cheap looking horror art for an obviously low budget production...with equally financially limited distribution. It's nothing too exciting--but more of a little curio. I think I actually have the movie somewhere (From Sinister Cinema--sure it's a crappy copy). I'll have to dig it out and give it a watch. Or not.


While I do NOT as yet have an original INCREDIBLY STRANGE CREATURES... poster, i was gleefully thrilled to grab this re-titled re-release poster. Even though the poster is a cheaply designed mess, it is a joy of exploitation and gimmickry. WORLD'S WEIRDEST MOVIE! In BLOODY VISION--Not 3D but real flesh and blood monsters alive in the theater. No one will be safe! They might get you! WOW!!  How fun. I read up on this and they actually had theater personnel running out into the audience wearing cheap masks at one point in the film. That wopuld have been a hoot to see. This was one gimmick poster i could not pass up. NOT for SISSIES!

KING KONG ESCAPES (British one sheet):

OOooo...another crazy KONG poster for the KONG collection. The Toho Kongs were so hokey looking. Here he is. stomping a city, battling helicopters and hurling a tree ---fierce, right? Just look at that silly face. Too funny.. He looks more like the "Bumble"/Abominable Snowman from "RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER" than the mighty KONG. Set against the sunny yellow background that makes the image pop, I find I really like this poster. It makes me's so goofy-wonderful. I'm gonna have to dig out those Japanese Kongs and give them another watch.

RODAN: Wow! Wow! Wow! So, I will probably never have an original GODZILLA. Last year, i was lucky enough to score a GIGANTIS THE FIRE MONSTER (aka GODZILLA #2) to replace the one I had stupidly sold off a few years before. as well as a few other GODZILLA titles. But getting the poster for the debut of RODAN is exciting too. Whoo hoo!

That's 10. Now that the slate is being wiped clean, hopefully I can get better control of myself. ARGH!

I hope you are all well.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 07:17:42 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline Crazy Vick

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Let it all out Magg, you're safe here  thumbsup.gif

That Enter the Devil is killer! The cave perspective thing is really bang on, very nice art for a B movie!

and Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte has some Saul Bass thing going there, eh? :)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Crazy Vick... Thanks for the note and I'm glad you liked a poster or two from today's post. After i stuck up my post and was determined to only buy posters I NEED from now on, i went to the movies (10 CLOVERFIELD LANE). When I got home, UGH!!!  I found I was the proud owner of 2 more posters. ARGH!  They were snipes I "won" that i had totally forgotten about. I can't seem to "win" in my fight to NOT buy extraneous stuff. Ha!
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I am liming the Hussy and also Rodan, oh and the boob grabbing one too  thumbsup.gif

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Thanks for "liming" them. People used to use lime to cover bad odors. Do they stink that bad? Ha!  Thanks for popping by. It's always interesting to see what you'll post. Ha!  CHEERS!
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Haha, whoops, I've only had a smart phone for less than a year and typing on it I still need to get the hang of


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Good to see your  collection  Shawn, there is always something  there that makes me is so you!!


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Good to see your  collection  Shawn, there is always something  there that makes me is so you!!


+1.  Well said.

My faves in this lot are the Grizzly and Animals.  It seems like you have quite a compilation for flicks like that, eh?