Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359254 times)

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Thanks MAGG, love the Fantasm.  thumbsup.gif  So many titbits to take in and enjoy. Not sure what I'd do with such a poster as I wouldn't be brave to display it.


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Had my hands on them many times, but still have not seen a Jean Rollin film.  How about some suggestions on a good one to start with... dontknow.gif

Hard to say, be ready for very SLOW movies, he did make some beautiful cinema on VERY tight budgets.
I remember reading the budget for one of the posters was more than the film, (slight) exaggeration I am sure.
The Nude Vampire
The Demoniacs
The Grapes of Death
And see how you go.... Slow but can be beautiful in their own haunting way.
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Good evening. It's time for the Friday the 13th edition of Shock-A-Rama Poster Show!!!  EEK! Like all good girls and boys in horror movies, DON'T bother to lock your doors or windows, LOSE your virginity as you read this and SMOKE dope and/or drink booze. Above all else do NOT heed the warnings of the town locals. There's no boogey man or masked serial killer out to get you tonight...or is there?

Before we get to the posters, let's say hello to everyone who stopped by since the last time we were here. Let's see...

Rosa!  How nice to see you. Your description of the ZOMBIE LAKE poster was funny and accurate...but not, unfortunately, what the movie is about. But hey--work with the idea. There may be a screenplay in there someplace.

Hi Ari! You prefer the slow, soft-focused vampire flicks? Almost all of Rollins films are the slow soft-focused vampire flicks. Ha!  In addition to the three you suggested for Mike (Hey there! Nice to see you! Got something with YOU in mind below) to see, might I also suggest FASCINATION and (his first) RAPE OF THE VAMPIRE. And don't forget (or maybe DO forget) ZOMBIE LAKE! Ha! I haven't seen all of his films though. I would bow down to Ari and his knowledge. I'm sure he is better acquainted with Rollins work than i am.

Ted, thanks for stopping by.

Steve, i knew you'd like the poster...tidbits and all!  :-)  And if you have not seen the "RIP Carol Doda" thing in the news section, check it out. You have probably never heard of her, but if you had--you'd have been a big fan i am sure. Cheers!

And now on to the posters...

FRIDAY THE 13th PART 2   (Japanese B2)

What could be more appropriate for a Friday the 13th edition than starting off with posters for two "FRIDAY THE 13TH" films. I know a lot of people like this sequel. It's okay, but this first directorial effort by Steve Minor was AWFUL I thought. He improved the next time at bat and has been doing well since. But in this film? Ugh. I thought he was weak. That's not to say there weren't some good performances. Amy Steel was marvelous as the lead heroine, possibly the best of the whole series. Anyway, here's the poster for the Japanese release...different than the US release (which was boring).

FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 3D (Japanese B2)

Jason is B-A-C-K...and this time he's in 3-D! Yowza! Part 3 was also wear Jason first wore his iconic hockey mask (before he'd just been wearing a cloth sack, a la the Elephant Man). The poster utilizes the ad art for the US poster, but adds to it with the big bloody title jutting out at you. It's crazy and tacky looking--but it works. Cool!

RAMBO 3 (Thai)

Ugh! I really didn't want/need another RAMBO poster. But I was so taken with Mike's example of the Thai FIRST BLOOD poster and his saying that there were various posters for the films, I found myself looking them up. I stumbled on RAMBO 3 and, before I knew it, I had ended up buying it. Ooops! The example below is from emovie---but that's not where I got it from.


Like Stallone, i'm not really a big fan of Ah-nold either. But I liked this poster for TOTAL RECALL (way better than the US version) i snatched it up.


My final Thai for tonight is for the original PIRANHA. I got a poster similar to this from Turkey not long back. The Thai version adds to the design somewhat (there are now distant beach scenes on the left and right side with actually other people being attacked in the distance. There are also a few other scenes from the film illustrated around the bottom as well--but somehow it lacks that punch the Thai posters usually have over US posters. Still--I dig it. Like my JAWS ripoffs..and PIRANHA is one of the better ones.

BEASTLY (lenticular):

I never saw this flick and probably never will bother to. it's an update of the whole BEAUTY & THE BEAST thing, I believe. Although instead of a beast, the cursed guy is covered with tattoos! Ha! The lenticular isn't all that 3D. Instead it shows two images--the guy with the tattoos and without. i opted to show just the tattoo shot. I dig lenticulars--but they don't dig my wallet. Once in a while tyou stumble on a cheap one...such was the case with this one. Sold!


I have ALL of the one sheets for the James Bond individual films now (except for SPECTRE and there is one double feature poster I also lack). I saw this for sale and for a moment i  could not remember the poster--had i seen it before? Did i have it? I panicked and bid...then remembered i did, in fact, have it. But my bid wasn't beaten and...I now have another. OOPS.

MANDINGO (Yugoslavian):

I do not know why, but MANDINGO is a guilty pleasure of mine. Maybe because it is just so bad and so wrong and so over the top... I haven't seen it in years (but I see it and it's awful sequel in the pile of movies to be watched in the coming weeks... I've had the DVDs since they were released, just haven't had the time), but I remember my jaw dropping at some scenes. Ha! This movie could never be made today. Anyway, saw this Yugo poster recently and decided to get it. it's very different from the interracial GONE WITH THE WIND-esque US poster that tried to shock moviegoers into seeing it. James Mason with his feet on a slave boy? So wrong! Jeepers--what were they thinking in the 70s when they made this (and yes, I realize it might be correct in historical context, but still...).

AENIGMA (Italian):

I've not seen Lucio Fulci's AENIGMA yet. one of the few films of his released here I have not gotten to yet. His horror is hit and miss...but maybe this is one of his giallos? I've not seen it, as i've said, so i'm not sure. I was just thrilled to find some vintage Fulci paper (country of origin) cheap.


I'm not sure what this is exactly either--but the poster is cool. It's got a spooky looking house, a skeleton playing a violin and horror atmosphere in every corner of the one sheet. Yowza! Has anyone seen this? Any good? is it worth tracking down?

And now it's time for lights out. The Friday the 13th edition of the Shock-A-Rama Poster Show is over. Get to bed and pay extra special attention to all of the creaks and groans of your house. it could be just your house settling or the wind...or it could be someone (or something) else!


Happy Friday the 13th!


« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 11:56:48 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Ari

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Paganini Horror is good, and the artwork is by the master Enzo Sciotti good score, I have Locandina, same art. good work.
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Offline mwright

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This thread is really enjoyable. Thanks for talking the time you do with your posts  cool1

Offline Gingerman

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GoGo I really like your thread my friend! That being said, I would not have bid up the Japanese Friday 13th had I was you. Congrats on those 2!!!!
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Offline erik1925

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Nice additions, as always, MAGG!!

Cool beans, for sure!!



Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. Thanks for stopping by. I think I'm going on another little break from APF for a while. I might be back towards the end of next week for a quickie--but probably won't be back until the Monday or Tuesday after Thanksgiving.  I hope everyone (even if they don't live in the US and don't celebrate the holiday) has a super groovy and thankful Thanksgiving.

Paganini Horror is good, and the artwork is by the master Enzo Sciotti good score, I have Locandina, same art. good work.

Ari, Oooooo now you've got me curious about the flick. i'll have to track it down. Thanks!

This thread is really enjoyable. Thanks for talking the time you do with your posts  cool1

Hi Mike. That is ever so kind of you to say so. But you also put a lot of time into your discussions of Thai art. That is also very enjoyable. Thank you for doing that!

GoGo I really like your thread my friend! That being said, I would not have bid up the Japanese Friday 13th had I was you. Congrats on those 2!!!!

ARGH!!!  That is the ONE THING i do NOT like about being a member of APF. We all know when the auctions are and we all go for them. A few weeks back, someone else mentioned I bought something they were after. Ouch. i feel bad. And Gingerman, had i know YOU were bidding on those F13s, i would have totally let you outbid me and I'd have walked away. Really! Glad there are no hard feelings.

Nice additions, as always, MAGG!!
Cool beans, for sure!!


Thanks, as always Jeff. And yes, my beans are cool. That's why I'm taking some time off. i need to "heat them up" again. Ha! I dig the stuff on the acquisitions thread you got--just didn't mention it all in my quick post there last night. You always manage to snag fab posters yourself (And a few extra for me to buy from you. Ha!) Cool beans, indeed,.

Cheers everyone!

Keep on cha-cha-cha-ing!
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 03:27:04 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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Have a lovely break. Take care.

Offline Gingerman

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GoGo First off, no worries on the F13th posters! You won them congrats! As of late I have been only dabbling with bids. I am only about half way through listing my stuff. So I am not trying terribly hard to win stuff. I was simply saying had I known it was you I would not have bid in the first place. I changed my name on EMP to match here, that away anybody here will see me there also. Some people have mixed ideas on this......others are very secret. Either way congrats, I will sublets onto them again in the future!
Enjoy your break, and take care.
This Space For Rent!

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funny, I dont usually follow EMP auctions, but this last week I had a look and watched a few items and saw both of you, haha
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I really am trying to be gone for a while...but a certain someone lured me back on for a few minutes. I thought I'd respond to Rosa, Ari and Gingerman before my little break (for at least 1 week---but possibly 2 1/2 weeks).

Rosa--thanks for the well wishes. I'm not really going anywhere special, just getting away from posters for a bit. Yikes! I have purchased more posters in this last year (actually--more in these last two or three months!) than i ever have. Yikes! I'm spending way too much. i gotta focus on getting out of this dump I'm in and back in a house. So if I stay away from the site for a bit, i hopefully won't be as tempted. Besides i spend way too much time online shopping. I need to get back out into the real world again a bit more.  See ya!

Gingerman. I went back and looked at the auction and see you did bid on those posters at the end. I didn't even look to see who had bid...just clicked on the "outbid" notice and bid again. So sorry.  Secondly, I can't believe I have not posted more on your thread about your site. i just checked it out again and it is coming along nicely. i'll post properly on your thread after my hiatus. Okay? Looking good and again, i wish I had been able to do that when i had first started collecting.

Ari--Ha!  You recognized my user name during the auction? REALLY?  That's how they told me to sign up when i signed up...not something I chose. I may need to go in and fix it like Gingerman did, so we don't have a mix up again.  And who are YOU on there? 

OkaY--I really do want/need to take a breather for a bit. I'll see you possible late next week---or in very early December.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Ari

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(when you get back)
I have *never bid at EMP, so you wont see me.

* I might have once a few years ago, I forget, I seem to recall something about a MAD BUTCHER OS.
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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(when you get back)
I have *never bid at EMP, so you wont see me.

* I might have once a few years ago, I forget, I seem to recall something about a MAD BUTCHER OS.

Oooooo the MAD BUTCHER, huh? Did it have that title or the alternate, MEAT IS MEAT instead? I'm jealous.

(I'm not really on here. You didn't really read this...)

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline erik1925

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Oooooo the MAD BUTCHER, huh? Did it have that title or the alternate, MEAT IS MEAT instead? I'm jealous.

(I'm not really on here. You didn't really read this...)


You cannot avoid the pull and power of the APF force, young Jedi. It is too strong!

And tell us... "Who's your daddy?"   ;D


Offline brude

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Fab score, Shawn.
This is one of my favorite Sciotti posters.

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Oooooo the MAD BUTCHER, huh? Did it have that title or the alternate, MEAT IS MEAT instead? I'm jealous.

(I'm not really on here. You didn't really read this...)


hmm, yeah MEAT IS MEAT but I think its a SNIPE covering and changing the title (ill have to dig it out)
I got it for my "office" then I have one, I thought a Crazy BUTCHER poster would suit me (offal eater)
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Offline erik1925

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Fab score, Shawn.
This is one of my favorite Sciotti posters.

+1. What a cool looking poster.



Offline Gingerman

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Gingerman. I went back and looked at the auction and see you did bid on those posters at the end. I didn't even look to see who had bid...just clicked on the "outbid" notice and bid again. So sorry.  Secondly, I can't believe I have not posted more on your thread about your site. i just checked it out again and it is coming along nicely. i'll post properly on your thread after my hiatus. Okay? Looking good and again, i wish I had been able to do that when i had first started collecting.

No worries! Enjoy your hiatus. I will be here. Thank you, I am glad I am doing it now. Instead of waiting like you said, and having far too many to even organize. You can keep posting them here! No worries on the bidding, but if you do decide to change your name I will see you!
This Space For Rent!


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I didn't know your website was up and running Chris! It looks very nice!

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^ Yes indeed. Ari will love the website theme

Offline Ari

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^ Yes indeed. Ari will love the website theme

I do Stevy Baby, I do
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I do Stevy Baby, I do

I now pronounce you husband and wife.



Offline Gingerman

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Hold on Timeout  Thank you all for the love, but what just happened here?!?  ;D
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I now pronounce you husband and wife.



we only had one date
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