Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359352 times)

Offline erik1925

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Great selection of Thai posters you have growing now, too, in your collection, MAGG.

Good times!!!



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I actually really like that Barracuda locandina(yes you're spelling it right, locandine is the plural form btw) it's has me a bit intrigued about the film. If the other poster is similarly sized to a US one sheet than it's a soggettone or un folgio.

I really like those Thai posters, the more I see Thai posters the more I want to add some to my collection.

Offline Crazy Vick

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In my catching up i was saving MAGGs thread so i could make sure I had a chance to look at all the missed posts.  How you manage to keep finding ways of buying posters are a testament to the perseverance and ingenuity of the human species  thumbsup.gif
That said, if you need extra cash, here are my favorites:   ;) ;D

« Last Edit: October 19, 2015, 12:44:58 PM by Crazy Vick »

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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TED and ROSA: Thanks for popping by. Glad you like the new stuff. Cheers!

STEVE: Ooooo you dig the 3D stuff too. The new one isn't the most exciting, but--I'll take it. And yes, having a PSYCHO finally (even a re-release) is super. Another thing I can cross off the big list. Thanks for looking.

JEFF: Yes, the Thai stuff has really captured my attention. UGH! I could just kick myself for being so narrow minded for sooooo many years and just buying nothing but US one sheets. Think of all of the beautiful posters I missed out on (and all of the really cheap-o-rama prices, too. International posters were a dime a dozen five or ten years ago).

e: Glad the BARRACUDA locandina intersts you and makes you want to see the flick. It's doing its job then, apparently. However unless you really, really want to see it, you would probably be better off passing. It's kind of dull. (Kind of? It IS dull.)  Also thanks for the Italian poster education. I won't remember. It will take me a zillion years to get that down--but I appreciate the effort.

CRAZY VICK:  Oh my stars! How good to see you. You have not been by to visit since the end of August. I was getting kind of worried...  Glad you like some of my stuff and interesting choices (well, some of them) as to your favorites. Anyway,it's nice having your crazy self around again Soooo groovy to hear from you.

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Offline Gingerman

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Puppet Master is indeed such a great poster. The movie is kinda creepy, I haven't seen it in years but it leaves a mark on you when you see it...imho.. of course.     See I need Evil Dead 2, and you need the first one. We have a set between us! You got that Rabid from Ari? That is a nice poster!  I love your stuff man, so much good stuff. As you would say Zowie!!!

 clap clap clap clap cheers clap clap clap clap
This Space For Rent!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey Gingerman! Glad you made back over to my page. I thought it was so neat-O that we were BOTH posting PUPPET MASTER on the same day and each had an EVIL DEAD poster as well as other Thai posters. You may be my long-lost poster child (Ha! That does NOT sound right--like you have an affliction or something--but you know what I was going for. Ha!).

Glad you like my stuff. I dig yours, too pal! Keep at it. Glad to have you here.



Over and out!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Well, here's another mixed bag of recent posters. Joy...

TRAPPED (Thai)---Never heard of this and the poster over all is kind of ho-hum...except for the one guy getting the axe to his head and his eyeball popping out. Zowie! That's gotta hurt. Those wonderful wacky Thais! 

DAWN OF THE DEAD (Thai):  Another Thai...and purchased fairly (surprisingly) cheap. Hmm. That has me worried. We'll see what it's like when it finally arrives. If all is good, I'm super pumped to get this. Yowza!

SAVAGE WEEKEND:  I already have a copy of this, but this went pretty cheap, so... I snagged it. I've never seen the movie, but did recently buy it (just re-released on dvd and blu ray).I've heard it's crap though. Well see. Yet another early 80s slasher. It couldn't find a holiday to use so it generically went for just the WEEKEND (eeek!) to terrorize. Ha! It's still a cool image--the masked guy holding the bloody sickle and doing the Uncle Sam "I Want You" pose. I had this framed and in my guest room (since most guests came on weekends. Ha!). Waaagh! I want to be in a house again. Maybe if I just stopped buying posters... Ha!

VALLEY OF THE DOLLS (Belgian):  I think I mentioned this elsewhere when i got the French version of this movie poster... La Vallee des Poupees sounds like it's about diarrhea! I'm sure most film critics of the day were calling this movie poopie---or something close to it. Ha! I am a huge VOD fan. It's awful/wonderful (especially Patty Duke--so over the top, especially after she gets "famous"! Ha!), so i couldn't resist.

MANIAC:   I also already have this. But it was such a bargain...I just couldn't NOT get it. I stumbled upon it on some website of some guy who was selling posters. He had apparently had the site up for a long while and had priced the posters sometime back. Bargain! This is a much sought after piece for 80s horror gorehounds. Nice to have a spare for a rainy day.

TARZAN AND THE LOST CITY:  You know by now I dig my Tarzan movies (or maybe I got all of my Tarzan posters before I joined APF?). While the oldest ones are beyond my reach, I have the bulk of the ones since Gordon Scott took over on up through the Bo Derek version. I kept putting this poster off--I'm not sure why. I saw this film in the theater (as i said, I like my Tarzan flicks), but had trouble with Caspar Van Dien in the role. I had the chance to meet him once. He was just a few feet away from me, I didn't want to be bothered with the encounter. Now that many years have passed, I think i can revisit this film and give it another whirl. We'll see. Enough time has passed though where I feel comfortable getting the poster (finally). And isn't there a new Tarzan coming soon?

GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE:  Ugh...I told you this was a mixed bag today. Ha! When i was getting the TARZAN poster above, i saw this one as well. CHEAP. While NOT a TARZAN film, it certainly is Tarzan-esque (and clearly inspired by the mighty jungle swinger), so I got it. Eh. (I don't even know/remember if I ever even bothered seeing the movie or not).

SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE 3:  Funny thing about this poster. I saw it and thought, I didn't even know there was a sequel to the original. I have the first poster. i'll get this one and then track down the 2nd one and then I'll have the whole series. Except the first one I THOUGHT I had was actually for SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE. Oops! Two different 80s slasher series--and I somehow never saw either of them. Oh well.

THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW (lenticular):  Another poster I already had...but again found it at an amazingly cheap price. SOLD!

MY BLOODY VALENTINE (English): Last one for tonight, this is the English one sheet for the early 80s (1981?) holiday slasher MY BLOODY VALENTINE. It has very different art work than the US one sheet. I had seen this image before and always wondered where it was used before. Now i know. Except why does it look like they are in a subway tunnel instead of a mine shaft?

And that's posters for today.

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Offline erik1925

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I think the loin cloth was the clincher, eh, MAGG??  wynk

Really nice haul, once again.

 clap clap



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MANIAC:   I also already have this. But it was such a bargain...I just couldn't NOT get it. I stumbled upon it on some website of some guy who was selling posters. He had apparently had the site up for a long while and had priced the posters sometime back. Bargain! This is a much sought after piece for 80s horror gorehounds. Nice to have a spare for a rainy day.

This is such a freaky film...really good. Or I thought it was good...mind you..couldn't sleep in days!
And the poster is a "classic"...for sure!!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I'm B-A-C-K!  

Hi JEFF and ROSA. Thanks for stopping by. ROSA, I am surprised you liked the original MANIAC. But for what it is, it IS good...and the poster is definitely memorable. Thanks for noticing.

Any way, here is yet another mixed bag of new It's almost not even worth posting, but...  Here we go anyway!

THE OMEN (Turkish):  Oooooo. I just got the Turkish "DAMIEN: OMEN II", but what I really wanted was the original Turkish "Omen". It's so much more interesting than the US. It kind of reminds me of the Thai posters (I wonder if there was a Thai poster for "The Omen"? Hmm.) Well, tuh-DUH!!!! I finally HAVE the Turkish poster for "THE OMEN"!  Yippie!  (Now i wonder what the Turkish "Omen III" is like. i've never seen one of those. Probably not nearly as interesting...)

THE NIGHT EVELYN CAME OUT OF THE GRAVE:   I'm not 100% sure, but I could almost swear I saw this movie on one of those  crappy/cheap-O 10 (or 25 or 50) movies for $5 DVD sets. If I did see it, it was not that memorable. I don't recall it at all. But I have long thought the poster was creepy enough with the skull-faced woman holding a decapitated head. The worms are waiting...

THE SADIST:  I already have one of these, but I saw this one going cheap and I just couldn't let that happen. So i snatched it up. This is a weird little low budget flick--kind of laugh out loud unintentionally funny with D-list (Z-list?) star Arch Hall Jr in the lead. I do dig the poster too.

STONE COLD DEAD:  I never saw this flick, but I do remember when it played in theaters. i was about in the 8th grade and I really wanted to go based on the commercials and the ads in the paper (smaller versions of this one sheet). It's probably a crappy movie--and in the newspaper ads, you really couldn't tell that the body in the shower was of a young shapely woman. oh my! I've not bothered to chase down the film. The one sheet is enough of a reminder of those youthful days.

VOLCANO (teaser):  I like my disaster flicks--I do. The ones from the 70s were the best. I already have the "VOLCANO" one sheet, but this was a teaser. While I wasn't wild about the finished film, it was okay. The teaser was uber cheap--why not?

THE STEPFORD WIVES:  While I am reasonably sure I have one of these, it's always good to have a back up--and this one seemed to be in nice condition. This was a good little movie, kind of forgotten today (the horrible remake didn't help any). Anyone remember the three TV movie sequels? (REVENGE OF THE STEPFORD WIVES, THE STEPFORD CHILFREN, and THE STEPFORD HUSBANDS). Plus, this film featured Katherine Ross and Tina Louise and a downer ending.

SERIAL MOM:  Eh...John Waters' films aren't what they used to be. This is his first or second (when did "CRY BABY" come out again--was that right after "Hairspray" or after this?) post-Divine films. I have this poster already, but this was cheap--and John Waters. Not the best of his films--by far--but not the worst.

DEAD SPACE: I've never heard of "DEAD SPACE", but I imagine it's gotta be crap (Or I probably would have at least heard of it by now). But when I first saw the poster for this apparently wannabe "ALIEN"rip-off, I laughed. The man in the monster costume, for some reason, reminded me of "Far Out Space Nuts", a really dumb 70s TV show with Bob "Gilligan's Island" Denver lost in a space capsule and encountering different Saturday morning TV monster/aliens each week. I don't know why that popped in my head, but it did. Space trash...

MAME:  Speaking of trash, I LOVE my bad movies. But there are some movies I can NOT bring myself to watch. Like the idea of Burt Reynolds singing and dancing has kept me from watching the horror that is "AT LONG LAST LOVE" or Sylvester Stallone's crooning in "RHINESTONE", Lucille Ball's voice has kept me from witnessing the multi-million dollar disaster that is "MAME".  Eek! I do have it on DVD---just have not been delirious enough to pop it in and give it a watch yet. I've posted the trailer below, for those of you with strong stomachs (WARNING: You could possibly be MAMEd for life!). And, yes, I did buy the poster. Cheap.

THE INCREDIBLE PETRIFIED WORLD:  Who doesn't love those low budget drive-in flicks from the 50s and early 60s? Well--let me rephrase that (since this movie is a big stinkeroo), who doesn't like the POSTERS from the 50s and early 60s drive in flicks? This one didn't go nearly as high as I thought it might...and became mine. Yippie.

And that's another batch. Golly. I told you it was really a mixed batch...kind of bottom of the barrel, but there were a few gems in it.

Until next time,

« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 06:20:21 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Nice stuff there, admittedly I haven't seen most of them but great looking posters. I've always loved that "The Night Evelyn Came Out Of The Grave" poster. I haven't actually gotten around to watching it yet, however the DVD is in arm's reach as we speak.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey "e"---glad you like my stuff, but I do have a lot of crap as well. The EVELYN poster is cool--I agree--but I am pretty sure I saw the movie and I'm pretty sure I didn't like it. I do not remember it at all. So if you bought/rented/watched it this evening, I hope it was at your own risk!  :-)

Can't wait to see what wonders you come up with next.

Thanks for visiting.

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Ah, but I think it's the "crap" I like most though, ha.

And boy oh boy, this movie is surely something. Honestly not sure how I feel about it, far from good yet...hmmm I guess not terrible. I think I will rewatch it at some point before I really develop an opinion.

Oh man I just fell in love with the locandina though:

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Oooooo look at that locandina! Very nice. No wonder you had a hankering to see it.

I tell you, I am SURE I saw it. I just have blocked it from my mind. Maybe if I track down a trailer and watch that, it might jog my memory. If I watched it, it was not that long ago.

Here's the trailer:

Heck, here's the whole freakin' movie:

It looks so freakin' familiar. I know I saw it--but apparently it didn't make much of an impression.

Nice locandina though. Thanks for sharing.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 01:58:44 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I can't sleep. Got 2-3 hours of sleep. Woke up. Tossed and turned for an hour before just getting up (at 4 a.m.--ugh!). Thought I'd throw up another poster post---one of the lamest of recent memory (yes, even worse than the last lackluster two posts).

These posters are so dull, maybe they'll put me to sleep again.

Let's see...

DOLLY DEAREST:  Ah, yes... the female CHUCKY wannabe.  I never saw this, but maybe want to? I'm sure it's trash, but the poster makes it look like fun trash.

THE MAN WHO DIED TWICE:  I have no idea what this--but it was cheap. Looks like a noir perhaps? The allure for me? The gimmick that it boasts it's in NATURAMA!  What the heck is that? Ooooo.

THE SHAGGY DOG:  This is a 74 re-release. Nothing special---part of a lot (actually, the bulk of this listing is part of the same lot. Snore!). I never saw this film but probably should. It's a Disney classic, right? Hmm.)

DREAMSCAPE: Another lot poster. The poster is interesting and the movie should have been far more interesting than it was. A total misfire. Oh well.

LOST IN SPACE:  Lot poster--at least it's the cast photo version instead of the stupid poster with the giant LS initials. Another movie that should have been a lot better than it was.

OMEGA SYNDROME: I have no idea what this is--but the art on the poster made me laugh---clearly NOT the intention. Probably a piece of crap movie. Another lot poster.

KULL THE CONQUEROR (remake):  They remade this? I missed it--and that was probably a good thing. Kevin Sorbo, TV's HERCULES, in a swashbuckling sword & sandal adventure film (on another planet---or just some enchanted other time?). The ad makes it look more like a CONAN movie, which might appeal to his unsuspecting HERCULES fans. Did this get any hype at all? I remember seeing the original in the theater back in the 80s. Hmm. Another lot poster...

MANDINGO:  Last of the lot posters--I already have this, but... Here is Dino DeLaurentis' sleazy and cheesy and politically incorrect shocker "MANDINGO". I doubt this could get made today. Zowie!

THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER:  The photo below is just an example--not the real poster (which is nicer, but has a big watermark on it). This is another of my kiddie matinee posters (Childhood Productions). I may have this one already--but I don't think so, which is why I bought it.  Geez! I bet this flick was a stinker. The poor, poor kids who were forced to suffer through this. Ha!

HOLLYWOOD CHAINSAW HOOKERS:  Last one for this morning (hopefully I can catch some more sleep...). I've never seen this but heard it's just awful. The title is a hoot though. Stumbled on this and decided to not let it get away. They charge an arm and a leg! Ha!

Hope you are sleeping peacefully.

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They "charge an arm and a leg" .... actually I think is a good tagline!!


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DAWN OF THE DEAD (Thai):  Another Thai...and purchased fairly (surprisingly) cheap. Hmm. That has me worried. We'll see what it's like when it finally arrives. If all is good, I'm super pumped to get this. Yowza!

The reason the DAWN OF THE DEAD poster is inexpensive is because of the distributor it came from, APEX FILMS.  They are one of the few distributors that actually had a warehouse to keep their posters in.  They kept their surplus there for many years until about 5-10 years ago when they went out of business and offered up their extra posters for sale.  There were a whole bunch of them and they were purchased for very little by poster sellers.  But the sellers are now getting wind of the demand for Thai and the prices are going up.  It's why you can find a DAWN poster being sold for $20 from 1 seller and another selling it for $100.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 07:58:08 PM by mwright »

Offline erik1925

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The reason the DAWN OF THE DEAD poster is inexpensive is because of the distributor it came from, APEX FILMS.  They are one of the few distributors that actually had a warehouse to keep their posters in.  They kept their surplus there for many years until about 5-10 years ago when they went out of business and offered up their extra posters for sale.  There were a whole bunch of them and they were purchased for very little by poster sellers.  But the sellers are now getting wind of the demand for Thai and the prices are going up.  It's why you can find a DAWN poster being sold for $20 from 1 seller and another selling it for $100.

Sounds like the "poster greed truck" is driving thru Thailand, huh, Mike?  :-X


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I guess if people are willing to pay the price, why not? hitself

Offline erik1925

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I guess if people are willing to pay the price, why not? hitself


"If you build it, they will come" -- cha-ching.   ;D


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ROSA, JEFF, and MIKE---Thank you for visiting.

ROSA, I agree. The tagline on the poster is perfect! :-)

JEFF, the "greed truck" has been pushing poster prices up and up and up for the last few years---and NOT just Thai posters either. Jeepers, things have gotten so costly in the last few years.

MIKE, I need to pick your brain about the Thai posters--the sizes (what are they called?).  I have a handful now--several on the previous pages and a few below. Nothing super special, I suppose,but the art is so cool. Some I feel good about getting, others (like SPIDER LABYRINTH) I regret. Oh well, I am learning. And really, YOU are the one who introduced them to me. THANK YOU!

And yes, more posters a go-go below-O!

Here we go-go:

BEASTMASTER (Thai):  First of all, the one shown is NOT my copy. The photo of the one I got was kind of hard to see--so I "borrowed" this one from online. But mine does not have the water (?) rolls in it. Isn't this a cool image. I always liked the US poster, but this one adds an extra dimension that the US one can't beat. Just gorgeous Thai work.

BREATHLESS (Thai): Another Thai beauty...and for this one, I have Steve in mind obviously. Ha! The Thai version kind of mimics the US poster with the random things placed on the poster (the gun, the car, the photo, etc.), but where the US poster leaves off, the Thai takes off in fantastic ways. Zowie! Another awesome poster.

THE SINKING OF JAPAN aka TIDAL WAVE (French):  I like my disaster flicks. I saw TIDAL WAVE (the US version with stupid scenes of Lorne Greene edited in--a la Raymond Burr in the original GODZILLA -- for American audiences to identify with) years and years ago on a grimy bootleg vhs tape. Was it ever put out on an authorized video or DVD? Whatever I saw--barely remember--looked very crappy. But I've been curious about the original film. Saw this French poster and I thought why not? Disaster elements abound in it.

CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST 2 aka THE GREEN INFERNO (French):  I know I just got the Thai version of this---with the same art work. EXCEPT, this French version actually does the Thai one better by having a bloody impaled victim below the native's head (the Thai version--gasp!-- did NOT have that feature).

THE LAST SURVIVOR (Spanish): Wow! What a cannibal movie poster--with a giant cannibal face (complete with scary bad teeth) staring you down! Ha! Couldn't refuse it.

DAFFY DUCK'S QUACKBUSTERS: What the hell is this crap, you ask? I know. I should have passed. I'm guessing this was a theatrical showing of assorted newer Daffy cartoon shorts. I was attracted because it said it included "THE DUXORCIST:" (!!!) and "NIGHT OF THE LIVING DUCKS" (!!!) Zowie!  I gotta see those. Ha!

CRIMSON PEAK:  You know how a new movie comes along and it looks really good--and the poster is impossible to get because the movie looks cool and everyone wants the poster? (I'm looking at YOU, "SPECTRE"!!!) Well, "CRIMSON PEAK" has opened...and turned out to be a dud commercially (I thought it was visually stunning--but failed as a horror movie. It was more of a gothic romance with ghosts thrown in for good measure). What its failure means is that the once difficult to get poster wasn't so difficult to get when i tried this time. Hooray! While I don't expect SPECTRE to flop, there has to be so many zillion copies of the posters out there that I expect prices to drop once the movie is out and the hoopla dies down. (At least I HOPE that's what happens. Argh!)

BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN: Like CRIMSON PEAK (and hopefully SPECTRE), you couldn't touch a BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN poster for any reasonable amount of money. You couldn't even find them. Now--shazzam!--I got one in great condition pretty cheap. Hmm. (Fingers crossed for SPECTRE...).

OCTOPUSSY: The other day, I scored a FOR YOUR EYES ONLY poster. While I had had one (and a copy of OCTOPUSSY) already, they were copies with defects I couldn't deal with. I got the FYEO poster relatively inexpensively and hoped for the same with OCTOPUSSY. There was one at auction last (?) night and, my stars! It went for far more than i wanted to pay. Looking around at various sites I found one for less than half of the price of the one on auction. SOLD!

AMERICAN GRAFFITI: My last poster tonight was a boo boo purchase. My desktop computer is old and dying...but I still use it all of the time (using it now) and prefer it to a laptop. I was watching an auction earlier this week and trying to put together a post at the same time. I was trying to bring up a picture and was clicking on it. It wasn't working (as sometimes happens--or sometimes it does happen, just very slowly), and then I flipped over (I had been flipping back and forth) to that auction to see if anything I was watching was on yet--or close to being on. No. But somehow that lost click transferred over to the auction page and oops--I had bid on this poster. No one bid against me and oops--it was mine. I never really wanted an AMERICAN GRAFFITI poster before. I wasn't all that ga-ga over the movie. Whatever. The good thing is, is that my boo boo click got me a desirable poster in good shape. The price was high--higher than i'd ever want to pay for this poster because I never wanted it before. However, it could have been in bad shape, or I could have accidentally bid on something that was in the tens of thousands! Yikes! So--happy, lucky accident, i suppose. Does anyone know if the artist for this was the same person who did the poster for DRIVE IN? Looks kind of the same...

I gotta stop buying so much. Jeepers. It wasn't this bad when I was working. All of this sitting around while NOT working has been a bad thing...for my finances. And hello? Wasn't I only going to buy stuff on my bucket list from now on? Oops. Somehow I don't think DAFFY DUCKS QUACKBUSTERS was on the list. ARGH!  I gotta stop this frivolous buying.

Have a pleasant evening...

« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 02:11:57 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline erik1925

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ROSA, JEFF, and MIKE---Thank you for visiting.

ROSA, I agree. The tagline on the poster is perfect! :-)

JEFF, the "greed truck" has been pushing poster prices up and up and up for the last few years---and NOT just Thai posters either. Jeepers, things have gotten so costly in the last few years.

MIKE, I need to pick your brain about the Thai posters--the sizes (what are they called?).  I have a handful now--several on the previous pages and a few below. Nothing super special, I suppose,but the art is so cool. Some I feel good about getting, others (like SPIDER LABYRINTH) I regret. Oh well, I am learning. And really, YOU are the one who introduced them to me. THANK YOU!

I gotta stop buying so much. Jeepers. It wasn't this bad when I was working. All of this sitting around while NOT working has been a bad thing...for my finances. And hello? Wasn't I only going to buy stuff on my bucket list from now on? Oops. Somehow I don't think DAFFY DUCKS QUACKBUSTERS was on the list. ARGH!  I gotta stop this frivolous buying.

Have a pleasant evening...


Not totally true. Interests, genres and posters from various countries can go in cycles, sales or auction-wise. Some are up, others are down; recently it's been the Thai market on the rise, as the numbers have shown. Other countries and/or genres have fallen flat. MikeW just pointed that out with his recent Thai warehouse example, with those buying low, and then re-selling High.

It happens. It's the wild and wacky poster roller coaster ride.   ;)
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 03:31:31 AM by erik1925 »


Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Jeff, I just meant the prices of posters in general (especially US one sheets--I've only recently started buying foreign posters, but recall that a few years ago foreign posters were super cheap) have really risen in the last few years. I wasn't referring to a specific genre or country. But, yes, I can see that Thai stuff is really climbing higher than other things now.
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline brude

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Hey Shawn!
This American Graffiti one sheet was illustrated by Mort Drucker, the incredibly talented caricaturist who was a mainstay on Mad Magazine and provided art for numerous other mainstream magazines.
While the Drive-In movie poster art does resemble Drucker's work, it was done by some unidentified artist who was obviously influenced the master.
Good score.

Offline erik1925

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Hey Shawn!
This American Graffiti one sheet was illustrated by Mort Drucker, the incredibly talented caricaturist who was a mainstay on Mad Magazine and provided art for numerous other mainstream magazines.
While the Drive-In movie poster art does resemble Drucker's work, it was done by some unidentified artist who was obviously influenced the master.
Good score.

Great artist info, Ted. You da man when it comes to knowing so much about these talented people, right off the top of your head.  notworthy.gif
