Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359420 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Thank you, Jeff. I am pleased you dig my purchase.

UGH. It has been 2 weeks plus) since i purchased a poster...or even contemplated buying one. I'm having withdrawals, but I just can NOT afford to buy anything. Period.

So, what I thought I would do---to kind of feel somewhat in the loop still---is repost those posters I bought since the beginning of 2015 that are on that other website (which I've now abandoned) that I got BEFORE joining allposter... 

ARGH! It will have to wait. For some reason Photobucket is NOT uploading my images today. GRRR.

Stay tuned. I'll try it again later.
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Offline Gingerman

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ARGH! It will have to wait. For some reason Photobucket is NOT uploading my images today. GRRR.

Stay tuned. I'll try it again later.

I love the stuff you have been sharing, a lot of stuff I wouldn't mind having  thumbsup.gif .
BTW Photobucket wouldn't cooperate with me earlier either.......
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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OOoo!  Hey Gingerman--I got Photobucket to work (what was up with that glitch? Grr.).  Try it now!!!  Also thanks for visiting my page. i'm glad you like some of my stuff. i dig yours as well.

Let me try this again...

Okay, these are NOT "new" posters. These are posters I already own. I am just trying to move all of the images from the one page I had on that other website I started to this one. These are all  things I bought in 2015, but before I joined allposterforum. Here we go--first batch:

First, I am most thrilled with this poster acquisition from earlier this year---and it is 78 years old! It's Universal's "The Man Who Cried Wolf"! In 1937, Universal already had "Dracula" (1931), "Frankenstein" (1931), "The Mummy" (1932) and "The Invisible Man" (1933) under its belt. "The Wolfman" wouldn't show up until 1941, but it was still a time when the studio, which was doing very well with horror thrillers (and their sequels), was at its peak. "The Man Who Cried Wolf" is a lesser mystery/thriller (but hello? Do you think I'll ever be able to afford one of the better known film's posters? NOT!). It's just beautiful! Look at the colors and that cool old-style lettering of the title. I just love this and am so lucky to get it!

Speaking of Universal, at the beginning of the year I also got the re-release poster for "The Invisible Woman". It's not much of a poster--the folds are a bit rough and there is staining in the left border (something I'd usually avoid buying, but this title at the price I got it at...I turned a blind eye to the problem)---but it IS for a film in the classic Universal "Invisible" series.

Realart was the company that re-released all of the old Universal horror flicks from the late 40s through the 60s. The posters for the Realart releases, while cheaper than the original posters from the original releases, are still very expensive (usually in the thousands for top titles). This title is not a top title--and, as I said, the art work isn't the best. But... I couldn't let it slip by!

A far-cry from the Universal epics of yesteryear, "The Amazing Transplant" is an "adults only" (Gasp! There was--NUDITY in it. Oh my STARS!) late 60s piece o' trash by cult filmmaker Doris ("Nudes on the Moon", "Bad Girls Go To Hell", "Deadly Weapons" ) Wishman. If you've never seen a Wishman movie, you have no idea how deliriously awful-yet-wonderful they can be! "Amazing Transplant" was my introduction to Wishman's work and, as crappy bad as it is, i love it! See the camera focus on lamps, ashtrays, paintings---anything but the actors. Why? Because all of her dialogue is looped in AFTERWARDS. By not showing the actors when they are speaking, it makes it easier to dub the voices in later. How this trash was ever released is beyond me. However,I am floored to have finally gotten a copy of this rare poster!

If you have ever flipped through the pages of my collection thread (instead of skipping right to the most recent entries), you'll have noted that I love the old sword & sandal/peplum movies of the 50s/60s, especially the ones that featured monsters or magic. I refer to them simply as "Hercules movies"--even though the character Hercules was only in a handful of them. Hercules is nowhere to be seen in "Atlas", B-movie legend Roger Corman's entry into the muscle man movie craze of the period. Michael Forest, who played "Atlas" also played Greek god Apollo in an original Star Trek episode.

H.G. Lewis was often referred to as the "Godfather of Gore". Back before movies like "Friday the 13th" or "Dawn of the Dead" made blood and gore so popular in horror movies, Lewis was utilizing it in a string of drive in flicks from the mid-60s through the early 70s. Films like "Blood Feast", "The Gore-Gore Girls", "The Wizard of Gore", "The Gruesome Twosome", "2000 Maniacs", "Color Me Blood Red", etc showed blood and entrails splattered across the screen--in a way that had never been so shockingly shown before.

Not all of his movies are horror/gore flicks. This poster is for his 60s swingers in suburbia epic, "Suburban Roulette" (1968). Tame by today's standards (and available in its entirety on YouTube. Ha!), this is grindhouse fare all of the way. While I'll always prefer a poster for one of Lewis' horror flicks, I'm thrilled to get any paper from any of his films...including this one.

"Eliminators" was one of the last low-budget drive-in/grindhouse-type of movies to be shown in theaters during the VHS era, when all of the product of that caliber started making the shift to going "straight to video". Essentially a cheesy sci-fi flick wanting to rip-off the "Terminator" franchise (the similar title and the half man/ half machine "Mandroid" character, front and center on the poster). What fun! (And darn it...didn't I just buy another copy of this not too long ago? ARGH!)

I should probably post something more recent. Hmmm. "Annabelle"--the horror spinoff from "The Conjuring"--is another poster I got at the beginning of the year (January 1st, i think, actually). I wasn't wild about the movie--but the doll is creepy.

I also really dig the quasi-3D artwork for the recent "Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters". This is the international poster art--much more in-your-face interesting than the US version (look it up).

I have no idea what this movie is about (or why the poster has been hard to get--I was always being outbid on it over the years), but here is the poster for "I Married A Woman", the 1958 flick starring George Gobel and Diana Dors (she was Britain's answer to Marilyn Monroe). I don't understand the significance of the title--but it's kind of campy and the artwork is fun. Zowie! It's also my first Diana Dors poster (Now if only I could score a poster with the REAL Marilyn Monroe! Ha!)

My final poster for this quasi-installment is an insert poster (a long, narrow poster--used until about the mid-80s). I've never been a fan of inserts (I prefer the full experience of the regular one-sheet movie poster), but this one was in great condition and for a fun title (never seen the movie). The movie was originally called "Five Minutes To Live", but this is it under it's wonderfully exploitative re-release title "Door To Door Maniac"! What's even better about this title is that the maniac of the re-title is played by country music legend Johnny Cash! Ha! His partner in crime is played by Vic Tayback (Mel from the old "Alice" TV series). Ron ("Happy Days", "Andy Griffith Show", "American Graffiti" )Howard is also in the film (as a little kid).

Until next time.


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Offline brude

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Very nice pile of posters you got here, Go-Go.
This one sheet for Man Who Cried Wolf is really a treat.
Absolutely beautiful.

I must've missed something earlier... which website were your posters originally posted on?

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Brude/Ted. They were here:

There had been a longer, earlier thread but it was deleted when the site tried to revamp itself (which did not work). I started that thread at the beginning of January...about a month or so before I moved over here. I was posting to both for a while before I gave up on the other one (why post when no one else was?). I'll move all of the posters that I had slapped up over there over here eventually. This was just the first batch...and I totally love "The Man Who Cried Wolf" as well. WOW! I lucked out there, if I do say so myself...

Thanks for visiting. It's always a pleasure having you pop by.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I'm back...with another batch of old (NOT "new purchases") stuff I am transferring over to All Poster Forum I had posted elsewhere. This is stuff I got in 2015 but from BEFORE starting my page here.


One of my long-time quests paid off in January with the acquisition of the "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" poster. I love early zombie posters (between "Night of the Living Dead" and the glut in the early 80s just after "Zombie") and I've wanted this poster for ages. However, when I finally got it, I discovered it was a little more damaged and stained than I'd anticipated (Not nearly as nice as the one shown---this must be an image pulled from elsewhere on the 'net). It will do...maybe...but the hunt is still on (just in case).


"Asteroid Adventure" is apparently an IMAX Simulation ride film. I was surprised to stumble upon a poster for it. I've seen IMAX before but never an Imax Simulator. I'm not even sure this counts as a "movie poster" although in a simulator, you are essentially watching a "movie" but in a moving theater. Interesting.


"The Bride of Fu Manchu" is the 2nd (of 5) Fu Manchu movies to star Christopher Lee in the 60s. I had heard about the Fu Manchu movies for years. They never really interested me, but last year I finally decided to track them down and found they did not live up to their reputation. Oh well. I've decided to track down the posters anyway. (Why not?)


"By Love Possessed" is an old Lana Turner movie. No one remembers Lana Turner today (Who?), but she was a screen sex siren before Marilyn Monroe. She is the one supposedly discovered in Schwab's Drug Store in Hollywood (a Hollywood myth). This is one of her later films when she was nearing (gasp!) middle age. Aside from "Peyton Place" it's the only Lana Turner poster I have.


"Cat O'Nine Tails" is an early Dario Argento flick made before his classic "Susperia" (which I also have). It is a giallo flick (kind of like a bizarre murder mystery with graphic murders) and features American stars James Franciscus and Karl Malden. Argento is collectible. Now if I can just get a copy of.... well, his OTHER posters. Dang!


"The Incredible Torture Show"?? What's that? Never heard of it? "The Incredible Torture Show" was the original title that is now better known under it's super exploitative title "Bloodsucking Freaks", a nasty little sick-o-rama low budget horror flick. Has that fallen off the radar of horror/exploitation fans? I thought it had a cult following, so when this poster (which I already have a copy of) became available for very little, I scooped it up as an investment. I have a "Bloodsucking Freaks" poster as well, but... Apparently I chose unwisely. These appear to be a dime a dozen. I've seen lots of copies of this sold in lots. UGH! OH well...


I picked up this cool double-bill poster for "The Horror Chamber of Dr. Faustus" and "The Manster" at the beginning of the year. Cool stuff...or so I thought. Not long after buying this, I discovered there was a full color version of this and bought that one too. UGH!  Oh well...


Yes, this is a poster for a video release (VHS videocassette! Zowie! Ha!). I had gotten the original theatrical poster for the first "Deathstalker". I realized if I wanted the other posters for the other three films in the series (a series I have never seen as of yet), I would have to buy video posters because they were not released theatrically. I got Parts 3 and 4. I finally scored "Deathstalker 2" earlier this year. I can't believe it took so long to track down since it is the least interesting of the four. Oh well.I am thrilled to finally have it. However, a few weeks back i could have sworn i saw a THEATRICAL version of this same poster. HUH?  Did it play theatrically? Is there a theatrical one sheet? If so, I'm on the hunt once again...


Tim Burton's "Alice In Wonderland" was a huge, HUGE hit. I didn't really like it. Like most of Burton's films (i.e. "Planet of the Apes", "Mars Attacks", "Dark Shadows",etc.), it was incredible visually, but I was b-o-r-e-d. The poster does carry the incredible visuals though... I must have gotten this because it was cheap, er...inexpensive. I already had the Johnny Depp / Mad Hatter lenticular. Hmm.


Another long-sought poster I scored earlier this year is for the Don Knotts comedy, "The Ghost and MR. Chicken". I saw this movie at a kiddie matinee years ago and thought it was awesome. Saw it years later, and it didn't hold up. But it has it's moments and for what it is, it's cute. This is the hardest to find poster of all of the Don Knotts films.

I'll have a few more blasts from the not-so-distant past later. And now, it's off to bed. I need to get up at 5 a.m. tomorrow so i can work my 12 hour day (4 in a row---ugh!) to pay off my I can buy MORE POSTERS!  ARGH!

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Offline Ari

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good stuff, Children Shouldn't play with Dead things is terrific, i sadly sold a rolled NM copy of the advance OS years ago. I should have kept it (and should get one of these for my Ted V Mikels collection really. Its a sore point I guess as what he did to the movie is not looked upon fondly I suppose.

Incredible torture show, yeah, thats a funny one, but hold onto it, and id grab them while cheap, they wont be cheap forever, you'll make a buck.

I remember as a kid renting Blood Sucking freaks, the video store had two copies, with different covers, one looked like a completely different film, so i thought it was and rented both at the same time, no it was same movie (this is before internet of course so we flew by the seat of our pants with this stuff). Still I watched it twice that weekend anyway, haha.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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good stuff, Children Shouldn't play with Dead things is terrific, i sadly sold a rolled NM copy of the advance OS years ago. I should have kept it (and should get one of these for my Ted V Mikels collection really. Its a sore point I guess as what he did to the movie is not looked upon fondly I suppose.

Incredible torture show, yeah, thats a funny one, but hold onto it, and id grab them while cheap, they wont be cheap forever, you'll make a buck.

I remember as a kid renting Blood Sucking freaks, the video store had two copies, with different covers, one looked like a completely different film, so i thought it was and rented both at the same time, no it was same movie (this is before internet of course so we flew by the seat of our pants with this stuff). Still I watched it twice that weekend anyway, haha.

Don't you hate that...selling things and regretting it later? (I sold, among other things, a HALLOWEEN with the blue/green ratings box, GIGANTIS the Fire Monster--aka Godzilla 2, and LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT.) UGH! A NM advance copy? What was that like? Same art or different? And what does CSPWDT have to do with Mikels? Zowie! I never realized until now he was involved with it. I always heard Alan Ormsby and Bob Clark. I completely missed the Mikels was a producer. Ha!

How funny ---or not--that you rented two of the same movie the same weekend. And watched them both!

Okay--time to get ready for work. Blah.

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Offline brude

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I like that Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things poster a lot.
Good score.
I have the teaser like this one that sold at Bruce's

Ari's post prompted me to search for a pic and I found this:

I was unaware that these existed. Is this what you had, Ari?

I need to get off my lazy ass and take more pics...

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Ted, thanks a lot for looking those up.  I didn't have time to do so myself before work this morning  (I'm on my exciting 30 minute lunch break now. Whoo...). Looks cool. Maybe I need to add one of those to my evergrowing list.
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Offline Ari

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Yep, that's what I had, and despite being B/W it's really a nice poster, maybe better without colour.glad you have one Ted.

Regarding Ted Mikels, he was called in after the film had been finished to rework it to make saleable, by which some gore was edited out, making it PG, which seems now a shame, perhaps it wouldn't have been released then as was, guess we will never know.
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He edited the gore OUT? Waaagh!  I wish there was an UNCUT version out there. Oh well. The posters (advance and release versions) are cool. Thanks for alerting me to the fact there even is an advance.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I'm going to quickly try to post more posters from 2015 I got BEFORE starting this page on ALL POSTER FORUM. These are NOT new purchases. I have NOT bought a poster in weeks...  UGH!  So sad...  Anyway, here's the latest "old" batch:


This was kind of a big coup for me. It is the incredibly hard to get original release poster for "Silent Night Deadly Night"! The movie is trash (really...sorry!), but love the graphics of a killer Santa popping down a chimney with an axe! Fabulous! And MINE--finally! Guess what I'll be hanging in my living room (if I ever get out of my storage shed of an apartment, that is) next holiday season... Ho ho ho!!!


The After Dark Horrorfest / 8 Films To Die For mini-film festival (I've caught a few of the films in theaters--most on video) actually has one sheets. Who knew? This is for the 2007 event. Are they still doing this? I have not noticed them in a while. Hmm.


I already have a copy of this poster---but this one was cheap and I posted it because most people today have no idea there was a silly (and yawn-inducing) little parody called "The Erotic Adventures of Pinocchio". ("It's Not His Nose That Grows!") It sounds better than it is. Snore. And actually, the title on the poster ("Erotic Adventures Of...") is better than the on-screen title, which is just "Pinocchio". Double snore. Dyanne Thorne of the "Ilsa"movies plays the Blue Fairy. The poster is the best thing about it--and that really isn't even saying very much...


Another long-sought poster, Steven Speilberg's follow-up to "Jaws", was 1977's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". I loved this movie as a kid. Now, it's kind of s-l-o-w (maybe because I've seen it and know what's coming?). But it is a classic of it's kind.


"Witchcraft '70" is a moldy oldie,obscure-o documentary thang from 1970 (duh). I've seen the poster go for a lot and I have seen it sell for very little (like this one did). The poster is 45 years old and kind of cool with the scantily clad woman kissing a skull and the wording shouting out all of the shocking acts on display in the movie. I have actually seen this turd. It's pretty lame, but...


"Planes 2"--I've actually never seen the "Planes"movies...or the "Cars" movies they are spun off from. But the poster is kinda cool, it was a popular flick and it's a Disney title. Hopefully it will rise in value. I'm NOT holding my breath though.


I never saw any of the "Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" movies, but I couldn't resist this lenticular (has that cool 3D effect) poster for the first film when I saw it "on sale". SOLD! This photo does NOT do it justice.


Forget the Tim Burton/Johnny Depp hunk of junk from a few years back, this is the original "House of Dark Shadows", retelling the original Barnabas Collins story from the classic soap opera "Dark Shadows" with the original "Dark Shadows" actors! I've been looking for a decent copy for years! Got one!


"CLAWS"is a pretty rare poster and the movie is also hard to find. The year before this was made,a killer bear movie called "Grizzly" was released. This was a ripoff of "Grizzly" (which was itself a ripoff of "Jaws" but set on land). The reason "CLAWS" is so hard to find is because it was released internationally as "Grizzly 2"--even though it was NOT an authorized sequel. (There actually is a sequel to "Grizzly" that was filmed and never released. Look up "Grizzly 2: The Concert" on YouTube--the work print is there and you'll be amazed by the stars that were in it...). Blah blah blah...I'm thrilled to get this--and it was CHEAP!


"American Psycho" starring Christian Bale and based on the Brett Easton Ellis novel is a cult hit. The poster is often pricey and hard to find. I got it at a surprisingly reasonable price! Yahoo!

And now, off to bed. I gotta get to work bright and early. UGH!

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Offline Gingerman

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Nice stuff as always Go Go, but I really need to grab a Close Encounters for myself. That tri-fold looks to be in very good shape congrats! Also that lenticular Narnia is a great poster!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey Gingerman. Thanks for the kind words about my posters. I'm at work (day 4 of a 4 day assignment. ..12 hour shifts) and I'm on my 30 minute lunch break on my phone. I saw you posted some new stuff yourself.  I'll need to check back on that when I'm off. Glad to see you are making yourself at home here on the site. Cheers!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Good morning (for another 5 minutes it is, at least). I finally have a day off and I got to sleep in. Time for another blast from the recent past--MORE posts from that other site of things purchased this year before I started this page on ALL POSTER FORUM!


Yes, everyone knows (and apparently wants) this poster. I've been trying to snag one for years and years. In January, I finally got one. Yahoo!


"Dr.Shagetz"? I've never heard of it. Must have been a big hit in the 70s....NOT. Still the poster was just interesting enough (and cheap enough) to buy. The picture shown is a pic taken from the internet. I'm not sure why it's not a picture of my actual item. Anyway,I looked up this history of this flick and found this: It kind of makes me curious to see the original, uncut version now...


I scored another HG Lewis poster earlier this year. "Something Weird" is an LSD-themed movie and the namesake of the video company that releases lost old trashy movies (like "Something Weird"! Ha!). I saw this years ago (80s vhs, of course) and it was...crap. But, it's HG Lewis and Something Weird Video (a company I bought from frequently in the VHS days and early in the DVD days before they started going cheapy DVD-r) totally uses the image for its logo. Why not?


"Macumba Love"---never seen the flick,but have often seen the poster and wondered about it. It's mine now. I Macumba Love it. Ha! (Well, I don't "love"i it. I do like it though. I wish it was the full color version...but there is something creepy about this quasi-negative version). In FLAMING Eastman Color! Check out the cheesy trailer. Looks so silly/lame/fabulous!


This is a blurry photo, but the best I could find of the rare (and odd-sized) poster for the early John Waters movie "Desperate Living". There were no one sheets for this title and it's very hard to find any posters for it today:


Here's another early John Waters poster--again the odd size (although there were later one sheets for this one--and I'd LOVE to have one).This is for "Female Trouble"! Oh my!


Although it is NOT a John Waters flick (even though it is often thought to be because it stars John Waters' superstar Divine), "Lust in the Dust" was also something I already had, but wasn't too expensive, so...


"Mr. Sardonicus" is a William Castle movie. Castle was the King of the Gimmicks. The gimmicks sold the movies more so than the films themselves. The particular gimmick for this flick, "The Punishment Poll", is neatly illustrated/described in the poster. Patrons supposedly decided the ending of the movie. Thumbs up if you want the hero to live. Thumbs down if he needs to be punished. Knowing his audience would want the worst, only ONE ending was ever shot. Awesome! I already had this poster, but when another came available super cheap,i could not say no.


I already had a copy of this poster, but couldn't resist another cheap copy. It's the double feature poster for "I Dismember Mama" and "Blood Splattered Bride". There's also mention of a groovy gimmick---that all movie goers get a free UPCHUCK CUP! Zowie! (I'd like to find one of those--an unused one, of course.)


My final poster for today is Harry Novak's "Country Cuzzins". "Country Cuzzins" is a sleazy low-budget country-themed sex romp from Harry Novak's Box office International Pictures that played drive ins over and over in the 70s. Novak made a lot of exploitation stuff in the 60s and 70s. Of his hillbilly themed flicks, he also had titles like "The Pig Keeper's Daughter", "Midnight Plowboy", "Tobacco Roody", and "Southern Comforts".

Stay tuned for me. Thanks for visiting.

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Offline brude

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There's also mention of a groovy gimmick---that all movie goers get a free UPCHUCK CUP! Zowie! (I'd like to find one of those--an unused one, of course.)

I had this vision of you rifling through a theater dumpster and finding an upchuck cup... only to find that it was half full.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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As rare as those cups must be---I'd take it!  REALLY!  HURL!!!!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I need to get to bed, but want to get these up... Just a few more entries and I'll be done. Again these are poster purchased earlier this year, posted on another site---before I started my page here. I'm just moving them over...


This first one was just something I stumbled upon, never expecting to see one or buy one. It was just suddenly there and not too expensive (considering what it is)."The Beast of Yucca Flats" is a low-budget shocker from the early 60s that stars Ed Wood favorite Tor Johnson. It's strictly a cheap, low budget the (not too thrilling) poster clearly makes it look, but has become a minor cult classic.


"A Christmas Story" is another long-wanted poster. It's mine now,and I didn't have to stick my tongue to a frozen flagpole, ask Santa or shoot my eye out to get it. Yippie!


Speaking of Christmas...I've never seen this flick and only heard of it when seeing the one sheet. Since seeing it, I've been hunting but not wanting to pay too much for. I've seen re-release matinee posters, but wanted this initial release poster (that says "Childhood Productions" on it). Again, I've never seen this Italian import--but it's colorful and could be fun to have on the walls during the holidays.


The posters of sleazemeister Andy Milligan's films are collectible.The posters are better than the films themselves and have a wonderful sleazy quality to them. I am lucky enough to have a couple already, but getting "The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves are Here!" is a true joy! There are other posters of his I really want---but to me, this one is a real coup. Yahoo! I just wish I had a better example (photo-wise) to share with you.


Even though I just scored another copy a few weeks back, I really had the hots for the British "KING KONG" rip-off,"KONGA" one sheet! Love this poster (although the film is kind of lame). i HAD been trying to get one forever. That's one off of my "Gotta have it" list! Whoo hoo!


 I already have one of these (I think), but thought this was a good bargain. From the 80s, it's the poster for "Soroity House Massacre" -- another movie I've never seen (or its sequels...).


Here is the re-release of "Billy Jack". Although I have the set of "Billy Jack" movies on DVD, i still have not watched them yet. Made in the 70s, they are supposed to be cheesy cult flicks. I have one of the 4 Billy Jack posters and thought I'd go after the whole series. I like the re-release "Billy Jack" (as simple as it is) over the weird, psychedelic original release poster. It's nothing special but here it is:


Here is the cool one sheet for "Blood Beach" (another poster that is, in my opinion, better than the movie itself). The best thing about this flick is the poster art and the tag line that totally riffs that of "Jaws 2"--Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, you can't get to it! I already have at least one copy of this cool poster (I think), but it never hurts to have a spare. I actually saw this in the theater with a piece of crap called "The Day After Halloween". UGH! Neither film was all that good, but this one was better...and did i mention i liked the poster?


The photo below is the only photo I could find online (stolen from!) to illustrate the poster for the international theatrical version of Irwin Allen's TV disaster movie "FIRE"! (The copy I got is a one sheet--not the three sheet shown). I already have another copy of this that had taken me years and years to track down. This one showed up and I bid a minimal amount ...and won it. Now I have a back up. Cool disaster art (for a crappy TV movie that international audiences had to PAY to see. Ha! At least it produced a cool one sheet...).


Although I had scored a copy of the wonderful "Tormented" poster in late 2014, another (in great condition) became available and went for a price that was too low NOT to invest in a 2nd copy. SOLD! I'll resell one of them down the line.

And there's another 10. Stay tuned for more coming soon.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 04:45:42 AM by brude »
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Offline brude

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That Beast of Yucca Flats poster is great.
So is A Christmas Story and The Rats are Coming...
Actually, they are all worth having.
Really nice batch of paper here, Go-Go!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Ted/Brude. Thanks. I kind of like the posters I got in this batch too. BEAST isn't the best poster--but it's rare. I had never even seen one before.

Thanks for looking, pal.

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Offline erik1925

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Nice next installment, MAGG!

The roll continues, I see.



Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Jeff. I'm glad you approve of these posters, but again--they are from early 2015, before I started this page. I have NOT bought a new poster in a month now. I've got a few more batched to post from that old website and then...well, I guess I won't have anything to post until I can afford to buy again. Hmm.

Anyway, here's another 10 from earlier this year BEFORE I started this page:


"Ecco" is another mondo-type documentary that came out in the 1960s to cash in on the sensation created by "Mondo Cane" and its sequel. Narrated by George Saunders, it's a hodge-podge of strange customs and rituals around the world (reindeer castration by teeth anyone? Done as a way to win your mate. I know I look for someone who can castrate with teeth when I look for a mate. NOT!). The poster is about as hodge-podgey as the film itself.


"Bayou" is a low budget melodrama set in the Louisiana swamp lands and stars a young Peter ("Mission Impossible" ) Graves from 1957. It went no where at the box office, so some enterprising showman bought the film, added in new scenes (with stand ins) that conveyed a rape scene (that was not part of the original story), re-titled the flick "Poor White Trash" and, with an exploitive ad campaign, made big bucks! (A similar stunt was pulled on a 1974 flick called "Scum of the Earth". It was rechristened "Poor White Trash 2" and, paired together, both films played drive ins for years!)


I should have had a copy of the original "Gremlins" poster ages ago, but they always seemed to elude me. Not this one. SOLD!!!! This is the classic poster for the cool 80s flick. I'll be careful not to feed it after midnight and not to get it wet! Ha!


Here is another wannabe "Hercules" clone from 1961, "The Minotaur" starring former Olympic star Bob Mathias. I haven't seen this (yet), but love those old "sword & sandel/peplum" flicks (or, I simply refer to them as "Hercules movies" even though Herc is NOT in most of them). A double bonus for wanting this is that Mathias was actually from a small town near here (Tulare). Somehow I don't think he was nearly as buff as he is portrayed in the illustration. Ha!


This poster is for the cheesy-sleazy 1963 trash fest (that is strangely compelling--yes, even though it stars Arch Hall Jr.) "The Sadist". Great poster! I was thrilled to score it. Even the poster has a wonderfully sleazy look to it.


I've never seen this old kiddie matinee mess from K. Gordon Murray called "Mother Goose' Birthday Party"....but I hear it is awful. I've long had a hankering to track down this old kiddie matinee posters. I prefer the ones by "Childhood Productions" (usually presented in "Storybook Color" and "Never before seen anywhere"), but also really dig the K. Gordon Murray ones as well. (Barry Mahon also made several--but the posters for those are not nearly as interesting.) Why aren't these out on video? They're so AWFUL! Ha!


"The Last Circus" is a Spanish horror movie I've heard great things about. I have it on DVD, but have not seen it yet. I know it only had a limited US release,so I didn't want to miss my chance when I saw this come up for sale...especially if it goes on to cult status.


I've never seen "Johnny Firecloud"--and the poster is not really attractive at all to me. However, the film,which is out on Something Weird Video, has been gaining a bit of a cult reputation. I'll track it down eventually. It was another cheap buy, so why not?


Eh... "Nightmares" is a forgettable anthology film with ho-hum scares. The poster is only marginably interesting, with the eys and hands reaching out. It was $3. Ha! Bargain...but I should have/could have PASSED on it (I probably already have one anyway...). Oh well.


"How To Stuff A Wild Bikini" is the last of the Frankie Avalon/Annette Funicello beach party movies. Though AIP would crank out one more ("Ghost in the Invisible Bikini" withOUT Frankie and Annette) and other imitators were still making some ("Catalina Caper" for example), this was the end of the party for Frankie and Annette. Frankie isn't in it much, as he is away in the navy (but has had a witch doctor spying on Annette via a magical pelican)! Annette, still a virgin, but visibly pregnant with her real-life child...tries desperately to remain true to Frankie, fight off the advances of Tommy Kirk, and conceal her bulging belly. As cheesy as these films are, I like 'em. I already have a copy of this, but it was also cheap. NOW that I finally got my hands on the poster for the original "Beach Party" last April, my Frankie and Annette beach party collection is complete. Now to track down some of the posters for the OTHER wanna be beach movies...(I.e. "Catalina Caper", the "Gidget" flicks, etc.).

And that's 10. ALMOST done moving stuff over. Stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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Offline brude

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This is a great thread, dude.
It will be a sad day when you run out of posters.

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Eh... "Nightmares" is a forgettable anthology film with ho-hum scares. The poster is only marginably interesting, with the eys and hands reaching out. It was $3. Ha! Bargain...but I should have/could have PASSED on it (I probably already have one anyway...). Oh well."

AHH thanks, its been bugging me for a while now, a video i rented as a kid, im trying to get the first dozen tapes I rented as a mini collection, THIS is one of them, I couldnt remember the title or cover but when i saw the poster i realised.
Thanks, not to track the (aussie) VHS or Beta down.

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