Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359651 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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OOoooo crap-a-rama!  I won't even begin to tell you what sort of a financial mess I got myself into today with a certain auction house's movie poster auctions closing yesterday and today (that story will come...eeek! Stay tuned!). However, while I was trying to navigate its new, updated website, I discovered all of these past purchases of mine listed. Huh? I thought I had only started using this site AFTER joining this site. And yet, there were purchases from 2010, 2011, and 2012. Some of the items I could swear I got on eBay--and this auction house does have a presence there. But I am still flabbergasted to see them there...and the prices I paid (so incredibly CHEAP, especially when compared to the fallout from the "White Slaves of Chinatown" purchases and those of the last two days...which I am still NOT ready to talk about).

So here is a look at purchases past (purchases present will be coming shock and horror have subsided a bit):

"Fort Bowie" and "Oklahoma Territory". This was a 2 poster lot. I'm no fan of westerns and have no interest in the "Oklahoma Territory" one sheet. The "Fort Bowie" one is a different matter. In fact, I remember bidding on this and being thrilled I got it. It's stored away...but until now I did NOT even realize it was called "Fort Bowie". I thought it was called "Massacre!". Yep. So enthralled was I with the artwork of the, Native American about to scalp the blonde, my eyes never wandered down to the lower portion of the poster. Ha!  This set pushed me back...$32 in 2011.

Another 2 poster lot was the Steve Reeves version of "Thief of Baghdad" with Guy Williams' "Captain Sindbad" (That extra "d" has always bothered me...). ($15 in 2011)

Also from 2011, William Castle's 3D western "Fort Ti"! Zowie! I'm a sucker for a gimmick. William Castle was the king of the gimmicks (and he had some great ones for his horror flicks). 3D has always been a fave--especially the way the posters were presented back in it's hey day. I have so few 3D posters from the 50s...this one set me back $15 (!!!!) just 4 years ago.

Another 2011 purchase---"Face of the Screaming Werewolf. A cheap 50s horror flick with a cheap-looking poster. But only $21 ???  SALE! Anything that cheap from the 50s--snatch it up. Wow! i bought it but am amzed at how cheap it was looking back. It's incredible how prices have just skyrocketed lately!

I had never heard of "Fair Wind to Java" before the auction for this poster came up. OMG. The poster is in primo shape, with gorgeous artwork and colors.
$25, 2012.

"The Fiction Makers" is apparently a movie version of "The Saint" starring a pre-James Bond Roger Moore. Whether this was an original movie or, like many of the "Man From U.N.C.L.E." movies, this was culled from TV episodes, I do not know. I had not seen one before and have not seen one since. A $15 from 2010.

Something that WAS made from TV episodes was "Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack". This Australian poster is for the movie (not released in the US) taken from the first few episodes following the "Battlestar Galactica" pilot (which, itself, had been whittled down and released as a feature SENSURROUND, which this sequel apparently did NOT have)!. 2010 $15.

Taken from the 1960s "Tarzan" TV series starring Ron Ely is the poster for "Tarzan's Jungle Rebellion" 2009 $10.

OMG!!  I have been trying to collect Tarzan posters for years. I recently got a Lex Barker (talking Tarzan @2) poster--and was thrilled. I never thought I'd have a Johnny Weismuller (talking Tarzan #1--the classic Tarzan) poster, but apparently I DO have one. It's a re-release poster of "Tarzan's Desert Mystery" purchased in 2010...for a piddly $36. WHAT!?! There is NO WAY,re-release or not, that I could touch a Weismuller Tarzan poster for that amount today.

There were a few other posters that showed up as well...nothing really worth noting though (i.e.some old war movie called "Suicide Battalion" $15, "Three Bites of the Apple" $10, "Operation Conspiracy" $15, "Van Nuys Blvd" $10, killer snake movie/ "Willard" ripoff, "Stanley" etc.) and several others I won't even bother listing.

Stay tuned for more...

Cha cha cha!
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 03:15:17 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline monocle

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'Three Bites of the Apple' does it for me, as I do like watching 'Swinging Sixties' stuff. Better still, David McCallum wrote and sang the title track and it even mentions Playboy Magazine by name!

I do feel sorry for poor old Roger Moore though. Even I could manage a better likeness than that.
Utter gent.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I had never heard of "Three Bites of the Apple" before. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the music link.

LOL about Roger Moore on the Saint poster. I agree--it's not very good. Ha!

Cheers! Thanks for visiting.
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Offline brude

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Also from 2011, William Castle's 3D western "Fort Ti"! Zowie! I'm a sucker for a gimmick. William Castle was the king of the gimmicks (and he had some great ones for his horror flicks). 3D has always been a fave--especially the way the posters were presented back in it's hey day. I have so few 3D posters from the 50s...this one set me back $15 (!!!!) just 4 years ago.

This is great, Go-Go.
I lived in Ticonderoga for 10 years, had my first child there, and still visit friends there often.
As a matter of fact, I just showed this poster to my son and he scolded me for not having one for him.

Fort Ti is one of the greatest forts of its time.

Here's an infamous Ticonderoga joke.

A girl from the city fell in love with a young Ticonderogan lad.
One day they decided to go skinny dipping in the Lake.
While disrobing, she noticed a tattoo on his member.
"How cute," she said (noticeably disappointed), "'It spells TINY."
He responded, "No it doesn't. If you play with it a bit, you'll see it reads, 'TICONDEROGA, NY.'
And they lived happily ever after.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there. I've heard a variation on the "tiny" joke before--same punchline though.

It never occurred to me that "Fort Ti" might be a real place. Ha! It's in New York?????? That's not much of a western for you. Ha!  I'm thrilled to have the vintage 3D poster...and for only $15. No way you'd get it for that today. Posters have gotten crazy high in the last few years.

Thanks for stopping by.

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I love the Tarzan poster!! The rendition of Tarzan on the top  right is glorious. In the bushes...he looks like he is about to.. :P ...well dunno. I find it amusing. I just love that poster!!!!!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Why do you think Tarzan swings from avoid stepping in things! Oh my! Ha! Great observation Rosa! 

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Why do you think Tarzan swings from avoid stepping in things! Oh my! Ha! Great observation Rosa! 


Good point!! Great posters indeed ;)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Just a quickie... (Gotta get ready for work). Here are some recent acquisitions -- just 10 -- that aren't that exciting, but whatever. Here they are:

A British one sheet for "The Sphinx".

Not that I saw it or have any interest in it (and no idea what I was thinking when I bought them), but here are two different posters for "Tron Legacy":

The recent horror flick (that's not very good) "The Gallows" was filmed entirely around Fresno and the surrounding area. The directors have been promoting it at a local theater since it came out. Yesterday I was at that theater seeing another bad horror flick ("Vatican Tapes"--blah), and when I exited, there were the directors, sitting at a table in front of the actual gallows set piece in the lobby, autographing mini-posters. The film is just about done--it only plays one showing a day at that theater, at 10pm, yet they were there promoting it until it is completely gone. (Don't they have anything else to do?). Anyway, here is my signed mini-poster.

"Adam & Eve: The First Love Story"...Oh my stars! I actually saw this movie. (I was suckered into seeing it under the title "Adam and Eve Vs The Cannibals"! Ha!). It was jaw-droppingly bizarre-O! It was ridiculous---a fake killer bear, blue people, killer pterydactyls, cannibals (for about 5 minutes--that's all!) etc. Hilarious! Not wild about the poster--it's not the cover art for the video--but those are the actors. Guys may note that Eve is showing, uh... her "forbidden fruit". Ladies may take note that Adam may be wearing a loin cloth because he may be too excited to safely fit in a fig leaf. Not a great poster, but had to get something on that doofy, goofy flick.

I'm outta time. I'll get the rest later (there are more than 10 new ones, but I was trying to be brief and squeeze those 10 in before work).

More later...

« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 09:31:36 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline brude

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 clap clap

 pcorn pcorn


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What a good, fun collection you have. That Adamo is certainly quite "something".. :) :D

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hello Brude/Ted and Rosa. Thanks for visiting. I'm in LA at the moment and on my phone (which I hate responding on).  Glad you like Adama, Rosa. According to the movie, he was born out of a giant cocoon . (Eva was created out of a sand sculpture of a naked woman that Adama made (and he put a lot of detail in the bobs and other areas, which was amazing since he had never seen a woman before.) They are kicked out of the Garden of Eden Indiana Jones style (chased by a hilarious giant boulder rolling after them) and end up in a wasteland and are attacked by pterydactls, which they kill and fashion their first clothing with (since there are no longer convenient bushes and trees to block views of certain body parts, of course).  Then they go on and inexplicably meet lots of other people, blah blah blah. Wonderfully awful/strange/hilarious movie.
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I'm back to finish/expand on the post I started a while back. I've been on a vacation I could NOT afford, but...

Speaking of things I can not afford, although I'm still NOT ready to talk about what I bought yet (What the hell was i thinking?), I will say that I am now in such a financial hole i don't even preview auctions any more. They are just too tempting. All of the emails I get about auctions I ignore. I don't dare look or I'll try to buy-buy-BUY more...which i can NOT do. Jeepers!

Anyway, here are some more of the things I was going to share last time...

RED RIDING HOOD:  I hated this flick when I saw it in the theaters. It had so much potential, but it missed the mark, I felt. Why do I have the poster? It (and several other things in today's posting) came in lots I got fairly cheaply. whoopie do.

RETURN TO NEVERLAND:  I also saw this in the theater--don't remember a thing about it. Bland poster, but again, part of a cheap lot.

The recent 3D "Three Musketeers" was a flop-a-roo. I saw it just before it died off entirely (in 2D, alas...). Oddly enough, I liked it. Yes it was mindless, but it was also fun. The poster is worth nothing, but it was also part of the lot...which is probably why I bid anything for it at all.

RAMPAGE: Is this based on the Night Stalker serial killer? I'm not sure what this movie is. It's William Friedkin, but I don't think I've heard of it before. It was in a lot. Hmm.

FUTURE FORCE: I have no idea... LOT poster. Next...

I've two posters for Disney's non-classic animated flop "ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE" (more trash from the bargain basement lot-o-rama I won):

I also got the one sheet for Dario Argento's "FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET". It's one of his giallos, right? I've never seen it.

ARENA: Another lot poster---looks like cheesy crap-a-rama!

Although I already have one, I also scored another copy of John Carpenter's "PRINCE OF DARKNESS" one sheet. WHY? I have no idea. I didn';t even like the movie...

That's enough for this post. I hate to post more than 10 posters per post. But I have a lot more, stuff to share.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Not everything I got recently was from a lot that no one else wanted. For this post of 10 posters we'll play a game--"LOT or NOT". I'll post a picture, ta;l about it a little bit and let you guess--was this something I got in a LOT ("LOT") or was this something I bought intentionally ("NOT"). Put on your thinking caps (but really, this will be easier than you think...):

Poster 1: FRAILTY: I dislike Bill Paxton (Ugh...).He is one of my least favorite "actors" (is that what he's doing? "Acting"?). But Matthew McConaughey is intriguing sometimes. I dig horror flicks and the art caught my eye when this first came out. I won't say what I thought of the film (since this is the LOT or NOT game), but I did rush out and see it when it debuted.

Poster 2: FEAR DOT COM: I like Stephen Dorff (even I find that odd. Ha!). I'm a big horror fan. However, when this came out I completely missed seeing it. It was only on home video that I finally caught it.

Poster 3: "BEWARE THE BLOB": I am certain I already have this one sheet (my other copy has a tear in it) and also the one sheet for it's alternate title, "SON OF BLOB". While not the best sequel ever, Larry Hagman's feature film directorial debut is still a blob film. I will probably never get a one sheet for the original "BLOB" so these will have to do.

Poster 4: "THE FINAL CONFLICT": I like horror flicks (how many times have I said that already?). The "OMEN" series is a classic (although each film gets weaker/sillier as the series progresses--but the first was awesome! The remake was totally unnecessary) and I am strangely looking forward to the upcoming DAMIEN TV series based on the movies/books. Although this, the third entry, was rather sedate (and don't even get me started on the TV movie 4th entry--UGH!), I do have it in my DVD collection and have seen it several times.

Poster 5: SOMETHING WILD: I remember this coming out and the talk that it was going to be a cult movie. I saw it (a couple of times) and don't think it was all that interesting. It could have been better...and the talk of it becoming a cult film may have been to booster its box office or explain its lack of box office. Still the poster is kind of charming.

Poster 6: MAGIC MIKE XL: I didn't see this and probably won't see this. Is it even still playing? Ha!  Whatever. This is a sequel, right? I'm guessing the XL stands for "extra large" and is not the Roman numeral 40. If there were 40 "Magic Mike" movies, I've really fallen off of the planet.

Poster 7: FLUBBER: I confess I never saw FLUBBER (although I did see the ABSENT-MINDED PROFESSOR and SON OF FLUBBER that its based on). But this is a poster for the late, great Robin Williams. He was a genius (at times. Other times he was just...annoying. And I hated, hated, HATED "Awakenings"!). There won't be any more Williams posters coming around...

Poster 8: PRISON: I'm not sure if I ever saw this film or not, but I don't think I've ever seen the poster before. I dig the skull imagery combined with prison motifs. I just wish they had take the title and integrated it mnore, possibly as "teeth" in the skull instead of just being there below the skull. Oh well. No one asked me.

Poster 9: THE FOURTH KIND--the ultimate exploitation flick (that did not take off). This film tries to one up the found footage genre. By mixing allegedly real "found footage" of an alien invasion of a family with dramatic recreations of said footage. But both the real footage and recreation footage are BOTH fake. And neither are that compelling. Oh well.It was a nice idea--and there were a few lame brains out there who actually believed it. Bravo! Just wish it had been better...

Poster 10: THE GRINCH: This is the live version of the animated TV classic starring Jim Carrey and about four times as long as the cartoon version. It was an interesting experiment and I thought it was very good when I first saw it...but it's lost a lot of its charm (for me) since then...even though I have some authentic production-used Grinch mail and the regular one sheet (I think). The advance does have a bit of style about it though... Hmm.

Okay kiddies. Have you figured out which were from a LOT and which were NOT? Let's see...

Poster 1: LOT. (I didn't like the flick, plain and simple)

Poster 2: LOT (I really didn't like the movie. Ha!)

Poster 3: NOT (Yes, even though i already had a copy, I had a good deal on this one and bought it. Hoipefully it's in better shape than the one I already have.)

Poster 4: LOT (I already have THE FINAL CONLICT one sheet.)

Poster 5: LOT (I really didn't like the movie...)

Poster 6: NOT (It was cheap--beefcake and cheesecake posters tend to be worth more 10 years or so down the road. At least that's been my experience. I hope this follows that trend and doesn't tank because of the over saturation of the poster. Hmm.)

Poster 7: LOT (Really? FLUBBER? Ha ha ha ha ha!)

Poster 8:  LOT (I do like the poster though and it was probably one of the factors I bid on this lot to begin with)

Poster 9: LOT (Crappy flick...)

Poster 10: LOT  (I kind of like the simple Santa-suited Grinch hand holding the broken ornament, but it was in the lot)

How did you do? Anyone get 100%? (Oh really, it was not that hard...and all of the ones from the lot were kind of rolled. Easy peasy!)

I'm in a grumpy mood. Never mind. More posters to share--including those I dread talking about,

Stay tuned.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 03:36:27 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I'm back...with everything else I'll have for a long, long, l-o-n-g time, with the exception of the three I still can't talk about yet.

First off...something I have no idea why I bought it (and I certainly have no memory of even buying it...but it's here), THE SPECTRE OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. I know NOTHING about this movie and the poster make it look like low budget crap. Oh well. (And yes, I am still in a grumpy mood...)

Finally mine--after a zillion years of hunting for one--is William Castle's gimmick-a-go-go flick-a-rama classic, "THE TINGLER"! Hot diggity. I have ALL of Castle's horror one sheets now...with the exception of one (that is beyond expensive and I'll never own it). That is okay--at least I got this one. Yippie!

HERCULES AGAINST THE BARBARIANS is not a good flick. Hmm. However, I will try to snag any old HERCULES title that comes my way. Overall, I dig those old, cheesy flicks (the ones involving magic and or monsters are the best/worst. The others, like this one, tend to be dull...). I am glad I got it.

Dario Argento's OPERA. This is the Italian poster.

Another MAGIC MIKE 2 poster...this is an advance. Ha!  i got this for $2. Before the film came out they were $15 or $20. Trash now, but in a few years...(hopefully).

Didn't I just buy one of these not too long ago?  UGH!  It's ANOTHER copy of the great western/horror double feature, BILLY THE KID VS DRACULA and JESSE JAMES MEETS FRANKENSTEIN'S DAUGHTER!  Hopefully this is a better copy than the one I already have...

The final one for tonight (leaving just three more that I'm still NOT ready to discuss for another time) is the Italian poster for the "JAWS" ripoff, "BARRACUDA"---which is slightly more interesting than the US one sheet.

Okay--go back and do something more interesting than look at my pathetic posters. UGH!  i am in such a dumpy mood...

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Offline brude

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Always a treat seeing your new posters and reading your commentary.

Glad you snagged The Tingler!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I'm glad I snagged THE TINGLER as well. That's about it in the current batch(es). Nothing else worthwhile really... Ho hum. But thanks for checking in.

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Offline brude

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Also like (amongst others) OPERA and PRISON.
I also have a copy of PRISON, but mine (like others I've seen) has a white border.
Like these:

Yours is the first full-bleed copy I've seen.
I don't doubt its authenticity, especially since it appears machine-folded. Probably just a different print run.
I haven't seen PRISON in years, but I did like it a lot.

Offline Crazy Vick

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Good fun this place as always. 

Cheer up MAGG!  Ironically the best medecine for the wallet blues is... buying a poster!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Brude,

Thanks for the info on the PRISON poster. Interesting. I had never seen the poster,so had no idea there were variants to it (border vs none). Mine was actually from a lot from emovieposter, so i don't doubt its authenticity either. There were other posters I got in those lots I did NOT even bother sharing. Most of those in the lot(s?) were lackluster as it is--but the others I got, complete and total coma-inducing snore-a-rama!

Crazy Vick!

How are you? I'm in a poopy mood for more than just my poster/financial woes. And no, buying a poster is NOT an option. It really, REALLY isn't. I probably will not buy for a long, LONG time. I know I said that before...but that was after a big expense/burn. That last auction (I haven't talked about yet) caused even more of a financial fiasco for me...WORSE than the WHITE SLAVES thing and I really have learned my lesson. I don't even read my auction emails anymore or peruse eBay...too dangerous. Just say least until I can tread water again.

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Offline jedgerley

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Sooooo what the heck are the three mystery posters? Spill the beans spill em! :)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Neo. I'm glad you like the BARRACUDA poster. I did too when I first bought...but am now second guessing myself about it. I already have the US one sheet, and while the Italian art is a tad more interesting  than the US poster, it's not THAT interesting/different. It's nice but I did not need it. Hmm.
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Jedgerley, I almost missed your note. Sorry. I'm not at home now so I'll have to delay posting about those 3 posters. They're not a big deal...nothing you haven't seen before. One I really wanted (it was at the top of my bucket list, or as I really call it, my Possible Dreams list, meaning that they are not out of my price range entirely unlike my IMPOSSIBLE  DREAMS list which would be  original release DRACULA, FRANKENSTEIN,  etc. No way I'll ever afford those...).
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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(Continued) Dang I hate posting from my phone...ugh. Anyway the one was from my "Possible Dreams" list.  I wanted it badly, but not for the price I got it at. The 2nd one was also super high and I don't know why I bought it....not that high on my list. Certainly not as high as I paid for it. In my auction panic I also bought another pricey (but not as much as the other two) poster that I had JUST PURCHASED days earlier elsewhere. WTF? Ugh. The costs of those 3...2 of which I didn't really want or need...not only killed me financially but also stopped me from getting other posters in the auction that I would have much rather had. Dang it all... Stay tuned. I'll share in a while. Cheers!
« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 06:35:47 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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