Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359465 times)

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I'll try to see The Twonky movie if I can find it - sounds interesting. It might be the only movie I choose to see this year, maybe along with the latest Mad Max.

There is a thread here for double bill posters maybe you'd like to add on to.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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I saw "The Twonky" years ago. Hans Conreid is the star and owner of the maybe it really IS meant to be funny?  it is just odd either way, but is also very dated and low budget. It's nothing great---there's only one Twonky and it does not conquer the world or anything. Heck, there's maybe only one set (the house) with various neighbors stopping by. It's cheap and silly.

Thanks for directing me to the double feature poster page. Unfortunately it looks like most of the images are gone. Drat. I'll explore and add to it later. Thanks.  It's always a pleasure to see you, Steve.

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Offline Crazy Vick

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Anyone want some beefcake? "Latin Boys Go To Hell"... Is this even a movie poster? Apparently it is. I bought this as an investment, figuring the bear-chested guy will be appealing to down the way and the price (next to nothing) will go up the older and scarcer this gets.

You are one funny dude MAGG
Keep it up!
Dig your posts - but i'd never hand over my portfolio to you!
   ;) ;D


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Agreed. Very refreshing seeing MAGG's posters and reading his   thoughts on those. Good to see the person & personality behind it. I like your collection very much.

Offline monocle

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I just managed to track down 'The Twonky' on YouTube. God bless you for that!
Utter gent.

Offline erik1925

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You are one funny dude MAGG
Keep it up!

Dig your posts - but i'd never hand over my portfolio to you!
   ;) ;D




Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Good morning!

Wow! Thanks for all of you stopping by. I appreciate the visit. I am glad you made yourselves at home (I do hope the bathrooms were clean... Oh my!).

Crazy Vick---always a pleasure seeing you. Perhaps the term "investment" was not the best choice. I'd say "a quick buck"---but I fear I'll have to stash this thing several years before getting that quick buck. Got that poster for $5...hope down the line the shirtless, pube-sprouting guy poster will get me at least $20 or so. I can't believe how much posters go for these days (even trash no one wants). Glad you got a chuckle though.

Rosa, hi there! I'm so glad you like my collection. It's not classy. It's not beautiful. But it is what it is.

Monocle, by now you may have sat through "The Twonky"...  Are we still "God blessing" me for that...or cursing me? Ha!  When TV sets attack...!  Yikes!

erik1925   For a second I thought you had written another word... (oh my!) ...and then I noticed the first letter was actually a "T". Never mind...

And, just when you thought I was going to drudge up more purchases from the last few years ago again, here is a batch of NEW purchases!!!  (Ooooo pretty-pretty!)  Bucket list items, you may ask? At first glance, you would probably say "no way" (even at 2nd glance...or 3rd...or 347th...), but... let me explain as we go...

This first one is the jewel of the posters presented today. Ooooo how I've wanted this one for a long while. "Circus of Horrors"!  Yippie!!!

The poster for "The Black Cat" is decidedly...not that interesting. Why bother? Well, I was trying to track down horror posters from Lucio Fulci. I have "Zombie", "House by the Cemetery" and "Gates of Hell". Why not "Black Cat"?

"Game of Survival" (better known as "Tenement")... I already have this. It's "new" but I got it only because it came with "The Black Cat" (yes--it was a two-fer deal).

"Tarzan Contra Los Hombres Leopardo"... Huh? I love my Tarzan movies, but had never heard of this movie (with someone named Ralph Hudson playing Tarzan??). Oh my STARS! The world of unauthorized Tarzan rip-offs has suddenly opened up to me. Zowie! There are many, many bogus Tarzan flicks out there I've just learned...and posters to go with them! Bucket list item was Tarzan posters I don't have yet...  Wow!  There are many, many more now than I had originally thought.

"Rollercoaster Rabbit"?  YES!  Don't judge. Don't judge....

"Back to the Beach" ?? Hello? I have all of the classic Frankie & Annette Beach Party posters now. While I had a "Back to the Beach" poster already, it was folded and I was not happy with it (and I don't mind folded posters at all--usually). This purchase was a chance to finally get a rolled version. Kowabunga!

Ha!  Speaking of folded vs rolled, the poster I got of "Bloody Birthday" IS folded -- unlike this example photo I'm sharing which looks rolled (is that possible?). I like this version of the poster better than the other style (the crudely drawn hand in the birthday cake with the fingers acting as candles). (Bucket list: 80s slasher flicks/holiday horrors I don't have yet)

Oooo... I scored a later Boris Karloff (bucket list--old Karloff posters I don't have yet) poster, "The Haunted Strangler"!  Zowie!  "Their wild beauty marked them for death"---wild beauty? That conjures up interesting images, but it's probably just then-present era model types (who can't act?). Ho hum...

My last poster de jour is the preferred style (by me) for John Carpenter's "The Fog". I never really liked the movie that much (but it is sooooo much better than the remake. Geez that was crap!), so there was never a rush to get this poster---and then poster prices started climbing and climbing and CLIMBING!  Cross this off the list now...

Okay, have a cha-cha-cha groovy day. I've got to hit the shower and get myself to a doctor appointment. O' the joy of aging...  NOT!

« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 02:17:40 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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Hope your doctor's appointment goes well.

Offline Crazy Vick

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Circus of Horrors and Game of Survival are exquisite. thumbsup.gif

Offline erik1925

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I'm really liking your version of The Black Cat, too!

That feline looks wicked! (and that's wicked with a "W" ... lol)

 devil 2

« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 01:09:43 PM by erik1925 »


Offline monocle

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As a massive 'Bilko' fan, seeing Maurice Gosfield pop up on a poster has made my day. Well that and 'Feelarama'...
Utter gent.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hello!  Thanks for visiting again everyone.

Rosa, thank you for the well wishes for my doctor visit. If you care to know why I went, it's because I have been having hot flashes (seriously!) for the past few weeks. Since women have menopause, do men have womenopause? I've certainly seen many men pause when women walk by---but what does that have to do with feeling like you are roasting for no reason at all? ARGH! Whatever this hot business is---I want it STOPPED!  UGH!

Crazy Vick, glad you like CIRCUS OF HORRORS and GAME OF SURVIVAL. Thanks for the note.

Jeff/erik1925--thanks for the remark about "THE BLACK CAT". You'll also be happy to know I WAS wearing my glasses when I read it too. (SHOCKING, I know...) Ha!

Monocle--who DOESN'T like a little FEELARAMA now and then? Unfortunately that is the ONLY movie to ever have been released in that process (as far as I can tell). I'm sure you are also rushing out to see "Teenage Millionaire" (don't forget to pick up your free record while you are there) just so you can see Doberman in action. It's not playing anywhere around here. Good luck finding a theater showing it.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!


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Hello!  Thanks for visiting again everyone.

Rosa, thank you for the well wishes for my doctor visit. If you care to know why I went, it's because I have been having hot flashes (seriously!) for the past few weeks. Since women have menopause, do men have womenopause? I've certainly seen many men pause when women walk by---but what does that have to do with feeling like you are roasting for no reason at all? ARGH! Whatever this hot business is---I want it STOPPED!  UGH!

Shawn, really truly, this is one of the funniest things I read this week. Thank you!  If you ever have a show on telly do let me know. Sure I'll be watching it!!
Hope whatever it is, is not serious.. maybe too much poster luv ;)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there Rosa! Thank you for the note. I'm glad you found my bit of silliness, well... silly. (I was kind of worried someone would find it offensive perhaps? I don't know why...).

Incidentally, I am "hot flashing" even as i write this. I'm hoping to cool down soon enough so I can put my shirt on and try to go to a movie in the next few minutes (No groans from the peanut gallery, but I am thinking about seeing the 3D version of the new "Poltergeist" movie. It probably sucks, as most remakes do, but I'm game... I didn't even know they were making a remake! Ha!). What's with these flashes?  EEK!  I expect to spontaneously combust at any moment... Whew! 

Stay cool.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi there!  I was waiting until I got 10 new posters...but, at 9, I was just too excited to wait any longer to share.

It's a bumper crop of International posters...something I have very few of. The amazing thing is, almost all of them are English versions of International posters (many I've seen the same posters in other languages).  None are all that great, but I am ever so pleased to get them! Yippie!!

First off, wow! Wow! WOW!!!  I never thought I'd score one of these---but here is the French version (ooo la la!) of the original "Planet of the Apes"!  For years I resisted buying foreign posters over US one sheets. I'd seen this over the years many times--and loved it. I thought (and STILL think) it is the BEST version poster for the film. Of course now when posters are at an all time high price wise, I finally decide to go for it. Ha! Although I still lack (and want) the US one sheet (the only "APES" title I don't have), I am beyond thrilled with this one. C'est magnifique!

Also not in English is the Spanish poster for a re-release of "The Wizard of Oz". I HAVE a few of the US "Oz" re-releases from the early 70s on, but way back in 1983, just after graduating high school, I went on a whirlwind, cheap-o-rama trip to Europe ALONE. It was not supposed to have been that way, but...  Anyway, one of my first stops was in Barcelona. I really had no idea what to do or see. I saw a few things and then, to pass the time, I went to the movies. "The Wizard of Oz" was playing...with this poster advertising it. The dialogue was in Spanish but the songs were in English (!)--and there was this amazing, freaky short film beforehand that was creepy yet cool about a woman in a hooded robe or something who would peek out with only one eye showing. Weird. I wish I knew what that was. Anyway--so glad to add this "OZ" poster to my collection.

The final non-English international poster is for schlock and sleazemeister Jess Franco's "Oasis of the Zombies"---about Nazi zombies in the desert!  EEK! I've never seen a US one sheet for this--was it even released theatrically here?

My new hunt for unauthorized Tarzan films and their posters continues with these new additions---the first is "Tarzan- The Kawana Treasure" starring someone named Richard Yesteran as the swingin' ape man!  Not the most interesting poster---but it was in English and I'm on a quest! Ha!

The next fake Tarzan is "Tarzan and the Rainbow" (aka "Tarzan and the Brown Prince") starring Steve Hawkes as Lord Greystoke! Man, I wish these films were AVAILABLE to see. I dig me some Tarzan flicks! I've seen all of the surviving (or THOUGHT I had) "Tarzan" films. Hmm.

The one US poster (I think) I got was for another Jess Franco sleaze fest, "Wanda the Wicked Warden" (aka "Greta the Mad Butcher"). WHY did I want this? Because it is ALSO known as today --the the magic of dubbing and title changes---as "Ilsa the Wicked Warden", one of the four flicks in the shock-o-rama Ilsa saga starring Dyanne Thorne! I have the posters for "Ilsa She Wolf of the SS", "The Tigress" (which is better known as "Ilsa-Tigress of Siberia") and (I think) "Ilsa-Harem Keeper for the Oil Sheiks"...but until now, never the "Wicked Warden" poster. So yippie!!

This next one features some of the crappiest artwork ever, but I had to have it! I love my disaster flicks of the 70s. "Blazing Tower" started out life as a (bad) TV movie called "Terror on the 40th Floor"--a TV movie ripoff of "The Towering Inferno". International viewers were lucky enough to have to PAY to see that turd--Ha! I have been hunting high and low for a one sheet for this flick (in English), and finally scored one from Lebanon! Ha!

I got myself another of my peplum/ sword & sandal posters for "Spartacus and the Ten Gladiators"---a Euro-poster in English! Yippie!

And the final poster tonight is the British one sheet for the wonderfully silly/bad crime/adventure flick filled with man-eating piranha (and the dumbest animated tornado ever seen on screen. Ha!)..."Killer Fish" starring Lee Majors and Karen Black!

Okay--I need to get to bed. Cha-cha-cha!

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

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Congratulations MAGG, I can see the first 2 are very exciting additions. I do also like the others though Blazing Tower... that did make me laugh

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Steve!  Glad you liked my new additions (I'm thrilled to have them--but some of them really don't do it for me--but I had to have them any way). Have you ever seen "Blazing Tower"/"Terror on the 40th Floor"? Oooo it's AWFUL and STOOOPID. As I recall, there are a bunch of people in a high rise having a Christmas party on the top floor (instead of a grand opening party as in "Towering Inferno") when a fire breaks out. Instead of action-packed escape attempts, we get stars John Forsythe, etc. with smoke swirling around them, having flashbacks about  certain moments in their lives with family, co-workers, etc. Could they have been more sensitive? Should they have reacted differently? These are the things going through their heads. SNORE! Most of the actors involved had their careers go up in smoke after this disaster (and I use "disaster" in every sense of the word) flick.

Thanks for stopping by.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 02:44:10 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline brude

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My favorite poster for the film also.
It is beautiful.


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Agreed. Beautiful. Though i must thank you for Killerfish. Very "refreshing" seeing a "man" rather than a blonde or voluptuous brunette being devoured by the fish. Equality at last.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Brude/Ted. Thank you for the congratulations. The APES poster is truly a gem (and the highlight of my decidedly lackluster latest haul. I "needed" all of those posters for one reason or another--but, for the most part, they're lacking pizzazz or something).

Rosa, you are welcome for the man in peril poster ("Killer Fish"). Ha! Perhaps that is also why you like the APES poster, because it features a man in chains (instead of a woman)?. Heck, even the horribly illustrated "Blazing Tower" feature mostly male victims (one of which is on fire! Yow!). The lone female does have the dubious distinction of having a plate of glass shatter against her though, moments before she hits the ground from her fall/jump. EEK!  But, hmm. That does have me wondering about just how many poster images there are out there with a male in danger as opposed to a female. Thank you for calling my attention to something that should have been so obvious (since--duh--scantily clad women in some harrowing situation are usually used in poster art).

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Today's sharing of recent acquisitions comes with an important lesson. Do not---repeat--- DO NOT ever bid outrageous amounts of money for items you expect to be outbid on anyway just because you have to work and can watch the auction process. Why? Because it will BACKFIRE on you and cost you dearly. OMG!!!  What the heck am I going to do? OUCH!  My credit cards took a big hit. I don't know if I can sustain this habit much longer. It's just gotten so pricey in the last 10 years or so. Jinkies!

Anyway, here's some recent stuff...

You know I have a thing for Blaxploitation horror titles of the 70s. We'll here's the one sheet for possibly the biggest Blaxploitation horror flick of all, "Blacula"! You are probably shaking your head and asking yourself, doesn't Monster A GoGo already have that? The answer would be YES. OOps! I saw one for sale at a cheap price that I could not let go by so cheaply and , knowing I'd be outbid, bid on it anyway and...D'oh!  It's mine now. ARGH!

From Blacula to Dracula, here is the one sheet for the 2nd to last Hammer Dracula flick starring Christopher Lee in the role, "Dracula A.D. 1972"'s also my second poster in the series (I'm working my way backwards it seems...going from the least in demand/cheapest on back, apparently. I already have the last one, "Count Dracula and his Vampire Bride" and now this one.). Notice that it is co-billed with "Crescendo" in it's original release.

"Return of Count Yorga"---I've never seen any of the "Yorga" movies. I just got this poster because it came with "Dracula A.D. 1972". Ha!

I've wanted this next curiosity for years. I've never seen the flick, but aside from the circus aspect of the film/poster, "Ring of Fear" stars (but was NOT written by) pulp novelist Mickey ("I, The Jury") Spillane.

While the hunt goes on for a decent "King Kong" re-release poster and/or "Mighty Joe Young", here is "Konga"!  Again you may be thinking, doesn't Monster A GoGo have "Konga"? The answer would be YES unfortunately. See "Blacula" above as to why. Groan...

Sometimes you just like things because they are so awful. I've never seen "Rhinestone" (and never will), but the idea of Sylvester Stallone singing country music with Dolly Parton is just so god awful AWFUL---it must be a howler, albeit a very painful one. I got the poster to remind myself that even box office giants (I never understood the appeal of Stallone myself) can get too big of egos and make stinkeroo flop-a-ramas that the very existence of make me smile at how ill-conceived they were.

"VAMP"---simple, classic, clever. Kind of like a horror version of the poster for "Victor / Victoria"

Euro horror queen Barbara Steele stars in "The Ghost"!  EEEEK! 

Another zombie flick---"One Dark Night". I actually saw this years ago in the theater. I remember it being a nifty little flick.i should track it down again. At the time I thought it was very underrated. I don't remember much about it now though. Crappy poster, but...

"The Black Castle"---stunning poster. Not one of Universal's big classics (I've never even heard of it) but it does feature Karloff and Chaney. 

Yowza!!  Andy Milligan's "Bloodthirsty Butchers"!!!  O' how I've been trying to get that title...  His films are god-awful, but the posters are wild. This one is actually the nicest of the horror titles, but the others ("The Rats Are Coming, The Werewolves Are Here", "Torture Dungeon", "The Man With Two Heads", etc) have an amazing sleaze factor to them. LOVE EM!!!

Although it does not mention it on the poster anywhere (waaagh!), "Dragonfly Squadron" is an old 3D movie from the 50s. It's also one of the few that have been restored and released on 3D blu-ray. This as those "diamond folds" in it that mar it somewhat---but it's still very nice. It also stars Bruce Bennett (He was a pre-Weismueller TARZAN when he was calling himself  Herman Brix)

"Lady Godiva"---why?  Believe it or not it is because I already have the 60s nudie quasi-sequel "Lady Godiva Rides"

Oh.... I LOVE this poster for "Satan's Satellites"---so hokey and cheap and dig that robot! Zowie! Cool poster for a low budget turd!

My final poster and prize o' the day is for "Viking Women and the Sea Serpent". Just GORGEOUS!!!  Wow!!!

Of course now I have to PAY for these somehow. HA!  Oh well... Uh... Ha!

Until next time...

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Offline erik1925

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Nice adds, MAGG.... really like The Black Castle and Konga. ( notworthy.gif Reynold Brown).


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Yes nice additions again. I also like the Reynolds Brown designs and The Viking Spent is a good score, Well done. I notice the posters are in excellent condition too  thumbsup.gif

Offline monocle

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Good to be reminded of Henry Silva's existence! According to IMDB he's still very much alive. As for 'Blood Thirsty Butchers'. I saw Berwick Kaler - who plays the splendidly named Tobias Ragg - on stage back in the 80s. Apart from television work he is known within UK theatreland as one of the very best pantomime dames we've had for decades! I can't say there was much gore on offer that night but there was a good deal of dangerously sparkly glitter.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 02:40:23 PM by monocle »
Utter gent.

Offline Crazy Vick

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not bad, not bad at all...
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« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 02:16:02 PM by erik1925 »