Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359277 times)

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Wednesday is my 50th (Oh CRAP!) birthday (also Income Tax Day---sorry about that). I am heading for New Orleans for a week to celebrate (a place I have never been to). Except for a "bucket list" of posters I have written down, I plan to stop buying posters (as I have so many...) once I officially hit the big Five-Oh. So, I've been shopping like a fiend, has bids or snipes set up on several auctions,etc... all for those last-minute purchases before the big day.

My flight leaves tomorrow, so I thought I'd post one last flashback of purchases from the last few years. I'll post whatever I "bought" over the next few days when I get back.

In no particular order...

I just recently got the one sheet for "Dinosaurus!. I got this re-release combo poster a while back for "Dinosaurus" and "The Blob". Sadly this is probably as close to getting an original "Blob" as I'll ever get. Darn it all...  but it's better than nothing (and I do like my combo posters):

"Silent Running"---classic sci-fi and incredible poster art. I can't believe I actually was lucky enough to get this:

"Blazing Stewardesses"--Oh my stars! I've never seen this movie properly, but I do remember when I was a kid my family went to the drive in. I don't recall what we were seeing, but I DO recall looking out the back window of our little blue Pinto (seriously!) at the screen behind us. Screen 1 (which was one time billed as the World's Largest Screen) had a stewardess double feature playing. I forget the title of one movie, but "Blazing Stewardesses" was definitely one of the features. All I remember was whipped cream being licked off of some woman's chest! Zowie! Scandalous, but to my little pre-pubescent eyes, it was mind-blowing. Had to get the poster. If nothing else, it has a great cheesy title!

"Rock Around the World"--I don't know anyone listed on the poster, but what cool art work. A 1950s guitar player rocking away in front of the planet. Very nifty!  I dig it.

I totally love this old school poster for "The Black School". The lion attacking the fainting woman is just classic. Very cool.

Here's a bit of obscure 80s horror---"The Mutilator"!  By sword, by pick, by axe...bye bye!  Ha! Gotta love that tag line. I actually saw this in the theater. Ha!

The picture they said could never be shown... Not a great poster by any means, "Snuff" had an ingenius ad campaign when it came out. The fake protests for publicity that soon became a national outcry. Zowie! People who had never even seen the movie got caught up in the frenzy and picketed theaters showing it...only making the curious rush out to see it! I wanted to see that movie soooo bad. Years later when I finally did--it was crap, of course. But the memory of exploitation brilliantly played is forever instilled in the poster---a film that could only be made in South America--where life is cheap!

BLOOD-CURDLING! HAIR-RAISING! SPINE-CHILLING!  Eeeek!  It's "The Horrors of Spider Island". Wow! Cool poster--love it.

Here is another blast from the B-Movie past, "ATOM AGE VAMPIRE"!!! I'm sure the movie is schlocky as heck, but you gotta like the fab-o-rama old school poster.

The 10th and final poster-a-go-go for the night is another B-Movie beauty, "TORMENTED". Wow!

That's it for tonight. Fingers crossed I win a lot over the next few days (I just have NO IDEA how I'll pay for it all. Ha!)

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Happy big 5-0 for Wednesday MAGG. Have a great ol time in New Orleans

I looked up "Blazing Stewardesses" on IMDB and it got a rating of 1.9... Not bad, it could be worse! The whipped cream licking off chest piqued my interest

"Tormented" art sure looks great

Good luck with the bidding

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Steve,

Thanks for the birthday wishes. Argh! I'm trying to get ready to get outta here. EEEK!

I don't know for sure that the whipped cream scene was in "Blazing Stewardesses", but do know that was one of the two films playing at the drive in that night (and it obviously had the title that resonated with me). Just looking at the poster though,it's kind of strange seeing names like Yvonne DeCarlo and The Ritz Brothers (only 2 of them left apparently---and their first film in more than 30 years!!!) in a movie that screams out youthful sexual shenanigans (all of those stewardess movies of the 70s were T&A flicks for the most part, weren't they?).  Again, I never saw the movie completely---just bits and pieces out of the rear window of the car.

Gotta get outta here.  EEEK!  CHEERS!And thanks for visiting...
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Online Tob

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Belated Happy Birthday! Apologies for being an enabler, but I hope you break your promise to stop buying any more non-bucket list posters too :)

Thanks for sharing your collection, I really enjoyed reading this thread - good looking posters and interesting comments...more please!

Offline brude

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So glad I found your thread MaGG, it is an enjoyable read.
Love your posters and your commentary.

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Tob and Brude. Thank you for your kind words. Tob, thank you also for the belated birthday wishes. It turned out to be the best,most amazing birthday ever. As for limiting myself to a bucket list, well...let's just say before I hit 50, I greatly expanded the perimeters of that list. Ha! As for those bids I put in before leaving, ZOWIE! I have a plethora of new posters to share. I got some jewels, some bucket list wants and some "eh" posters as well. I'll do 10 as usual and save the others for later. Here they are in no particular order:

Here we go-go....

This first photo may look familiar to those who peruse the "for sale/auction/trade" thread. Yes, in my pre-50th birthday buying frenzy,I bought Steven11788's original 2012 and 2013 re-release posters for "Halloween" for the rather princely sum he was asking for them. Ouch! But they're mine now. I will blame it on temporary middle aged insanity. (But the real truth is I'm nothing but a poster whore...who had his tax refund in the bank. Ha!)

"Wild Wheels"--i know nothing about this poster. It was just cheap and got snatched up in my whirlwind buying frenzy....

I already mentioned digging those old "Hercules"/sword and sandal/peplum flicks from the late 50s and early 60s. Here is the one sheet for Steve Reeves' "The Trojan Horse" (interesting,action-packed poster, but I found the flick kind of a cure for insomnia... Ha!).

"Savage Season"???  Huh? Never heard of it, although it stars Ron Harper from the "Planet of the Apes" TV series and "Land of the Lost"'s 3rd season (Uncle Jack)--but, huh? What was I thinking? It was $1. I was out of my head. Need I say more?

Ding! Ding! Ding!!  Another bucket list poster....the original "JAWS"!  I have the re-release, but always wanted the original! Zowie!!! Not the most pristine version, but I'm happy to have it. Bite me!

"Werewolf of Washington"?  Cheesy. Have you ever seen this flick? I have. It's laughably stupid. Why'd I buy the poster? Because it was there...

"TERRIFIED"---Crappy creaky low budget old movie, but what a cool poster of a guy being buried alive! Zowie!

An Italian 70s re-release poster for "Son of Kong"---not the best art by far, but probably the closest I'll ever get to having any paper on this title. Waaagh!

"The Sexpert"... I have no idea what this flick is about (other than the IS x-rated after all), but it ended up mine. Ha!

Finally, another bucket list surprise...the "I Drink Your Blood" / "I Eat Your Skin" double feature combo poster! Yowza!  Yes, it's in a bit rough condition, but still cool and I can't wait to frame it/hang it. I've wanted this for years!  Groovy!

And that's it for now!  Lots more to come.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 07:37:29 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Online Monster_A_GoGo

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ARGH!  I didn't like how the last post came out---too rushed. I was actually in a hurry when I did it as I had an appointment at the gym I was running late for. However, halfway to the gym my trainer guy called and cancelled the appointment--NOT because I was late, but because his car was in the shop. Oh well. I'm not complaining. Instead, I thought I'd post another poster post-a-go-go!  Yeeah!

On your mark, get set, go-go!!!!

Yes, I KNOW I just bought (and posted on here) the double feature poster for "The Horror Chamber of Dr. Faustus" and "The Manster"---but that was a black & white poster. When I discovered it also came in color, I HAD to have it!!!!  (Anyone want a black & white double feature poster? Ha!)

I don't quite know what this is...  I love my "Exorcist" rip-offs. This film, "The Antichrist" was released in the late 70s as "The Tempter". Hmm. Is this a teaser before a title change or an alternate release or what? I don't know. Dull as the poster is, it was cheap-o-rama ($1, maybe?) and...what the hell? (Pun intended).

Oooo... an alternative poster for the re-release of "This Is Cinerama". The other version is better (the theater audience seemingly on a rollercoaster, looking at the tracks ahead---eek!), but this one was available at a good price.

I know you are waiting for an interesting poster or two to pop up. Ha! I told you I was in a buying frenzy---I bought anything and everything. This is yet another anything and everything poster---but it is a combo/double feature poster...and I do like those. I've not seen either of these but I dig the four tiny witches (?) doing whatever over the reclining man's startled face in "Night of the Witches" and can only imagine the cheap and cheesy horrors of "Dr. Frankenstein on Campus"--bound to be utter crap or you would have heard of it long before now. Ha!

Looking to expand my horizons with foreign posters, I picked up the not-too-interesting but whatever Spanish poster for "Nosferatu in Venice" (aka "Vampiros en Venice"). Anyone ever see this? Is it any good?

I got an advance holofoil "Matrix" sequel poster---although I didn't follow the films at all (I was bored in the first one, didn't bother with any of the others...). Is this a good find or not? Eh...

Awesomeness... I have long coveted the pre-release comic book-like "Creepshow" poster when it was going to be distributed by United Film Distribution, before Warner Bros. bought it. I have always thought this was the superior poster of the two (although I do like and have the Warner poster with the Creep guy in the ticket booth).

"King of the Coral Sea"---huh? A forgotten 50s melodrama starring a young Rod ("The Birds"/"The Time Machine") Taylor. Colorful poster though...

Here's another kiddie matinee (remember, I have a fondness for those---which, at 50, is kind of creepy to admit. Ha!). This one is a K. Gordon Murray Mexican import--"Puss N Boots". I am reasonably sure I already had this one, but... better to be sure and just buy it. Right?

Get out your big stomping shoes!  This post's finally poster is for one of the lamer movies in the "Godzilla" series, "Godzilla on Monster Island"--featuring Ghiddra and Gigan (and, if I'm not mistaken, this is the movie where --via the magic of subtitles--we actually see and hear Godzilla and Gigan have a conversation for the very first--and last--time! Ha!)

There is a lot more trash and treasures coming your way--more to post! Stay tuned!


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Offline Crazy Vick

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nice job MAGG. I dig the Wild Wheels and the Italian King Kong...

so you're officially no longer buying any new poster now, right?

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey Crazy Vick! Thanks for stopping by.  I may post another batch of acquisitions in a bit (I'm not home now). As for not buying new posters...the self-imposed provisions of my bucket list leave room for me to buy posters for any new James Bond films or certain horror series films or any movies that really grab me and I really love. But for the most part, no. I'm just going to focus on those on my extensive bucket list of posters. No more mystery posters like WILD WHEELS or SAVAGE SEASON. Just stuff I know and have been looking to buy for a long time. :-) I hope I can stick to it.  Cheers!
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Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Here's another 10 from my mad-middle aged (well, I can pretend it's only middle age. Right?) shopping spree. EEEK!

First, I'm reasonably sure I already have this...but why not another copy of the grindhouse-looking, faux stained (blood?) "CEMETERY MAN" one sheet?

I'm absolutely clueless as to why I felt the need to buy the poster for "Clueless"--a movie I never even bothered to see. WHAT-ever....

Knowing my penchant for kiddie matinee posters, you can guess that this was on the list. I got it cheap---but the masking tape in the upper corner ruined it. Waaaagh!  Still, it will due for now until another comes along...

No idea. Cheap. End of story.

Years ago I wrote some silly story for a fiction writing class in college. Someone said it reminded them of "The Egg and I"--which I had never heard of. It turned out to be an old movie and the original appearance of Ma and Pa Kettle, who would go on to make several movies. I have the movie collection on DVD but still have not seen it. BUT I have started collecting the posters that go with it. Here is one I just got, "The Kettles in the Ozarks".

Crappy movie, but cool poster---isn't that often the case? "The Amazing Transparent Man" is just such a flick---using well-worn stunts used in the "Invisible Man" series for a bargain basement horror thriller with zero shocks and nil entertainment value. Ha!  But the poster is fun and--gimmick alert--it warns that the Amazing Transparent Man will "appear" at every performance of the theater. Ha! Love those old gimmicks!

The Italian poster for "Eye In The Labyrinth" is cool-ish. This is not my poster---the image borrowed from another site just to show you what I got---so please excuse the watermark logo.

An X-rated "Alice In Wonderland"??  Gasp! Shield your eyes and no peeking! This 70s flick played endlessly in R and X versions---and makes a great companion piece for my "Erotic Adventures of Pinocchio" poster I got a while back. (If you haven't seen it, be aware it is VERY dated, low budget, and it's a musical with very bad songs...)

"Book of Life" style C. Never bothered to see it. I got the poster though. Whoopie...

Mario Bava's "Planet of the Vampires"...zowie! I've never seen the movie but have long wanted this poster ever since seeing it on the VHS box cover at a video store back in the 80s. So COOL!

EEEK!  It's an Argentinean poster for a Mexican (??) movie:

Wow! Another vintage poster... I've not seen this either but am guessing the poster is better than the movie? Great monster art!  Yikes! "Battle Beyond the Sun"!!! Ha!

Did I say I was only going to post 10 posters?  Yikes! It looks like you are getting an unlucky batch of 13.  This last one is a mammoth French poster for "Voodoo Black Exorcist". I got it from so forgive the watermark. I've seen this movie twice at least and remember very little about it, just something about voodoo dancing in an island village and a voodoo zombie on a cruise ship. HUH? Yep--it's a turd. But the poster is fun (in a freaky sort of way...). Get your mojo going...or the VOODOO BLACK EXORCIST zombie may get you!  EEEK!

Okay... That's enough for now. Have a cha-cha-cha groovy evening.

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That's a lot of surreal posters you have there MAGG. I've always wanted the Amazing Transparent Man poster. I like too Alice in Wonderland... wondering what Humpty is doing. And Rock Around The World  thumbup

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Now, I am officially jealous.
Great poster!

I'll trade you a Mark of the Devil barf bag or a Horror of Party Beach bikini for it.  imbecile.gif

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Steve! Thanks for visiting. It's always nice to see you here. Glad you liked some of the posters.

Brude---ha!  I have some "Mark of the Devil" barf bags (real ones and some of the fakes that have been made)...but "Horror of Party Beach" bikinis???  Huh??? Are you pulling my leg? Ha! I'd love to see a photo if they're real. I'm glad you like the "Cemetery Man" poster--but they're not that hard to find. (Are they?)

Here is the last ( ? ? ? ? ) batch of purchases from around the 50th birthday. Most are just "eh"...

First, I don't know what happen but I somehow lost the image for "The Reluctant Sadist"--something I posted earlier. Here it is again:

Here's a French re-release poster for Andy Warhol's "Trash". I got it from emovieposter, so I apologize for the watermark. This is actually a gift for a friend, but his birthday isn't until September. This isn't the ad art I'd prefer for the flick--but my friend is a big Dallesandro fan and probably doesn't have this poster so...

Then, it's the one sheet for the 8 Films To Die For After Dark Horrorfest 2007:

Another recent emovieposter win (and, again, forgive the watermark) was "The Godchildren"--a faux sequel and I LOVE faux sequels. I wonder if anyone really believed this was a sequel? Ha! It was super cheap---it is a crappy poster. Anyone ever see the film? I'm uber curious now.

I never bothered with "Jupiter Ascending"--heard it was crap---but the visuals looked interesting and the poster is nice looking...and inexpensive. SOLD!

The final poster in my "turning 50 frenzy" is the French poster for "Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me". Not the most exciting poster--but I love David Lynch and am a huge fan of "Twin Peaks". I am excited about the revival series that is supposed to come next year--but dismayed to hear that Lynch left the project before it got started. Hmm... We'll see what happens. Anyway, here's the poster:

That is all for now---unless the weekend brings me more goodies and/or I decide to share some more acquisitions from the last three or four years again. Hmm.

Have a groovy evening. Thanks for coming to visit.


« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 09:28:21 PM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Brude---ha!  I have some "Mark of the Devil" barf bags (real ones and some of the fakes that have been made)...but "Horror of Party Beach" bikinis???  Huh??? Are you pulling my leg? Ha! I'd love to see a photo if they're real.

It might be this one.  Straight from the set.  wynk

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Oh--like an actual costume from the movie. I thought it was some sort of premium given to theater goers---like the MARK OF THE DEVIL barf bags or the ZOTZ coins or fake beards for RASPUTIN THE MAD MONK, etc.  Zowie! How cool to have a movie-worn costume from that flick.
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Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Okay... So I'm B-A-C-K with more purchases. As you know, I have been saving myself for, uh, NO!!!  I mean I have been confining my purchases to the "bucket list" variety... But, man o' man, did I shoot the proverbial wad tonight (and I'm talking FINANCIAL wad, just in case someone out there had a dirty mind) and...eeek! I won't be buying anything else for a long while. OUCH!  What was I thinking? Ha! Guess it will take me even LONGER to get out of debt than I thought. Ha!

Anyway--here's a peek-a-rama at my recent posters-a-go-go!

Yes, even though this movie is not well known, I have been trying to get this poster for decades. I LOVED this movie as a kid. On Saturdays there used to be this horror double feature on one local channel. They didn't have a huge library and tended to show the same movies several times. I always made it a point to watch "Burn Witch Burn" when it was on. I don't even know what they appeal was today, having seen the film as a grown up. It's interesting but very subtle and slow. It's hard to imagine a 12 year old being glued to the TV set for it---but I was. Ha! 

"Phantom of the Paradise" is one of those movies that the poster makes you want to see soooooo badly....and yet, in all of these years, I have NEVER seen it. I'm almost afraid to now---as the movie must be ultra dated (?). The poster--which I find fantastic--has always been beyond my grasp though. Maybe now that I have the poster I can finally get around to seeing the movie? Hmm.

"Halloween 4"?? A "bucket list" title? I will buy all of the posters for all of the "Halloween" movies--past or future (even those Rob Zombie turd...of which the poster for the first one really was good). While I am reasonably sure I have to poster for "Part 4" already---there is a sliver of doubt in my head. So, since it wasn't that expensive, I just bought it.

When I bought "Halloween 4", the one sheet for "Halloween 5" came with it. So...

"The Creature From The Haunted Sea" is a crappy flick---with a cool poster. Need I say more?

"Man From Deep River" isn't really a cannibal flick per se, but it IS kind of the movie that launched the Italian cannibal genre. If it weren't for "Man From Deep River"s success, there may have been no "Cannibal Holocaust" or "Cannibal Ferox" etc. Whatever.

"The Murder Gang"???  Huh?  It came with "Man From Deep River"---REALLY!  Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. The artwork is nice, but it would have been nicer in color...and who ever heard of this flick?

"Ride The Wild Surf"---wow! One of the big kahuna of bucket list posters (well, maybe more of a lesser bucket list item...but "big kahuna" goes better with the surfing theme). i love all of those old Frankie & Annette beach party flicks. I've been trying to expand on other beach-y titles and this one was a natural. It's more serious in nature--not nearly as campy--but I wanted it anyway. Great graphics and stars people like Fabian, Tab Hunter, Barbara Eden,Shelly Fabares, and Susan Hart. Yet, it has always gone way, WAY high. I'm not sure why, but I have a copy now so I no longer need to worry about getting one.

"The Wild World of Bat Woman"---WOW! I love the cheap, cheesiness of this poster. The drawings of the people at the bottom look like they were done by a 6th grader...Ha! I've been trying to get this poster for years---the movie is just trash. I love it!  Sooooo excited to have this finally.

I have been waiting forever to get "Terror in a Haunted House" as well!  Love the screaming woman and the floating skulls graphics!  I still need to track down the half sheet, because the one sheet makes no mention of the gimmick used with this flick (Psycho-Rama!), which the half sheet does. Still---wow!  LOVE this!

And that's all for tonight, gang. I am tired and BEYOND BROKE!  Ha!  I let so many things get away--and fought to keep others...and my credit cards are not going to be happy campers! (But my future walls will be when I get these babies up! Yahoo!)

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Well done. I'll have to look up Burn Witch Burn movie. I especially like that poster and the last 3 posters  happy1

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Yes, the ones you like---"BURN WITCH BURN", "RIDE THE WILD SURF","WILD WORLD OF THE BAT WOMAN" and "TERROR IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE" are the picks of my current litter...I's also include "CREATURE FROM THE HAUNTED SEA" in that list. As for "BWB"--you probably wouldn't like it. As I said, I saw it recently as an adult. It's talky, slow and subtle. Kind of dull...but still kind of neat.

Thanks for the visit. CHEERS!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 08:40:45 AM by Monster_A_GoGo »
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Offline brude

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Another nice haul of trashy treasures.
Good on you!

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So nice of you to pop by. Thanks for noticing my new "trashy treasures"! I am ever so glad you approve.

Cha cha cha!

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Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Not much happening poster shopping-wise for me lately. I've picked up a FEW goodies, but I'll save those for when I have more to share. Instead, I thought I'd do another flashback to purchases from the last 2 years or so (since they are all in boxes or tubes until i move back into a house). In no particular order:

"Francis in the Haunted House"---I've never seen any of the Francis the Talking Mule movies (yet). This was the 8th (?) and last one in the series. I've always been curious about this series ("Francis" came before "Mr. Ed") and this swell poster is about him going to a haunted house!  Yowza! How fun! With Mickey Rooney too! 

Here's another of those kiddie matinee posters. This one is for a non-Disney "Pinocchio" (All new! All live! Never before shown anywhere! Presented in glorious glowing Storybook Color.)

Here's a late (and lesser known) entry in the cannibal genre, "White Slave"!

This movie is crappy---despite all of the stop motion animation, etc in it. But wow!  Such a fun and schlocky poster---"LASERBLAST".Don't bother with the movie--just hang the cheesy poster on your wall. Ha!

I know what you are thinking, that "Sharknado" is NOT a movie and played on TV. This can NOT be a "movie poster". WRONG! While it WAS a TV movie, it did play theaters mere days after it debuted--but there were NO posters for that showing. However, several months later, RiffTraxx (the former Mystery Science Theater 3000 guys) did a "live" show that was broadcast in theaters from coast to coast. This is the movie theater movie poster to advertise that event. (And yes--I DID go to see it! You gotta love the glorious stupidity of "Sharknado" movies! Hello!??!)

"The Strangler"--never seen it but a creepy cool old poster that makes it look disturbing and with Victor Buono (King Tut from "Batman" and also from "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane"), it's bound to be interesting.

"The Child"---simple black and white poster, but effectively creepy with the gnarled trees, long shadows, off hinge gate, hint of graves and, of course, the glowing-eyed girl.  Oooooooo

During the spy craze, everyone was getting into the act...including "The Flintstones" in the big screen movie "A Man Called Flintstone". If the poster looks familiar, it's because it's mimicking another popular spy movie poster, "Our Man Flint"! Zowie! 

Alas, it's the poster for an apparently LOST bigfoot movie (that looks like it might have been awesomely BAD), "REVENGE OF BIGFOOT" starring Rory Calhoun! Ha! 

And here's our 10th and final flashback poster for the evening, William Castle's gimmick-laden poster for "HOMICIDAL" (the film with the "Fright Break" and the "Coward's Corner"!!  Ha!).

Okay bed calls.

Good night!

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There's more schlock in this thread than even a schlockmeister like myself can stand.
Keep 'em coming!

Online Monster_A_GoGo

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Hey Brude,

Since I can't sleep...okay!  Here is more schlock from the last 1-3 years.

CHEERS---and thanks for visiting!

PS Just woke up and for some reason this is still in draft/preview mode. Ha! My bad... Let me correct that...

Okay, yes this first poster is for some adult movie from the 70s called "Heatwave". No, I've never seen it but I had to have it because... Well, back before email, I used to do this quirky thing. I used to write long letters to friends and then I would decorate the envelopes as if they were mini-movie posters for amazing epics that never existed. I'm no artists, so I made all of these xerox copies of of old movie ads from newspapers and would cut them up and create "new" ads with them. I came across an ad for "Heatwave" and used it (and other ads) in my envelope movie poster for a new sequel to "THE OMEN" called "THE OWOMEN". To make the title, I cut out the letters of "THE OMEN" and flipped an "M" upsides for the "W". I used the lady with the devil snake as the main art with the catch phrase "Wouldn't you know it would be a woman who brought about the end of the world". (Sorry ladies...). Blah!  Blah! Blah! Anyway, when I saw this poster for sale on, I HAD to buy it just in memory of my old faux poster art.

"The Mutilator" is a quasi-lost and mostly forgotten slasher flick from the 80s. It survives on video (vhs and bootleg DVD), but from what I read, the company trying to get it out on (legitimate) DVD was discovering that there were no film elements for the completed film any where---just bits and pieces. I actually saw this in the theater way back. It was a scary experience--not so much because of the movie, but because there was a clearly mentally disturbed person in the audience. He would get up, stand beneath the screen, look out at the audience and do this little bounce dance...then sit back down. He did that several times. This was years before that horrible shooting in Denver, of course...but he freaked me out--especially because I was there all alone and might have been (gasp!) under 17 in an R Rated movie. I was sure he was going to go psycho and "get me". Anyway, the poster is viciously  creepy and sleazy...very effective.

Mario Bava's "Blood and Black Lace"...blood and gore were never so stylized and pretty (in a morbid sort of way) together. An early classic Euro gore flick by one of the brilliant masters...and I am thrilled to have the poster for it.

I remember seeing the commercials and newspaper ads for "HORROR HOSPITAL" as a kid and wanting to see it desperately. During the VHS era i finally got my chance. SNORE! However the poster is still amazingly sleazy-awesome! Grindhouse patrons probably flocked to see this based on the poster alone. Had to have it...

"Tentacles" is another example of the poster being better than the movie. I already had a copy, but apparently sometime in the last few years I bought another simply because it was out there for sale--cheap--and I couldn't let it just go for as cheaply as it was listed. This isn't the best photo of it--but the artwork is fantastic. Too bad nothing as exciting or as interesting as the poster happened in the movie!

Jayne Mansfield and Phyllis Diller were the main attractions for me buying the one sheet for "The Fat Spy". Have you ever seen it? AWFUL! It is extremely low budget. Jayne plays a daddy's little rich girl-type (well beyond playing a daddy's little girl and quite chunky in this--possibly just after having one of her kids? And only 4th billed with a cartoon image of herself on the poster? Jayne was clearly at the end of her career with this trash...). Phyllis Diller looks like she's just starting hers. It's a mish-mash...part wanna be beach movie (complete with singing and dancing teens), part treasure hunt, complete mess! Still, it's Jayne Mansfield!

"The Pirates of Blood River" looks like a fun movie...but I'm guessing the poster is better than the flick? Who's ever heard of this any way? It does star Kerwin ("Seventh Voyage of Sinbad") Mathews, Glenn ("Homicidal") Corbett, and (3rd billed?) Christopher (Hammer "Dracula") Lee though. Fun poster!

I dig my old Hercules/peplum/sword & sandal flicks from the 50s and 60s...but I'm not sure if this early 70s flick would qualify. Ha! Back before he was "Conan" or "The Terminator", Arnold Schwarzenagger (as "Arnold Strong") was Hercules in "Hercules in New York". It says it was filmed entirely in New York. I actually think i saw this ages ago on VHS. If so, what I remember was very low budget and very bad. Still, I love the shot of Herc driving the chariot through Times Square in the poster. is that in the movie? Probably not. And it stars Arnold Stang? Oh my!  Ha!

Speaking of Hercules, I also picked up "The Three Stooges Meet Hercules"...

Last one for now..."WAR OF THE ZOMBIES"!  Zowie! This looks like it might be fun. Clearly something I should try to track down?  The "Zombies" in the title caught my attention--but these don't look much like the Romero-esque zombies of today. I wonder why this never played on Saturday afternoon TV back when I was a kid. It looks like it would have been fun.

Okay---there's 10 more. Nothing fancy (clearly).... But it is what it is.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

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I can't sleep (what else is new?) and I need to get up at 5 a.m. for work... BLAH!  So, I thought I'd post some more blasts from the recent past from the last 1-3 years (images I bothered to save to photobucket). Here are 10 more posters in my collection:

The Don Knotts movies of the 60s were silly, mindless fun. I was thrilled to finally track down a copy of "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" a short while ago. Before that though, I scored "The Reluctant Astronaut". I don't remember much about the flick, other than Knotts plays a guy who runs a space ride at a local amusement park...and somehow gets mistaken for a real astronaut and sent to NASA! Hilarity ensues---I guess. The rest of the movie memory is murky...  Hmm.

I think I need to see this movie, "MOONCHILD"---but I have a feeling it will suck. But, zowie! The ad copy is groovy.  "Racing to his final exorcism! Pursued by bizarre demons from his shrouded past. A reincarnate...trapped in a recurring nightmare of occult evil." It sounds there is a lot going on in this flick---but since no one has ever heard of this, it can't be that fantastic. But I'm a sucker for anything "exorcism", so...

"Apartment Zero"---Love this cool little art house gem of a movie. I also dig the quasi-mysterious poster art.

"Frozen Alive"---I've not seen this but it looks like an ultra low budget trash fest...but, cool-ish poster!

"Fright Night"--the original. I don't know why this poster is so expensive usually. (Truth be told, it's not great in my book...)

Okay--this has to be the lamest poster ever...and it tells you nothing about the plot. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the one sheet for "The Twonky".  If you've seen it, you know why I got this. Ha! How many movies about attacking TV sets have you seen? This is unintentionally (???) funny and has to be seen to be believed (the movie--not the poster).

"Alligator"--a giant monster on the loose flick that came out in the wake of "JAWS". Not the best poster in the world (the Euro version was way better), but I want to go ahead and post this so i remember (when I see it--Ha!) that I DO ALREADY have this. I'm always thinking I don't...

Anyone want some beefcake? "Latin Boys Go To Hell"... Is this even a movie poster? Apparently it is. I bought this as an investment, figuring the bear-chested guy will be appealing to down the way and the price (next to nothing) will go up the older and scarcer this gets. The thing I do like about it is the unconventional layout---the title is on the top and bottom, with the credits all on the side. Different. And--eek!  A hint of pubic hair. Ha! Whatever...

I like my combo posters. This one is kind of boring, but figure it's as close as I'll ever get to a "Mark of the Vampire", "Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde" and "Mask of Fu Manchu" as I'll ever it has Karloff, Lugosi and March on it. Nothing spectacular, but...

Last one for the night, "Passion Plantation"--sexploitation sleaze ripping off "Mandingo" and "Roots".  Why isn't trash like this out on DVD?  Waaagh!  This was probably hysterically funny without meaning to be.

Okay--there's 10 more. Off to bed now...hopefully I can sleep.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!