Author Topic: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?  (Read 29764 times)


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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #50 on: March 31, 2013, 09:43:40 PM »
The Frankie combo poster came in.  It's borderline but I'm going to shell out $300 to LB/restore it.  It's 65 years old (a senior citizen) and has faded/yellowed some.  The missing paper is moderately distracting.  Since I paid $600 for it, I think I could recover (and perhaps make money) if I needed to sell the restored poster:

For once, I'll stay out of the latest forum fracas.

The good news is that the repaired Frankie is down in my apartment's mail facility, closed today.

Hopefully can post pics tomorrow.

P.S. I sent it to Jamie Mendez.  Seems like a decent guy over the phone and cheaper than Poster Mountain.  I'm not 100% sure what happened with the Haggard deal but my thinking is that if he wasn't charged with anything, I should give him a chance.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 09:50:56 PM by Dread_Pirate_Mel »

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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #51 on: March 31, 2013, 10:13:19 PM »
Looking forward to seeing pics of the Frankie and Mr. Mendez's work.  Looks like he does some good work, but I'm probably in the same boat with many others to wonder about the Haggard dealio.  It seems like if he didn't play a large role in it, then it would be best if he explained on his website what happened so people would feel confident entrusting their stuff with him.  Maybe one of the online experts here can find out what his role was in the whole thing and report back.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 10:18:27 PM by NeoLoco »

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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #52 on: March 31, 2013, 10:22:18 PM »
Wait until you see his work Mel, I bet you will be amazed.
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Offline Harry Caul

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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #53 on: March 31, 2013, 10:25:47 PM »
From MOPO when Mendez was mentioned recently...

James Gresham Thu, 14 Mar 2013 17:50:22 -0700

Why would anyone send posters to a dishonest repairer?  He single handedly
made every fake Horror poster, which means hundreds, that hit the market.
 Stay away from this dishonest man.  Does the fact that he didnt personally
cheat you, make him worthy of doing business with?  He made literally
almost $2,000,000 in fake posters.

He is a hotly debated topic over there.  Some stand by him saying, "do you blame a gun salesman if a customer wrote 'hunter' on the license and then killed 30 people?".  Many are very, very anti-Mendez... first and foremost of which is Gresham who had a lawsuit (for aiding Haggard) against Mendez dismissed.

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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #54 on: March 31, 2013, 10:28:36 PM »
Looking forward to seeing pics of the Frankie and Mr. Mendez's work.  Looks like he does some good work, but I'm probably in the same boat with many others to wonder about the Haggard dealio.  It seems like if he didn't play a large role in it, then it would be best if he explained on his website what happened so people would feel confident entrusting their stuff with him.  Maybe one of the online experts here can find out what his role was in the whole thing and report back.

Mendez created and made most (if not all) of the Universal horror fakes that Haggard sold and traded. Without Mendez's artistry and expertise, Haggard would have had nothing to offer (unless he had been able to find some other restorer who would have also been willing to make so many fake/repro/fraudulent items with the attention to detail that Jaime put into each piece).


Offline Harry Caul

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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #55 on: March 31, 2013, 10:32:06 PM »

Mendez created and made most (if not all) of the Universal horror fakes that Haggard sold and traded. Without Mendez's artistry and expertise, Haggard would have had nothing to offer (unless he had been able to find some other restorer who would have also been willing to make so many fake/repro/fraudulent items with the attention to detail that Jaime put into each piece).

And then apparently turned states and rolled over on Haggard.  That is probably also partly why Gresham's lawsuit was dismissed.  Helluva guy.,706.msg8487.html#msg8487
I believe Jamie Mendez turned state's evidence and is working with the prosecution in at least one of the lawsuits, according to the Banner-Herald article: "Since the filing of the first suit, Mendez has testified in a Michigan courtroom that he had helped the Haggards create the counterfeit posters."
Angelo is correct. He also identified in court posters that he forged at Kerry's request. meaning they held up a poster & the lawyer asked "can you identify this poster" and jaime answered "yes I made that poster blah blah blah"


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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2013, 10:33:28 PM »
Looking forward to seeing pics of the Frankie and Mr. Mendez's work.  Looks like he does some good work, but I'm probably in the same boat with many others to wonder about the Haggard dealio.  It seems like if he didn't play a large role in it, then it would be best if he explained on his website what happened so people would feel confident entrusting their stuff with him.  Maybe one of the online experts here can find out what his role was in the whole thing and report back.

I did check the civil (not criminal) legal pleadings against Mendez.  Initially James Gresham sued both Mendez and Haggard.  The allegations in the complaint are very vague, i.e. Mendez "conspired" with Haggard.   Mendez filed an affidavit but it is very vague, just says he did normal restoration work.  

In any event Gresham dropped Mendez from the second (amended) complaint in December 2009 and only went against Gresham.  Gresham obtained a $2.6 million judgment against Haggard last year.

Here's the list of alleged fakes,  unclear how many Mendez worked on (if any):

I would like to see the fake one sheets. Still can't believe a fake one sheet - other than an S2 - could pass as an original.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 10:37:14 PM by Dread_Pirate_Mel »


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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #57 on: March 31, 2013, 10:35:20 PM »
Wait until you see his work Mel, I bet you will be amazed.

I was going to say, he's got the Vesna stamp of approval. That's good enough for me, but I'm shacked up with a Canuck restorer.


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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2013, 10:36:01 PM »

As expected, your response lacks any intellectual gravitas. If that is the best you can come up with, then good luck.

Me and "my 7 posters" are very happy.

Grow up, grow a pair and act like an adult.


What to do, what to do...  

It always amazes me that when someone has no response, their response is always - "you're stupid", then "that is all you've got", then "I am ok with myself", and lastly "grow up".... Someone should write a book of the art of responding without response...

Well, first there wasn't anything adult about calling you out as a troll.  I mean name calling is not adult in nature, so I agree with you there.  But I simply don't give a shit about that argument.  It is also interesting that you too agree that one does not need a 'Pair' to call out a troll.  Having a huge 'Pair' like mine made it so much easier - I even planned a bit with specific target time on when you would pull this Poster Mountain BS again.

So here is some 'Intellectual Seriousness' for you:


1c. Noun
A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned.

-In a e-mail message to an APF member three or four days ago, I predicted the same lame Poster Mountain 'professional' line response for my post on linenbacking.  This is not the first time it has happened.  So inhernetly I feel harassed or harangued.

-Despite the possibility of voraciously collection activity by said Troll, there is no evidence to suggest he is a voracious collector.  I've called him out to no response.  And yes David there is no rule than one has to post pictures of their posters.  But it is clear to me that said Troll knows how to post pictures very well, probably leading all posts in the Fantastic, Show Me what You Don't Own thread.  So if the Troll knows how to posts pictures and seems to be rather talented at doing so, the only logical conclusion one can come to is that he doesn't have any of his own pictures to post.  So now said Troll has nothing worthwhile to add to the conversation of (Drum roll) Poster Collecting..  

-In said e-mail I also discovered that the Troll in question has in fact multiple IDs and may have even been banned from other sites...  :o

So in all seriousness he is non-the-less by definition and intellectual gravitas (since you can actually find the definition) a Troll...  To me anyways.  I had never suspected him to be a Troll before; I was sucked into his pleasant ways. He started as an inch which has turned into a rash. So you guys just open your eyes a bit maybe you can catch it before it starts...  


Now I specifically called him a Douche for a certain reason - he knows...

Else, I've said my peace and will let it lie as stated.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 10:36:25 PM by Charlie »

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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #59 on: March 31, 2013, 10:36:43 PM »
We don't know what happened, I don't think it's fair to convict Jaime in our minds from conjecture (right word Mel?)
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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #60 on: March 31, 2013, 11:39:30 PM »
Wow.  Sounds like y'all have it almost all figured out with Mr. Mendez's role in Haggard's case.  I guess some people say that stuff like that defines a person, forever, whereas others say that if he made a mistake, learned from it, and changed for the better afterward, then he should be given another chance.  I can see how it's a hot topic, as many have strong opinions about stuff like that.


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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #61 on: April 01, 2013, 12:29:32 AM »
I have a question and i might aswell ask it here..

if there was two identical rare-ish posters and one was linen backed and the other not.
Which would you buy and which would cost more to buy?

if you like at my collection thread, you will see that I have been replacing my linenbacked posters when possible with raw posters - even if condition is an issue with the replacement. I have very few linenbacked posters to begin with. I'll take raw anyday is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #62 on: April 01, 2013, 12:40:20 AM »
Jaime's role in this fraud is well known. He created 100% of the fakes that Haggard sold or traded. Sometimes up to 10 copies of a lobby card. He may have started out innocently, but by his own admission in court documents, he states that he knew for many months that Haggard was selling fraudulent paper that Jaime was creating and thatafter he understood what was happeneing, he continued to participate. At one point Jaime was sent a lobby card to restore by someone and it was one of the lobby cards that Jaime had created. This was fairly early in the fraud - during the first year I believe of the three-year fraud. Very simply said, Jaime was a willing participant in the fraud, by his own admission.. End of story is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #63 on: April 01, 2013, 01:03:36 AM »
if you like at my collection thread, you will see that I have been replacing my linenbacked posters when possible with raw posters

Rich, did you buy them linen-backed originally or have them done or a mix of both?


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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #64 on: April 01, 2013, 01:05:57 AM »
Jaime's role in this fraud is well known. He created 100% of the fakes that Haggard sold or traded. Sometimes up to 10 copies of a lobby card.

Was he paid the regular rates for his work, or extra?

Offline Ari

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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #65 on: April 01, 2013, 01:14:13 AM »
Was he paid the regular rates for his work, or extra?

That's a good question actually.
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Offline erik1925

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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #66 on: April 01, 2013, 01:15:55 AM »
Was he paid the regular rates for his work, or extra?

Maybe he gave a volume discount.     :-\

« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 01:18:20 AM by erik1925 »



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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #67 on: April 01, 2013, 01:41:49 AM »
Rich, did you buy them linen-backed originally or have them done or a mix of both?

I've only had less than a handful backed myself.
I spent many years as an art dealer selling comic art & illustration. A piece of art that was structurally sound with no defects I would never have dreamed of anything more than a cleaning for a painting. I 100% disagree with people who get a poster in similar condition backed and I do not consider factory folds a defect of any kind, nor do folds bother me. I even prefer gals with small boobs rather than big industrially installed silicone.

Mr Oz... I believe Jaime ener got more than his normal rates, though I'm sure he padded his bill as I think he got more expensive later on. Some other people would have greater detail on that issue. But it doesn't matter. If you're driving the car when your pal unknown to you robs a bank, you may be in the clear. If you find out he robbed the bank and you don't report it immediately, your fate is no less than your friend.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 01:54:21 AM by » is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #68 on: April 01, 2013, 01:43:10 AM »
David.. I have a question that will seem unrelated, but is pertinent at the moment.

as someone involved in internet business, what do you think about "bandwidth theft"? is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #69 on: April 01, 2013, 01:53:15 AM »
Someone called me Ari before, now I've morphed into David!
Crikey, I'll have to get a more individualistic avatar!!


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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #70 on: April 01, 2013, 01:59:11 AM »
I have renamed you to Mr Oz
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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #71 on: April 01, 2013, 01:59:24 AM »
Mr Oz...

That's better. I like the Mr bit!  :)

What he was paid makes no difference, as you point out. I was just curious if he shared in the profits of crime directly. Could be a criminal charge attached.

Oh, and btw. You need more daybills on MPB. Best art!  ;)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 02:05:07 AM by ozcinemagic »

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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #72 on: April 01, 2013, 03:01:40 AM »
David.. I have a question that will seem unrelated, but is pertinent at the moment.

as someone involved in internet business, what do you think about "bandwidth theft"?

As in your neighbour hacking your internet account (usually your wi-fi) to use your internet connection? As you used the word 'theft' then I think it answers your question - if it belongs to someone else and you take it without permission then I can say I am a fan. Problem is people probably rate it alongside stealing cable TV (in an apartment block) in which case they think it is fair game.


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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #73 on: April 01, 2013, 03:15:58 AM »
I've only had less than a handful backed myself.
I spent many years as an art dealer selling comic art & illustration. A piece of art that was structurally sound with no defects I would never have dreamed of anything more than a cleaning for a painting. I 100% disagree with people who get a poster in similar condition backed and I do not consider factory folds a defect of any kind, nor do folds bother me.

OK, I assume those you had backed had some defect issue, I'm not talking about fold lines, I obviously like linen backed posters but I prefer to still see them after backing. I want to see the whole history of the poster up close even after restoration. The best restorers will still give us that.

Sooo, my real question is, why are you ditching those posters? (By know what I mean) ;)....for raw ones.

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Re: To Linen Back or not To Linen Back?
« Reply #74 on: April 01, 2013, 03:39:46 AM »
That's better. I like the Mr bit!  :)

What he was paid makes no difference, as you point out. I was just curious if he shared in the profits of crime directly. Could be a criminal charge attached.

Oh, and btw. You need more daybills on MPB. Best art!  ;)

Actually the difference for me isnt legal, honestly I couldn't give a shit about the law, the only reason I rarely break the law is there's not many laws that deny anything I want to do.

I think it's a moral question. my morals are my laws, and for me the question was about that, even if unintentional.

As for mistaken identity, I can only hope one day I won't be mistaken for Armin, that would just be the worst.

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