Author Topic: Favorite Purchases of 2022  (Read 1728 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Favorite Purchases of 2022
« on: December 16, 2022, 03:49:32 AM »

Another year down, another year of posters passes. Every year a Best Purchases thread starts...and with only 2 weeks left in the year, i thought I'd jump in and give it a start. Although my personal poster purchasing took a huge nosedive this year, the poster gods still smiled on me. I actually managed to eke out some decent paper this year--not spectacular, but decent. In ascending order, here are my top 10 scores for the year:

Here's a prime example of the phrase 'One man's trash is another man's treasure.' Although this is in rough-ish shape ("Good to Very Good"), I love my JAWS ripoffs. CRUEL JAWS is one of the worst (cobbled together using footage from other JAWS ripoffs, including the the one Universal sued for copyright infringement and won, GREAT WHITE aka THE LAST SHARK). I had NEVER seen a poster for it before--or since. A search on eMovie's archives shows that this poster is the only copy they've ever sold. I am so glad I got it. Most wouldn't bother with this crap--but I love it. Thank you, eMovie!

Although I'd never seen the film (It's rather obscure apparently. I'd never heard of it until seeing the poster and I'm guessing it is crap or it would be available somewhere on video.), I had been after this poster (riffing on--or downright stealing from-- Charles Allan Gilbert's 1892 painting, ALL IS VANITY) for YEARS. It's not the best poster ever--but when you are tracking something down and you finally get it, there is reason to celebrate it. Crap movie or not (Who knows?), I might actually frame/hang this. Despite being a ripoff of a better-known painting, it is still a cool image.

8) THE INVISIBLE MAN (French re-release):
I have the large French posters for the re-releases of FRANKENSTEIN and BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, but only had the small-sized one for INVISIBLE MAN. I am happy to finally have a large one to go with it. This is only 20 (?) years old, but crazily I've seen it listed on eBay for something like $1,000!?! Whatever--I'm just happy to have the larger format of all three finally.

7) THE FUNHOUSE (Clown style):
Like DELUSION above, I have been after one of these for a very long time. I don't know why it has been so had to track down. (I do have the more common version with the close-up of the freaky mouth.) Although the film isn't that great, I like this poster. It's ellusiveness made it all the more appealing, I suppose.

Another poster for a B-movie drive-in classic. It's not the best poster ever, but... Hot diggity!

Like DELUSION and the clown version of THE FUNHOUSE poster, KINGDOM OF SPIDERS has somehow always been on my watch list. Why did it take so long to finally snag one? Jiinkies! It surely isn't that rare. I remember when this came out. Although it is a little rough (giving it more of the grindhouse feel it deserves), I have this in a frame already, actually. Poor William Shatner, before STAR TREK was resurrected, got stuck doing a lot of cheese like this. (DEVIL'S RAIN, anyone?) Ha!

WOW! I NEVER thought I'd end up with one of these ellusive day-glo groovy babies! Unlike the other three on the list that have been on my list forever, this one truly is a rarity. Believe it or not, there was actually a novelization of this Argentinian flick at the time. Ha! It was also released as FEAST OF FLESH on a double bill with NIGHT OF THE BLOODY APES--but this is the poster to have. Yowza!

Lex Barker was the second "talking' Tarzan, taking over for Johnny Weissmuller when he was "retired" from the role. Barker is kind of the forgotten Tarzan, as most people think of Weissmuller and then jump to Gordon Scott, the first Tarzan in color. Whatever, I dig Tarz flicks and am always thrilled to score one I don't have---and the older the better. Great color and graphics on this gem.

Wow! It's vintage B-movie poster nirvana! Wow doesn't love CAT-WOMEN OF THE MOON?  Uh...most people. It's pretty B-A-D! Ha! But the poster...Meee-OWWW! What a HOOT! LOVE it!

1)  HOMICIDAL (partial COWARD'S CORNER gimmick):
I am still beside myself that I "won" this piece of movie gimmick history. Zowie! Yes, it is only a partial piece (the back and biggest section of the three-walled "Coward's Corner"), but come on!?! I NEVER EVER expected to see something like this come my way. WOWZER! And it comes with direction cards to guide the cowards, too! Ha! Incomplete or not, this amazing find is hands down my favorite purchase of the year.

And that's it for me. Did YOU score any goodies? What were YOUR favorite purchases of the year?

Here's to great poster scores in 2023!


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Offline Antoine1973

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Re: Favorite Purchases of 2022
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2022, 12:59:04 PM »
Great pick-ups with Cat-Women and the Coward's Corner gimmick for Homicidal (I love that insane movie!). 

Here are my top ten for 2022:

#10, this massive Italian 4 panel for Mario Bava's great sword-and-sandal epic "Hercules in the Haunted World":

#9, a US one-sheet for "Extortion", a 1938 thriller with great graphics:

#8, a US half-sheet for Kubrick's wonderful film noir, The Killing:

#7, another half-sheet, this one for Tarantula (style B, the rarer of the 2):

#6, a first-release Frankenstein herald:

#5, first-release pressbook for Dracula's Daughter:

#4, an Italian 2F for Bava's sci-fi  classic, "Planet of the Vampires":

#3, an Italian 4F for the same movie:

#2: a 6-sheet for The Creature Walks Among Us:

#1: and finally, a US one-sheet for This Gun for Hire, arguably the most famous film noir movie poster:

Offline Starling

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Re: Favorite Purchases of 2022
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2022, 02:32:14 PM »
Excellent pickups everyone! Have always loved This Gun for Hire, and that copy looks immaculate.

I have been lucky to build up my Davis/Crawford collection this year...

This popped up on ebay at the beginning of the year. Upper corner is missing, but I still was enamored with the stone-litho beauty of it:

Two rare lobbies:

And ending the year, more Davis and Crawford. I have been obsessing over this Dangerous one-sheet for years! Only 2 known in existence, I remember looking at this EXACT copy in a Christies auction catalog from 20 years ago, and looking at the estimate, and thinking, DAMN I would love to own that one day. And then, she popped up again at Poster Mountain to be linen-backed like a decade ago, and I just happened to be dropping some things off, and thought, WOW, there she is again, someday.... And now she's mine. The fun of being able to track super rare paper! It has been a great year :)

Offline riley540

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Re: Favorite Purchases of 2022
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2022, 03:52:00 PM »
Wow! You all got some incredible stuff this year!

I don’t buy a ton, but will buy stuff that I really feel a connection to. For a while I have wanted something from The Philadelphia Story, and have always liked the title lobby card the most. I’m happy to have been able to snag one this year!

Offline Starling

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Re: Favorite Purchases of 2022
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2022, 04:38:21 PM »
Wow! You all got some incredible stuff this year!

I don’t buy a ton, but will buy stuff that I really feel a connection to. For a while I have wanted something from The Philadelphia Story, and have always liked the title lobby card the most. I’m happy to have been able to snag one this year!

I've always loved that title card, congrats!  Nice frame-up as well!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Favorite Purchases of 2022
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2022, 04:48:46 PM »
Wow! Wow! Wow! So much incredible paper!
Riley--THUMBS way up on scoring that PHILADELPHIA STORY title card.
Antoine1973--OMG! The original release FRANKENSTEIN hearld? YOWZA! And so many other lovelies (TARANTULA and the Italian PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES really caught my eye)!  Bravo!
Starling--although our tastes are apples and oranges, I totally appreciate your Davis/Crawford selections. And--WOW! Such beauties! And your story about DANGEROUS---i LOVE it and am so very happy for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
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Offline Starling

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Re: Favorite Purchases of 2022
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2022, 04:17:18 PM »
Thanks for the kind words, Monster :)

No one else has a favorites of 2022 they want to share?????

Offline Heather_Mason_SH3

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Re: Favorite Purchases of 2022
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2022, 07:43:08 PM »
Thanks for the kind words, Monster :)

No one else has a favorites of 2022 they want to share?????
I've been lagging behind in my posting (and my own purchase logs) due to life stress but hopefully I can put some stuff up later today or tomorrow! :)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Favorite Purchases of 2022
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2023, 12:40:38 PM »
I've been lagging behind in my posting (and my own purchase logs) due to life stress but hopefully I can put some stuff up later today or tomorrow! :)

We're looking forward to it, whenever you get the time.
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Offline Heather_Mason_SH3

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Re: Favorite Purchases of 2022
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2023, 08:47:16 PM »
Finally finding the time to getting around to sharing these! This is essentially all I've collected since my last post but they would all easily fall under "favorite" due to my love for the films!

Here's the one sheet for the 1981 slasher film "Graduation Day". It took some time but the design grew on me over the years. I remember passing on these when they were more easy to find and much cheaper. Finally decided to get it when I got a good deal on it as it came as a set of two. Keeping one and selling the other. Both definitely have seen some love over the years but as I've said before this adds to the charm of it for me knowing it was used and loved. Early 80s slasher films are fun for how different they are from those that came in the mid to late 80s and I LOVE this film's disco theme amd performance by the band "Felony" that also had songs in "Valley Girl" and "Friday The 13th Part 6". Bonus points for also starring Linnea Quigley.

An Australian video(?) poster for the 1986 film "Body Slam". I love this one because it is different from the US video release poster and I think I prefer this version. Although I am not a fan of wrestling myself I enjoyed the film as well as the actors involved and the amazing soundtrack it had!

An Australian video poster for the 1989 film "Dream A Little Dream" starring Corey Haim and Corey Feldman. I admit I have never seen this one before but I love these two actors and have the blu-ray on the way! I like that this one offers an alternative design to the US one sheet so I knew I had to grab it while I had the chance.

1989's "Homer And Eddie" starring Whoopi Goldberg. It's another Australian poster and I just knew I had to get it when it popped up since it's my favorite Whoopi Goldberg film. Again I love that it offers an alternative design to the US and other foreign posters of the same film.

An original rolled one sheet for the 1985 classic "Better Off Dead". I already owned the video poster but I had to own this one as well due to the different taglines. Although the poster is rolled it did suffer minor damage over the years due to how it was stored but it looks beautiful framed! These are surprisingly uncommon and I was able to get an amazing deal on this one so I immediately grabbed it when the opportunity came up!

The video release poster for 1983's "Suburbia". I have been hunting this one for a long while now and wasn't sure I'd ever find one! It's definitely seen some love over the years but again it only adds to the charm of it for me! I was so happy to finally get my hands on this one just because of how much I love the film. The design is strange and doesn't really say much about the film but it really stands out against the others used for the film!

An alternative poster for the 1985 film "Prime Risk", I believe possibly to distribute it in foreign markets. I like this design so much more than the other US one sheet! The video release poster for the film is essentially the same artwork but much less detailed. In this one they actually do look like the actors! This film is definitely underrated and has seemingly been forgotten to time but I'd highly recommend it for fans of "WarGames" - which it mentions in its taglines!

An alternative international one sheet Julie Brown's 1989 film "Earth Girls Are Easy". Again this is a film that I deeply adore and I am happy to add another to my collection! It's very different from the US one sheet which is always a nice bonus!

Poster for the 1982 film "Class Of 1984". This is one of I believe two posters used for this film and I prefer this one as the artwork represents the film better. Yet another film I immediately fell in love with and very much relatable to my future profession - happy to add this one to the collection and hopefully will get all the alternative and foreign versions at some point! I also got the Shout Factory poster but forgot to get a picture of it. This one is also originally rolled but also has seen some love over the years - still displays beautifully!

The German video poster for the 1985 film "Tomboy". This is one of my all-time favorite films and I am so happy to own this one. I wasn't sure I'd ever find it because of it's rarity so I immediately bought it when it popped up! I love that it is unique artwork because every other poster for this film uses the same photo of Betsy Russell.

My final purchase of 2022 - the classic 1960 film "Where The Boys Are". This is a half sheet for the film that has been slightly trimmed (unfortunately). Still it was such an amazing deal for something that normally goes for much more. I love the artwork here! For it's age the poster still looks great and is now the oldest in my collection! I personally prefer the 1984 remake of the film but the original is just as good and a classic for a reason! Hopefully I can expand my collection for this one someday but they have gotten pricey recently. I regret not getting the posters for this sooner as they used to be well under $100. Always keeping an eye out but really happy to display this one for now!

I always tell myself I'm going to slow down on my collecting but I feel l ended up spending a lot on some rare gems this year! Definitely put out more money that I should have collecting this year but no regrets! I love them all! We'll see how 2023 goes and if I will slow down this time or if more irresistible deals will pop up!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Favorite Purchases of 2022
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2023, 01:42:16 AM »
Heather: Nice stuff there. I have a couple in your collection (GRADUATION DAY, BETTER OFF DEAD and CLASS OF 1984) as well---and fully understand why you dig them. The "love" you say they feature I sometimes embrace as well as i feel it adds a sort of "grindhouse" aspect to them. SUBURBIA --jealous of that one. The alternate EARTH GIRLS ARE EASY---great find!  And the orginal WHERE THE BOYS inspired me to start looking for a one sheet. Great cast and decent (and kind of shocking for its time) --if dated--film. The WHERE THE BOYS ARE '84 posters shouldn't be hard to find ....and should be MUCH cheaper.
Nice stuff. THANKS for sharing!
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