Author Topic: EBay saved searches - if you use the Exclude Seller function  (Read 1902 times)

Offline Simes

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EBay saved searches - if you use the Exclude Seller function
« on: January 12, 2018, 06:26:18 AM »
A bit of good will to the community, if indeed it is relevant to anyone here.

I have a few saved searches as links on both and  They have been used for many years.  A day or so ago, no matter the machine or browser, a search under Bond with a variety of excluded words and sellers derived zero results.

EBay weren't able to help and neither were any of the many other forum related requests for help over the past years.

So I decided to rebuild the searches from scratch.  Bond in All Departments, then into Entertainment, exclude some words, and then exclude some sellers (Bradburied, anyone...)

I noted the Excluded Sellers had become separated by two commas.  Separating by just the one comma let the results flood back in.

So there we go.

Offline erik1925

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Re: EBay saved searches - if you use the Exclude Seller function
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2018, 10:48:01 PM »
Sounds like your method of categorizing searches on the bay is the way to go.

I do the same thing, depending on what Im searching for, too, Simon.  thumbsup.gif
