Author Topic: Game of Thrones  (Read 12349 times)

Offline Zorba

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Game of Thrones
« on: April 21, 2019, 08:56:18 PM »
Not watched yet but Im so fucking psyched for episode 2 of season 8.

4 minutes to lift off and counting....

Best show ever aside from South Park and maybe the office.  ;D 8)

Offline Zorba

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2019, 11:50:57 PM »
Fastest 60 minutes in television for sure.


Online eatbrie

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2019, 12:11:16 PM »
Fantastic and I agree... the best TV has to offer.

And I still watch The Office.  Such a great, great show.  Always had a crush on Pam :)

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2019, 08:49:01 PM »
Let me rethink that.

Can someone explain to me what happened to Dany?  How can she go from wanting to be the most righteous queen to a stone cold killer?  No reason I can see, no previous explanation, just a mental breakdown.  Or just bad writing?

And Jaime?  He abandons Brienne and that's it.  He forgot all about her?  Nothing else matters?

And Varys?  The plan that never was?

I'm a little disappointed, to say the least.

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2019, 05:51:48 AM »
Agree with you, T.

I am still enjoying it, but they do appear to have sacrificed depth (that I think made it great), for spectacle.

Offline Antoine1973

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2019, 08:12:40 AM »
I think that the writing for the last 2 seasons of GoT has been problematic and definitely not as good as it used to be.  Part of the problem is that the show is now well ahead of George R. R. Martin's books, so the writers have to come up with their own material (based on Martin's notes, but it still leaves a lot of room for them to fill in).  At this point, too many characters seem to be acting "out of character" so to speak, and their sudden motivational changes are really jarring. 

As this penultimate episode proved, a lot of things don't make much sense these days in GoT (why waste so much time and energy getting support from the Northmen, the Dothraki horde, etc... if all that Daenerys needed to destroy King's Landing and Cersei's army was Drogon, her last remaining dragon?).  Speaking of Cersei, a great villain like her deserved a more satisfying end than being stuck in the crumbling underground tunnels of the Red Keep.  Same with Varys, his fate was rather underwhelming.  And I'm still waiting to see Bran do ANYTHING with his great powers as the 3-Eyed Raven!     

Don't get me wrong, it's still a very enjoyable series, but compared to previous seasons, this one is very hit-or-miss and the writing is quite lazy at times. 

Offline Harry Caul

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2019, 09:59:25 AM »
Let me rethink that.

Can someone explain to me what happened to Dany?  How can she go from wanting to be the most righteous queen to a stone cold killer?  No reason I can see, no previous explanation, just a mental breakdown.  Or just bad writing?

And Jaime?  He abandons Brienne and that's it.  He forgot all about her?  Nothing else matters?

And Varys?  The plan that never was?

I'm a little disappointed, to say the least.


I won't re-hash all the lazy/rushed writing problems with season 7 and 8.  Nearly every article I read on the show lately goes into it in far better depth than I can.  And I agree with it all.  It definitely (and sadly after all these hours of watching) feels like the show is sputtering to an end instead of building to a satisfying, climatic finish. 

I do want to comment quick on the biggest criticism from the last episode -- Dany's too-sudden of a turn towards just straight up slaughtering innocents.  I was pretty pissed after watching the episode.  Sure it was satisfying finally seeing Drogon light some shit up.  But there were just too many WTF moments.  However, I'm glad I happened to read these two things.  It doesn't explain the lazy/rushed writing, but it did help to put Dany's transformation into better context.  Seriously, before reading these I was pretty pissed.  Now I'm at least still excited to watch the finale. 

1. I totally did not catch the exchange between Vary's and the girl at the beginning of the episode. In fact my wife and I were like WTF are they saying and we even skipped back to try to catch the dialog again.  My wife's like huh?  I'm like I don't know something about Dany not eating -- assuming she's upset about Missandei and Jon spilling the beans.  Then Varys gets roasted for simply telling the truth about Jon's parentage.  I didn't find out until yesterday what they actually said:

The beginning of Episode Five found Varys at Dragonstone writing a letter naming Jon as the true heir to the Iron Throne and consulting with one of his "little birds," an adorable kitchen girl named Martha.

“She won’t eat,” Martha told Varys.

"We’ll try again at supper,” he replied.

Martha let Varys know that she thought soldiers were watching her. “Of course they are,” he responded. "That's their job. What have I told you, Martha?”

"The bigger the risk, the bigger reward,” the girl replied.

Holy shit. Varys was trying to poison Dany.  :o :o :o

And it was a straight up call back to season 1: Did You Catch Varys Totally Trying To Poison Dany On GOT?

Maybe you all are smarter than me and you caught it.  But after talking to all my close friends and family who watch the show -- none of them did.  Seems pretty damn important to get right if you are going to justify Dany's sudden turn to the dark side!!!  Or at least comment on it in the after-the-show segment so people understand the importance of Vary's actions. 

2. I'm glad I read the third part of this Atlantic article, the part by Spencer Kornhaber: Game of Thrones Delivers Its Most Cataclysmic Episode

His reviews are always awesome as he spends lots of time digging through history to help understand parallel events on the show -- much like GRRM claims actual human history is far more gruesome and tragic than anything he could write (red wedding, trail by combat, etc...).  Anyway, to paraphrase Kornhaber, if Jon's true parentage secret is out it will always be a threat to her rule.  Unless she does something so powerful and terrible that no one would ever question her again.  She doesn't WANT to destroy King's Landing, she's NOT simply a "crazy mad queen", she HAS to do it to put all future challenges to her throne to rest. 

And the fact that Kornhaber doesn't mention Varys trying to poison Dany makes me think he didn't catch it either as it further supports her NEED to go big or go home.  Sadly, we as viewers are left to try to piece all this together ourselves.  Had they taken a few more episodes to show this build up and turn a bit more fully it would be vastly more satisfying. 

Offline Dr Bill

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2019, 12:34:18 PM »
It's very likely that show runners Beniof and Weiss are in a rush to abandon GOT to get their new job writing and producing Disney's new Star Wars flick The Rise of Skywalker. My impression is they're tired of eight seasons of GOT and eager to wrap it up and move on to SW. They were offered more time and episodes to finish GOT, but decided to bail with fewer rushed episodes. GOT fans are not happy.

Offline Antoine1973

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2019, 06:24:29 PM »
Very interesting tidbit about Varys, Harry.  I certainly didn't catch that the first scene of Sunday's episode implied that he was trying to poison Daenerys.  If that's truly the case, it's a shame this subplot wasn't spelled out a bit more explicitly, as I'm sure most people didn't pick on it either and it's a pretty important piece of info that does help understand Daenerys' growing paranoia about the people around her.

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2019, 07:12:27 PM »
From today's LA Times. 

Not quite sure I agree with everything, it still feels like a character switch I am not ready to endorse, but I get where the writer is coming from.

Daenerys has been very clear about her goals throughout the show. She came to Westeros to attack King’s Landing and take the Iron Throne; she has repeatedly said she will burn cities to the ground to do this.

Jon convinced her to put a pin in that and go north to fight the White Walkers. Which, unlike Cersei, she did, at great personal and political cost. And she hung in there even after Jon told her, with the worst possible timing ever, that he had a better claim to the throne than she, and also they are related.

Daenerys lost one dragon saving Jon and then half her armies saving Winterfell. She knows that without her dragons there is no way Arya would have survived to kill the Night King.

And what does she get? No celebration of her role, little respect as a queen, continual side eye from Sansa and a lot of foot-dragging from her supposed allies when it comes time to return the favor.

On the way back from the North, where she never planned to go in the first place, she loses another dragon, her best friend and her fleet. One of her advisors starts plotting against her and suddenly all the people who were so happy to use her fire power when they needed it are wondering if having a queen with a dragon is really such a good idea.

To add insult to injury, Jon decides that their relationship should really be just professional and Tyrion, who has been giving her terrible advice and literally defying her wishes, keeps telling her to calm down.

Instead, she decides to do what Olenna Tyrell told her to do before everything got crazy: Ignore the men and be the Mother of Dragons.

Which is not at all the same as going crazy.

The notion of a merciful leader who rules with dragons has always been a contradiction, whether audiences wanted to admit it or not, and no one mobilizes the Dothraki for a peaceful takeover. They are a horde for goodness sake.

And as for King’s Landing, well, from the beginning, it has been portrayed as a perfectly dreadful place, the physical embodiment of all sorts of corruption, where nothing good ever happens and no one really wants to go.

The fact that it was extra-full of civilians created the first real moral crisis Daenerys has faced, and she chose what so many have chosen: To commit a horrific act for what she believes is the greater good by establishing herself as queen once and for all.

She did try kindness first, but that didn’t seem to be working out.

Or maybe this is not what she was thinking at all. Maybe she no longer cares about mercy and has gone full Targaryen and would happily kill everyone.

Maybe she will feel really bad the next day and order Drogon put down and then she and Jon will move to the North and build a little house by that waterfall. Maybe Arya or Tyrion will kill her before she gets a chance. Maybe she does become queen, restarting the cycle of oppression and rebellion and somewhere outside the Wall, another Night King is being created.

Maybe some maester will resurrect Little Nell and she’ll grow up to be a real jerk.

Like “The Old Curiosity Shop,” “Game of Thrones” is a story and stories require surrender, which is hard, especially as the story comes to an end. More than any other art form, television requires an act of faith — books, films, plays, symphonies, art shows are all released and reviewed in their entirety. If you choose, you can have an idea of what you’re getting yourself into.

Not so with TV, or at least this kind of TV. This kind of TV has conflict built in: You may not want the experience ruined by spoilers and critics but you also don’t want to wind up feeling played. It’s a gamble.

That’s why it’s so exciting.

So maybe the ending will suck and we’ll all be disappointed and burn our Khaleesi T-shirts and wish we’d never subscribed to HBO or HBO Now in the first place. Or maybe it will all come together in a way that makes perfect sense.

Either way, I will still consider it the greatest show ever — just look at all the triumph and despair we’ve experienced, the outrage and elation. Look at all the great conversations we’ve had about so many things.

That’s the real, and best, game in “Game of Thrones.”

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Online eatbrie

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2019, 07:19:54 PM »
Very interesting tidbit about Varys, Harry.  I certainly didn't catch that the first scene of Sunday's episode implied that he was trying to poison Daenerys.  If that's truly the case, it's a shame this subplot wasn't spelled out a bit more explicitly, as I'm sure most people didn't pick on it either and it's a pretty important piece of info that does help understand Daenerys' growing paranoia about the people around her.

Again, bad writing.  I don't want to go back 2 seasons to understand something she does today.  It should be clear and it is not.  And even if Varys tried to poison her and was planning to kill her in Episode 7 (two identical scenes with Tyrion hash it out), she's already disposed of said Varys, so it doesn't explain killing thousands of innocents. 

I'm starting to really believe that the showrunners wanted to end the season as quickly as possible and decided to break characters' arcs they spent 7 seasons building.

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Offline Antoine1973

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2019, 07:41:37 AM »
Yes, it's quite clear by now that the show runners have been rushing to finish GoT.  And as everyone and countless articles about the last season have amply pointed out, this decision to quickly wrap things up is coming at great cost in terms of writing and character consistency.

Offline Zorba

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2019, 08:34:35 PM »
Yes, it's quite clear by now that the show runners have been rushing to finish GoT. 

They were cleary ready to move on before the rest of us were. HBO offered them more episodes but they have bigger fish to fry. Wish they would have just handed it off to someone still interested in the show and all the people watching it.

Martin told them the book fates of the main characters and they rushed and forced it.

Unearned turn for Dany. For shadowing and visions are not character development. To have it happen in like 1 1/2 episodes is ridiculous. All the people I have saved and wanted to save well you are all dead now.

Bizarre switch on the Jamie redemption arc. We spent years watching him attempt redeem himself only to say fuck it in his last episode. The way he told the big woman years ago he had to kill the mad king to save all those innocent people only to tell his bro last week he doesn't care about them at all. I guess you can never come back from pushing a boy out a window.

Very unsatisfying end to cersei. Now crying in a basement while that bad lady burns her beloved city. The most evil person in the story is now this poor misunderstood little girl? Unreal.

There is so much more like how the ballistas went from over powered to unusable in one episode etc etec..

Very Disappointed but still looking forward to last episode. While the story telling has failed the direction has been fantastic.  8)

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2019, 10:45:04 PM »
I'm seeing this thread but not reading a word... once the 6 eps are done I will binge the last season then chime in...afraid I'll be disappointed though from what I hear!

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2019, 12:01:52 AM »
It just got worse.


So let down.

I guess I will go back to Office reruns for my tv.


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2019, 05:11:53 AM »
Watched 6 episodes of season 1 and gave up. Can't get into it at all.
vintage movie posters -

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2019, 08:02:20 AM »
I thought that the final episode was better than expected given how sloppy the writing had become over the last 2 seasons.  This whole season in particular has been very inconsistent, but somehow I felt that this last episode redeemed the show a little.  As weird and random as it was to end up selecting Bran as the king of the 6 Kingdoms, I can appreciate that they didn't make the obvious choice and went in a kind of left field direction once they killed Daenerys (which was the only logical outcome after the previous episode).  I liked what they did with Jon Snow, ending up in exile seems appropriate for him (he's such a dull character anyway).  There were also some nice touches, such as Drogo burning the Iron Throne to smithereens, or Brienne writing down Jaime's story in that history book.

To be sure, last night's episode didn't completely save the mistakes that have been made throughout this season, but it was better than I expected coming into it.  Still, I wish the show runners had taken their time getting there instead of rushing every story arc during this last season.

As Tyrion says in last night's episode, no one's happy with the resolution, which is a sign of a good compromise.  I think that's as good a conclusion to that story at this point.   

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2019, 10:52:07 AM »
I agree with all the above.  Well put.

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Offline Harry Caul

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2019, 03:13:10 PM »
There were also some nice touches, such as Drogo burning the Iron Throne to smithereens, or Brienne writing down Jaime's story in that history book.

Sorry, couldn't resist  laugh1

Offline Zorba

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2019, 08:27:33 PM »

Offline Zorba

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2019, 09:16:15 PM »
Good luck Star Wars fans!

 ;D ;D

Do you think that once they got past the books that the pathetic story telling was due to sheer incompetence or was it that they were just in hurry to get the fuck out?

I think we will find out with Star Wars.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2019, 09:53:15 PM by Zorba »

Offline Harry Caul

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2019, 02:26:37 PM »
Ah hell... now we have this to ponder!  After Dany gets stabbed in the chest by Jon, Drogon melts the chair, scoops up her body and flies away.  Alls well that ends well. 

Later at King Bran's first small council meeting, Sam says Drogon "was last spotted flying East, toward-" before Bronn cuts him off. "The farther away the better," Bronn says.

There is much speculation that Drogon was headed East to Mereen (or Volantis) to find another red priest....

Offline Zorba

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2019, 10:45:19 PM »
Ah hell... now we have this to ponder!  After Dany gets stabbed in the chest by Jon, Drogon melts the chair, scoops up her body and flies away.  Alls well that ends well. 

Later at King Bran's first small council meeting, Sam says Drogon "was last spotted flying East, toward-" before Bronn cuts him off. "The farther away the better," Bronn says.

There is much speculation that Drogon was headed East to Mereen (or Volantis) to find another red priest....

Let her rest in piece(es). Have not D and D done enough to LAZILY AND WEAKLY destroy a character in the worst way in television history?

R.I.P. Danny you for no fucking reason ( but two assholes had to move on) cray cray PMSing bitch.

Offline Zorba

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2019, 11:18:39 PM »
I agree with all the above.  Well put.



Watch it again like I did.


Offline Zorba

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2019, 11:46:24 PM »
Was My favorite show EVER until two VERY GREEDY $#@^%s destroyed it in their hurry to move on.

After rewatching the final episode this youtube video describes My feelings best.

Being honest  is not a horrible thing. You really dont have to spend your lives kissing ass.