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Well done there, Shawn.  I can't say I know much about most of these but I like your writing about them.  Congratulations on Female Trouble.  Mr. Waters sure is a character, maybe I'll check out this movie someday.  The Animal House knockoff is fun artwork, although I don't know if I could sit through the movie, definitely not on some low quality VHS rip haha.  You're not the first person I've heard say they hated the Star Wars prequels, but still bought their posters.  Something about being a completist I guess.  I hope this isn't your last post here and you're doing OK.
Hello. Welcome back. Today's offerings are...rather unexciting for the most part. As I've said many times before, my poster-buying power has been greatly diminished. I fear my post-buying days are wrapping up, too. The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show may be finally coming to a close in the near future. For now though, here's the latest of what I have to share with you today:

This was a fairly cheap poster--but supposedly rather rare? But really, it's not much to look at. I bought it because... I remember when this obscurity came out. Although I never saw it, it appeared to be some low-rent ANIMAL HOUSE wannabe. I was always curious... I bought it on disk (with THE CHEERING SECTION) on a clearance sale for old CODE RED products. (I guess that company went out of business?) I haven't watched it yet as I read the disk was taken directly from two very badly worn VHS sources. Oh well. I'll get to it someday. Maybe. The poster will go in a drawer. Whoopie...

STAR WARS (Trilogy re-release 1997):
I came across a STAR WARS auction not too long back. I've never been a big STAR WARS fan, but I know others I buy it is I deem it affordable enough. It turns out i alreadu had this 1997 re-release poster of the "special edition" version of the trilogy. I remember when this came out. The films were released one month at a time. But they STAYED. I remember driving next to a theater with four screens in town. The large marquee out front made me laugh. STAR WARS was in one theater. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK in another. RETURN OF THE JEDI in another. On the 4th screen was FOOLS RUSH IN. That I found pretty funny.

STAR WARS (DVD rerelease 2004):
I hadn't seen this poster for the trilogy/original film before and picked it up inexpensively. It turned out to be for a DVD release. Oh well. It will just sit in a drawer anyway...

Although I am no STAR WARS fan, I did manage to see all of the movie. The prequel series was awful (I saw the first one in the theater...didn't catch the other two until years later on DVD.) I thought these three flicks were just awful--with this one possibly being the worst of the three. (At least the Jarr-Jarr character wasn't in it... Was he?) These teaser sheets--I knew I had 2 of the 3 (for parts 1-3), but didn't have time to look to make sure. Unfortunately, it turns out this is NOT the one I needed. Oh well...into the drawer it goes.

I'm not sure what to expect from this vampire ballerina girl movie. It probably won't even play here anyway. But... It wasn't that expensive.

No, I have not seen this yet...and it seems doubtful it will ever play on my island. (The lone theather seems content to play the new GODZILLA/KING KONG, GHOSTBUSTERS, and DUNE sequel forever...) But the reviews on it seem to be more or less positive! I really like the OMEN series--even if they have gotten worse and worse as they went along. The first was a masteriece of horror. The second was campy fun. The third was a bit tedious. The 4th was a stillborn abomination. The remake was unnecessary. The TV series (DAMIAN) I thought had great potential and was disappointed it was cancelled so quickly. I am glad that this new movie seems to be putting the series back on track.

I remember the TV series this was based on--and actually remember seeing this in the theater. (I could probably tell you which auditorium of which movie house I saw this in, too!) I don't know why my movie-going memory is so strong for this flick--when I couldn't tell you a thing about the movie itself (other than I became perculiarly aware, during the credits, that Rae Dawn Chong was in it. I'd known that she was around, but up until that time I hadn't really seen her in anything that I was actually aware that she was in. I was most curious to see if the daughter of Cheech & Chong's Tommy Chong could act or not--or if she was just trading on her dad's name.) While I don't remember the movie, the poster is fun. This was cheap. Why not?

JUNGLE WOMAN (re-release):
How fun! Yes, this is only a re-release poster, but hello? It's for the goofy, piece o' low-rent TARZAN-wannabe trash, JUNGLE WOMAN, starring the one and only ACQUANETTA! Ha! Evelyn Ankers and J. Carrol Naish also star.

I was very surprised--when I looked it up on my blog--that I didn't have this poster already. I might have it, having gotten it before I started the blog. Just to be sure, I snagged this copy. THE VAMPIRE-BEAST CRAVES BLOOD (the film) is a rarity. I've never seen it. Apparently the "vampire beast" is a Deathshead moth that has been experimented on so that it can transform into a young woman to lure her victims in, which she drains of blood in her moth form! Faux Hammer shenanigans starring Hammer faves Petter Cushing and Robert Flemyng. A quote from Poe on the poster may also be trying to lead you to believe it's another Poe adaptation? Rated G! CURSE OF THE BLOOD GHOULS is maybe better known here as SLAUGHTER OF THE VAMPIRES, a black & white Italian shocker--also Rated G.

UGH! This is a love-hate purchase. LOVE because how many decades have I been after this? TOO MANY. HATE because it cost me sooooooo much money (and is only in "good to very good" condition). It was just one of those times where you just yell "F------------------" at the top of your lungs and bid because you know you'll never have one otherwise. Damn! I love me some John Waters...and this is probably my favorite of his films. I write this (in early April), my birthday is less than a week away. This year, I feel like hell and will NOT be going anywhere to celebrate. This poster is my "celebration".(Now early May--I have it and it's already in a frame!)

That's my 10 for this time. I have a few posters (nothing exciting) held back for next time (if there is a next time). I hope you'll come back then. Before I go though, just in case you are interested, here are some MORE of my faux movie poster-like mail art envelopes I've been making and sending out.

Here are links to the last four posts (NOT shared here before):

Okay--once again, THANK YOU for visiting. Until we meet again...

General Discussion / Re: All Poster Stuff
« Last post by Tob on May 09, 2024, 06:43:29 PM »
A fun little video from Propstore for an upcoming auction:

Show Us Your Other Collectibles / Re: Postcards
« Last post by Neo on May 09, 2024, 12:25:38 PM »
Yeah, sometimes theaters have the small mini posters that are fun.

These are a little different, as they're actual postcards.

I just saw how extremely low the prices are on many of my company's ('s) 1,000 rolled posters (U.S. non-U.S. and NON-movie posters, including 62 signed ones that will begin closing in HOURS beginning at 7 PM CST at

These auctions contain a LOT of VERY rare and desirable posters, and if there is not a positive FLOOD of last minute bidding there are going to be many incredible deals and steals made!


Note that some people feel these last minute reminder emails are "too long", or have "too much information", and if YOU feel this way, then please stop reading this now, and simply go to the above link right now and look these over well before they begin closing TODAY at 7 pm!

HOWEVER, IF YOU DON'T MIND READING MORE, PLEASE DO READ ON, because there is much useful and helpful information below!

If you are fairly new to this hobby, you may be very surprised to learn that the price levels of vintage movie paper (and related items) is FAR lower than that of ANY other collectible these days!

If you are looking for "good buys" in this hyper-inflated world where EVERYTHING seems overpriced then closely look over these 1,000 rolled posters, because with 13 hours left, there are 113 at just $5 each or under, 247 at $10 each or under and an INCONCEIVABLE 425 at just $10 each or under!

And remember: WE are the only major auction with NONE of those awful 20% or 25% "buyers premiums" (and one auction insanely has a "minimum buyers premium" that is a truly OBSCENE $29, meaning they will never sell any item for under $30).

It is not just these lowest priced ones that represent exceptional values, as there are items at every price level that are far under where the same (or similar) items have sold for before!

A LOT of these items ARE super rare. AND NOW YOU CAN TELL WHICH ARE THE MOST RARE ITEMS VERY QUICKLY! How? We have now COMPLETELY implemented our title designations of "ultra rare" and "rare" In all three sets of auctions!

If we have never auctioned the item before (or only once before) we ALWAYS put "ultra rare" in the auction title, and we never put it in the title if we auctioned it two or more times. Similarly, in all three sets of auctions, if we have only auctioned the item exactly two or three times before we ALWAYS put "rare" in the auction title, and we never put it in the title if we auctioned it four or more times.

AND WE NOW HAVE SEARCH FILTERS THAT (with one click) LET YOU VIEW SOLELY THE "ULTRA RARE" ITEMS (or solely the "ultra rare" AND "rare" items) EACH IN A SINGLE GALLERY! AND THERE ARE DIRECT LINKS TO BOTH GALLERIES AT THE TOP OF OUR SEARCH FILTER LIST (located at the top left of each gallery, right below where it says "Posters by Type").

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THESE AUCTIONS ARE NOT SOLELY FOR "MOVIE POSTERS"! They include a large number of "non-movie" posters as well! Because our "every four week auctions" combine all different types of items into one auction, there are a number of groups of items closing very soon that are very worthy of special mention!

EXTRA SPECIAL! As noted above, this set of auctions contains SIXTY TWO SIGNED posters! If you have been following our auctions of signed items, then you know that we DO auction LOTS of signed photos, books, letters, contracts and more, but that we mostly DON'T auction that many signed POSTERS. So how do we have SIXTY TWO of them now?

Many of these were consigned to us by a man who went to shows where celebrities appeared, and instead of being content to simply get a signed repro photo, he brought along his own posters and talked a lot of them into signing them! Better yet, he especially liked horror and science fiction, so well over half of the signed posters are from horror/sci-fi movies!

We also have a great selection of TWENTY FIVE INSERTS at and THIRTY NINE HALF-SHEETS at

More and more collectors have been discovering these sizes (and realizing that they are almost always far more rare than the corresponding one-sheets) and if you have not yet discovered them, you need to do so, and today is a great day to start, with so many good titles closing!

These auctions also contain a fine selection of 477 rolled (or formerly folded) one-sheets at This is a really nice selection of the most collected U.S. poster size, covering many years and genres, including many EXTREMELY popular titles!

If you like unusual posters, we also have FIFTY "special posters" at FIVE "advertising posters" at and FOURTEEN "music posters" at

WHAT ARE "SPECIAL POSTERS"? They are non-standard size movie posters (or non-movie posters of non-standard types), but NOT ones sold commercially to the public, which makes them FAR more rare, because they could not bought when first made, and few people had them then and most often few survive!

WHAT ARE "ADVERTISING POSTERS"? They are non-movie posters made to advertise some kind of product (sometimes movie-related, but often not), but they are NOT posters that were sold commercially to the public, which makes them FAR more rare, because they could not bought when first made, and few people had them then and most often few survive!

WHAT ARE "MUSIC POSTERS"? They are music-related posters made to advertise record albums or concerts, but they are NOT posters that were sold commercially to the public, which makes them FAR more rare, because they could not bought when first made, and few people had them then and most often few survive!

We also have a really wonderful selection of SIXTY SEVEN Japanese posters  at They include quite a few "better" ones!

We also have FIFTY TWO auctions of vintage British Quads (and some other English posters) at  We also have FORTY ONE Italian posters at

In addition to these British, Italian and Japanese posters, there is also a great selection of posters from TWENTY FOUR other countries! Truly this IS "The World of Movie Posters", but you don't have to take many plane trips to find them! And as of right now, a LOT of these posters are at REALLY low prices!

We also have many other extremely rare and desirable U.S. and non-U.S. movie posters (and many non-movie posters), and you can easily find those other types of interest to you, by using our great Search Filters (located to the left of each of our galleries) if you are wanting to quickly see all we are auctioning on a particular star, genre, decade or whatever!

So if you want to quickly see solely the selection of TWENTY EIGHT posters from Star Wars movies (a nice selection!), then all you have to do is click on the Search Filter that says "Star Wars", and it will take you to just those 28 auctions at

The same works for the many other Search Filters like the FORTY ONE James Bond posters at
Using our Search Filters will make your time spent looking at our auctions FAR more productive, and it helps make certain you don't miss any items of interest to you!

Best of luck to every one of you who bids on any of the 1,000 auctions closing in HOURS today, starting at 7 PM CT at
Show Us Your Collection! / Re: What's on your walls?
« Last post by eatbrie on May 09, 2024, 02:37:53 AM »
Most people don't know anything about anything.  The lack of culture in this world is astounding.  But I guarantee you that if you put a dollar amount underneath, the chatter will begin immediately hahaha.  It seems that money is the only thing people can relate to.  So tragic.

Show Us Your Collection! / Re: What's on your walls?
« Last post by riley540 on May 08, 2024, 11:47:13 PM »
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the kind words. However, I have noticed that pretty much nobody cares or notices any of the posters in the house when they come over. I feel like it’s a small few in this world that loves this stuff!
Movie Posters - Latest Acquisitions / Re: May 2024
« Last post by Neo on May 08, 2024, 07:54:25 PM »
Thanks, y'all.  Okie, it's a little over 27"x37".

Mr. Mann's work is amazing.  The boat scenes in this movie are so good.  I was a little surprised that the more common artworks didn't feature any of the awesome scenes in Miami.  The well known actors' mean mugs probably draw more folks in than cinematic scenes.
Movie Posters - Latest Acquisitions / Re: May 2024
« Last post by Tob on May 08, 2024, 07:00:32 PM »
Nice pick up, Neo. I really like Miami Vice too - a stylish film. It goes very well with Thief and Heat.
Movie Posters - Latest Acquisitions / Re: May 2024
« Last post by skyjackers on May 08, 2024, 04:05:09 PM »
Interesting Miami Vice poster Neo, certainly has more action than the domestic 1-sheets. Always nice to find alternative art, especially if it's for a film you love.
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