Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359022 times)

Offline BruceH

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Hi! Welcome to the 11th--and possibly LAST Shock-O-Rama Poster Show--at least for several months. I'm busy packing for a move and up to my armpits in posters. (Details below.) UGH! I mean, I may buy more...but I don't have the time, money, and I want to be done with poster packing. Speaking of which, you may notice there is more than my usual 10 posters. Instead of holding back posters for some future posting (which may not be for months--if ever. My health issues keep rearing their ugly heads.), I'm posting everything I've gotten since last time. Take a peek or don't. I'm not feeling so well, which explains my rush to get this posted and the use of some online photos to illustrate today's posting. I'm going to go lay down. (Don't mind me...) Go ahead and take in the show:

I love the JAWS flicks, the rip-offs, and bad shark movies in general. This looks like it's probably a documentary--not a bad shark movie--and a sequel at that. was fairly inexpensive and I got it to pad out the postage of another poster. I have never heard of this (or the original SHARKWATER mentioned on the poster). Lost to COVID, perhaps?

I may (probably) already have one of these. THE BOY was okay--but disappointing. I did get to visit the house where it was made (It's in Victoria, B.C.), which was the attraction for me for the poster. I was supposed to see the sequel (BRAHMS: THE BOY II) with a friend the day California shut down for COVID. Is the sequel any good? (I'm not holding my breath...)

LUCA (Advance):
I have not seen this flick, but I have heard good things about it. Why get the poster? Apparently this film was destined for theaters before COVID. It was bumped to a summer 2021 opening and these advance posters were made. But, apparently, Disney changed their minds about releasing the film in theaters...and it ended up premiering on Disney +...and bypassed theaters altogether. Oh well. I'm hoping there will eventually be a demand for this title. Probably wasted my cash.

I bought this because I thought I should...just in case. Was MOANA a hit? I don't really know. Actually, right after I bought this, I regretted it. I've been going through my posters and weeding out stuff I don't want/need. I've pulled lots of Disney stuff to sell or send to auction. This would probably end up in that pile. Oh well...

As you know, among other sub-genres, I do dig blaxploitation flicks from the early 70s. The blaxploitation horror movies are my faves, but there are other titles I also enjoy. Titles like THE BLACK GESTAPO, SUPER FLY, and BLACK MAMA/WHITE MAMA are safely ensconced in my collection. THE BLACK GODFATHER? Ooooo. That's one film I have not seen...but that title? How could I NOT want it? I've tried many times, but... This time I made a offer they couldn't refuse. (Bad joke.) Despite the black and white image, I'm thrilled to have it.

RETURN OF THE JEDI (re-release):
I bid on this without really paying attention, not realizing it was a re-release (I should have READ the description first. Ha!). Oh well. I'm not a big STAR WARS guy and I don't know all of the original release styles. I thought/hoped I'd be outbid...but, nope! Didn't happen. The force wasn't with me. Whatever...

This movie is crap. I saw it years ago and, if I remember  correctly (I probably don't, but...) there is only ONE bat person in it. Filmed in some caverns somewhere and pretty much a bunch of guano as I recall, However, I don't believe I have the poster---which is pretty cheesy in a cool/fun way---so I picked one up.

GODZILLA (Egyptian re-release):
I will probably never own an original GODZILLA one sheet. Although I paid too much for this Egyptian re-release from the 2010s, I still thought it was a good idea to get it. Like my similar Egyptian rerelease of THE INVISIBLE MAN I got not too long back--it's still an original movie poster. Why not?

NO TIME TO DIE (International advance 2021 release):
Third times a charm? We will see... The latest James Bond flick, NO TIME TO DIE, was supposed to open in April 2020. It got delayed due to the pandemic until November 2020 (and I knew when they announced it that there was no way it would be able to play...). Now it is scheduled for early October of this year. Will it finally see the light of day or...will the spread of the delta variant of COVID keep it from being shown again? I have the posters for the other proposed releases--as I have for every Bond film. I had to get the newest poster as well. Right? This is an international advance copy (Note: "in cinemas" instead of "in theaters"). I wonder if there will be a final copy? I sure wish they'd go back to the awesome painted art they used for Bond flicks from the Connery years through Roger Moore's tenure. Oh well...

I paid too much for this (just $27...but probably too much)--and I may already have a copy. I haven't seen the flick, but that artwork... Yowza! I can't wait to see that hanging up in the house. Is this one of those instances where the poster is better than the flick? Ha!

Zowie! Mamie Van Doren in pasties! HOW was this poster ever allowed in 1964? This film (and Mamie's career?) may be a distant mammary, er...memory--but this wild poster lives on. Just as Jayne Mansfield was hoped to become the next Marilyn Monroe for 20th Century Fox, Mamie was Universal's attempt at a Monroe clone. Like Mansfield, her career in films found her in smaller and smaller budgeted projects that were more and more risque. (Mamie and Jayne were BOTH in LAS VEGAS HILLBILLIES.) Mamie is 90 now and, as of this writing, the only one of the 3 Ms (Marilyn, Mamie, and Mansfield) still alive. I have been looking for a nice copy of this poster for years. Now, to just score a NAVY VS NIGHT MONSTERS one sheet and I'll be good with my mini-Mamie collection.

LOST HIGHWAY (International):
Oooo, I love David Lynch's work. LOST HIGHWAY isn't his best, but it does have its moments. The scene near the end at the party between Bill Pullman and Robert Blake... What a simple yet  AWESOME moment in cinema. I have posters for the film--but I hadn't seen this one.

Yes, of COURSE I'd have to get a poster for the latest HALLOWEEN film. Jeepers! I've seen these posters go crazy high...close to $200 or so. Insane! I got this as a "buy it now" on eBay from reputable poster dealer/APF member Dale Dilts for $69.89...which is still much higher than I'd normally want to pay, but... I just wanted to get it and be done with it. A few months after the film comes out, it will more than likely drop to half of that price (or less) (and I base this on the current prices of the 2018 HALLOWEEN one sheets). I wonder if there'll be a final poster release for this flick. I almost hope not (but really want a new one), as I am packing up my posters and am sooooo over dealing with rolled posters. OMG!!! 

That's it for the posters--but not for the post.

As I've mentioned before, I plan to move in late October. My poster room/office is all torn up and looks like we had an earthquake or something. There is crap in it everywhere. I have been working on my tubes. I have been lax--for YEARS--about dealing with them. Now, I'm paying the piper... UGH!

Instead of moving zillions of small tubes, I am opening them up and trying to put a lot of posters into larger tubes. I'm also trying to weed out posters I don't really want and putting them in piles for either going to auction, selling myself on eBay, or just giving to a thrift store (for those really lame posters that pad out bulk lots. Crap or not--I just can NOT trash to a thrift store they go...) I now realize I HATE rolled posters. Sure, they display much better than folded posters, but storing them/moving them are a pain and separating them--UGH!--what a hassle. And, it must be easier to send them rolled, because I have tons of tubes with posters that should have been folded and sent by were rolled instead. Grr.

I'm doing this project in one of my guest rooms. The pile in the photo below is now much higher. My recycle bin is full. I am nowhere near being finished either.
The good thing about doing this, aside from weeding out the crap and duplicates from stuff I want to keep and condensing it all, is that I am finally seeing things I have owned for years but have never seen. There are dozens and dozens of tubes that are sealed and have never been opened. I think the oldest I've seen so far is dated 1998. Seeing some of the posters in real life is amazing--compared to just photographic images. Some are just stunning--far more gorgeous than I ever imagined. I've also come across a few things I had no idea I owned. Ha!  In addition, I have found several items that were damaged severally or ruined in packaging. This includes things purchased from auction houses. Not naming names, because accidents happen---and I am lame for not opening the tubes (and a few boxes) in a more timely manner and seeing what I had. It's the smaller sellers who have been the most frustrating though. One seller apparently decided to include a blown up balloon in a rolled poster he sent me. I have no idea why. Years later, the balloon has deflated...and is stuck to the poster. ARGH! Others have been ruined by the cheap tubes or triangular boxes getting crushed in the mail.
The folded stuff is much, much easier to go through. Oh well...


If you find any tube WE sent that got damaged, and you never got around to reporting it, let me know, even if it is from 1998. But I want to see the tube, because as you know, ours almost never get damaged!
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Offline BruceH

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And I really like the images this time. But why did you put black thumbtacks in the corners of some of them? Doesn't that hurt the posters? (This is the #1 question newbies ask!)
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Zowie, Bruce...that was F-A-S-T! Thank you for visiting my page. I know you are kidding about the "thumbtack" question---but just in case any newbies are looking, reading your question and wondering... NO, those are NOT thumb tacks. They are magnets holding the poster down/in place for photographing. When I display my posters, I frame them.
NO WORRIES about the past shipments. As I said, "accidents happen." I had a feeling you'd get offended--which was NOT my intention at all--if I mentioned you or your company by name. I will say that the most glaring and totally shocking problem I've seen so far came from a rival auction house. EMovie is still No. 1 with me. (I'll send you a note.)
Again thanks for visiting the page--and CONGRATULATIONS on your auction tonight.
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I love the JAWS flicks, the rip-offs, and bad shark movies in general. This looks like it's probably a documentary--not a bad shark movie--and a sequel at that. was fairly inexpensive and I got it to pad out the postage of another poster. I have never heard of this (or the original SHARKWATER mentioned on the poster). Lost to COVID, perhaps?

Sharkwaer (2006) and Sharkwater Extinction are very good.  Great cinematography and other work on important issues.  Sadly, the filmmaker and environmental activist Rob Stewart died during the production of Sharkwater Extinction.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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What? How did he die? Don't tell me shark attack.  Thanks for the thumbs up on the films. I'd not heard of them before. Cheers
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Offline Neo

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What? How did he die? Don't tell me shark attack.  Thanks for the thumbs up on the films. I'd not heard of them before. Cheers

Rob Stewart and his dive buddy did multiple deep dives.  They were diving with rebreathers and tri-mix - helium, oxygen, and nitrogen, which compounds the factors for safe diving.  Unfortunately he probably suffered from shallow water blackout, due to hypoxia - a lack of oxygen, and did not survive.

I admire your passion for the shark movies.  There are a few on my watchlist I've been wanting to watch.  Maybe they have cool posters I can share on the apf.

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Thanks for the update on the director's death. tragic. Let's see those shark poster, too. Whoo hoo!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1682 on: September 01, 2021, 11:03:15 PM »
Welcome back to the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show! Today's haul is eclectic as usual (is it usually?), but I think there'll be a few surprises in store for you. Anyway, sit back, get comfy, and let's begin...

I know! This is NOT a poster. It is still movie related, though...and I am a sucker for gimmicks and all things 3D. I had NO IDEA these glasses existed. I know that many 3D movies in the 80s had  glasses made specifically for them--but many others used generic glasses. I have been hunting for a pair of ROTTWEILER 3D glasses (which I have seen pictures of, but never been able to find a pair to buy) and I have been hoping to find a pair of AMITYVILLE 3D glasses (if they even exist). I had never seen nor heard of 3D glasses being made for SPACEHUNTER (which, despite my love for 3D, I have never seen! EEK!). When I saw these, I pounced.
While the SPACEHUNTER glasses are not that spectacular, they fit into my collection nicely. Sometime during my move, I expect to encounter my FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 3D glasses (I have two pairs---I saw the flick twice during its original run) and will add a pair.

I KNOW! These aren't posters either. Duh. I bought all of these items (for way too much money)...and all I wanted was the Death Certificate. THE MASK 3-D glasses were from either a video or TV showing. I don't want that. The Magic Mystic Mask IS the 3D glasses from the theatrical showings of THE MASK...and I have several pairs already.  Likewise can be said of the 13 GHOSTS Ghost Viewers  (I hope it is the larger, theatrical ones and not the shrunk down home video-sized ones). The 3D Magic Vuers are supposedly from the 1950s---which is swell. But they are generic--NOT for any specific movie. Waaagh!
But the Death Certificate...I'd heard about things like that but had never seen one. Yowza! I'm excited. Once I get moved, I can't wait to frame and hang some of my gimmicks I've collected over the years...

I already had a copy of this poster, but two corners had been ripped off. I had waited YEARS to get a replacement, because the poster is "just okay" and I am NO FAN of country music. UGH! For those who do not know, HILLBILLYS IN A HAUNTED HOUSE is a sequel (!?!) to another forgotten flick (for which I do have the poster to), LAS VEGAS HILLBILLYS. Both films feature Ferlin Huskey (WHO?), who was apparently a country singer (but I know him best from the movie SWAMP GIRL. Ha!). LAS VEGAS HILLBILLYS also starred Mamie Van Doren AND Jayne Mansfield. (They actually have a scene together---but there is never a shot of the two of them together, unfortunately.) Neither did the sequel, although Mamie's character, Boots Malone, returns (this time personified by Joi Lansing). Horror icons John Carradine, Lon Chaney Jr, and Basil Rathbone also star. (Spoiler: They are up to no good...and they are the ones "haunting" the house. Duh!) This is a Warner Bros. er, Woolner Bros. production, done on an obvious low budget. Of the country stars listed, I have heard of Merle Haggard and Sonny James (I think). Joi Lansing is listed as one of the country stars. She's not, but she does sing a song (about "beautiful gowns". Ha!) Joi tried to have a singing career in addition to acting. Her best tune is "Web of Love" which was made into a marvelous Scopitone (sort of like an early music video) that can be viewed on YouTube. Why did I finally buy a copy? I saw one for sale and I submitted an offer for more than half -off the asking price---and the seller accepted. Zowie!

Zowie! I already have one of these. (Of course I do.) However, they are not all that common. So, when I stumbled across another at a fairly decent price, I snapped it up. Uschi Dagard is in is Joe Smith (who?) as "the incredible primate monster"! After getting my original poster, I believe I tracked down and bought the film on DVD. Have I watched it yet? Or was it so lame I've already forgotten it? (I tend to think the latter.) Either way--what a ferociously awesome/campy/cheesy/sleazy poster!

While I know I have the Style A one sheet (Just a large cast photo) for HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS, I have never been sure if I have this style or not. Styles B and C are essentially the same poster, with C being in full color, while B is tri-color. (What a waste of a style...) I loved DARK SHADOWS as a kid. The movies were okay--except the first one was just a rehash of the early Barnabas storyline. The second one seemed utterly unrelated, almost as if in a parallel DARK SHADOWS universe--except for the presence of Angelique. the witch. Too bad there were not any others (until the decent 80s revival series--and then that dreadful Johnny Depp film).

INCUBUS (Italian):
I had been hunting one of these for months. I stumbled across one and---wow! I loved the artwork and needed one. I've tried for a long, long time to find one in good condition. Recently there was one on eMovie I went for. I didn't watch the auctions (I was out doing other stuff that day) and came back to discover that someone else (no names...but they go by the user name "eatbrie"--Ha!) had snagged it. That's fine. All is fair in love and posters, right? But then I found another one...I offered less than asking price and got it at about the same price as the eMovie copy. Hooray!

NIGHT KEY (re-release):
Normally I would stay away from a re-release poster...except this was for an old Boris Karloff movie (circa 1937) and the re-release poster itself is from 1954--making it nearly 70 years old itself! Zowie! I'd never be able to afford the original release poster. AND--once again--I got the poster for less than the asking price. Hooray!

THE FOG (2018 small French re-release):
John Carpenter's THE FOG never really did it for me. It was okay--but not great. I have the US original release one sheets and I was done. Then I saw this 2018 re-release poster...and LOVED it. I had to have one. I was hoping for a large French size, but accidentally got the smaller size. That's okay. It will be easier to find a place to hang it on as it will take less wall space (aka less poster space--room for more!). Ha!

I stumbled on this poster on some obscure auction site online.  I know STAR WARS posters go crazy high. I watched this poster for several days. I tried to research the poster to see if I could find any sign that it was a fake or was, indeed, legit. It will probably turn out to be a fake, but it went for a lower amount than I expected---so, I bid and won. (Of course, the price I thought I got it for and the actual price --after fees, etc.--were very different. Ouch!) I am not a STAR WARS fan---but it's all about the down-the-road resale value for posters you buy as an "investment", right? All of my poster collecting career, I have been kicking myself. At the very first comic book store I went into as a kid that had real movie posters for sale, they had a STAR WARS for all of $25. It was there for months. Instead of getting it, because I was not a fan, I opted to buy other titles, such as LOGAN'S RUN, CARRIE, FLESH GORDON, etc. Stupid, stupid, STUPID  me! If this turns out to be a legit STAR WARS poster---even though I've spent hundreds more than I would have back at that comic book store in the late 70s--I hope I can finally let that long-time regret about NOT buying the poster GO. (If not, I hope it sells down the line to eat up a big chunk of debt OR afford me a really nice poster that I "need"/want. Here is the poster and some shots of the various areas on it that may or may not show it's legitimacy. What do you think? Is it real...or was I ripped off? (The shipping was certainly a ripoff...From New Jersey to California via UPS cost me another $93.91. Ouch! So much for getting this "cheaper" than expected... Especially if it is a fake!)

Zowie! I can't believe I scored another Weissmuller Tarzan poster. This poster is a staggering 75 years old--but it looks marvelous! This is one of the Sol Lesser Tarzans...and "lesser" they were. This was the next to the last appearance by Weissmuller in the role...and the last time Johnny Sheffield would play Boy before being sent off to college (i.e. written out of the series because he was too old for the role). Jane, aka Brenda Joyce, would actually go on to star in the first non-Weissmuller flick, opposite Lex Barker in the role of the ape man. Yahoo! A big Tarzan yell for scoring this one sheet!!!

Golly---that makes 10 new things, so that is my post for now. I'm still getting ready for my move. I've dumped hundreds of posters into local thrift stores (Don't freak--it's nothing you'd want. Just junk that was used to pad out lot purchases.) and sent a bunch o' stuff (perhaps too much stuff?) off to auction. I should not be buying more---yet here we are.

Anyway, thank you for visiting. Hopefully I won't be back until AFTER my move. I'll be seeing you. CHEERS!

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Online eatbrie

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1683 on: September 01, 2021, 11:36:49 PM »
Cool stuff there.  Star Wars of course.  Nice 3rd printing.  I need one of those.  Incubus, great Sciotti, I actually won one last night.  And Ferguson's Fog, great design.  Much better than Escape from NY, Prince of Darkness and They Live, imo.


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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1684 on: September 02, 2021, 02:52:50 AM »
Cool stuff there.  Star Wars of course.  Nice 3rd printing.  I need one of those.  Incubus, great Sciotti, I actually won one last night.  And Ferguson's Fog, great design.  Much better than Escape from NY, Prince of Darkness and They Live, imo.

Hi T. Thanks for the visit. And excuse my ignorance (since I don't follow the STAR WARS thing), how can you tell this is a 3rd printing of the STAR WARS poster? I am mostly clueless about this title.
And yes, I know you got the INCUBUS poster. I saw the results of the auction later. CONGRATULATIONS! But honestly, I was stunned. That did NOT seem like your kind of poster at all. Great art though. On that we obviously agree.
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Online eatbrie

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1685 on: September 02, 2021, 02:12:10 PM »
You're right, the title is not really my thing and I haven't even seen it, which is totally against my collecting habits.

This being said, I do like Sciotti and I have been adding pieces here and there whenever they show up.  Not too many yet, I know, but it is not a big focus of mine.

Regarding Star Wars, there are 4 different printings of Style A.  I won't pretend to be an expert, I just collect, so I will send you to Bruce's auction history where they are clearly labeled.

My Personal Collection

- I wish to thank all APF members for being part of the World's Largest Social Gathering of Movie Poster Collectors
- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1686 on: September 03, 2021, 02:25:30 AM »
Awesome---THANKS! The other sources I found online didn't mention anything about 4 printings---just the 77/21 having either a -0 or a -1 behind them and the placement of other items and the "hair" on Luke's belt. Based on Bruce's auction history, mine seems to be a 4th printing as it does not include the phrase "style A" on it. THANKS though.
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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1687 on: September 04, 2021, 05:18:47 AM »
Hey! GoGo,

Some nice variation in the last group of posters you posted on here thumbsup.gif

I've been a Star Wars fan since I was a kid, that's certainly a classic image on your Star Wars poster, strangely enough I don't own a single Star Wars poster in my collection, not sure exactly why that is, possibly because many of them are expensive but maybe more so because there are so many different Star Wars posters out there that I truly would not know where to start, of course would love to own a 1st release UK quad by Chantrell, but sadly way out of my price range nowadays :(

Tarzan poster is also pretty cool 8) remember when they used to show the Tarzan films on TV in the UK all the time, used to have a Tarzan season and they'd show loads of the Tarzan films back to back, always thought Weissmuller was the real/ultimate Tarzan actor, would not even be allowed to show them anymore because of the "politically correct" world we now live in eyeroll

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1688 on: September 04, 2021, 03:26:35 PM »
Hey! GoGo,

Some nice variation in the last group of posters you posted on here thumbsup.gif

I've been a Star Wars fan since I was a kid, that's certainly a classic image on your Star Wars poster, strangely enough I don't own a single Star Wars poster in my collection, not sure exactly why that is, possibly because many of them are expensive but maybe more so because there are so many different Star Wars posters out there that I truly would not know where to start, of course would love to own a 1st release UK quad by Chantrell, but sadly way out of my price range nowadays :(

Tarzan poster is also pretty cool 8) remember when they used to show the Tarzan films on TV in the UK all the time, used to have a Tarzan season and they'd show loads of the Tarzan films back to back, always thought Weissmuller was the real/ultimate Tarzan actor, would not even be allowed to show them anymore because of the "politically correct" world we now live in eyeroll

Hi John! Thanks for visiting the thread. I'm glad the recent post pleased you. That's always good to hear. Weissmuller was a great Tarzan, but I preferred Gordon Scott and Mike Henry. I loved the whole series, actually. I've seen/have all of the existent TARZAN movies (some are, unfortunately, lost to time...) But I am THRILLED with the  TARZAN poster.
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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1689 on: September 04, 2021, 04:29:08 PM »
Hi John! Thanks for visiting the thread. I'm glad the recent post pleased you. That's always good to hear. Weissmuller was a great Tarzan, but I preferred Gordon Scott and Mike Henry. I loved the whole series, actually. I've seen/have all of the existent TARZAN movies (some are, unfortunately, lost to time...) But I am THRILLED with the  TARZAN poster.

What probably helped Weissmuller for me was the fact he made so many Tarzan films, I think that certainly can help when you think of an actor playing the same role.

Funny enough Gordon Scott is a Tarzan I've always remembered, can't for the life of me think which Tarzan film it would have been but there was one of his Tarzan films that always used to be on TV possibly more than any other, and it was one of the best Tarzan films for sure, but it's truly years since I've seen any of them, probably 20,30 years, so I don't remember too much about the actual films overall.

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1690 on: September 04, 2021, 05:15:48 PM »
Yes--Weissmuller made an astounding 12 TARZAN flicks. Being TARZAN was like being JAMES BOND....and James Bond may have lead to Tarzan's downfall in popularity. (One of the Mike Henry Tarzan's was quasi-James Bond-ish, actually)
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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1691 on: September 07, 2021, 09:44:55 PM »
Only you could do it, Monster! You've officially cheated the grim reaper by posting your own death certificate from this side of the tomb!  Pretty darn clever of you, my friend. Wise not to sign it, too.

Also, not too many APFers can combine boobies, Karloff, Luke Skywalker, Ole Barnabas, Tarzan needing elastic in his loin cloth, hillbilly gorillas, John Cassavetes... No--wait a minute--I can see the connection clearly now: Adrienne Barbeau.  Genius!!!

Cool, eclectic posters, Monster!


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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1692 on: September 08, 2021, 04:47:35 AM »
Also, not too many APFers can combine boobies, Karloff, Luke Skywalker, Ole Barnabas, Tarzan needing elastic in his loin cloth, hillbilly gorillas, John Cassavetes... No--wait a minute--I can see the connection clearly now: Adrienne Barbeau.  Genius!!!

OKIE!!! Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you liked this batch-o-rama. And how astute of you to catch on to the Adrienne Barbeau thing. That is how I have survived life--with Adrienne Barbeau. On all of my tests--history, math, science, etc.--if I came to a question I did not know the answer to, I just wrote in "Adrienne Barbeau"--and I passed! It's a good thing my testing days are more or less over--and I'm glad I took my nursing exam when I did (about 10 years ago) as the Adrienne Barbeau thing has somehow started to fail me. I just barely passed me nursing exam. I didn't get any of the pediatric questions right when I picked Adrienne Barbeau, but in gerontology and even some of the post-mortem questions, Adrienne Barbeau worked like a charm! CHEERS!
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline okiehawker

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1693 on: September 14, 2021, 11:48:28 PM »
Monster, Did you include a choice visual of Ms Barbeau along with your written answer on the harder questions? That usually helps the grader more fully realize why your answer is the correct one...  Okie

OKIE!!! Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you liked this batch-o-rama. And how astute of you to catch on to the Adrienne Barbeau thing. That is how I have survived life--with Adrienne Barbeau. On all of my tests--history, math, science, etc.--if I came to a question I did not know the answer to, I just wrote in "Adrienne Barbeau"--and I passed! It's a good thing my testing days are more or less over--and I'm glad I took my nursing exam when I did (about 10 years ago) as the Adrienne Barbeau thing has somehow started to fail me. I just barely passed me nursing exam. I didn't get any of the pediatric questions right when I picked Adrienne Barbeau, but in gerontology and even some of the post-mortem questions, Adrienne Barbeau worked like a charm! CHEERS!

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1694 on: September 16, 2021, 12:31:26 AM »
Brilliant, Okie!  I wish I'd thought of that sooner. Hmm. I wonder if that will help me these days with my medical tests? Ha!
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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1695 on: September 19, 2021, 09:16:33 PM »
Welcome back. Oh my stars! WHY am I presenting another Shock-O-Rama Poster Show when I will be moving a month or so? I am CRAZY for still shopping for posters this close to the move. UGH! BUT--here we are. Let's let the show start. (I've got to get back to my packing!)

I might have one of these already...I'm not sure. I wasn't wild about the LA LLORONA movie, but I liked the final release poster a lot. This one is interesting as well. It was inexpensive--and I bought it to pad out the shipping costs of the poster below.

Argh! I've done it again. I have SEVERAL COPIES of this poster. I just keep rebuying more (if they are cheap). I don't know why... I did like the movie, though. I saw it when it first came out. It was playing with ZOMBIE. Great double feature for a 15-year-old (or whatever I was at the time). To see this, my grandmother had to buy a ticket--and I got a ticket for something else (that she would like) and then we switched tickets! Awesome!

STAR WARS (trilogy re-release):
Cheap. Not sure if the STAR WARS special editions resonated with fans or not. I do recall the staggered way they re-released, about 2 weeks apart. After a while, one local four-plex was showing all three of them. on the fourth screen, they were showing something called FOOLS RUSH IN. I could kick myself for NOT getting a picture of that marque. Oh well. Hopefully I can resell this down the road...

THE SUICIDE SQUAD (International 2021):
No, I'm not becoming a super hero fan (or are these super villains? Or both?). I bought one of these because I was beyond thrilled to see ART work---instead of just photoshopped heads everywhere. I never bothered seeing the movie either (and who is the guy in the BVDs in the SUICIDE SQUAD gif below? Captain Underpants? Is that his costume? Tighty whities? Ha!) However, while packing for the move, I smunched my copy a little on the side. So--that copy I gave away...which meant I needed a NEW copy. Grrr. Thank you, Dale Dilts!

I had seen this poster around for the last several weeks (months?). I wasn't impressed with the design at all--kind of blah. BUT--although I have yet to see the flick, I have heard nothing but amazing praise for it. I thought I'd snag a copy up now---just in case it goes crazy in a little while for if/when it cements itself as a true horror hit. (But I probably should have waited a few months for it to be a bargain basement poster...)

A*P*E (aka SUPER KONG) (Italian 2 Foglio):
I have this same poster art from a Turkish release where it was called SUPER KING KONG instead of just SUPER KONG. Why buy another? Because...zowie! It announces that this version is in 3D (which the Turkish one did not) and in something called MEGASOUND! Wow! Gimmicks-A-GoGo, baby! This flick hails from South Korea and goes the Godzilla route with a man in a (very bad) ape suit, stomping on miniatures. At one point, the giant ape turns to the camera and flips it off. Really! Never heard of top billed Frank Taylor or Gilda McDonald? That's because they are NOT in the movie (yet both the Turkish and this Italian poster promote them as the stars). Instead the leads are Rod Arrantis and Joanna DeVerona (aka Joanna Kerns from TVs GROWING PAINS). The US one sheet (which I also have) is also very fun--but has completely different artwork. I still do NOT have a 3D TV, but apparently the 3D in this flick is phenomenal, way better than the flick deserves. I have the BluRay...someday I hope to be able to see it in all of its cheesy 3D glory... To see how jaw-droppingly bad this flick is, the preview/trailer can be seen HERE:

As I continue to (endlessly) deal with my posters in anticipation for my move and go through all of my posters that were in tubes, I find things that were either ruined in the mail or not as advertised or with conditions that I missed. I already had this FRANKENWEENIE. I love the poster--the movie was just okay. However, my copy got munch in the mail--so there is a nasty wrinkling all down the right side about two inches in. GRR! Here is my replacement.

Admittedly this is not in the best of conditions---but not the worst either. Nor is this a typical Monster A GoGo purchase (although it is a great film). Why did I buy it? In one of the very first articles I ever read about people buying movie posters for their homes (The article is now lost to time. I couldn't tell you where it was published or when---but it was long ago), the store owner (I want to say it was the guy from Hollywood Book and Poster, but I could be wrong...) was discussing how people kept asking for the CHINATOWN poster. That has stuck with me all of these years--especially since up until 2010 or so, I knew NOBODY who collected movie posters like I did. CHINATOWN was always too pricey for me or what I was willing to spend (especially when there were so many great horror and/or exploitation posters out there. Ha!). But I have one--finally. Time to move on...

I need to see this movie. I was lucky to score this poster. I've been intrigued by it for years. The wild pink and yellow color scheme hooked me first, then the curious imagery (Mermaid in the box and the hair-like tentacles reaching out all over!). Very cool.

2001 MANIACS (prop ear and fingers):
I know this isn't a poster, but... EEEK! It's a severed ear and a bunch of cut-off fingers! Of course they are latex and not real (I hope...). I got these gruesome props at a recent auction. How fun! They will hopefully display nicely. They are from the not-too-bad, but far more bloody sequel/follow-up/remake of H. G. Lewis' clasSICK 2000 MANIACS from 1964. (But the sequel to this, 2001 MANIACS: FIELD OF SCREAMS was just AWFUL!) Once I get moved and get the display ready, I'll--of course--post a picture. In the mean time, if I need to give someone the finger...I've got plenty to do it with. Ha!

And there you have it... That's the 10 new things for this posting.

And now, I really MUST resume moving preparations. I am so sick of it. And my poor posters are being ruined. I never want to move again!

The other night, I was removing HALLOWEEN II from its frame and--UGH! I ripped it. That's what? A $100 or $200 poster? F!!!!!!

The very next night I did the exact same thing the exact same way to Doris Wishman's NUDE ON THE MOON. ARGH! That's roughly a $1,000 poster!!! (Not any more... CRAP!!!)

Earlier today I was putting other posters away and I split the top fold about two inches on my re-release of BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. Mother F!!!!!@!!!!!!!  This move is causing e to RUIN my collection. I hate, Hate, H-A-T-E this!!!

Okay. I'm done ranting. See you next time--hopefully AFTER my move. (Scheduled for the end of October...)


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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1696 on: September 20, 2021, 12:45:40 PM »
Welcome back...but wasn't it just, like, yesterday that we were here last? Yep. It was... That's what you get for blindly bidding on a bunch o' stuff on Sunday night auctions...and then returning to see that you've "won" a bunch. Oops!
So, let's get on with today's post. I have so much to do. I'm packing, the house is a mess, I have company coming (!!!) and am expecting a plumber. O' the joy... (NOT!)

STAR WARS (Special Edition trilogy re-release):
Didn't I just add this to the previous post? Uh, well, yes... sort of. Oops! I ended up winning two of nearly the same poster. The only difference I can see is that this one gives dates for the releases. The other one had no dates mentioned. Snore.

STAR WARS (Special Edition rerelease):
Boy, I guess the Special Edition rereleases really are not fan favorites. I was totally expecting to be outbid. I wasn't. Oops...

WILD GUITAR (Alternative day-glo style):
Oh my! Such HIDEOUS art! I love it. Wild Guitar is another bottom-o-the-barrel Ray Dennis Steckler flick. This is one of a string of films he made that starred Arch Hall, Jr. -- a guy whose father tried to turn into a movie/recording star, as he (Arch Hall, Sr) financed all of his son's films. ("Nicholas Merriwether" is an alias for Arch Hall, Sr.) There is a more polished (and far more common) one sheet for this flick. I had NEVER seen this one, and--as I said--it is God AWFUL. I had to have it. It smashes the fun barrier! Ha!

This movie is crap...but do I have the one sheet? Hmm. I have all of the NIGHTMARE posters, but this one I wasn't sure about, so...

I'm not sure I had this one either--not that I needed it. The film was rather weak. BUT... this super cheap.

AVATAR (International):
AVATAR was is, if I'm not mistaken, the biggest box office hit ever to date. Is that correct? I know sequels are on their way--but I hope James Cameron did NOT delay making them too long. I expected to be outbid on this one sheet. Yes, it's an international version, but still. Nope. I won it for the minimum bid of $10. Perhaps the AVATAR hoopla has moved on...

Another poster I didn't know existed (I thought this went straight to video?) and am surprised to have gotten for a minimum bid. This was a popular little flick in its day. It was also rather meta-clever. But minimum bid? It's already forgotten. Zowie...

I saw this in the theater. While not great, it was better than that Matthew Broderick thing in the late 90s. To me, the thing Godzilla was battling looked like a giant bed pan. I think it morphed into something else, but for the longest time I expected the Big G to try and take a dump in it. Ha!

HELLBOY (International advance):
I've never seen the HELLBOY films, but this poster looked interesting and different from any other I've seen. Okay...sold.

Goodness me... I remember back, maybe 10, 15 or 20 years ago, military one sheets were something to snub. They were dirt cheap. And now look at me spending hundreds for a Universal monster military poster. This is the third military monster poster I own. I guess we'll do anything for our monsters. I'm actually excited about this one.

And that is it. Thanks for visiting once again. Please show yourself out. I've got to get back to my packing...

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Greetings! And welcome back to the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show! My stars! The clock is ticking on my upcoming move--and what do I do? Buy MORE posters! UGH! Here then, quickly, is a look at what I picked up in my last days left in California.

It's not much, but... HERE it is:

VILLAGE PEOPLE - RENAISSANCE (Album promotional poster):

Ha! Ha! Ha! I just have to laugh. On a Sunday evening, after an exhausting a full day of packing for my move, I got an invoice from Movie Poster Exchange. Of all of the things I had bid on, the ONLY poster I had won was this crazy craptastic Village People poster for the promotion of their (forgotten) album RENAISSANCE. So why would I bid on this? Well, just look at it. Too funny. It's no secret I like trash. I came to "discover" (if that is the right term) the Village People LONG after they were off of anyone's radar. They were just too campy and unintentionally funny not to dig them. Their RENAISSANCE album (which I bought, like all of their albums, years after it came out---and do not remember any of the songs listed below) came out after disco had died and they were struggling to stay relevant. Renaissance was their attempt to become part of the (what was it called?) New Romantic (??) movement of the 80s (i.e. Spandau Ballet, The Romantics, etc.). Instead, their attempted New Romantic makeup job looks more like Clown School Cosmetology 101. What they hell were they thinking? Somewhere around this time they tried to change their names to the hip sounding (??) "The VPs"--and that was a big FAIL, too! Ha! Too funny. Just like this poster. it makes me laugh. I haven't bothered with the VPs, er...Village People in years. But what the heck?

I already have one of these---but this HG Lewis poster was going for less than I thought it should, so...I bid and...the rest is history and a slightly higher credit card balance.

Another Herschell Gordon Lewis poster I already had and another I thought was going too cheaply. So, I bought it...

I know nothing about this flick. I'm guessing it's bad (which would not be a surprise at all). I did like the clever use of the stalagmites and stalactites of the cave in the artwork to suggest teeth in a frightening mouth. It was cheap. Eh...

I admit, I have not seen this flick. Someone posted a copy of this poster that they had on All Poster Forum a few years ago. The image of the woman tied to the stakes and the wild verbiage ("Amazing drama of love and reincarnation") hooked me. I started seeking a copy out for myself, and finally... Voila!

This is not the most attractive poster ever. It's kind of BLAH actually. I've been looking for one--casually-not so desperately...for years. Whoopie for me, I finally scored one. What's the deal? This was the very first Sam Peckinpah movie I ever saw. With a title like BRING ME THE HEAD OF ALFREDO GARCIA, is that any surprise that I gleefully rented this puppy in the VHS era? Ha! It wasn't what I expected at all--but it was a decent introduction to Peckinpah, and I am forever glad to have made his "acquaintance", so to speak. YEARS later, when I was a writer at The Fresno Bee newspaper, I ended up having to do a (very glossed over, quickie) article on Peckinpah. I didn't know it until I started the research, but Peckinpah was born in Fresno in 1925 (which was probably why I was given the assignment. Duh!)--so there was yet another connection or two.

KING KONG (1968 re-release?):
I came across one of these a couple of years ago on eBay. I should have bought it then (it was cheaper) and I was really considering it...but then someone else did. Argh! And this poster is a bit of a mystery... It's an odd size, 25x38, but it seems as if it is (trying to be?) a legit re-release poster. Just look at the verbiage on it. It's no secret I dig KING KONG. So why didn't I snatch this up right away before? Because of one stupid thing... The artwork is not original. It's the the poster art for KONGA, reversed and in black & white with the one arm raised higher and the biplanes added in.

FRANKENSTEIN (Egyptian 2000s re-release):
Normally, I'd skip re-releases---but when it comes to certain posters that I will NEVER be able to afford, I sometimes make an exception. From a recent eMovieposter auction, I picked up this Egyptian FRANKENSTEIN re-release. I'm not wild that it's a one sheet using an apparent insert to reprint the art...BUT, when will I ever be able to afford an original FRANKENSTEIN ? It's a REAL, theater-used poster. SOLD!

THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (Egyptian 2000s re-release):
What I said about the FRANKENSTEIN poster above goes for this nifty THE DAY THE WORLD STOOD STILL. I'll probably never own the original---so this is a good, legit substitute. My complaint is that the Egyptian lettering on this one is too prominent on this one. It's much more discrete (i.e. less noticeable) on some of the others... But I am still glad to have snagged it.

DRACULA (Egyptian 2000s re-release):
Yes--another Egyptian re-release. Of all of the early DRACULA poster styles, this may be my favorite. Glad to have scored it.

And that's it. Now, I seriously doubt I'll have a new post for a while. ALL of my posters are now packed away. My move is scheduled for November 2nd. I still have a LOT to pack and get ready for. (That's not to say I won't be bidding on anything. Emovie's late October auctions--especially the Halloween one--are calling to me, AND they will hold items for weeks afterwards, giving me a chance to get moved and settled in somewhat.)

Have a groovy October and a spooky good Halloween (and do NOT bid on the posters I'm after, please! Ha!)


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Offline okiehawker

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1698 on: November 01, 2021, 10:37:31 PM »
Good luck on your move, Monster! A little likker and Egyptian horror movie posters should help keep your new digs rockin'! Okie

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1699 on: November 02, 2021, 04:19:24 AM »
Oh crap!!! Where is my new post I put up this morning (well, yesterday morning really???) Crap!
Hi Okie! Always nice to see you. I'm having a BIG drink now to help me sleep. Movers her at 8 am. Eeek! Cheers!
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