Author Topic: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)  (Read 359062 times)

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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You!  Fellow movie poster collector or aficionado, I am talking to YOU. You are “the coolest people in town” and I THANK YOU for visiting my humble post.

Today’s post will be a little on the crappy side, I’m afraid. For one thing, it is rushed. I’m visiting the L.A. area at the moment and am using my tablet—-which I’m not a fan of using (I like my old-fashioned desktop computer at home. Also—and probably most importantly—the posters presented today are NOTHING special and, in several cases, repeats of things I already have [SNORE!]. To try to make things a tad better (or possibly bore you to tears faster), there is a BONUS 11th poster thrown into the mix. oh boy...  If you want your money back, go now. If you feel so bored at any time, please feel free to leave. Hopefully you’ll give me other chances and come back again in the future, though?

T: I'm glad you understand my 3D glasses displays (and others coming). Most people wouldn't get it, i guess...but they are for me. I dig 'em. Ultimately that is all that matters. At least i can see them now that they are on display.

Okie: Yippie! I am so glad my first (and only) fan club member got his box o', official fan club membership goodies. Enjoy! And yes, that INVISIBLE AGENT 3-sheet is mine. Now what the hell am I going to do with it? Hmm... Ha!

Help yourself to goodies. I may have crappy posters today, but at least I am a good host. Ooo... there’s the flickering lights. The show is about to start. Grab your seats now...


No, I’ve NEVER seen this flick, nor will I bother probably. Why get the poster? Well, sucker for gimmicks that I am, I totally dug the bogus “Conditions of admission” notice on the top of the poster. Yeah, right. They aren’t gonna turn anyone with cash away from the theater. Ha! Also, if I am not mistaken, the ad art was used (in newspapers—-not on one sheets] for the showings of POOR WHITE TRASH (aka BAYOU] and the “sequel” in name only POOR WHITE TRASH 2 [aka SCUM OF THE EARTH].


Not an exciting poster. Not an exciting movie either. This was cheap...but I didn't need it at all. I already have a few---in better shape.



This poster came with THE HEARSE--and, again, I already have several copies.... I remember when this flick came out, hot on the heels of TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. I wanted to see either of them so badly. Of course, I wasn't even 10 yet and did NOT get to go. TORSO is a British flick--and as I write this, I still have NOT seen it (but it is in my pile o' DVDs and should be viewed very by Thanksgiving if not earlier. If I could just bother to stay home for a while instead of running all over the place, I'll get to it... Ha!)

How is the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show going so far?


Okay. Moving  along...


Something else I didn't need and already have. What is wrong with me? WHY do I do that? GRR! Anyway, I have always liked TERROR TRAIN. But another copy of the poster I did NOT need. (It was cheap...of course).


This one I actually DID need. This poster isn't rare at all---I've just never been able to snag one. Although it was not intended to be a blaxploitation film (Actor Robert Quarry was going to be the lead), the producers decided to capitalize on the hit blaxploitation film phenomenon, especially the blaxploitation horror flicks (BLACULA, SCREAM BLACULA SCREAM, BLACKENSTEIN, & ABBEY) and make this into a pseudo blaxploitation werewolf flick and cast Calvin Lockhart as the lead. Peter Cushing and Charles Gray are also in it. Plus, the flick has a giimmick mentioned on the poster. In the movie there is a "Werewolf Break"--where the audience has time to decide who they think the werewolf is. That's it. It does not affect the movie's outcome at all and there is no prize for correctly guessing--it's just a little recap to guess who the werewolf is. Ha! So, blaxploitation werewolf movie AND a gimmick? I had to have it.


I like my JAWS knockoffs. I saw this flick and hated the ending. It was an okay thriller, but the film (and the poster) weren't so fabulously awesome/cheesy as say TINTORERA or GREAT WHITE, so I delayed buying the poster. I saw it listed cheap and thought why not? I have not seen the recent sequel yet. Any good?


Except for certain franchises I dig (such as HALLOWEEN or FRIDAY THE 13TH or James Bond flicks), I generally avoid posters for sequels. I read DOCTOR SLEEP and it is nothing like THE SHINING, but seeing "REDRUM" on this teaser made me excited to see it. The poster was not very expensive, so...


As I was looking for the poster above, I was made aware of this new poster. It is not that exciting either...actually kind of lame...but it was not expensive, so I decided to get it too. I do have to say that I am so glad the makers of this film apparently decided to make it a sequel to the classic Kubrick version of THE SHINING (that Stephen King does not like) instead of that TV mini-series version (that King does like--but no one else cares about) or a sequel to a version that was never filmed (i.e. the film makes up its own version for the back story). I want to see this now because of the way they seem to have weaved in Kubrick's film.

How is the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show going so far? Has it gotten any better? Is it as bad as I thought it would be?

Oh my...


I did not need this either...I already have one and in better shape. Ha! I do NOT know why I bid on this---and so intensely. I was outbid several times and finally got it, paying way too much for it, I believe. Still it is SUSPIRIA, Dario Argento's masterpiece. I do remember the TV commercial for it that had nothing to do with the film...with a woman (back to the camera) brushing her hair, repeating a rhyme from the film. On the last line, she turns around and she's a skeleton. Then the name SUSPIRIA (as shown on the poster) appears and the letters seem organic and alive, pulsating and breathing. Wonderfully creepy!

GHOST STORIES (Yellow style):

I know nothing about this flick---never heard of it. Never saw it. Nothing. But the poster was so wildly cool looking, I had to have it.

GHOST STORIES (Pink style):

This one was also up for auction as at the same time as the one above. This was even more hallucinogenic and bizarre. Wowzer!  Has anyone seen this flick? Do i need to track it down and see it? It looks very cool.

That's it for now. Thanks for visiting, but I've got to dash. I'm off to get a pedicure from Kathy Bates. James Caan recommends her highly.

See you soon, I hope? Hello? Did anyone make it all of the way through? Hello? Hmm.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1526 on: November 09, 2019, 12:37:58 AM »

Oh my stars! October has already ended (I sort of 'missed" Halloween this year. Waaagh!) and November is already being whittled away. Soon it will be December and the holiday season will be in full swing. O' the horror of it all. Because I didn't give you a Halloween post this year, i'll throw in an extra poster this time as a special post-Halloween treat (or maybe to give you a little pre-Thanksgiving gluttony?).

Okay---get to your seat. The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show is beginning now!


I probably have this...but I am just NOT sure. I had to get one (just in case) just for the 3D element. I'm such a sucker for a gimmick!!!


Oh my stars! Major senior moment. I had NO RECOLLECTION of winning this poster (or two others on this posting), until I went to pay for things on eMovie Thursday night following their final Halloween auction for the season. When I went to pay, there were some things already sitting in the Pay & Hold area. There were the two different cool GHOST STORY posters I shared in my previous poster post from October 17th. But I had won this with the GHOST STORY posters on October 10th. It should have been the first poster slapped on to this new post...but wasn't. I had completely forgotten about it. (Well, it is a rather forgettable poster for what is probably a forgettable movie as well. Anyone see this?) But that's not the worst of it. Also in my Pay & Hold were two other posters (below somewhere) I had won on eMovie on October 8th. Oops! To my defense, October was a rather busy month for me. I did a lot of traveling. I was in San Diego for a week, Los Angeles for several days and then went off to Oregon for another week. I was home only long enough to work a few days and get to a doctor's appointment or two. But WOW!  Forgetting three posters entirely? CRAZY!


I've never seen this, but think it has somewhat of a cult following. Although he is not listed on the poster, I believe RICHARD "JAWS" KIEL is in this flick, too. It was fairly cheap... Why not?


This is one of the "forgotten" posters mentioned above that I "won" on October 8th. I was completely oblivious (although I had paid for it already, thank goodness.) I've never seen this. I have no idea if this is some R-rated titillating retelling of the classic tale or a full blown porn opus -- nor do I care. She's not listed on the credits of the fotobusta, but according to the eMovie listing, Uschi Digard is in this.

ADDAMS FAMILY (2019 Advance):

This movie looks fun and I am surprised I have not seen it (yet). I am a bit disappointed though that Thing is portrayed as a disembodied hand as he was in the live action flicks with Anjelica Houston and Raul Julia. I always thought the way it was portrayed on the TV series was creepier. You never knew what THING was attached to. Oh well. This still looks like a hoot and I couldn't resist the poster.


With few exceptions, I usually do not buy posters for sequels. However, as pedestrian as this poster is (snore), I did enjoy the first film tremendously and thought the sequel was pretty fun, too. Still, i had no interest in buying this...until i saw it listed super cheap with postage included. Sold!


I decided to score one of these before they went crazy high and were totally out of reach. As I've said before, I am no STAR WARS fan. I'll probably see this (weeks after it comes out). The poster does have me curious as to how they handle Leia (she is pictured on the poster and in the trailers) and Lando Calrissian (I spy Billy Dee on the poster as well) and Luke (Hmm...No sign of him on the poster). I'm glad this series is FINALLY ending (but you know it will NOT be the last STAR WARS film ever).

FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE FINAL CHAPTER  and THE KEEP ( combo Japanese B2):

This is the other poster I completely forgot "winning" not too long back. Hooray! I believe I own the Japanese B2 posters for FRIDAY THE 13TH parts 1-3 as well.


When I won this on Thursday night, I remember thinking to myself that I knew I had the B2s for FRIDAY THE 13TH 1-3...I just needed one for PART 4 mow. Imagine my surprise when I logged on to pay for this and saw that I DID have a Part 4, but had just forgotten about it. Ha!  Now that I have all five of them, what am I going to do with them? Ha!


Oh my stars! I can NOT believe I landed this. I've always preferred the British title (especially when paired with BLOOD FOR DRACULA/ANDY WARHOL'S DRACULA) and the British artwork. Zowie! I'll have to track down a BLOOD FOR DRACULA quad now (although the one sheet for the original release of ANDY WARHOL'S DRACULA is AWESOME!) so I can have the pair together. Zowie! Truly awesome!


I was bidding on this on eMovie's Halloween auction...and lost it within minutes of the auction's close. (I wasn't watching it for the last few minutes...ARGH!) However, I looked and found this copy (described as in "excellent condition". We will see...) on eBay not long after for just a few dollars more than I lost it for. The picture isn't that good and normally I might wait for a copy I was sure was in ":excellent condition". However, after starring at the one on eMovie for a long while over the last week, I knew I had to have this NOW! Aside from the cool art, the poster is hilarious. Aside from the top blurb ("Behind the tents and tinsel of a Monster Midway something barbaric occurs on the Alley of Nightmares"), the other verbage made me laugh out loud. "All the more appalling in color" and (my favorite) "Filmed on the actual locations where it COULD have happened" sold me. HA! The film itself is fun anyway. It is kind of an unauthorized remake of FREAKS, right down to the shock ending. Whoo hoo!

Okay gang, the show is over (for now). No more tricks up my sleeve tonight. In fact, this MIGHT be my last new poster post of the year. We will see.

Have a great holiday season and thank you so much for visiting.

Until next time...


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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1527 on: November 10, 2019, 11:59:05 PM »

Okay, I know that when I slapped up my last post, I said it was possibly the last one for the year. Now, 2 days later, here I am. WTF, right? Well, it's called an OOPS! Yesterday morning, I kept getting text after text after text telling me that such and such an auction was about to close. Huh? Oh---it was a bunch of auctions from Excalibur Auctions in England. I had totally forgotten about them. But I bid such low-ball bids on a ton of stuff, I was sure I wouldn't get any of it. Well, I forget how stupid I can be, because, when I got home,  I discovered I had won several lots (Groan...).  Zowie! Together they cost way too much money...and I still have to pay for/arrange for shipping. UGH!!!

This posting is ALL of the auction winnings--such as they are. WHY did I buy this crap? GRRR...

Take a look or DON'T. Here we go-go!


Snore! This (and the six just below it) was part of a single lot. This poster is the dullest of the seven. This was NOT the poster I wanted in the lot. It's just here to share the tragedy of my stupidity.


Double snore! I saw this movie in the theater and I suppose you could say it is a good movie---but it's not my kind of movie (Hello?! Where are the zombies? The franchised serial killers? Anything remotely spooky at all?). Part of that lot o' seven...

AUDREY ROSE (British quad):

I've never cared for the AUDREY ROSE poster art (and I am fairly certain (I have the one sheet). To add to my disappointment, there are tape stains on the corners. Groan... Lot poster, of course.


Another lot purchase... TOOTSIE? Fun little movie, but in my collection? UGH!


This is a lot posters and the one I placed a bid on the lot in the first place for. THE REBEL GLADIATORS is one of the peplum/sword & sandal flicks that were the rage (briefly) and churned out (mostly from Italy) in the late 50s through the mid-60s.  I dig my "Hercules" movies (as I call them...even though Hercules is only in a handful of them (and not this one). Of course, it looks like there is a paper lift on Dan Vadis' nipple. Ha! Well, that ruins it. Blah...


Another from the same poster lot... This, at least, has decent art. But I bid on this? Purposely? Hmm... I've seen the flick (twice) and never liked it.


This is the 7th and final poster from that one bulk lot. Don't I have this already? Hmm. What was I thinking?


This is an ugly poster. Why did I bid on it? Because I love my EXORCIST ripoffs. Stupid me...


This sleaze epic's poster I am kind of excited to have. Idi Amin was a terrible man--but this movie is a jaw-dropping, shocking hoot. I don't think it was ever actually released here (but it may have been. i have a one sheet but I think it may be Australian?). I have a bootleg DVD.

CARRIE (double crowns and British quads):

All of these CARRIE posters were in one lot. These seem to be fairly rare. I've only seen them a few times before. I have most of these already, but there is one or two I know I don't the one that says "AFTER  THRILL"---whatever that is about. Despite the clothes and hair being stuck in the 70's, I think CARRIE is a classic. Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie both deserved their Oscar nominations for it.


This was one of the ones I really wanted, but bid low (because I didn't want to deal with the shipping) and was surprised to win (I've never been able to score one before)--until i noticed the nasty tape stain on the bottom center. GRR!!!!

ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 and HALLOWEEN (British quad combo):

I was also surprised I won this, knowing how rabid people get for anything featuring the original HALLOWEEN. This seems to have a bit of fold wear, but it's kind of a fun surprise pick up I had not expected.

That's it. A bunch of JUNK. (Is it my imagination, or have Excalibur's poster lots turned to crap?) Oh well... Maybe I'll learn my lesson. (Yeah, RIGHT!) Next time when I say "Look at your own risk," know that I'm NOT kidding.


PS Now you can explore MORE of my crap! 

On Instagram, look for theshockoramapostershow at

Also on Instagram, journey along with me as mr_travel_junkie:

My travel blog (well, more or less) is here:

My general blog is here:

And my tiki blog is here:
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline okiehawker

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1528 on: November 11, 2019, 10:54:40 PM »
Hi Monster!  Oh man, you'll have to black light those Carries and see what they look like.  I wonder if there will be any surprises?! I'm especially curious on the one with Carrie in photo negative.  Will it be cow blood or prom queen blood?!?!?!?!?

« Last Edit: November 11, 2019, 10:56:15 PM by okiehawker »

Offline Harry Caul

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1529 on: November 12, 2019, 08:56:58 AM »
Yup. The orange on those Carries should glow — as does the central text on the regular quad. Congrats!

Offline paul waines

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1530 on: November 24, 2019, 04:58:48 PM »
After Thrill DC, is not from the Carrie set, it's from At the earths core set.
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Offline paul waines

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1531 on: November 24, 2019, 05:00:13 PM »
I was going to bid on them myself, but 27% Comms, they can go F**k themselves...
It's more than a Hobby...

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1532 on: December 03, 2019, 02:11:40 AM »

Happy holidays. I know this is a busy time for everyone, but DON'T PANIC... I'm NOT going to take up that much time. In fact, there are fewer posters (just 5) in today's post than the usual 10. Why? Because due to financial issues (those way too expensive Excalibur Auctions purchases last time---plus the way too expensive shipping for them coupled with a very expensive purchase somewhere below DID NOT help situations) and health situations, I think that...unless something really awesome comes along...these will be my final poster purchases. Forever? Hopefully not...but for a long, long time, any way.  (Although, I still intend to post updates on projects I'm working on around the house, etc.)

Little me quickly acknowledge my visitors:

OKIE:  Hi there. You seem far more excited about the CARRIE posters than I am. Still, it is an interesting set I suppose. Thanks for visiting as always...

paul waines: Thank you for the info on the AFTER/THRILL DC poster. Aha! Excellent poster sleuthing. I agree about the 27% poster commission. I WISH I had told Excalibur Auctions to F**K themselves instead of stupidly bidding. Geez! I'm such an IDIOT!

Okay, let's take a gander at my last (for now) set.


I soooooo did NOT need this. However, I have the poster for the original (under the SILENT NIGHT, EVIL NIGHT title) and the first remake (which wasn't all that long ago...or was it?). Why not the new remake? It was cheap---but what a dull poster.


I've never seen this and normally I'd have passed on this...but it was surprisingly cheap. Christopher Lee in a non-Hammer Why not?


Another Italian poster I didn't need, but this CONAN rip-off from the 80s has always intrigued me. (I'm sure it is awful, but I have yet to see it.) I am almost certain I have a different (better) poster for this same movie. Hmm.


From 1944 comes this poster for a funny fright flick (so I's supposed to be a comedy). I should have passed on this--but I thought why not? It is in remarkably good condition for being 75 years old. I have no idea who Olsen & Johnson are/were, but Lon Chaney Jr, Andy Devine and Morton Downey (Sr.) also star and have their names on the poster. "They got hants in their dance!" Okay... whatever.


Oh my stars! Even though I paid far, FAR more than I ever wanted to pay for this (YIKES!!!!), I have been after an original THE BLOB poster ALL of my life (well, since I started collecting posters back when I was 11 or so). I have both versions of the sequel poster and the remake poster...but the original? Never...until now. Zowie! This film starred a young Steve McQueen and Aneta Corseaut (or Corsaut) (better known as Helen Crump on "The Andy Griffith Show"). The scene in the movie theater must have freaked movie goers out big time back in 1958. Ha! How BLOB-eriffic!

And that is all for now...and for the rest of the year (and possibly then some), I imagine. Thanks for visiting. Have a super holiday season. I hope Santa brings you all of the coolest posters on your wish list and that 2020 is beyond amazing for all of us.


PS Don't forget you can find me lurking in these other venues:

The entire Shock-O-Rama Poster Show archives can be found here:

On Instagram, look for theshockoramapostershow at

Also on Instagram, journey along with me as mr_travel_junkie:

My travel blog (well, more or less) is here:

And my tiki blog is here:

And on Instagram look for the_tiki_tourist :

My general blog is here:
Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline Harry Caul

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1533 on: December 03, 2019, 11:11:49 PM »
Nice update and congrats on landing the Blob!

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1534 on: December 30, 2019, 03:55:17 PM »

Hi there. I'm back with a a non-poster (but somehow poster-related) post. If you bother to read it, you may understand what I mean. If not, feel free to skip this entry.

HARRY CAUL/MATT: Thank you, as always for the kind words. I'm sorry I somehow missed your input on the glowing orange CARRIE posters earlier, too. I appreciate the info. CHEERS!


Remember the whole joke thing about a Monster A GoGo Fan Club (You can read about it HERE: )---and how I sent it off to my "fan"? Here he is with his official Monster A GoGo Fan Club crap-o-rama! Ha!

I've sent a few other "fan club" things his way---a postcard or two and something hastily slapped together for Halloween.

I decided to carry the joke on further. After I sent my "fan" (who shall remain anonymous unless he says otherwise) that last-minute Halloween thang (whatever it was--I've totally forgotten what it might have been), I realized Christmas was about to roll around. Hmm. I had to do something...but what?

My first thought was a Christmas he got an official Monster A GoGo Christmas card:

And...eek! Since the card was homemade, I had no envelope for it. So....I made an envelope.

This is the front:

And here is the back:

I was super broke this Christmas season. After several trips this year (including one to Europe) and a ton of medical bills (Oooo... NOT pretty.), I was freaking about the holidays. BUT---it was Christmas after all. SO, I assembled a package of crap--some DVDs, candy (?), and other, valuable merchandise. I did manage to throw in a movie poster....for Lucio Fulci's BLACK CAT (the first poster I came across that was in decent shape and that I knew I had more than one copy of).

The box wasn't that exciting (no time to spend on it), but...

Off it went... Ho ho ho. It wasn't that exciting, but I hope my "Fan" appreciated his fan club freebies.

Anyway, although he sent me a note that he was sending something my way, in the holiday blur it was forgotten...until I went by my mailbox place and picked it up today.

Oh my stars! The box was HUGE!

Inside, buried beneath the Styrofoam packing peanuts and wrapped in newspaper was an amazing tiki-esque surprise. In addition to vintage movie posters, I also happen to be a huge fan of all things tiki. I love to seek out and explore new (to me) tiki bars. There have been some amazing places I've come across (some of which you can see should you chose to visit my new-ish tiki blog HERE:  then scroll down). I must have mentioned this to Mr. "Fan" at some point, because clearly he was attune to this. Here is what he sent:

A tiki-esque (sort of) necklace.

Two sets of wooden bowls, one slightly larger than the other:

A pea pod-shaped serving bowl and a wooden pineapple without a top---that may be a candle holder?

A small, wooden tiki idol.

Pineapple-shaped serving dishes.

A three-tiered serving plate with tiki-esque designs carved into it, like palm trees and grass huts.

There was also a baggie filled with other wonders...

There was a little flyer from "TikiFez Comics" advertising upcoming comic releases.

There was a nifty reusable bamboo straw with cleaning brush.

And finally, there was this cool vintage picture of some lady with a hula guy somewhere somewhere in the 60s or early 70s.

I know this has nothing to do with movie posters really---but it sprang from my "fan's" and my appreciation for movie posters. Sure, these things aren't worth much, but what an amazing gesture. I totally dig it all. I need to have a luau or something. Golly.

THANK YOU so much, Mr. "Fan"! Zowie! What a wonderful surprise-a-gogo!

I hope your Christmas was filled with wonderful surprises as well.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline okiehawker

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1535 on: December 30, 2019, 10:30:01 PM »
I love being your fan, Monster!  Your homemade Christmas card, envelope, and goodie package sure were awesome! I could hear the Tiki calling for you and naturally had to help it get to you!  You're the best, Monster!!!   Okie

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone. I hope your holiday season was festive and fabulous. To kick off the new year I have some new (to me) posters, Whoo hoo!

OKIE: I'm glad you liked your Christmas "Fan Club" package. Ha! Thanks for being so super duper yourself. CHEERS!

And now, here's the countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Happy new posters!!!!

Have some champagne and let's take a look:


I already have a couple of copies of this and didn't need another. However, what better way to start off a new poster year than with a New Year's-themed movie poster? NEW YEAR'S EVIL was an early holiday horror flick, cashing in on the success of HALLOWEEN, hot on the heels of PROM NIGHT, MOTHER'S DAY, and FRIDAY THE 13TH (all from 1980). Roz Kellyis best known for playing Fonzie's girlfriend Pinky Tuscadero on HAPPY DAYS for a couple of episodes. She has since sunk into obscurity (much like this film). Spoiler alert (but not really, as his face is there peeking through the calendar): Kip Niven is the killer. Niven was a contract player for Universal in the 70s and can be seen in EARTHQUAKE, AIRPORT 75 and THE HINDENBURG.But this flick is one of the lesser titles made during the 80's slasher craze. Zowie, this flick is now 40 years old and I remember when it came out. WHERE did the time go???

GHOST STORIES (Yellow title style):

I got both styles of this poster not too long ago...and thought I'd try for another pair when I saw them recently again. I bid on both styles, but the one with the pink titles I was outbid on. No big loss. I still haven't seen this flick...


Speaking of "ghosts"... When I first saw this poster, I thought it might be a re-release of the 1943 flick of the same name. I have the original one sheet for that, so I wasn't going to bother with this. But it kept popping up in my face. I looked into it further and realized it was a poster for a 1953 film that was completely different. It's probably a crappy flick, but the poster was cheap-ish... Why not?


I didn't see this, but might track it down eventually. I was a fan of the original TV series and I do like the creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky and altogether ooky things in life in general. So why not? I do have to say I prefer THING in the series as opposed to the 90s version or how it looks as if it will be in the current version. Having THING attached to an arm was you were never sure what the arm was attached to. YIKES! Oh well. No one asked me...


This was a cheap one...but yikes! Look at the art of that sharp knife point right at that guy's eyeball? Yowza! Does that happen on the movie? It freaks me out just looking at it and it was only like $7, so why not?


I already have a copy of this somewhere...but I'm thrilled to score another. This is an unusual and kind of fun--but also kind of different and off of the radar--zombie flick of sorts. I saw it in the theater back in the day...and need to see it again.

STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI (International Advance):

I have said many times that I am no STAR WARS fan boy. I've seen most of the films and will probably see the new RISE OF THE SKYWALKER flick eventually (Haven't seen it yet...), but I have been buying the posters as an investment when they are cheap enough. This international version of THE LAST JEDI was cheap enough...and one I don't think I had seen before. Hmm.


This has got to be the most boring poster ever created for a STAR WARS flick, but it was cheap...and I'll just tuck it away and hopefully there will still be a market for it. Ha!


This poster has always gone for big bucks---and I really do not know why. The film is silly and watchable, but is no classic. But I dig it and have wanted one for a long, long while.  Paul Mantee stars along with Mona the woolly monkey! TV's BATMAN Adam West is also in this in the beginning section. Fun and cheesy and "scientifically authentic". Yowza!!!


Hooray! I finally have one of these. Despite the fact that it is impossible that the grand house and extensive yards featured in the film are on Telegraph Hill in San Francisco as they are supposed to be (although I wish they were), the film is kind of fun and the poster is beautiful.

That's it for now. I hope your 2020 brings you much joy, health, happiness, and great movie posters!


PS NOT poster related, but happy belated Fake Jan Day (Jan. 2nd)

Is this video generator still working? Hmm... (If not, the link is below that...)

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline okiehawker

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Yea, Monster!!! 
--The brain sees what it wants to see through your pie hole!
--Can we please take out a Universal contract on that guy in Will Ferrell's Old Glory tea bag?
--Popped up in your face?: Ghost Ship bullet bra twin gun salute!
--Anna Falchi rides the wild headstone?
--Kylo Ren and his forced whiny sabre.
--Martian fireballs pursue awesome craters? Strange volcanoes under deep Martian canals? Naughty Monster in Happy 2020?!
Go, Monster, Go!

Online Tob

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Happy New Year, MAGGS! I enjoyed catching up with your thread this morning, some lovely posters and the comments/gifs always make me smile too. I've never seen Robinson Crusoe on Mars, but have always liked that poster. I'm going to make the effort to try and watch it soon.

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Welcome back! No new poster purchases today, just updates on my projects. Before we take a look, let's say hello to our visitors, shall we?

OKIE: Ha! Weird and wild as ever. It is good to see you, sir.

TOB: Zowie! It's been a while since you've graced my thread. Thank you for the visit. Let's hope 2020 is a ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS kind of year for you.

And now, on to the projects...and other unfortunate updates...

Newly framed:


I purchased some cheap frames at Target. They only had 27x40, of course. I opted to frame the recent HELL FEST and I dig it. (I doubt it will ever appear on the walls, but you never know...)


Within the second cheap-o Target frame, I slapped this cool-ish poster. Zombies, Guns and Sex, Oh my!


Swapping out one of the old 80s/90s BATMAN posters (that my nephew had previously had up in his room--thanks to me), I put in this shocking knife-to-the-eyeball poster for a movie I had never heard of before.


Swapping out a James Bond poster for this colorful schlock horror one sheet was a groovy idea, I think.

A Bad Luck Year?

2020 is only a few weeks old, but already I'm growing weary of it. There have been a string of poster disappoints so far this year.

First, a while back I won a ZOMBIELAND DOUBLE TAP poster. I wasn't that thrilled, but it was super why not? But--ugh!  When it finally showed up, I was shocked. It was very damaged. The idiot who sold it to me put it in a short triangularly shaped tube that was too short. How do you fix that? By taping a padded envelope around the top and sending it on its way. It was RUINED!

Then, I thought I scored a sought-after treasure. It was a 1980s re-release quad for NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. O' joy!

It came and...I didn't even pull it out of the plastic sleeve it came in. Why? There was something suspicious about it. There was a line of text on the side and it was blurry and the white space around it wasn't white...but also looked like it was grainy, like a photo that had been blown up. Hmm. I suspected it was a fake.

The seller, who I believe sold it to me as an original in good faith, told me that he had bought it from another seller on eBay, tloceposters. UGH! The infamous TLoce strikes again---and this time from one of his victims. Fortunately the seller let me return it for a refund.

If you saw my last post about my first posters for 2020, you would have seen this poster:

Wow! Wow! WOW! I was soooooo thrilled to FINALLY score a HOUSE ON TELEGRAPH HILL poster and in such swell condition. It's a beauty. It arrived today and I immediately set about framing it. I pulled it from the plastic bag, put it in the frame and went to look at it. There was a hole right below the house. Not just a separation at the fold line, but a missing hunk of paper. I had noticed a gap when I was putting it in the frame, but I had thought it was just a small fold split. It's far more than that.

OH MY STARS! What happened? I looked at the poster carefully---there is not piece of paper folded over behind it. There is no small piece of paper on my floor or in the bag it was shipped in. There is just a hole. I am soooo BUMMED. $177 for this? I sent a note to eMovie earlier, but I doubt they'll be able to do anything. Jeepers... Just my luck.

Anyway, that's my updates for now. Hopefully 2020 will get itself together and work out better for me. (I'm NOT gonna hold my breath though...).

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline timelessmoviemagic

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I've just looked at the House on Telegraph Poster on Emovie and I cannot see that defect on the poster. You can just faintly see a white slit but nothing that big.

Hopefully Bruce will get back to you on this.

vintage movie posters -

Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Hi Marc,

eMovie did get back to me about this. I had this note this morning:

This is Bruce. Obviously, that small piece became detached after it was photographed, and since I am sure you are telling the truth, it must have fallen off AFTER it was condition graded here, but BEFORE it was put in your package.

That is very sad, but as we guarantee all we auction, you can now return it for a full refund, including return shipping (see those instructions below). I will re-photograph it and re-auction it as my consignment, and I will take the loss.

That is so very kind of them. I am surprised that Bruce is doing this. But, Yippie! Now I can search for that poster in better condition. Yahoo!!! Perhaps 2020 won't be as bad as it initially seemed.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

Offline timelessmoviemagic

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I'm not surprised Bruce is doing this. He's a great guy who gives GREAT customer service.

Congrats on getting it all sorted MAGG.

Hi Marc,

eMovie did get back to me about this. I had this note this morning:

This is Bruce. Obviously, that small piece became detached after it was photographed, and since I am sure you are telling the truth, it must have fallen off AFTER it was condition graded here, but BEFORE it was put in your package.

That is very sad, but as we guarantee all we auction, you can now return it for a full refund, including return shipping (see those instructions below). I will re-photograph it and re-auction it as my consignment, and I will take the loss.

That is so very kind of them. I am surprised that Bruce is doing this. But, Yippie! Now I can search for that poster in better condition. Yahoo!!! Perhaps 2020 won't be as bad as it initially seemed.

vintage movie posters -

Offline okiehawker

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She Freak is looking good framed, Monster! Bruce treating our Monster right means all is well in West Plains!  Okie

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Welcome comrades, to the latest installment of the SHOCK-O-RAMA POSTER SHOW. While there is nothing all that awe-inspiring or unusual or rare...I think it will keep your interest, and hopefully you won't find yourself nodding off.

MARC: Yes, Bruce and his auction house are the best. I've been buying from them for more than 20 years. I've gotten a LOT of great stuff through them. Hands down, they are my favorite.

OKIE: Hi there. I'm glad you like the framed SHE FREAK. I think she is heading for a guest room wall very soon. Ha!

Okay, have you got a bottle of vodka and a big bowl of borscht ready? Then let the show begin...

VIY (Russian re-release):

Last spring, I had a chance to visit a friend who lives in Russia (You can read about my visit HERE: Not long after my return, I became aware of a movie called VIY. VIY is the first-ever Russian horror movie. The movie had some good atmosphere and some creepy effects, but was ultimately kind of silly and dated. (The titular demon doesn't show up until the very end...and he/it is very laughable. Ha!) I still liked the flick, though. This popped up on eMovie not long ago. It is an 80's re-release poster for the film. (The film itself hails from the mid-1960s.) I got it for my Russian friend as a gift. (He told me he grew up watching VIY on TV as a child and has fond memories of the film). However, he is not a movie poster kind o' guy. SO, I may end up hanging on to it. I wouldn't mind at all. As a special salute to VIY and my Russian friend and my chance to visit Russia, all of my gifs this time (except for the one at the top--the "Soviet Film Agency" thang is sort of a joke)  are from VIY. Ha! Enjoy.

CHARLIE'S ANGELS (2019) (Final style):

Don't judge. As a kid, I loved the original CHARLIE'S ANGELS TV show. I liked the first remake film (but the second one was...uh, lame) and I (believe it or not) liked the short-lived TV remake series a few years back. When a new reboot movie was announced, I was excited. When it started crashing and burning, I wasn't surprised since the source material was 40+ years old. I finally saw it before it disappeared entirely and...well, okay. It was CRAP! But I liked the idea behind it...although it was still crap. So why buy the poster? Because I'm a spazoid and I have posters for the other two CHARLIE'S ANGELS movies. I do have to give Jaclyn Smith props for making the briefest of cameo appearances in this one though, sort of tying all of the incarnations together....although that is just me being a nerd fan, nerd fan old geezer.

VIVA DJANGO (aka DJANGO PREPARE A COFFIN) (Italian re-release):

I've never seen the original DJANGO or any of the fake sequels (unauthorized sequels or movies where the titles were changed and the dialogue were re-dubbed to turn them into sequels). The only DJANGO I've seen is Tarantino's (That was the last of his movies I actually liked. Sorry. I wasn't too keen on INGLORIOUS BASTERDS, HATEFUL EIGHT, or ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD. Scandalous, I know...)  However, I did buy all of these DVDs with the various fake DJANGO flicks (and the real original DJANGO) a while back... I just have not watched them yet. I am relatively sure the movie for this poster is included in the DVDs I purchased.  I'm just not a fan of westerns. SNORE! I don't even know what I was thinking buying this poster. Oh well... Ha!

PROM NIGHT (French):

Jamie Lee Curtis once referred to this movie as DISCO DEATH. Ha! This early entry into the 80's slasher craze is rather predictable, but is still fun. I dig it...especially when Jamie gets her bad self down to a disco beat. Too funny. Fun French art. Ooo la la.


Another French poster---this time for the ultimate FRIDAY THE 13TH ripoff, THE BURNING. The US one sheet was one of the first dozen or so posters I had back in the day, but this art is completely different. If you haven't seen this, you should. A lot of stars got their big break in this one. Holly Hunter, Jason Alexander, and Fisher Stevens all made their debut in the film. Leah Ayres, who was the fake Marcia Brady on THE BRADYS, is also in this. The notorious Harvey Weinstein is credited for story idea and producing. Horror effects maestro Tom Savini was also involved with the project.


I usually do not buy video posters---but sometime you have to buy video posters as no theatrical posters exist (for those direct-to-video releases). That is what I thought the case was with this one--but I have since learned that there was a theatrical release for this flick and there are theatrical one sheets for it as well. UGH! I can't cross that off my shopping list yet...


Speaking of video posters, I picked up this cheap-o. It looked kind of like it might be a spooky fun movie. Who knows? And--unless someone out there corrects me again, I do NOT think this ever had a theatrical release. Hence--the video poster.


I saw this flick in the '80's at the drive-in. Little did I know that it was a re-release from 1973 and had originally been called DADDY'S DEADLY DARLING. I later found out it was also released under such titles as ROADSIDE TORTURE CHAMBER and THE STRANGE LOVE EXORCIST. But it is total crap. Ha! The friends who saw this with me used to joke about this for years. Why buy the poster if it is such an awful movie? Just look at the poster. It screens that it's going to be a great exploitation flick. It's a total bogus lie, but what great art and such lurid language. Zowie! How could I have not wanted to see this movie back in the day? You may also notice that Katherine Ross is listed as being in the film (and, as I recall, was mentioned in all of the commercials for it). It turns out, that it's a Katherine Ross but not the Katharine Ross (of THE GRADUATE fame). Ha! Producer/director Marc Lawrence also stars in this with his adult daughter Toni Lawrence in the lead role as this deranged chick with a daddy complex. I already have a copy of this somewhere, but I bought it for a lot more money than I paid for this one. This one belongs in the all-time exploitation hall of shame. It suckered me into going. Ha!


I was absentmindedly looking through posters in eMovieposter's Fixed Price section and I passed by this one for DEAD ALIVE. I continued looking and then stopped dead in my tracks. Hello? I've seen DEAD ALIVE several times, but do I have the poster? No, I don't think so. Especially since I was always under the assumption it was a direct-to-video import. It had a theatrical release and there are one sheets? SOLD!!!


Yes, this is a real movie and I’ve wanted this poster for a long while. Yahoo! It is mine. The movie isn’t so good, though (Best part about it is the poster). However, I may be wrong. In my head I am forever mixing it up...well, blending it together, actually...with the original SATAN’S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, which is a TV movie starring pre-CHARLIE’S ANGELS Kate Jackson (who is also in the TV remake) and Cheryl Ladd. Neither are in this, but THE MUNSTERS Yvonne DeCarlo and  genre veteran John Carradine are. And this one has cheerleaders....and a witch! Love the tag line: Funnier than THE OMEN. Scarier than SILENT MOVIE. Ha!

And there (above) is the demon VIY, making his grand entrance. That must signal the end of this episode of the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. Thank you for visiting and come back again soon. Now, quick! Run away before VIY and his assorted demons attack you...and do unspeakable things to you. Oh my! Oooo...looks like it's a bit too late. Oh well.

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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Thank you for visiting. I'm having a medical procedure done tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be fine. (REALLY!) BUT...just in case, I thought I I'd go ahead and post any and everything new--from new posters to newly framed posters. It's a (short) regular post PLUS a (short) update all in one. There is sooooo NOTHING exciting here...but hello? I just posted a day or two ago. Cut me some slack.

 Anyway, here you go-go:


I have no interest in this poster, no interest in Jean Claude Van Damme or any of his movies. Why do I have this? The seller I got this from had a buy 2-get 1 free deal. This was the free one. Nothing else at all appealed to me. At least this one has some sort of sci-fi element. The seller was selling both video posters and one sheets. This would appear to be a one sheet---no mention of a video company or it being on DVD/VHS/etc. But as I'm not a Van Damme fan, I really don't know. I'm guessing it is a theatrical one sheet---but I could be wrong. (But then, what else would be new?)


I've never seen this, but it was sleazy, cheesy and CHEAP! I recently posted about being okay with some video posters as not all movies have theatrical one sheets (i.e. direct to video releases). I believe this is a direct-to-video release, so this is probably a video release poster...but I'm not sure.


I have a theatrical one sheet for the original FROM DUSK TILL DAWN. I stumbled on this and thought why NOT get the posters for the two sequels as well? This was cheap (and the reason I didn't get the poster for the third one is because the only ones I saw were priced higher than I wanted to pay for direct-to-video sequel poster).  I don't believe there was a theatrical release for this flick and I am fairly certain this is a video poster...but I'm not sure. Zowie! I've realized just now I'm NOT that versed in video posters. (Usually they say they are available on videocassette or something like that. This one doesn't. Hmm...)


As I have in the past, I picked up this STAR WARS poster as an investment for the future. Hopefully.  I did finally see this flick. Fortunately I saw this in the very last local showing of the film in our 4DX theater. As I'm not the biggest fan of the series, I was a bit lost in the the ride-like quality of the 4DX presentation made it feel like I was on a 2 1/2 hour version of the STAR TOURS ride at Disneyland somewhat. Ha! That helped.

That's it for the "new" stuff.


Remember the issue with the recently purchased THE HOUSE ON TELEGRAPH HILL poster? I was heartsick seeing that hole in it when I had wanted it for so long....but today I got word that received the poster back and they've credited my purchase price back to PayPal for me. They offered to refund my postage as well, but I was just glad they took the return and told them they did not need to include the postage (I can return a nice favor, too, ya know...). It all worked out swell...except now I have to hunt for another copy. Waaaagh!

Here are my recently framed posters:


This is a great little movie that no one has seen. Angela Bettis is awesome in her pre-CARRIE TV remake role. I'd have loved to have gotten a rolled version of the poster, but I have only ever seen this one available.


Also known as RICCO and MEAN MACHINE, this flick looks like a pretty grisly little horror flick. It's actually a GODFATHER knockoff about revenge against the Mafia and not a horror film at all. But the poster art...ZOWIE! How gruesome and horrific. There is a vat of acid in the flick, but nude woman ends up in it...just some mafia goons. Ha! Another great poster that shamelessly suckers people into buying a repackaged bunch o' old goods. I'd have fallen for it. I love the art. Starring Chris Mitchum and Barbara Bouchet.


Yippie! This recent purchase looks great behind plexiglass. I can not wait to hang it. It will go in the living room or hallway---and whatever it kicks off the walls will end up on the guest room wall eventually. This is such a silly/awesome poster. Ha! I love it.

RE-ANIMATOR (art style):

Cult classic film based on H. P. Lovecraft's work that should have had better sequels than it did. This the alternative art version of the posters and is my favorite of the two styles. (I do have the other version as well...but this one just screams out for framing).


I remember when this came out. Many newspapers would not carry the ads featuring the gruesome scalps and bloody knife. Just like DAWN OF THE DEAD and I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, it was one of those films that was released unrated. I wanted to see this movie so bad. Of course, I had to wait until several years later to see it. With gory special effects by Tom Savini, it was well worth the wait. Classic 80s slasher sleaze with Caroline Munro and Joe Spinell.

And that is all for now.

Wish me luck tomorrow....eeeek!

Hopefully I'll be back again soon.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

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Re: Monster A Go-Go's Shock-A-Rama Poster Show (in Blood-Curdling Freak-O-Vision!)
« Reply #1546 on: February 21, 2020, 01:57:46 PM »

Hello there! You are just in time. I've been perusing the newspaper ads again, looking for some deliriously wild movies to check out. I've got the posters for 10 prospects below. Let's take a look at them and see if anything strikes your fancy...or maybe bites your fancy? EEEK! Not all of them are horror, but try to keep an open mind. I'll save you a seat if you want to quickly rush to the snack bar. Just mind the sticky floor when you come back.

Ready? Got your Jujubes and Junior Mints? Thanks for getting me a Coke Icee. Okay, sit down. The show is starting now...

PARANORMAN (Canadian):

I think I already have the very similar US one sheet. I saw this flick in the theater (I was the only adult there that was not accompanied by children. Ha!). I don't remember much about it--except there were zombies in it. But the poster is fun and it was cheap ($3). Why not?


I have a couple of copies of this old, forgotten disaster movie from 1948. I was/am a huge fan of the disaster flicks of the 1970s. I came across a half sheet for this (with very different art) years ago and wondered what the flick was like? I've never been able to see the film (which is apparently about an airplane crashing into a skyscraper and the rescue attempt that follows), but did come across the one sheet a few times. I just found a place I can order a DVD-r. Hmm. Should I?


I already have a copy of this. Why buy another?  Well, I've been posting my posters on Instagram (as theshockoramapostershow Click here:  ). That is actually a great way (is it better than my blog perhaps?) to share my collection...because you can just scroll through and SEE EVERYTHING. As of this writing, I only have 469 posts...but that hardly scratched the surface of my collection. Anyway, some dick-wad, who I don't know and have never communicated with, posted a few very rude and totally snarky comments, one of them on the post about another copy of this poster. I was appalled. I tried to respond and answer his comments. He responded with another snarky comment...and I thought to myself, Why does he feel the need to do this? Who needs that BS? So I blocked him. Bye bye, A-Hole. He was complaining that I was a "poser," collecting posters for movies I hadn't ever seen before, why not leave them for the real fans? First of all, no, I have not seen every movie I have posters for---but I try. (I hadn't seen this flick, but have the DVD. I'll get to it eventually). Not all movies are available to be seen, with films like MME OLGA'S MASSAGE PARLOR and the bulk of Andy Milligan's softcore flicks (THE FILTHY FIVE, GUTTER TRASH, TRICKS OF THE TRADE, etc.) being "lost". Some movies I have posters for I never knew existed until I came across the poster! I love movies, but I am a POSTER COLLECTOR. I collect posters. If I see a poster I like, I buy it (or try to...). Anyway, the butthead who posted those comments was lamenting that he wanted a copy of this poster, etc. etc. etc. Hello? They are not that hard to find and not that expensive. I came across this one on eBay and put it in my watch list. It was there nearly a week before I decided to just buy it to spite that jerk. I didn't need it---but he (if he could even figure out how to search for it) isn't getting it either. GRR! I can't believe how irked that idiot made me.


A short while back, I posted a new acquisition of a SLAUGHTERHOUSE video poster. I thought the flick went straight to video. Oops! Imagine my surprise when I found out it HAD had a theatrical release. I had to go back to the drawing board... well, at least go shopping again. Found a theatrical one sheet finally. I can call it a day on this title.


See the torridly "sexy" finger scene!  Oh my!  Who doesn't need a poster with such a scandalous bit of verbiage like that on it? Ha! And it is distributed by Shawn International Inc. Ha! How Go-Go groovy! Even Paris was SHOCKED! Some pot-boiler nudie from 1963. It was super cheap so I thought I'd buy to resell down the road.


I LOVE this movie. I already have this one sheet (I think), but wanted a second copy just in case I'm mistaken. Alejandro Jorodowsky is BRILLIANT. This was the first film of his I ever saw...and you know what they say about your first time... Ha! I do like (and have) the original VHS video poster for this better than the one sheet...but still, it's SANTA SANGRE. It's such a great movie. I'm thrilled to have this and it MUST go on my walls very soon.


This is a new-ish film. I looked it up when I saw this poster for sale. The trailer is on YouTube. It looks like a little independent flick that is playing art houses and festivals, trying to make a name for itself. It looked interesting enough to invest in this poster for case it ever does take off. It will probably disappear into obscurity (much like HELL NIGHT, which I really enjoyed and was sure would become a cult hit). Oh well...

NO TIME TO DIE (Advance):

The new James Bond poster? Hello? Love my 007. I have US one sheets for all of the films, so I needed this one as well. It was a bit pricey (and a rather dull poster to boot), but it IS Bond. James Bond. I hope the final poster is far more interesting than this snoozeriffic advance... But if the previous posters for Daniel Craig's Bond adventures are any indication, I shouldn't get my hopes too high. Oh well...


This looks like an interesting (and timely...???) twist on psycho/serial killer flicks. Great poster art. How could you NOT love it?

VAMPYRES (Spanish):

Arguably the best poster in this batch was one I wasn't even going to bother to bid on...until the last few minutes of the auction. I'm kind of done with foreign posters for the most part. The sizes are all different, making them more difficult to frame. With the US stuff, depending on when they were made, there is only an inch different in sizes. I've got frames for both sizes. However, the art on this was so groovy (spooky castle, bats, gravestones, and scantily clad vampire chicks with blood dripping down their mouths), I went for it. I paid more than I wanted---but what a fun poster. There is a sucker born every minute...or would that be suckee in relation to vampire movies and their posters?

Okay kids. That is it for today. I hope a few things grabbed your fancy...or perhaps tickled it? (Sadly there is nothing "fancy" about mine. Sigh...)

Have a fabulous fancy-ful day!  See you next time.


PS  It looks like I left off the picture of my newly-framed MANIAC poster in my previous post.  Here it is:

See ya!
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Offline Monster_A_GoGo

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Greetings! Welcome. You DARED to return for more vintage movie poster shocks, horrors and surprises, huh? It is a pretty mixed bag this time, but I do hope you enjoy your visit. There are 11 (yes, a BONUS poster) this time. It may be my last post of this type for a long, long while, so I wanted to get everything up I've recently gotten.  Why is it my last new poster purchase post for a long time? Well, I'll get to all of that later.

Go catch the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. The lights are just starting to dim....

THAT'LL BE THE DAY (British quad):

I was totally unfamiliar with this title (that apparently was successful enough to spawn a sequel called STARDUST) when I spotted this British quad. It's a little rough (missing a corner) and not anything I wanted really. It just came with the quad below it (which I wanted). Sooo...   I think the illustration of David Essex looks more like Paul Le Mat as he looked in AMERICAN GRAFFITI. I love the ad on the bottom (see below) advertising the movie's soundtrack album from Ronco. Oh my stars! RONCO? Does anyone else remember Ronco? Ha!

HITCH HIKE (aka DEATH DRIVE) (British quad):

Despite the horrendous art, this was the quad I was going for when I got THAT'LL BE THE DAY. HITCH HIKE, for those unfamiliar with it, is another LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT knockoff, albeit set in a car. Corinne ("Story of O"/"Moonraker") Clery and Franco (the original "DJANGO"/"THE LAST SHARK HUNTER") Nero star along with David Hess, who is essentially playing the Krug part he originated in LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT as a hitchhiker who terrorizes the couple who pick him up.


I already have one of these, but I stumbled on this and it was a good price, so...

RAMBO-THE LAST MAN (?!?) (Thai):

A guy on Instagram named grindhousecellar ( ) turned me on to this joyfully bizarre Turkish RAMBO ripoff called KORKUSUZ (RAMPAGE). When I came across this poster, I knew it wasn't a Stallone RAMBO flick. But I don't think it is KORKUSUZ either. A little more digging revealed that there are several bogus RAMBO imitations out there. In fact, there are two different Turkish RAMBO ripoffs (VAHSI KAN is the Turkish version of FIRST BLOOD) out there and others from other countries. There are the Bruno Mattei's STRIKE COMMANDO (with Reb Brown)and STRIKE COMMANDO 2 (with Brent Huff). There is something called DEADLY PREY that it might be.  Based on the illustration, my guess is that this poster is for one of the two RAMBO-ish films starring a guy named Peter O'Brian. One film is the incredibly awesome, so-bad-it's-good flick THE INTRUDER (in which his character's name is Rambu instead of Rambo). His other is film is called THE STABILIZER (like a mix of RAMBO and THE EQUILIZER in Indonesia). But I'm not even sure of that is correct. The plane in the upper left corner throws me off. I don't recall seeing it in any of them. Perhaps there are even more outrageous RAMBO ripoffs out there? Any ideas?


I already have a copy of this, but it is for one of the better films in the series and, hello? It was uber cheap.


This is the recalled advance for F138...  I already have a copy or two of this as well. But this came with the Part 6 poster above and they were both super cheap. SOLD.


I already have a copy of this poster as well,,,but the coloring is different on my other copy. Mine is black and the darker green only. The lighter green on this poster is all the darker green (I think...) or perhaps it is a different shade of green. Something about this is different color-wise. But either way, it is still a cool poster. IN THE DEVIL'S GARDEN (1971) was originally known as ASSAULT, but underwent a title change to sound more diabolical for its re-release pairing up with THE DEVIL'S NIGHTMARE (1972) after the success of THE EXORCIST.


Holy crap. What is this gross-out, gonzo Thai (?) movie? PITUITARY HUNTER? With a picture of a person with part of their skull removed, a bared brain and a needle poking into it? Zowie! You don't see junk like that on American one sheets. Ha! Bizarre-o-rama! It was cheap-ish, so SOLD!


I had no idea any of the FACES OF DEATH flicks ever played theatrically anywhere. Although they are partially faked "shockumentaries" (with real news/police footage as well), they are not my cup o' tea at all. However, when I saw this, I knew it must be rare. I am looking at movie posters all of the time and have never before seen one for any of the FACES OF DEATH flicks. Ever. So, I snatched this one up. Freaky image.


This is a super looking double feature poster. I have no idea what MAGICMATION might be--and yet, BOTH films are said to be in it. Golly gee. My only guess as to what MAGICMATION might be is how the films were made. Both are anthology films. LEGEND OF HORROR features a segment that was from an Argentinean film. (The rest was filmed in the USA). DIABOLIC WEDDING features a segment shot here in the US but the rest of the film was shot in Peru. Perhaps the MAGICMATION refers to the part American/Part South American nature of the films? I don't know. But I like the gimmick of MAGICMATION (whatever it might be) and it's kind of a fun double feature one sheet. Why not?


Here is my prize for this listing, a large-style French poster for Jess Franco's A VIRGIN AMONG THE LIVING DEAD. Oh my stars! I have wanted one of these for years! The art on this is just incredible. Wow! Wow! WOW!!!  I can't believe I finally scored one. Yahoo!

And that is all for now, kiddies. I'll be back---but I am taking a long break from poster buying. Things have come up and I find I really must just step back for a bit until I get some issues settled and under control. I will still post if I have any interesting updates or projects to share, but as far as buying new posters---that will just have to wait. (In fact, I'll be doing just the opposite. One of the things I plan on doing during my "hiatus" is weeding out my collection and finding stuff to send to auction and/or sell on (fl)e(a)Bay.) In the mean time, I've been re-posting my posters (only have about 500 up so far---tons and tones more to go. UGH!) on Instagram. I didn't think I'd ever use Instagram, but it is a great way to see all of my posters all at once just by scrolling down. But, for some reason, I've already been banned from leaving descriptions on my posts or "liking" anything on my page or on anyone  else's. Ha! Anyway, check it out if you like. The link is HERE:

Okay---it's cha-cha-cha time!

Have a go-go groovy spring.

I'll see you here again sooner or later.

Let me introduce myself:,9291.0.html View my collection thread (if you DARE!!!):,9480.0.html  See it on my blog (withOUT Photobucket watermarks) here: CHEERS!

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Hi MAGG, congratulations on getting the Virgin poster. I'm liking Satan's cheerleaders hey hey  thumbsup.gif and also Vampyr

Online Tob

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A Virgin Among the Living Dead is really nice, great art on that one.

What film is the gif underneath the poster from (that poor ladies face sliding off)?