Author Topic:  (Read 2862 times)


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« on: November 19, 2012, 09:51:48 AM »
So .. Ive decided to stop hosting .. If anyone would be interested in taking it over and hosting it I'd be willing to pass it along. It seems to come back pretty high on google search results when searching mondo movie posters or alamo posters and so on .. So if youre a fan that has some time or wants a good domain to blog about Mondo posters this could be of interest to you. I believe I still own the domain free and clear for another year then it would need renewed after that.

If anyone is interested or has any questions just let me know. I will probably shut the server down this Friday if I dont hear from any other interested parties.

Also.. if anyone is interested in the site code, so that they can keep it up and running as it is Id be willing to pass that along as well. I re-read my post and it sort of sounded like I was only speaking about the domain name. Id love for the whole thing go to someone that would keep it all up and running.. My goals were to keep it updated and add a blog to the main page to discuss releases and events and movies .. I just never seemed to have the time to keep the site updated and re-write the code for the home page to start the blogging stuff.