Author Topic: Would you buy it?  (Read 9741 times)


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Would you buy it?
« on: August 05, 2016, 03:18:43 PM »
A few weeks ago, one of my poster sources offered me what I'd consider the deal of a lifetime.

He's offered to me, his entire stock of posters from an operating, small town movie theater, which is located in my hometown, about 2 hours away.  He's owned this theater for 14 years now and I have a feeling he wants to sell it. 

I'd guess he's got somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 posters an 5/6x13 mylars.  My wife is absolutely sold on buying this pile and flipping the majority of it for profit; I don't think she understands how much work she's creating for me.  Keep in mind I've cherry picked "the best" posters out of him for the last five years or so.

His price?  $500.  Yes, Five hundred american dollars.  I didn't have it at the time or I would have backed the car right on to the sidewalk and started loading stuff up.

Should I call him and tell him Yes, I'll do it or let it go?  The hoarder in me says "DO IT!!!", the rational, lazy part of me is saying "Forget it".   hmmm.gif

Offline jedgerley

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2016, 03:28:56 PM »
Hmm decisions decisions decisions. Honestly i would go try and see what is there. Most likely most will be a tough sell at $10 or $15 bucks. He probably has sold other cherry picked posters to other buyers too? If you have the chance to do that i would start flipping through them to see if it is worth your time. And theres always the option to have an auction house like Rich or Bruce to sell and ship for you. Keep us updated and good luck. Jason

Offline eatbrie

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2016, 04:00:11 PM »
Are they in mint condition?  What kind of titles are there?  $500 is nothing, but in order to be worth your while, you should make a least 10x more in profit, because it's going to be a lot of work.  So that means selling the posters for $15 a piece and pocketing $10 after you pay Ebay or Emovie fees.  Do you think you can make that?  14 years you said.  Are there Marvel or DC posters, Pirates of the Caribbean posters, Pixar posters...  I mean, at the end of the day, it's all about what you think is worth your while.

And welcome to APF btw.


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Offline Crazy Vick

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2016, 07:38:47 PM »
I had the same opportunity a couple of months ago from a local drive-in theatre owner who had been out of business for a while.  I passed as it was out of town and I couldnt get there in time.  The lot sold within hours of being listed. 

The guy had pictures of 2 handwritten lists - folded and rolled 1 sheets, about a hundred of each.  He was asking $350 and I totally regret not going ahead (damn you, responsibilities of life).  Some decent titles would have made it worthwhile.  Doesn`t take much to come out on top!

Offline ddilts399

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2016, 08:46:10 PM »
There is less money there than you think looking at the pile trust me. New poster sales is a very tough business, lot of work, little money. You need to love it. If they arent mint, I wouldnt touch it unless you want to keep them for yourself.


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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2016, 09:22:50 PM »
I can't really say what is in there.  He's owned the theater 14 years, but the theater has been in operation for at least 50 years, so who knows what is lurking there.  I believe I could double my money at worst and I'd be ok with that, on top of being able to add to my current collection.

Offline jedgerley

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2016, 10:50:41 PM »
So I forgot to mention when looking through them, if possible, if you can find just 10 $50 posters (titlle,condition) then its all gravy after that and can take it slow selling off the rest.
And I would get them if it was me and would definitely offer less by mentioning time and trouble and not knowing exactly whats there.  Go for it and have fun doing it.  thumbsup.gif

Offline erik1925

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2016, 11:55:59 PM »
I can't really say what is in there.  He's owned the theater 14 years, but the theater has been in operation for at least 50 years, so who knows what is lurking there.  I believe I could double my money at worst and I'd be ok with that, on top of being able to add to my current collection.

The other question is whether the posters in this stash are also from just the last 14 years, or do go back a bit further.

Are you able to ask the owner to get a sense of what might be in the grouping? And if all of them are rolled, that will also help to date them, too. Is it a mix of rolled and folded posters?

And another  welcome1 to APF, Ben. Enjoy the forum!
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 11:56:22 PM by erik1925 »



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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2016, 04:53:24 PM »
I've only ever seen rolled posters, and I mean boxes and boxes of them.  Last time I saw all the boxes out, there were like 10 or 15 boxes of 20-25 tubes.  I doubt there would be time to look through them and get an idea of what's in there.  The owner is an aspiring actor and spends most of his time in NYC and also owns a restaurant in PA near his home town.

My wife in her enthusiasm for this project also suggested cutting some kind of deal to buy all his posters every six months or something along those lines.

I'm leaning heavily towards doing this.

Offline erik1925

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2016, 05:23:12 PM »
Great info.

Being that the posters all sound to be rolled, that can also help date when even the oldest of the bunch are from-- maybe going back to the mid-later 1980's. It will be curious too, to see and discover if there are multiples of titles, too.

Sounds like a potential, fun project.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 05:25:03 PM by erik1925 »


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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2016, 11:20:03 AM »
I would pass if I were you.
Even if there are a couple that are worth selling, chances are you will be stuck with a lot of worthless titles that will take up space in your home.


Offline paul waines

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2016, 11:53:34 AM »
I'd also pass on the deal.

I get a bag of posters every other month from a Cinema guy I know, and 99% are only good for starting fires, or wrapping up gifts. It just isn't worth the hassle for a good one every now and then.

If you're on the dole/unemployed it may be worth a couple of quid every once in a while, but any profit against the time and effort put in is not worth it..

If you do go ahead with it I have about 800-1000 I'll sell you for £100.  ( Can't bring myself to fling them just yet) I did trash about 30 banners last month as I needed the space. I put them on the Bay for 1.99, and couldn't sell any.
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Offline jayn_j

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2016, 12:15:33 PM »
Keep in mind I've cherry picked "the best" posters out of him for the last five years or so.

This line is the key.  You've already got the 1% worth keeping.  $500 seems a bit much for fireplace kindling.


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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2016, 08:07:35 AM »
So, to revisit this...I did it.  I was able to sell off a different collection of items I had been sitting on for a few years and raise the $500.  $500 isn't a lot to some of you, I'm sure, it's a fair sum for me.

Anyway.  I set up the deal to pick up the poster sunday morning.  Drive two hours to my hometown sunday morning, the theater owner isn't there.  No one is there.  Message him.  He gets back to me about 20 minutes later, says he'll send one of his lackeys down.  Meanwhile, I'm left loitering in front of the closed movie theater, at 11 am on a sunday morning, in a suspicious small town.  She shows up about 10 minutes later.

We go to the front of the theater, into this area behind the screen.  There were about 10 boxes of posters, I'd conservatively guess about 250 tubes.  Also behind the screen, is every piece of junk that has been worn out, broken or discarded by the theater since about 1980, judging by the enormity of it.  This theater used to be a Vaudeville house until the mid 1930's when it was converted to a movie house by Jack Warner of Warner Brothers.

Anyway, this girl and her husband start bringing the boxes out the backdoor of the building and I back my car right up to it and start piling tubes into the trunk.  With the trunk full, I started putting stuff in the back seat, including what appears to be 20 4x6 bus shelters.

With my entire car packed full, trunk, backseat, passenger front seat, I make the two hour return trip home.  My wife and I unload this into the basement and start going through it.

The results of the inventory are not promising.   :-[

No Marvel, DC, Pirates or anything that is really desirable.  Nothing older than earlier 2000's and there weren't very many of them.  One of the few bright spots of this is that anything there is any value in, there were two of, almost every time.  Many have minor damage; a folded corner, a pin hole, edge wear from being displayed.

So while this may not be end up being a profitable venture, I'm pleased with the posters I gained for my own collection.  I'd venture to guess there were upwards of 600 posters.  My basement looks like an organized bomb went off, there are empty tubes everywhere, trash posters (severely damaged) in one pile, the "for sale" posters re-tubed over here, the ones I'm keeping over there.  We spent about 10 hours sorting, collating and inventorying (is that a word?) all these posters.  By the time we were done, my feet were on fire, my back hurt and I was to the point where I didn't want to see another poster, and I still had about 20 ebay auctions to pack up that had ended over the weekend.

Offline Simes

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2016, 10:14:51 AM »
Nice write up there sir.

Would be interested in hearing how you go about selling the rest, the success stories and hardships, and if there are any profits for your troubles.

All the best.

Offline jayn_j

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2016, 12:06:13 PM »
So, how many did you keep for yourself?  How many are going on ebay?

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2016, 12:19:43 PM »
More importantly, what are you keeping for yourself?


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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2016, 12:40:32 PM »
I kept maybe 100-150 for myself.

Specific titles are lost on me right now, there were just so many different ones in there, I couldn't begin to say what will get listed on ebay.  I know one of the biggest groups were the Hunger Games titles, there had to have been at least 30 different posters on those alone, none of which are interesting to me.

Thinking forward, where is the best place to get shipping tubes for these?  Don't want them getting damaged, should they sell.

Offline jedgerley

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2016, 02:52:28 PM »
Congrats on buying them.

I would suggest buying some tubes from or
Buying a couple boxes of 30 or 35 will save ya a lot of money. Brings the cost per tube down o about 1.20ish counting shipping costs. And plastic sleeves are wonderful for making it easy to package them up. I would roll in paper for higher dollar posters ofcourse.

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2016, 03:42:57 PM »
I bet Rich at MoviePosterBid would make you up a nice 1000 poster lot for $500 that you could make money on.
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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2016, 04:21:48 PM »
My basement looks like an organized bomb went off, there are empty tubes everywhere, trash posters (severely damaged) in one pile, the "for sale" posters re-tubed over here, the ones I'm keeping over there.  We spent about 10 hours sorting, collating and inventorying (is that a word?) all these posters.  By the time we were done, my feet were on fire, my back hurt and I was to the point where I didn't want to see another poster, and I still had about 20 ebay auctions to pack up that had ended over the weekend.

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I bet Rich at MoviePosterBid would make you up a nice 1000 poster lot for $500 that you could make money on.

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Offline Crazy Vick

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2016, 04:40:37 PM »
Well you've elevated your status among posterphiles here that is for sure.  I think this is one of those thing where if you hadn't done it you wouldve been kicking yourself for years. At the very least its makes for a great story to tell your kids!  I'm sure you can get rid of a few bundles here outside ebay to boot if you let us know what you've got.


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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2016, 01:38:59 PM »
Well you've elevated your status among posterphiles here that is for sure.  I think this is one of those thing where if you hadn't done it you wouldve been kicking yourself for years. At the very least its makes for a great story to tell your kids!

It definitely ate at me for the last six or seven weeks, ever since we had initially discussed doing it.  Surprisingly, my wife, the non-collector of things, was the one who kept bringing it up.  She's awesome.

It'll be a bit before I start listing anything on ebay.  I have a bunch of toy auctions that are still live, so I need to get those wrapped up before I get into anything else.  Plus this time of year is maddeningly busy, kids are going back to school and dance class, work is aggravating and bowling season starts tonight.

Another thing I thought of, are 30-day fixed price listings the way to go for posters on ebay?  I can't see any of these selling for more than $10 each and I don't want to babysit these things every week.

Offline Crazy Vick

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2016, 01:52:30 PM »
Bowling is awesome! The 30 day thing is good because it allows you to "set it and forget it" a-la Ron Popeil.

What I've found though is that auctions get the most hits, and that's what you want, lots of visitors.  If you list a bunch of stuff at low starting prices ending around the same time, and offer combined shipping, people will tend to bid on a couple of items., especially for people outside the US who can't spend $9.99 on a poster and then dish out $15 on shipping. 

Just be prepared to check expectations, now that you've cherry picked the best, what kind of hit are you prepared to take on the rest?  Of course, another option is listing on craigslist...."Amazing opportunity old theatre collection of posters selling as a lot for $550..."  ;D ;)

Offline Simes

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Re: Would you buy it?
« Reply #24 on: September 07, 2016, 01:54:23 PM »
I'd just stick everything on for 99c and see how the market truly stacks up.

I remember I had to bid for 70 or so posters at Bonhams in London for just the one Bond double feature quad I wanted.  I popped everything up for 99p for a weekly auction and found myself quite surprised by what happened.

Not being a dealer, I found some what-I-figured-to-be average posters going for a sum, and then there are a couple of people who snapped up a bunch of posters, admittedly at the £1 mark but they all went in one tube.

I did all the maths and I ended up paying about the right amount for the Bond quad.  Quite interesting.