All Poster Forum

Movie Posters => General Discussion => Topic started by: 2007Whoopi on October 03, 2014, 11:28:03 PM

Title: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 03, 2014, 11:28:03 PM
I am amazed the value people put on certain one-sheets, inserts etc that I think are worthless. Top of the list for me is "Casablanca" on any paper. I hate the movie and detest Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in anything they appear in. The movie might have been slightly more bearable had Errol Flynn and Bette Davis starred in it, but even so, the boring movie would still be agony to watch. I wouldn't pay $10 for any poster on this title.

While I think 30's Universal horror movies are dreadfully made, I quite like the posters but would never own one even if I could afford it, as they represent pretty crude film-making to me (especially when compared to other early classic talkies and of course, the great cinematography of the silent era).

Fortunately for my wallet, I also don't like John Wayne films and Westerns. Unfortunately, I still favour items that ARE high-priced, but justifiably so.  8)

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 03, 2014, 11:32:40 PM
I must add that I sometimes do buy John Wayne titles for a relative who loves him, but I have to resist the urge to vomit after I win the auction.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Ari on October 03, 2014, 11:38:05 PM
I may die soon.

iWondering now many enemies I should make...

Breakfast at Tiffanys... Makes no sense to me, there is $10 posters from the same era that look 100x better. The movie... Might as well watch when Harry met Sally or something. Honestly if this wasn't on the "cool" list only the few people who actually love the film (and have bothered to watch it) would be interested.

Downhill racer, never understood, decided to rewatch to recently, just in case it was just a fantastic movie or something, commits the ultimate crime for film, BORING, watching the Winter Olympics would be better, and that's crap enough as it is.

Forbidden Planet, the art is fine, but there's better cheaper, the movie, unless you saw as a kid and have fond memories, it's not a good movie, or rather certainly not good enough to command the prices the poster does.
Forget iconic, it's iconic because everyone decided it was something "neat" to own.

(Just about) every poster for a film in the last 20 years that sells for more than $10. (Just about) every one of them there is thousands of them, they are (for the most oart) about as creative as two insurance salesman with a bootleg copy of photoshop 3.0

Girl on a motorcycle, I don't mind the posters, but way overblown, I'd like a poll on who owns or wants the poster and who has seen the film.

Blow up, terribly over rated film, really, I like films from this era a lot,it has a great cast, but such an average film, that for whatever reason people think is "clever".
Maybe the posters are better than the film, but the posters are not very exciting.

Any of the valuable text only posters (read star wars).

All the terrible 80's films for teenagers, that were terrible then and only got worse.

Tarantino. Sorry they are NOT rare.

I tend to agree re the Universal Horrors. I don't love the films so much. Eg: The german stuff from the era was so much better. But I do understand the love for it (its the horror kid in me)
if value wasn't a factor I'd rather 60's/70's Italian Horror posters (for art and film).

anyway, not meaning to insult anyone, I am glad you all like what I don't, means I can continue having cheap taste and my wallet thanks me.

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 03, 2014, 11:48:46 PM
I like the German stuff too: "Metropolis" is probably the only title I would happily splurge on (and IMO justifies the high prices) if I won the lottery as the movie is iconic and the poster designs fantastic. I also love the German version of "M" but find the hand one-sheet too stark for my liking.

I enjoyed the movie "Breakfast at Tiffanys" but don't like the poster - for some reason posters that have a white background or a lot of white in them don't do it for me.

Ari, I'm afraid I haven't heard of the rest of the titles you mentioned as it's not really my taste.

I forgot to mention that I also hate James Bond and can't believe anyone would buy anything on those movies. And while I love the movie "Jaws", the poster doesn't do it for me at all. The shark doesn't look like a Great White and it could have been drawn far more terrifying  - it's too narrow looking in the head, making it look anorexic, and so why would an anorexic shark be attacking people?
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: CSM on October 04, 2014, 12:44:49 AM
I hate the movie and detest Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in anything they appear in

While I think 30's Universal horror movies are dreadfully made

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 110x75 on October 04, 2014, 12:45:41 AM
This thread will probably become very funny in the future...

Hi Whoopi!

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 110x75 on October 04, 2014, 12:46:51 AM
Every poster I want is overpriced. Every one I don't give a shit is overrated.

Close enough?
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: CSM on October 04, 2014, 12:47:56 AM
This thread will probably become very funny in the future...

Hi Whoopi!


It's already quite humorous!
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 110x75 on October 04, 2014, 12:55:41 AM
Must be it's saturday already (and the screwdriver I drank, and that few beers)  ;)
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Zorba on October 04, 2014, 01:24:02 AM
Mels back?
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: paul waines on October 04, 2014, 01:26:28 AM
I think every poster over £2 is over priced, and the sooner they get back to those prices the better..

Here you go Ari...

( (
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: paul waines on October 04, 2014, 01:27:42 AM
Mels back?

Shhh, lets see where he's going with this.. :)
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Zorba on October 04, 2014, 01:36:01 AM



Just being entertained while watching Suzaka qualifying.

Just heard Vettel is going over to Ferrari while hoping Hamilton holds onto the pole vs Rosberg.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 01:44:20 AM

Yes, I know. Isn't it amazing that nobody comments on how badly edited, acted and filmed Universal horror movies are? You would think they could have got it right by the 30's. I mean, Birth Of A Nation was made in 1915 for Christ's sake.

And as for those Casablanca actors, I can't believe either one became a star. Humphrey Bogart is a small boy's idea of a hero and Bergman has to be the plainest looking movie star of the 20th century. She has absolutely no charisma on camera and is lauded in such mediocre fare as "Gaslight" and "Notorious" - one of Hitchcock's dullest films. Her daughter, Isabella, while hardly a top-rung actress, at least was striking looking and had a semblance of star quality.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 01:46:46 AM
This thread will probably become very funny in the future...

Hi Whoopi!


Hi sexy.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 04, 2014, 02:33:02 AM

Legitimate posts? All seem rather harsh from the get go.


Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 04, 2014, 02:37:16 AM

Yes, I know. Isn't it amazing that nobody comments on how badly edited, acted and filmed Universal horror movies are? You would think they could have got it right by the 30's. I mean, Birth Of A Nation was made in 1915 for Christ's sake.

And as for those Casablanca actors, I can't believe either one became a star. Humphrey Bogart is a small boy's idea of a hero and Bergman has to be the plainest looking movie star of the 20th century. She has absolutely no charisma on camera and is lauded in such mediocre fare as "Gaslight" and "Notorious" - one of Hitchcock's dullest films. Her daughter, Isabella, while hardly a top-rung actress, at least was striking looking and had a semblance of star quality.

Your opinion, right or wrong, is just don't forget it.   ;D
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 02:46:51 AM
Your opinion, right or wrong, is just don't forget it.   ;D

Not my opinion, just a fact. I have taste, is all. *shrugs* I'm sorry you don't but I'm sure I'll get over it. And I don't care if you don't.  8)
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 04, 2014, 03:05:28 AM
I can already see the clock ticking down...

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 03:10:52 AM
Hmm, you seem flustered. hmmm.gif How odd....
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 04, 2014, 03:11:49 AM
Nah... all fun and good times.

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 03:21:50 AM
Wow you are defensive  :o  Wow
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Filmlobbycards on October 04, 2014, 03:29:53 AM

Not my opinion, just a fact. I have taste, is all. *shrugs* I'm sorry you don't but I'm sure I'll get over it. And I don't care if you don't.  8)

Well I hope you like Keaton.....or else you have mental problems....not an opinion, just a fact
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 03:31:41 AM
Buster, Diane or *shudders* Michael?
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Filmlobbycards on October 04, 2014, 03:34:50 AM
Buster....there are no other Keaton's in my universe......from your posts you seem to like silent films....that's a very good thing
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 03:49:00 AM
Yes I do (like silent films). To be honest, I have only ever seen Buster Keaton in his cameo in Sunset Boulevard and a silent skit where he is in a car with a woman and his hat is flying all over the place. Both were amusing enough but I'll reserve judgement on him until I see more films. That he is a star and important to the birth of comedy in films, there is no question. However my favourite silent comedy star is Harold Lloyd.

What I love about silent films and what was missing from early talkies, is all the on-location footage and physical scope - especially in the comedies - high-wire acts on construction sites, cars dodging fast-moving trains and the like. My favourite concerns a couple moving a house over train tracks and there is a train in the distance racing towards them. The car breaks down and the couple run for their lives, however it is only the angle of the camera that makes it appear the train is on the same tracks and at the last minute the train swerves, missing the house. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief and then suddenly a train coming the opposite direction smashes right through the house. That kind of verisimilitude was missing from early 30's films. I also love how early Californian streets and everyday, background life has been documented thanks to these movies.

I despise rear-projection and feel it ruined many a classic. The worst that springs to mind is a scene in "All About Eve" when George Sanders and Anne Baxter are supposed to be walking along a road and it's so obvious they're on a treadmill in front of a screen. It takes you right out of the story.

I also love Fatty Arbuckle, more so because of the scand'lous court case...
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Filmlobbycards on October 04, 2014, 03:58:56 AM
Love me some Harold Lloyd as well......believe it or not but the scene you describe with the house on the train track is a classic Buster Keaton short film from 1920 called "One Week"...where he struggles to build a kit house in the most dysfunctional is a nice restored version for your enjoyment....this topic has been derailed (

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 04:31:07 AM
Thanks lobby-baby!  sm1
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Mirosae on October 04, 2014, 04:34:19 AM
I am amazed the value people put on certain one-sheets, inserts etc that I think are worthless. Top of the list for me is "Casablanca" on any paper. I hate the movie and detest Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in anything they appear in.

Fortunately for my wallet, I also don't like John Wayne films and Westerns 8)

Welcome to the forum!! It is always good to hear  about other people's views. I am in the opposite spectrum. Very glad to know you don't like Casa or Wayne,  im happy to take them all :)

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 04:38:42 AM
Welcome to the forum!! It is always good to hear  about other people's views. I am in the opposite spectrum. Very glad to know you don't like Casa or Wayne,  im happy to take them all :)

Well I like Bacall, so you're not entirely off the hook  ;)
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 04:41:16 AM
And I'm forced to buy Wayne for my relative although like I said, I would rather choke on my own vomit than do so.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Mirosae on October 04, 2014, 04:41:28 AM
I may die soon.

iWondering now many enemies I should make...

Breakfast at Tiffanys... Makes no sense to me, there is $10 posters from the same era that look 100x better. The movie... Might as well watch when Harry met Sally or something.

I'm with you there though to be fair, I can see the appeal. And Charlie has been very good at "making a point". No my cup of tea but could live with Brini 's Breakfast at Tiffanys. It is stunning. I'll take that one!
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Mirosae on October 04, 2014, 04:50:03 AM
And I'm forced to buy Wayne for my relative although like I said, I would rather choke on my own vomit than do so.

Oh dear...let's hope that doesn't happen any soon then  :)

Well I like Bacall, so you're not entirely off the hook  ;)

Yes! She was good  :)

That said. I see where are you coming from. I too think some posters are just over priced. I can't see the artistic or cinematic merit of certain ones.

But there is a market for all of us.  And....hey...We all have a soft spot for certain films and sometimes if finances are right...We all might be willing to pay a higher price just for that one poster!

Looking forward to seeing your posters! Enjoy APF!

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 04:59:43 AM
Thanks mirosae for your friendly welcome. Yes, you're right, I recently paid over 200 times my top estimate on a piece, during auction fever, I can't believe I did that. However it was for a very rare item that according to all the online auction past results, had never been offered before. That said, it was for a very select item nobody wanted except me and another bidder. If not for that very sweet little munchkin I would have won the auction for $60. That being said I would never have spent over $150,000 on it like I saw on a Casablanca insert, that's ridiculous.

I would love to post my collection on here but I'm afraid I would give my identity away - you would know immediately which bidder I was on emovieposter and I just know some bright spark on here would take to messing with my auctions just to drive up my bids.

Has that ever happened to you?
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Mirosae on October 04, 2014, 06:14:03 AM
Thanks mirosae for your friendly welcome. Yes, you're right, I recently paid over 200 times my top estimate on a piece, during auction fever, I can't believe I did that.

I would love to post my collection on here but I'm afraid I would give my identity away - you would know immediately which bidder I was on emovieposter and I just know some bright spark on here would take to messing with my auctions just to drive up my bids.

Has that ever happened to you?

Oh, I think most of us have been there too. I can count my scars eyeroll

Shame we won't see your posters. Most of us share our stuff here. But I do get it. It might increase appetite and competition for it. As per pushing bids up, it has never happened to me. Others here might have had that ? That surely will hurt. 

Anyway. Good having you around. If you see any Bogies/ Waynes, please let me spare you the pain. Send me a tip off and I will take them off your hands inmediatly hehehe

Chris- YOU stay away! devil 2


Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Filmlobbycards on October 04, 2014, 06:35:21 AM
Lets get back to the topic .... The question posed in this thread is very interesting if you look at it from the perspective of what MAKES any specific poster see Graham Arader diagnosing Antique prints on a scale of: rarity, historical importance, Condition, aesthetic quality and conceptional design....etc...and if you start to apply any of those features (like Heritage and Walter Reuben attempt on a similar scale) then you can really massage the subject better...there are definitely poster designs that are just amazing regardless of historical context or "watchability"..Rarity and aesthetic quality almost takeover in these examples

1. Red-headed Woman (1932) One sheet - this is certainly one of the best one sheets ever executed in a simple won't hear many people waxing ecstatic about the film....and you can't say you have handleD multiple copies....the next time it comes to auction your jaw will drop at the hammer price...probably because of rarity and aesthetic/artistic execution..

2. Charlie Chan at the racetrack (1936) one sheet- another perfectly executed design....not a very good 5 Chan at best...will probably stay around $25,000 as a star in a signature auction...not historically important by any means but it sure has aesthetic clout....

3. Flying Down to Rio (1933) one sheet- certainly not the best Astaire Rogers film by any measure...a very rare (like any 1933 RKO paper) and artistically grabbing piece....probably won't fetch $239,000 again...but a really eye-catching number... if not 2nd best One Sheet Poster in 1933 next to King Kong....which makes me wonder if this is the best 1-2 punch of poster designs by a single studio in a single year..with auction records to match

4. Tarzan the ape man (1932) one sheet- here's a strange one...not beautiful or aesthetically great in execution but certainly rare...historically important depending on the generation...maybe not as watchable as Tarzan and his mate...I might like the insert better...

The reason I use these posters as examples is that they might seem over priced as paper or over rated as films ....but the fact that these and other RARE VINTAGE MOVIE POSTERS have kept this steady impact on our hobby...above and beyond the "watchability" or bridging the generational gap in terms of popularity..speaks volumes about value in an artistic sense as much as it says about changing tastes in the actual film themselves
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: CSM on October 04, 2014, 11:16:16 AM
Regarding 1930s films vs. the "Silents" - you do realize that the early advent of sound and the need to be stagebound in most circumstances necessitated a move away from the outdoor free-for-all seen in many silent movies?  It just was not possible to film like that and still capture clean audio.  As a consequence the scope of what was possible diminished - at least initially.  I am not a Universal Horror fanatic but I can certainly appreciate the great work put to film in the early 1930s/early sound era given the constraints that were faced with the new technology.     
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 04, 2014, 12:55:24 PM
Paying 200x your top estimate -- that's quite the bidding war. Sounds like the "little munchkin" gave you a run for your money, Whoopi.   Doh.gif

Without divulging the title, what decade was it from or genre?

And this example ties in to this discussion to a degree, as well. Even though you paid a lot more than you wanted to, was the price still within the realm, considering its rarity? Or has other paper for this title gone for much less?

And, yes,  welcome2.gif to APF, once again, too.

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: on October 04, 2014, 05:06:19 PM

for once I am in 100% agreement with Chris
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 07:51:24 PM
Oh, I think most of us have been there too. I can count my scars eyeroll

Shame we won't see your posters. Most of us share our stuff here. But I do get it. It might increase appetite and competition for it. As per pushing bids up, it has never happened to me. Others here might have had that ? That surely will hurt.  

Anyway. Good having you around. If you see any Bogies/ Waynes, please let me spare you the pain. Send me a tip off and I will take them off your hands inmediatly hehehe

Chris- YOU stay away! devil 2


Ok. Miro, you've twisted my arm. When I've got a chance I'll take some photos of 3 posters I have awaiting framing - they were bought as a newbie collector off a dealer (mistake 1), so no chance of giving the game away as to my emovies bidder name. And while the dealer who over-charged me is cunning and dishonest enough to reveal my info, I will never buy from him again and I have moved address, different contact details etc so it wouldn't effect me even if he did.


Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: AjTheGreat on October 04, 2014, 07:59:46 PM
I would love to post my collection on here but I'm afraid I would give my identity away - you would know immediately which bidder I was on emovieposter and I just know some bright spark on here would take to messing with my auctions just to drive up my bids.

Has that ever happened to you?

Just do what I do if anybody drives up your bids or outbids you, write there name down. Hire a hitman to  gun1  and wala....problems gone :)
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 08:01:16 PM
Regarding 1930s films vs. the "Silents" - you do realize that the early advent of sound and the need to be stagebound in most circumstances necessitated a move away from the outdoor free-for-all seen in many silent movies?  It just was not possible to film like that and still capture clean audio.  As a consequence the scope of what was possible diminished - at least initially.  I am not a Universal Horror fanatic but I can certainly appreciate the great work put to film in the early 1930s/early sound era given the constraints that were faced with the new technology.     

Well d'uh genius, that was so blinding obvious re early sound restriction, I thought it was unnecessary and patronizing to even bring it up. Even those who aren't silent film aficionados are aware of the limitations - in the beginning. That doesn't excuse why rear-projection was almost solely used for location filming right up until the mid 60's. Or what I really hate - on location filming for scenes in long and medium shot, then the close-up in front of a rear projection screen back at the studio. I realise it takes longer, costs more to film the entire scene outdoors (fading light etc.. might mean an extra day of filming) but those breaks in a scene are always noticeable and the audience can always tell what is studio-bound, especially if half the scene is shot outdoors. Also, there are many great early "talkies" which had location footage "All Quiet on the Western Front" in 1930 is an example, so it's an excuse for Universal Horror movie fans to justify their film's inadequacies by relying on the ol' "early talkies" syndrome.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 08:16:48 PM
Just do what I do if anybody drives up your bids or outbids you, write there name down. Hire a hitman to  gun1  and wala....problems gone :)

That's a bit extreme, don't you think? What I don't get about the sweet little munchkin is that he will bid on very poor condition items, items that are rare but still come up at least once a year, and he will pay five times what someone paid last year: for instance an insert that sold as "very fine" in 2013 for $250, and this year he paid $1,300 for an incomplete one missing borders and two inches of art work at the bottom. I don't get it. He has been around for years so I gather he does his research. All I can think of, is he saw me make a bid on this item and he went nutty and decided he would do anything to take it from me. The funny thing is, I bid a small amount as it was in bad condition and yet he was sent in a tail-spin and had to have it. He is definitely driving up prices and yet few people would pay $1,300 for mint condition insert on this title. It would cost more to restore than what it is worth. I wonder if many movie poster collectors have serious mental problems?
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: jayn_j on October 04, 2014, 08:16:57 PM
The troll's got his hook out, and some of you are taking the bait with gusto.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 08:18:05 PM
The troll's got his hook out, and some of you are taking the bait with gusto.

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: AjTheGreat on October 04, 2014, 08:36:57 PM
The funny thing is, I bid a small amount as it was in bad condition and yet he was sent in a tail-spin and had to have it. He is definitely driving up prices and yet few people would pay $1,300 for mint condition insert on this title. It would cost more to restore than what it is worth. I wonder if many movie poster collectors have serious mental problems?

Maybe we are mental, seriously. As I was recently told by someone here, cant remember who haha......its not always about the money, to collectors its about having that poster. Heat of the moment type of shit, I guess you would consider me to have mental problems because I sometimes over pay for posters for 2 reasons.

1. Because I want that poster, right now.
2. Because I can afford to over pay for it.

And thats all that matters.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Mirosae on October 04, 2014, 08:39:54 PM

1. Because I want that poster, right now.
2. Because I can afford to over pay for it.

And thats all that matters.

Yes. I am Veruca too!

I want it all. And want it NOW
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 04, 2014, 08:42:09 PM

Yes. I am Veruca too!

I want it all. And want it NOW

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: AjTheGreat on October 04, 2014, 08:52:40 PM
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Crazy Vick on October 04, 2014, 09:42:41 PM
I've missed out on two posters this year (overbid) and yes I should have kept going as it still haunts me.  I have a job, kid, mortgage etc, I can't be surfing the net/auctions/ebay 24-7. 

So, sometimes, yes overpaying can be justified - they were not the most valuable of posters, but at the same time who knows if/when they will ever resurface.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: AjTheGreat on October 04, 2014, 09:55:16 PM
So, sometimes, yes overpaying can be justified - they were not the most valuable of posters, but at the same time who knows if/when they will ever resurface.

I agree 100%, also people should be thanking us for overpaying. I mean were increasing the prices of the posters, so for those that bought it cheap a while ago.....cha ching haha.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: on October 04, 2014, 10:46:20 PM

Ok. Miro, you've twisted my arm. When I've got a chance I'll take some photos of 3 posters I have awaiting framing - they were bought as a newbie collector off a dealer (mistake 1), so no chance of giving the game away as to my emovies bidder name. And while the dealer who over-charged me is cunning and dishonest enough to reveal my info, I will never buy from him again and I have moved address, different contact details etc so it wouldn't effect me even if he did.

OMG.. he bought a Pretty Woman one sheet from Dave!

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 10:47:52 PM
I've missed out on two posters this year (overbid) and yes I should have kept going as it still haunts me.  I have a job, kid, mortgage etc, I can't be surfing the net/auctions/ebay 24-7. 

So, sometimes, yes overpaying can be justified - they were not the most valuable of posters, but at the same time who knows if/when they will ever resurface.

That's where I think I'm fortunate - I'm 35, no wife, no kid and no mortgage, stable income etc.. I also come from well-off parents and grand-father (trust-fund baby) and I work from home, so I can afford to surf the net when and where I like. Sheesh, not a good idea of me to reveal all that info second day on a forum but hey...
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 04, 2014, 10:51:53 PM
Maybe we are mental, seriously. As I was recently told by someone here, cant remember who haha......its not always about the money, to collectors its about having that poster. Heat of the moment type of shit, I guess you would consider me to have mental problems because I sometimes over pay for posters for 2 reasons.

1. Because I want that poster, right now.
2. Because I can afford to over pay for it.

And thats all that matters.

Right, that's why I paid 200 times my top estimate on a piece - it had never come up before and it was also on the cover of a movie poster book I had loved for years, so I had to have it. If another comes up, I will buy that too as I'm sure I could get it for less and even if I can't, it's good to have a spare. To me, that type of behaviour is neurotic but at least I have enough insight to admit it.  ;D
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 04, 2014, 11:43:00 PM
OMG.. he bought a Pretty Woman one sheet from Dave!


Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Zorba on October 05, 2014, 12:06:44 AM
Every single poster is over priced.

As for over rated, that is all in the eye of the beholder but I pick al Star Wars posters.  :P ;D

Back to over priced for a second. THEY ARE ALL OVER PRICED!
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 05, 2014, 12:17:20 AM
Every single poster is over priced.

As for over rated, that is all in the eye of the beholder but I pick all Star Wars posters.  :P ;D

Back to over priced for a second. THEY ARE ALL OVER PRICED!

So true, Alex.. especially when one considers their original intent and being leased to theaters for a few pennies... especially back in the day...
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: DekeThornton on October 05, 2014, 01:06:47 AM
I am always surprised at the prices fetched by Bullitt posters (by the standards of late '60s posters).

The movie is OK I guess but nothing special for me, and the poster artwork is uninspired IMO.  I imagine some people out there truly do love the movie, and others just want the iconically "cool" Steve McQueen on their walls.  Le Mans also gets consistently high prices.  Obviously these people could save a lot of money by buying Junior Bonner posters instead  :P
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 05, 2014, 01:07:00 AM
That's where I think I'm fortunate - I'm 35, no wife, no kid and no mortgage, stable income etc.. I also come from well-off parents and grand-father (trust-fund baby) and I work from home, so I can afford to surf the net when and where I like. Sheesh, not a good idea of me to reveal all that info second day on a forum but hey...

Sounds like money is really no object..and why you were able to go 200x over your high end budget on that insert.

That would be the dream of most collectors (of anything, not just posters).

The Veruca Salt lifestyle, personified.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 05, 2014, 01:12:28 AM
Same goes with the 1967RR OS for the Paul Newman flicker, The Hustler (1961). Why does this RR OS always go for nice (higher) dollars?

What the market wants and will bear, I guess.

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 05, 2014, 05:39:01 AM
Every single poster is over priced.

As for over rated, that is all in the eye of the beholder but I pick al Star Wars posters.  :P ;D

Back to over priced for a second. THEY ARE ALL OVER PRICED!

YES! I forgot about Star Wars. Personally, the films never did if for me (after Laurence of Arabia I swore off dull epics in the desert) but the posters REALLY don't do it for me. The 1970's was such a trashy decade all round - the worst of the 20th century in terms of film, fashion and especially music. I'm so glad my childhood fell in the 1980s - a great nostalgic decade full of fun, money and style. Although the movie posters were as bad, if not worse than they were in the 1970's - and that's saying something!
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 05, 2014, 05:42:20 AM
I think the Vertigo one-sheet is terrible. Such a good movie and such a terrible Saul Bass design. I also can't believe how much "The Man With the Golden Arm" poster commands at auction. I don't mind simple posters if they are iconic but this one is just...nothing.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Mirosae on October 05, 2014, 05:48:18 AM
Sounds like money is really no object..and why you were able to go 200x over your high end budget on that insert.

That would be the dream of most collectors (of anything, not just posters).

The Veruca Salt lifestyle, personified.
Agree. That is why the Casablanca insert went mighty cheap.

Yes. Had I been a prominent human rights lawyer, married to a simple who-cares- actor, in need to decorate my Palazzo in Venice I would have gone for it big time. Tea with Angelina and Brad Pitt.

Ah...back to count my pennies. ..


Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 05, 2014, 06:58:48 AM
Agree. That is why the Casablanca insert went mighty cheap.

Yes. Had I been a prominent human rights lawyer, married to a simple who-cares- actor, in need to decorate my Palazzo in Venice I would have gone for it big time. Tea with Angelina and Brad Pitt.

Ah...back to count my pennies. ..


Miro, just for the record, I'm hardly rich - my salary per annum is $50,000 tops - and I only spend $15,000 a year on movie posters. Yes, I was able to use my trust to buy a really nice house and car when I turned 25, and I could theoretically use my trust quarterly interest payments to indulge in top of the line posters, but I don't. I prefer to use the money I actually earn for my hobby.

I imagine there are people on this forum who spend ten times what I do on posters, but I doubt they have better taste ;)
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: AjTheGreat on October 05, 2014, 09:55:31 AM

Miro, just for the record, I'm hardly rich - my salary per annum is $50,000 tops - and I only spend $15,000 a year on movie posters. Yes, I was able to use my trust to buy a really nice house and car when I turned 25, and I could theoretically use my trust quarterly interest payments to indulge in top of the line posters, but I don't. I prefer to use the money I actually earn for my hobby.

I imagine there are people on this forum who spend ten times what I do on posters, but I doubt they have better taste ;)

$15k a year on posters, nice. When are we going to see pics of this collection?
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: CSM on October 05, 2014, 01:26:48 PM
for once I am in 100% agreement with Chris

Alright let's build on this achievement!
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: CSM on October 05, 2014, 01:29:12 PM

I wonder if many movie poster collectors have serious mental problems?

How appropriate
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Mirosae on October 05, 2014, 01:31:19 PM

Miro, just for the record, I'm hardly rich - my salary per annum is $50,000 tops - and I only spend $15,000 a year on movie posters. Yes, I was able to use my trust to buy a really nice house and car when I turned 25, and I could theoretically use my trust quarterly interest payments to indulge in top of the line posters, but I don't. I prefer to use the money I actually earn for my hobby.

I imagine there are people on this forum who spend ten times what I do on posters, but I doubt they have better taste ;)

You are right. It is not about the money.
 As about taste. Ah..we are all different and like different things. But of course you know that. So enough talk. Let's see your posters....Shall we?
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: AjTheGreat on October 05, 2014, 01:52:35 PM
I would love to post my collection on here but I'm afraid I would give my identity away - you would know immediately which bidder I was on emovieposter and I just know some bright spark on here would take to messing with my auctions just to drive up my bids.

Did you buy something that was simply rare and one of a kind? If not then Im sure your identity will be ok, as there are hundreds if not thousands of posters out there LOL.

Now back to the matter at hand, lets see this poster collection of yours. Maybe you can show us what $15k a year in posters looks like and more importantly what quality taste looks like  :)

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 05, 2014, 02:25:48 PM

That's a bit extreme, don't you think? What I don't get about the sweet little munchkin is that he will bid on very poor condition items, items that are rare but still come up at least once a year, and he will pay five times what someone paid last year: for instance an insert that sold as "very fine" in 2013 for $250, and this year he paid $1,300 for an incomplete one missing borders and two inches of art work at the bottom. I don't get it. He has been around for years so I gather he does his research. All I can think of, is he saw me make a bid on this item and he went nutty and decided he would do anything to take it from me. The funny thing is, I bid a small amount as it was in bad condition and yet he was sent in a tail-spin and had to have it. He is definitely driving up prices and yet few people would pay $1,300 for mint condition insert on this title. It would cost more to restore than what it is worth. I wonder if many movie poster collectors have serious mental problems?

So with the 2" of missing paper at the bottom, and border damage, will you leave it as is? Or do you think you might ever opt to have it restored at some point? Or will you keep it as a place holder until another, in better condition, appears, since you mentioned they seem to come up once a year or so for auction.

Can I ask what era (decade) and genre this insert is from?

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 05, 2014, 03:55:34 PM
Did you buy something that was simply rare and one of a kind? If not then Im sure your identity will be ok, as there are hundreds if not thousands of posters out there LOL.

Now back to the matter at hand, lets see this poster collection of yours. Maybe you can show us what $15k a year in posters looks like and more importantly what quality taste looks like  :)


All in good time, my dear, all in good time...
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 05, 2014, 03:58:01 PM
You are right. It is not about the money.
 As about taste. Ah..we are all different and like different things. But of course you know that. So enough talk. Let's see your posters....Shall we?

Miro, the ones I want to show I plan on getting framed in the next few weeks. I would rather show them off to their best advantage in face of the inevitable back-lash (some people are so predictable) that will follow, or would you rather see them unframed?
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Mirosae on October 05, 2014, 04:04:52 PM
Most people here - if not all- are very polite and respectful. I would not hesitate to show them unframed. It is always good to see the posters. And you can show them framed and unframed (!)
But it is your choice of course.

I take that you collect mostly vintage paper?
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 05, 2014, 04:07:47 PM
Yes. I'm hesitant to get more specific than that but if you read my comment on the "what don't you collect" thread you can probably work out my taste through process of elimination... ;)
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Neo on October 05, 2014, 04:29:56 PM
Don't worry about any "backlash," 2007Whoopi.  Most people here are usually cool with others' different interests.  It would be great to see some of your acquisitions.

P.S. An exception to the "usually cool rule" is the Tom Cruise/Top Gun hater-wagon.  >:D

By the way, welcome1 aboard.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 05, 2014, 05:44:15 PM
Don't worry about any "backlash," 2007Whoopi.  Most people here are usually cool with others' different interests.  It would be great to see some of your acquisitions.

P.S. An exception to the "usually cool rule" is the Tom Cruise/Top Gun hater-wagon.  >:D

By the way, welcome1 aboard.

Thanks neo. Several people have mentioned how "cool" people are here with others' different interests, however I've been lurking a long time and seen the opposite on these boards. In the two days I have been posting, I have already witnessed silly twits get their knickers in a knot because I won't bid on their auctions ;) They're not doing a good job of convincing me otherwise!   ;D
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 05, 2014, 06:31:36 PM
Don't worry about any "backlash," 2007Whoopi.  Most people here are usually cool with others' different interests.  It would be great to see some of your acquisitions.

P.S. An exception to the "usually cool rule" is the Tom Cruise/Top Gun hater-wagon.  >:D

By the way, welcome1 aboard.

For sure, Brandon. And with everyone able to share and discuss the different things we all like and collect, is what keeps this or any forum a place where people feel like they can show off their new "poster goodness," if they want to. And not worry about being slam dunked, in the process.  thumbsup.gif
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: AjTheGreat on October 05, 2014, 06:56:17 PM
So with the 2" of missing paper at the bottom, and border damage, will you leave it as is? Or do you think you might ever opt to have it restored at some point? Or will you keep it as a place holder until another, in better condition, appears, since you mentioned they seem to come up once a year or so for auction.

Can I ask what era (decade) and genre this insert is from?

2007Whoopi seems to have ignored your question Jeff, hmmmm.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Zorba on October 05, 2014, 06:59:07 PM
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: AjTheGreat on October 05, 2014, 07:00:14 PM
For sure, Brandon. And with everyone able to share and discuss the different things we all like and collect, is what keeps this or any forum a place where people feel like they can show off their new "poster goodness," if they want to. And not worry about being slam dunked, in the process.  thumbsup.gif

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: oldposterho on October 05, 2014, 08:42:34 PM

Needs moar scooter...
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on October 05, 2014, 08:49:08 PM
'Tis a great shade of GREEN, too!  ;D
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: Crazy Vick on October 05, 2014, 09:58:00 PM
That's where I think I'm fortunate - I'm 35, no wife, no kid and no mortgage, stable income etc.. I also come from well-off parents and grand-father (trust-fund baby) and I work from home, so I can afford to surf the net when and where I like. Sheesh, not a good idea of me to reveal all that info second day on a forum but hey...
To be clear -I referenced my job, kid and mortgage as impediments to posting hunting 24/7.... My work, my gorgeous daughter and our beautiful house make me a very, very fortunate man.   :P
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: 2007Whoopi on October 05, 2014, 10:10:38 PM
To be clear -I referenced my job, kid and mortgage as impediments to posting hunting 24/7.... My work, my gorgeous daughter and our beautiful house make me a very, very fortunate man.   :P

To each his own. But two out of the three you mentioned are important to me also :)
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on April 13, 2016, 09:52:38 PM
I had forgotten how "insightful" the Aussie-based, whoopster's posts in this thread were. They offered some of this:  stickpoke.gif and some of that:  HAHA.gif

So it makes for an amusing read or re-visit.

But the thread topic is an interesting question.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: guest4754 on April 13, 2016, 10:45:38 PM
Certainly some interesting and bold statements he made in this thread haha...
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on April 13, 2016, 11:29:35 PM
Certainly some interesting and bold statements he made in this thread haha...

For sure, e.

I think whoopster had that intent (being 'bold') from the get go, regardless of the thread's title. But the answers to his question certainly would be wide and varied among collectors.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: guest4754 on April 14, 2016, 12:13:04 AM
Yeah, I'm finding it hard to think of an answer to his question, because there really is no right answer. Star Wars posters came to mind for me right away, but I only thought of that because I personally don't like the movies. It's no shock that they go for as much as they do, because they have a large die-hard following. Essentially these fans are the ones that have set these high prices themselves, so I can't really say it's overpriced. Don't know if that made any sense, I need some sleep  :P

P.S: Semi-related but I just met my first real life fellow poster collector last week, who of course collects Star Wars posters and related memorabilia. I just about passed out when he told me he had around 50k invested into his Star Wars collection  faint2.gif
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on April 14, 2016, 12:20:29 AM
Yeah, I'm finding it hard to think of an answer to his question, because there really is no right answer. Star Wars posters came to mind for me right away, but I only thought of that because I personally don't like the movies. It's no shock that they go for as much as they do, because they have a large die-hard following. Essentially these fans are the ones that have set these high prices themselves, so I can't really say it's overpriced. Don't know if that made any sense, I need some sleep  :P

P.S: Semi-related but I just met my first real life fellow poster collector last week, who of course collects Star Wars posters and related memorabilia. I just about passed out when he told me he had around 50k invested into his Star Wars collection  faint2.gif

It's all very personal and almost like the idea of "one person's trash is another's treasure" idea. Those collectors and/or the niche market is what helps to maintain and further those values.

How did the SW poster-collector meeting go?  Did he talk like Yoda? Or breathe like Vader?  (kidding, of course) ;D

Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: guest4754 on April 14, 2016, 12:27:42 AM
Haha a bit of the latter  :P. It was cool, even though we have very different tastes (I don't like Star Wars and he doesn't like horror) it's cool to see a fellow poster nerd. He actually owns a movie theater, and said I can come by and pick up any posters I want which was a nice offer. Unfortunately I don't think there's any hidden Universal posters in the basement tucked away but I guess you never know!
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on April 14, 2016, 12:32:12 AM
Sounds like a Poster Collector Encounter of the First Kind.  :D

Good on you for having the chance to meet up!

I've met only a couple fellow APF'ers in person, and it was great to spend time with both.
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: guest4754 on April 14, 2016, 12:35:25 AM
Hahaha you're killing me with these jokes Jeff!
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: on April 14, 2016, 01:17:56 AM
I think the Double Indemnity 1sh, 3sh, half sheets and insert are too high priced

someone should sell them to me at a discount before they're worth nothing......
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: erik1925 on April 14, 2016, 07:41:14 PM
I think the Double Indemnity 1sh, 3sh, half sheets and insert are too high priced

someone should sell them to me at a discount before they're worth nothing......

Otherwise they might even pay you to take them off their hands. Makes total sense.   ;D
Title: Re: What posters do you think are over-priced/over-rated?
Post by: on April 14, 2016, 09:35:32 PM
Otherwise they might even pay you to take them off their hands. Makes total sense.   ;D

hurry before it's too late