Common Poster Subjects > Restoration

Amateur Linenbacking 101 by Pulpfixin

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Phase 2 - Step 1A: Buying Supplies

So I have taken on the task and the first thing I thought I would share is my supplies list.  I am pretty sure I got everything.  I am missing a de-acidifying agent I am still trying to figure this one out.  I don't think the sprays are where its at. I may have to figure out mixing Magnesium Acetate and Magnesium Carbonate (Dario if your reading help would be great in this area), and I probably ordered a lifting bone I don't need....  So if you want to take it on you'll need at least $500 to do it right.  I ordered bulk and you can order less, but what would be the point.

And like Lucas I do have a prequel Phase 1 - Step 1: Building a Washing and Mounting Table  I will start this on Thursday and will snap pics.  I am only building a 48" x 60" table to start, so no three-sheets yet...

So what is next?  

Phase 3 - Step 1A: The 5 Poster Experiment - Pre Restoration Documentation of Condition

I have ten OS of some random 1960s poster and will take five and document their condition.  I will use permanent marker to differentiate the poster pre-backing.  I will then vary the CT and backing techniques and pending the outcome of the first three will also attempt various fixes (tears, paper loss, etc.).

Pulpfixing Out...

Well, you have Dario on the board now and he's the expert.  Maybe he'll give you some pointers.


--- Quote from: Charlie on April 03, 2012, 10:46:50 PM ---I don't think the sprays are where its at. I may have to figure out mixing Magnesium Acetate and Magnesium Carbonate

--- End quote ---

This would be great to watch. Go Charlie!

paul waines:
How about a you tube video Charlie?   I think this is going to be jollyfine... thumbup  the best of British to you.

Hi, Folks!

Anyone here in the UK fancy setting-up a similar experiment?  I know that one of our clients (who shall remain nameless) was planning a transatlantic trip to get serious training for this procedure, with a view to setting-up an operation in the UK ... and we've not heard from him since ... !   Judging from past experience with various exponents of restoration and linen-backing, those fumes can take their toll!

Looking forward to updates when available.

Best wishes,

Terry -


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