Music and Theater Posters > General Discussion

Stellar theater poster examples

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Love the Les Mis, Backstage.
I have only one theatre poster, this variation on the above-posted Little Shop of Horrors... it's a full 27x40 in size.


--- Quote from: Backstage on March 28, 2010, 07:31:14 PM ---^^ I'm loving the Dutch poster. I collect theatre posters and Les Mis is a particular favourite - such an iconic image.

--- End quote ---

Those are really nice! Welcome aboard!

I don't actually own any theater posters but had an interesting commission a couple of weeks ago.

One of my friends works for one of the largest marketing/design companies that specialises in West End Theater design. He'd just finished designing all the material for Hair, which has just come over to London from Broadway with the full award winning US cast (which is unheard of I think as the expense is mahoosive!). The only problem was they wanted to give a gift to all the top Broadway Producers coming over from NY for the opening party but didn't have a plan.

Because it's a 60's hippy, peace, love and CND symbol type show my mate thought of my stencil art... to cut a long story short I got the commission to spray a limited edition of 12 artworks to be given to these people (I did three differently coloured versions, four of each). Below is my favourite, the green one, and then a photo of a blue one how they were framing them to give out.

No biggy really, just thought it was related as time was very short and I had to use their existing graphics for the painting.

Nice work AP. I like the way your process captured the feel of the 60s.  Well done.

paul waines:
Not sure if this is the right place for these, but they are theatre posters of pantomime's.   As I was going through some of my bigger posters I thought I would take a few quick pics, and post them.


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