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Is this the oldest Campaign Book in the World?

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paul waines:
This is some pic's of a Campaign book I have for the 1914 film "Cabiria" one of the, if not the first full length feature film. It is 12 pages, not counting the Binding. This was from the 1916 showing in Harrogate.

Is it the oldest? anyone know of another older one? ( step in Bruce to come out with one from the 19th century )

I don't know that there are any from before 1916. U.S. lobby cards started in late 1915, and it seems like that gave the studios the idea to do pressbooks. I have seen single page press sheets from earlier movies, which have a scene from the movie and a synopsis, but I feel a real pressbook has to have at least one poster image.

Does this have any poster images? If not, and if it has nothing aimed at theater owners, it is likely more reasonably described as a program book. No matter what, it is still a cool historic item!

30 to 40 years ago someone found a large number of Italian lobby cards for this movie, and they turn up occasionally.


That is way too cool, Paul.
Here's an interesting blog with some graphics...

and here's a few of the fantastic posters designed for this classic film...

Where can I find one of those Thierry hates "French Grande"s?? The image of that cloaked woman in red and the cheetah below that elephant figure.. brilliant and what a great piece of artistry..   :o


paul waines:
Wow, some great images for this film.

Bruce, So right. Program book is a much more apt description. I think as it was in with a load of Campaign books, the name stuck in my head as I typed. I wish it did have posters in it looking at some of those images. There is quite a few full page photo's in there, I was quite surprised about, being released in the middle of the first world war.

Quite expensive to get in to watch it too.


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