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Stamps/Graphic Design

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I don't know how much, if any, crossover there is between movie poster collecting and stamp collecting but I thought this was worth sharing; it's a recently published, beautifully put together art book by two graphic designers showcasing their modernist-style stamp collections. It's called Graphic Stamps and is available from the publisher here:

I haven't looked at stamps from a collecting perspective since I was a kid but this book has had me poring over these miniature works of art on EBay fairly obsessively for the past couple of weeks. And they are a lot easier to store than the movie posters!

There is a good article by one of the authors talking about his collection at this graphic design blog:

BTW an addendum to the above. I'm sure many of you know this already, but while doing some digging on this stuff, I discovered one significant crossover between stamps and movie posters: Drew Struzan has painted a fair few stamps for the USPS. Most famously, he produced a Star Wars set, but has also painted images of Hollywood legends including James Stewart and John Wayne among other subjects.

Harry Caul:
Nice link!  I don't collect stamps personally, but one of the first people I started following on Instagram is someone who goes by @mintneverhinged.  I was blown away by some of the awesome, modern designs.  I asked them and they said to their knowledge none of the designs were ever printed in full poster size.  Such a shame...

Here are a few incredible examples to whet your appetite, but check out the full feed -- it's well worth it:

Thanks, Matt, those really are amazing. Some of those would look great as posters. I've started buying a few of these kinds of stamps (sadly, none of the ones you posted) and while they are beautiful to look at, they would be even nicer in a larger format!

Incidentally, I believe the guy behind the mintneverhinged feed is one of the authors of the 'Graphic Stamps' book I posted about. There is a similar feed by the other author of the book on Instagram, under the username Graphilately -- well worth checking out as well!

paul waines:
I don't collect Stamps as such, but have a thousand or so handed down to me, and also a few I picked up as a kid.   Oddly I still keep stamps from packages sent to me that I like the look of...

I think these are just the run of the mill kind of ones, no great designs, or value to them. far as I can remember.

I'd post some pics, but don't want you guys falling asleep at the computer...  wynk


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