Author Topic: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....  (Read 2238928 times)

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2010, 08:31:46 PM »
I actually got my renewal notice to register for MPF Premiere membership.  Ah....No....
Best regards,


Check out my new place!
Two Parrots Gallery

"What happened to all the people?" Mystified MPF Member, February 20, 2010

"I actually quite like the name Peanut."  Andy Neal on MOPO, April 22, 2010

Thierry:  Type the word APF on MPF and it spells: "Banned due to malicious unsolicited private message ".

Charlie to the guy who lost to EatBrie:  You just got "T-boned"!  Happens to the best of us...  Wait until you get "Holidazed"!

Thierry to Silhouette:  Please tell her it's a tiny part of my collection so she doesn't think I'm a total creep.  Oh wait, no, I am a total creep.


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #51 on: June 05, 2010, 08:16:21 AM »
Nothing's getting deleted, though I may eventually un-stick this train wreck.  That was really funny, though Dave.

Holiday, it's unfortunate that this subject unleashed so much vitriol.  

I won't add to it other than to say Carson's "poll" was meaningless since it lacked a reasonable middle choice (e.g. $1,000+ posters only), which is what I was advocating.  This morning I checked Heritage for some more stats.  They've sold 49,489 post-1960 posters.  Guess how many have exceeded $1,000?  576, or 1.1%.   I suspect that stat holds true for the other auctions.  In sum, the number of pending auctions that - in my opinion, for what it's worth - should be subject to discussion are very few.

Anyway, since these threads are now tainted with acrimony, I suggest that you retire both existing auction threads and start a new "Auction Discussion" thread with a specific directive to use common sense - and perhaps extreme caution - when discussing pending auctions.

Ending on a positive note:  Stay tuned in the next week or so.  There will be very interesting news that will help patch things up.  More I cannot say.  If you know what I'm talking about then....


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #52 on: June 05, 2010, 03:54:02 PM »
I suggest that you retire both existing auction threads and start a new "Auction Discussion" thread with a specific directive to use common sense - and perhaps extreme caution - when discussing pending auctions.

Mel, while I agree with you for the most part, I do not agree with this statement in it's entirety.
You should be able to talk as you wish without any member getting angry regardless of subject, and that is the core issue. As I said earlier, this is the only board I have ever heard of such a thought - to not post about current auctions - and the bottom line is that it is a selfish perspective that it should be any other way. I don't care if anyone outs an auction I'm interested in. I actually start with a belief that anyone interested is going to see the item anyway and if talking about it increases my chances of losing - I DON'T CARE. I still will only bid what I want to bid - win or lose.

a few months back I was the underbidder on the Spies 1sh that Heritage sold.. My bid was something along the lines of $22k. The poster got loads of chat on MoPo before auction and I also commented on it. It was a great poster and because it is the only one known to exist, the likelihood is that I will never own a copy now as the winning bidder has massively deep pockets and will never sell (it will be institutionalized). That's life. Move on! It affects me not.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but I won't attack anyone because they don't agree with me, which is unfortunately the way that Carson decided to go. Too bad for him. The biggest mistake he made of course is that he had no ammunition in his bag to try to make me change my mind. His single argument is "why can't you wait 5 days". If he was a on a jury in a trial, he wouldn't be able to convince any opposing juror to change their mind as he either doesn't have the skills to do so, or he doesn't understand how to. In any case, if anything, his attitude only makes we want to out anything I may think he wants to buy, not the opposite.

What is really foolish though is this: how many times has anything been outed on this forum?
I can only think of 2 and I never outed anything - yet, which makes the whole discussion something of a cannard. The other fact that he had himself done so in the past (making him 50% of the outters) on something he had no interest in, now the fear that what he wants may be outed in the future make shim change his belief, which is one more reason that his position on the issue becomes less meaningful to others. "If it affects you.. who cares. If it affects me.. hey, that's a crime". It is a duplicitous position.

Thankfully, Holiday sees no justification in Carson's position and his poll becomes meaningless by that one point.

Dale.. you point to someone being edited by his editor at a newspaper to exemplify that  there is no true "Freedom of Speech". That is also a cannard. A reporter gets paid for his words. His editor almost always tells him what issue to chase and edits according to information needed, space issues within the paper and philosophical issues of the newspaper itself (if any). But the editor does not change the article for capricious reasons - or at least, he isn't supposed to. It is doubtful that any NYT reporter will have his article carried by Fox, and the reverse is probably also true for the most part. But what cannot happen is that no reader can tell the newspaper what to print or not print and therein lay the freedom.

Also, anyone who wishes to stand on a soapbox in the park can say whatever he wishes as long as he/she does not go afoul of law. A KKK member can espouse his hate just as a KKK opponent can espouse his opposing view and while people in the park can certainly scream at the KKK guy to get outta town, they have no legal right to make him stop as long as he stays within the law.

Here on allposterforum, it is not the members who choose what cannot be said. It is the owner who sets the laws and we have so far heard the owner's position that such speech will not be prohibited because in his belief - it is indeed censorship and to be sure, it's censorship of the worst kind - self interested censorship that does no purpose for the members at large.

One more point: the intent of any forum such as this is to promote open speech, not hinder it. It is to help educate and inform it's members of past, current and future events. While outing an auction may be onerous to some, it is equally beneficial to others and why should any one group have a greater weight in determining what is good or bad? To be sure, allposterforum is not a democracy - it is a dictatorship (with Holiday and Thierry being Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos. Though I refuse to identify which is which  wynk ) and no one has to be a citizen of this state. You can choose to be a member or you can choose not as an individual and that is the end of any particular freedom unless the dictator dictates different

that said.. has anyone here seen the Lost in Translation listing on fleaBay?
or how about the Harry Potter lenticulars?

I have no interest in them and maybe somene of the rest of our fine group does is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #53 on: June 05, 2010, 04:31:08 PM »
Mel, while I agree with you for the most part, I do not agree with this statement in it's entirety.
You should be able to talk as you wish without any member getting angry regardless of subject, and that is the core issue.

Like I said before, it's silly to pretend the stuff on the dedicated movie poster auctions - like yours - is not being watched closely by numerous potential buyers, so I personally don't have any problem if anybody discusses them.  (Not that my opinion matters anyway.)

However, most of the forum members are strictly buyers and want to find bargains, so I'm personally never going to discuss low-profile Ebay auctions and would hope that no one else would either.  Just send out an email to those whom you know have interest.

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #54 on: June 05, 2010, 05:49:29 PM »
Just to keep you guys posted, Ben (Wonka) sent an email to Holiday, Carson, Chad and myself yesterday informing us that he would not be posting on the forum anymore (I believe a direct result of the ongoing bad mouthing and recent fighting).  I have taken him for his word (otherwise, this forum would turn into MPF with 99% of members not posting) and removed his account.  His posts can still be seen, but he is no longer a member here.  Just to make sure no one thinks I banned him or something equivalent.  It was all done in complete agreement.

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #55 on: June 05, 2010, 05:59:13 PM »
That is unfortunate.  I really liked his photos of Cinevent.  He will be missed.

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #56 on: June 05, 2010, 06:26:05 PM »
he will be back. in one form or another.

probably silently at first.......just reading threads.

maybe eventually re joining under another name.

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #57 on: June 05, 2010, 09:15:27 PM »
That is unfortunate.  I really liked his photos of Cinevent.  He will be missed.

Agreed.  Ben is a good dude, he'll be missed.
Thanks.  You know what you did.
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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #58 on: June 05, 2010, 09:25:17 PM »
Agreed.  Ben is a good dude, he'll be missed.

He's always welcome.  I totally understand his reasoning, and I didn't not try to fight it.  Holiday and I always said, like it, stay, don't like it, leave.  But if you like it, then participate.  There is no point in remaining signed up to a forum if you don't participate, unless you want to fool advertisers in believing you own a very active forum.
My Personal Collection

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- "Wishing you the best of luck with All Poster Forum and in encouraging others to appreciate the magical art of film posters" - Martin Scorsese (2009)


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #59 on: June 05, 2010, 11:28:08 PM »
I've been talking to Ben today and anyone interested in Ben's view on the matter per Ben's view and no one else's see below to avoid any continued bending and misrepresenting the matter per others own views, interest or usual competitiveness. Ben's a friend of all of ours and my my favorite part of the forums; his last post was a contribution of posters from a fun trip he took and my favorite post to date. If you haven't seen take a look at his thread. As for his leaving, Ben's thoughts in Ben's own words below.

From Ben (Wonka Bars):
Hey poster friends of mine.

Sorry to bother you guys on this glorious Friday, but wanted to relate a few things to you all, namely about my intentions of leaving the APF.

I am definitely not trying to toot my horn out of arrogance in making my exit anything at all closely resembling a big me, my ego is not driving anything here.  Seriously.
But since I really like and respect you all, more than you know and definitely more than I have alluded to in the past over two forums for over three years, I want to explain for a sec, I would appreciate the time to bend your ear/eyes.

First, the inconsistency of what is and what isn't allowed in the APF is too chaotic and imbalanced.  Either censor or don't.  Holiday, to say you are essentially holding a banner of anti-censorship now, yet censor stuff all the time (like that stupid penis pic I asked you about and you nicely obliged in removing), well it doesn't work, especially in lieu of the current auction debate.  It's a headache, and while I like the initiative and work you and Thierry took in creating the APF, I feel that more and more it has become like we are all playing in your private yard and you come out and remove info that you personally have issue with, based on your own preferences or mood, rather than having a mindset of the good of the forum as a whole.

The current argument over auctions is so thoughtless, and I don't want to be part of a place that has no neighborly respect for others while openly snubbing their nose at others' potential losses financially.

Mel, as a whole, does the hobby a huge disservice with most of his "info".  I am tired of seeing him sow his bullshit seeds (and never addressing questions thereof).  If this was the MPF a year or two ago, everyone (especially you, Thierry) would have gotten on him every time he arrogantly passed out his Mel Facts, and perhaps taken offense even as we usually try to right wrongs (and repros) this hobby is plagued with.  For some reason he gets a pass on this forum (outside of Carson's apt points that Mel refuses to read), and I don't get it.  Sometimes saying nothing makes it worse, and as I said, hurts the hobby in the long run.

Lastly, I am not going to be told by a crusty, fat dirtbag like Rich that I don't understand what freedom is because of my age.  At 32, I have now taught History and English for several years in highschool and middleschool, and have several family members who have served our country.  When I met him last week, he said to my face "you are too young to really know anything about conventions like this and poster history" after I answered his question about why I started collecting.  He is a crude, obnoxious man (I have other stories of him from last week) and might be one of the most unintelligent men I have ever met.  He is the definition of a loser shithead, and I'm not going to even grace his baldness with a reply.

I do want to finish my Cinevent editorial, because I had you guys in particular in mind when I took the pics and I hope you all and others will enjoy them.  And I hope to see you guys there next year or at some other place because you all are a fun group and I hope one day we can share a laugh or a drink at some other convenient location.

Thierry, I may have to run past your ass at a marathon some time soon...but if you show me the garage, I promise to pull up limp at the gun.  :)

Peace fellas.  And seriously, keep in touch...feel free to text or call whenever.  When I post my collection in the near future, you will be the first to see it.


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #60 on: June 06, 2010, 01:14:15 AM »
For some reason, my last post got deleted.  Since I mentioned the fact that Ben's letter appeared to be a personal conversation, and not a public post, I voiced my opinion, and I am not sure that is allowed unless the moderators agree with it.

Wonka seemed like a good dude, and he really did not need to explain himself regarding why he left.  If it had been me leaving, I would have just written a letter like this  :D

Cookie Monster seems to share my new belief on moderation, kind of  :D

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #61 on: June 06, 2010, 01:38:00 AM »
I'm hopeful that you got Ben's permission before posting the private email....  I only ask because you didn't indicate this in your post, Carson.
Best regards,


Check out my new place!
Two Parrots Gallery

"What happened to all the people?" Mystified MPF Member, February 20, 2010

"I actually quite like the name Peanut."  Andy Neal on MOPO, April 22, 2010

Thierry:  Type the word APF on MPF and it spells: "Banned due to malicious unsolicited private message ".

Charlie to the guy who lost to EatBrie:  You just got "T-boned"!  Happens to the best of us...  Wait until you get "Holidazed"!

Thierry to Silhouette:  Please tell her it's a tiny part of my collection so she doesn't think I'm a total creep.  Oh wait, no, I am a total creep.


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #62 on: June 06, 2010, 02:40:15 AM »
Ben's reasons for leaving were being misrepresented. They were being misrepresented according to Ben. They were being misrepresented in accordance with myself and others. You may recall a similar situation 6 months ago, Holiday.

Having turned 30 just two weeks ago, and a very well received discussion with our friend, Chad B, needless to say, there's only so many more moments as I'm now older I want to devote to our usual poster-nerd matters. I'm currently speaking to Ben and yes my previous post has Ben's approval. Ben is preparing a small something to say and will be posted tomorrow.

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #63 on: June 06, 2010, 02:45:36 AM »
personally, I try mostly to avoid the matters of the nerddom and enjoy collecting.
Thanks.  You know what you did.
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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #64 on: June 06, 2010, 03:42:54 AM »
personally, I try mostly to avoid the matters of the nerddom and enjoy collecting.

Oh, the drama!!!

Schan, this is one of the best and most mature sentence I have read in a long time.  I think it should be the forum's motto.  Aside from being completely off about basketball, you're actually a pretty smart dude.

My Personal Collection

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #65 on: June 06, 2010, 08:07:36 AM »
Is it a coincidence that Carson and Wonka are two of the most anonymous members here and also two of the most acrimonious and hostile?

Carson has never posted his picture, has never revealed his real name or profession, and doesn't display his collection. Even Thierry said recently that he barely knows the guy after several years. 

All the above is also true for Wonka, except that he has revealed his name.

They seem to be perpetually enraged about one thing or another.  They hide behind their veils of anonymity and constantly hurl various and sundry invectives, vituperations, and vilifications at their opponents.

Dudes, if you're going to be that way, at least be men about it and show yourselves.


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #66 on: June 06, 2010, 08:11:25 AM »
What do you need to achieve, Mel. What's the purpose? It's a dead issue to me. Take care now.


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #67 on: June 06, 2010, 08:13:37 AM »
Truly, why can't we all just get along? Why the need for such drama?


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #68 on: June 06, 2010, 09:39:43 AM »
Ben's reasons for leaving were being misrepresented. They were being misrepresented according to Ben. They were being misrepresented in accordance with myself and others. You may recall a similar situation 6 months ago, Holiday.

Having turned 30 just two weeks ago, and a very well received discussion with our friend, Chad B, needless to say, there's only so many more moments as I'm now older I want to devote to our usual poster-nerd matters. I'm currently speaking to Ben and yes my previous post has Ben's approval. Ben is preparing a small something to say and will be posted tomorrow.

Do me a favor, then. Tell Ben to either join us or leave.  It's bullshit for him to prepare something for you to post, Carson, rather than just joining us and posting what he has to say himself.  Only a fucking coward does that, and you can tell him I said so.  Or perhaps I'm being hypocritical there too.

 No one misrepresented anything that Ben said.  Why not just let it go and get on with things involving posters than all this crap that's been going on recently.  You seem to be the only one that just has to have the last word, Carson.  I told you, that's a lonely place to be.  If you've turned 30, then perhaps it's time to act it, turn the other cheek, and move on.
Best regards,


Check out my new place!
Two Parrots Gallery

"What happened to all the people?" Mystified MPF Member, February 20, 2010

"I actually quite like the name Peanut."  Andy Neal on MOPO, April 22, 2010

Thierry:  Type the word APF on MPF and it spells: "Banned due to malicious unsolicited private message ".

Charlie to the guy who lost to EatBrie:  You just got "T-boned"!  Happens to the best of us...  Wait until you get "Holidazed"!

Thierry to Silhouette:  Please tell her it's a tiny part of my collection so she doesn't think I'm a total creep.  Oh wait, no, I am a total creep.


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #69 on: June 06, 2010, 10:46:10 AM »
Do me a favor, then. Tell Ben to either join us or leave.  It's bullshit for him to prepare something for you to post, Carson, rather than just joining us and posting what he has to say himself.  Only a fucking coward does that, and you can tell him I said so.  Or perhaps I'm being hypocritical there too.

 No one misrepresented anything that Ben said.  Why not just let it go and get on with things involving posters than all this crap that's been going on recently.  You seem to be the only one that just has to have the last word, Carson.  I told you, that's a lonely place to be.  If you've turned 30, then perhaps it's time to act it, turn the other cheek, and move on.

Take a nap, Holiday. Nobody gives a shit. Read my post above. It's a dead issue to me. If you want to keep posting, keep posting.


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #70 on: June 06, 2010, 11:49:25 AM »
Hey Carson & Wonka:

Since you boys have accused me of "hurting the hobby" by disseminating fallacies, perhaps we should re-visit some of our disagreements.

Remember a few months ago when you boys accused me of "completely [sic] folly" and being "misleading" and missing obvious fraud with respect to Heritage?

The latest news is that all lawsuits against Heritage have been permanently dismissed.  That means they lacked any legal merit.  Moreover, the accusers were forced to remove all previous false allegations against Heritage.  See the attached.  Also, the Texas attorney general refused to pursue any criminal charges against Heritage.  Now that that whole shebang turned out to be a bunch of malarkey - and you guys were totally off the mark - do you have any response other than insults?

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #71 on: June 06, 2010, 12:03:27 PM »
Mel, honestly, I don't think this is even worth entertaining.  A member was unhappy, he left, end of the story.  I only wanted to make it clear that he had not been banned, and then this whole charade begins.  It's endless, and quite frankly, boring.

Who freakin' cares?  Let's move on.

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #72 on: June 06, 2010, 12:04:12 PM »
Gee Mel, the parties AGREED to end the injunction. Do you see that as the same as being "dismissed"?

It sounds like they paid him to go away, which they surely should have done from the start, given the massive terrible publicity they received, and all the unfortunate information about their operation that was revealed, like their house bidder that almost never wins anything. How in the world do you know the lawsuits "lacked any legal merit"?


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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #73 on: June 06, 2010, 12:17:27 PM »

has never posted his picture, has never revealed his real name or profession,

HEY!!!! These were not asked for in the application!!!
I will probably eventually post a pic. I might even reveal my real name at some point but I fail to see why you would need to know my profession.
You sure you are a lawyer and not just one of those new govt cenus workers hired to inflate employment figures?  :P

You all sure to do take movie paper very seriously. I also must say these threads have been great entertainment  ;D
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 12:34:19 PM by Zorba »

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Re: Mid-auction analysis - OMGs!, LOLs!, WTFs!, whatev....
« Reply #74 on: June 06, 2010, 12:44:29 PM »
personally, I try mostly to avoid the matters of the nerddom and enjoy collecting.

The keyword is "try." I'm the same way which is probably one reason I've never pulled the trigger on any Star Wars paper. No offense to anyone who has. But for me, every time I think about purchasing one, a flash comes into my head of all those crazy people dressed up in costumes lined up for blocks trying to see one of the movies or get into some crazy event. There is a line that not only do I not want to cross but I'd like to stay far away from or at least as much as possible, so I usually opt for getting another Eastwood or QT piece. Gotta keep with my collection theme of, "The Cinema of Cool."