Ted, yes its the same Phil from NS4.
re Censorship, this magazine was on the mag racks with other stuff for anyone to look through, and I the magazine wasn't allowed in Queensland (a state in oz).
he also wrote a magazine called BEYOND IMAGINATION,
I got both of these when they were released, as a youngster, I cant remember dates off hand, but about 11 for Beyond Imagination, 13 (?) for Shocking Cinema, my mother had to buy it for me.
So, it was a thrill for me, many years later, to meet Phil and then become his friend. I had already "known" him for nearly 20 years.
If anyone has trouble finding a copy send me a message, or Phil might have some left for sale, they are getting pretty thin on the water, and also the quality of the binding isnt hot, so they tend to fall apart if handled too often .....
Beyond Imagination would be harder to get I think. Theres no hard pics in that though