Hi, I've just joined the forum.
I started collecting posters about 35 years ago when as a child I could talk nicely to the cinema manager and get some posters. It's now a little more difficult.
Since then I only collected them sporadically at different times but more recently, I've amassed a huge collection of posters from arthouse cinemas from 2014 onwards. I'm currently cataloging them and have just finished my camera setup to take photos of them. I've even got some tubes sent from distributors which have never been opened. So it's a little fun opening them for the first time and seeing what's there. If there's a specific list of what you are looking for, feel free to send me a list and I'll see if it comes up in my search. My intention is to add ones I like to my collection and then trade others with likeminded people so that I end up with a smaller collection, but ones I will keep forever.
The end goal is to have a screening room one day with framed quad posters on the walls.
I'm currently trying to do some research on a BFI Southbank Goodfellas Retro Quad which is just gorgeous. I'm currently trying to establish how many of these were made because I can't find one online anywhere so can only assume they are sitting in personal collections.