Author Topic: It's been a long time!  (Read 1205 times)

Offline EdKing

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It's been a long time!
« on: June 17, 2024, 08:45:56 AM »
Hi All

It's Ed King. I used to run back in the day... I stopped buying, selling and collecting posters a decade ago due to lack of space... and various other hobbies intervening... whisky collecting, wine...

The time has come to sell off most of my posters... not in a hurry but slowly want to divest myself of them apart from a few favs.

How has value been in the poster business?

I'm looking at stuff like Stars Wars (of which I have a few) and it doesn't look like prices have increased much. Classic stuff seems to be doing well? Any new trends?

Anyway, I'll probably have a bunch of questions on the forum in the coming weeks about value and selling.

Stage one... I'm listing stuff on ebay... is that still the best place? Are auctions a wash out now to get best price? Better to do 'buy it now'?

I'm in London so sending to consigner in USA is not practical.

Also, is there a good poster restorer or linen backer in the UK?

All the best

« Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 08:47:16 AM by EdKing »

Online Neo

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Re: It's been a long time!
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2024, 12:43:15 PM »
 welcome1 back, Ed.

It's not crazy expensive to ship to the USA from the UK.  Japanese posters seem to be more of a niche market, so it may be best on the not extremely popular titles to sell them individually on eBay.  Who knows how long they may take to sell, but you could try to maximize your profits that way.

There have been some high sales prices at Yahoo Japan, if you could send your stuff to consign with someone there.  Seems to be the most popular titles there also that tend to do very well. is a good tool to use for all eBay's past sales, since eBay only goes to the past 3 months.  It's a little expensive but you may be able to find how much the same stuff you have sold for. 

Sad to see your website no longer around.  I bought a couple of my faves from there that I have yet to see anywhere else.  At some point most or all of us will probably have to decide which are the few most favorites we want to keep, though.  Good luck with the sales.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 01:35:50 PM by Neo »

Offline eatbrie

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Re: It's been a long time!
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2024, 01:56:13 PM »
Hi Ed, and welcome back.

I personally think that prices are outrageous.  I don't sell, so I only see the market from a buyer POV, and everything seems too high to me.  If I sold, I'd probably be happy.  I mean, a lot of posters are x10 what I paid for them 10 years ago.  I try to bid at HA and fail 90% of the time.

Regarding Japanese posters, I am a fan.  If you want to sell directly, contact me.  You can see what I have on my website.

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Offline crowzilla

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Re: It's been a long time!
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2024, 04:36:27 PM »
I was just thinking that Star Wars is one of the few areas that has gone crazy compared to a decade ago.

Guess it all depends on what you are looking for and how you view the market.  Most 50s sci-fi is flat or down greatly from a decade ago (there was a Forbidden Planet 1-sheet not long ago at a major auction that couldn't even reach $5K). Westerns are way down and most Golden Era stars are flat or down compared to a decade ago.

But slasher horror has gone crazy, as have many 80s/90s classics, in many cases increasing multiples as compared to ten years ago. But even in the best cases it seems posters prices have lagged the crazy increases seen in so many other pop culture hobbies right now (which is good, or we would never hear the end of T whining  ;) )
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Offline okiehawker

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Re: It's been a long time!
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2024, 09:08:57 PM »
Welcome back, Ed!  Do you happen to have any first release Gojira/Godzilla Japanese posters? If so, I would sure like to see them.  Okie

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Re: It's been a long time!
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2024, 11:33:02 PM »
Do you happen to have any first release Gojira/Godzilla Japanese posters? If so, I would sure like to see them.  Okie

I might have some somewhere...  eyeroll
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Offline okiehawker

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Re: It's been a long time!
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2024, 12:26:11 AM »
I bet you do, Crow! Your Japanese Kaiju poster book (The Art of Japanese Monsters) is an indispensable reference!  Okie

I might have some somewhere...  eyeroll

Offline kovacs01

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Re: It's been a long time!
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2025, 09:16:06 PM »
Hi All

It's Ed King. I used to run back in the day... I stopped buying, selling and collecting posters a decade ago due to lack of space... and various other hobbies intervening... whisky collecting, wine...

The time has come to sell off most of my posters... not in a hurry but slowly want to divest myself of them apart from a few favs.

How has value been in the poster business?

I'm looking at stuff like Stars Wars (of which I have a few) and it doesn't look like prices have increased much. Classic stuff seems to be doing well? Any new trends?

Anyway, I'll probably have a bunch of questions on the forum in the coming weeks about value and selling.

Stage one... I'm listing stuff on ebay... is that still the best place? Are auctions a wash out now to get best price? Better to do 'buy it now'?

I'm in London so sending to consigner in USA is not practical.

Also, is there a good poster restorer or linen backer in the UK?

All the best

Hey Ed!  Good to hear from you.  I still have on from you hanging on my dining room wall!  I hope all is well with you and yours!
Thanks.  You know what you did.
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