Author Topic: A cool chart of our average auction prices through the years!  (Read 771 times)

Offline BruceH

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A cool chart of our average auction prices through the years!
« on: December 28, 2023, 08:05:34 AM »
After 34 years of auctioning "anything" and "everything", we at made the decision to STOP auctioning low value items, and to ONLY auction items that realistically sell for $30 or more!

But we first had a warehouse of old consignments to deal with (truckloads brought to us from dealers closing down) that we had been working on auctioning for many years).

But we are steadily working through all those old consignments, and we make it very clear to all new consignors to only send $30+ items, and the day is looming when we WILL only auction $30+ items (but they will still start at $1 with no reserves or buyers premiums).

Look at this chart at From 2002 to 2007 we WERE much more selective in what we auctioned, and our average auction price was mostly around $60.

But then, in 2008 we added a third set of auctions, our Sunday auctions, and the only way to fill so many auctions was to start including MUCH lower value items, and our average auction price plunged to around $35 to $40 for the next 13 years.

But then in 2020 we started our "new" $30+ minimum policy, and our average auction price jumped up to $79, and has continued to increase, hitting $125 this year.

While this may SEEM to be a new policy, actually it is just us returning to the policy we originally had from 2002 to 2007. And when you consider inflation, $125 per auction in 2023 is actually LESS than $64 was in 2005.

And there are two giant side benefits to this shift in policy. The first is that being far more selective in what we accept has allowed us to completely catch up on old single sale consignments, so new consignments sent to us go to auction VERY quickly.

And the second is that the bidders LOVE this "new" because with so much better quality overall, they now look over ALL the auctions each time, because so much of it is of interest.

If YOU have $30+ items you would like to consign, why not head over to and read our "no fine print" terms, and learn how you can join the 3,213 others who have consigned $115 million of items to us!
We ( hold 3,000 to 4,000 auctions every four weeks.
We have auctioned more movie paper for more money (in real sales) than any auction in the world.
We have the longest continuously running auctions of any auction, with over 1,948,280 to date from over 3,306 consignors.
See all of our current auctions in one gallery here: