Common Poster Subjects > The Dealer/Auction House/Seller/Buyer Round Table

The web site is down temporarily


Important Announcement: We at performed what seemed to be "routine maintenance" around 11 AM CT., and our site went down  We have technicians working away to fix the problem and restore the site. In situations like these, it is pretty impossible to say exactly when the issues will be resolved, and of course we will post again the moment the site is back online.

Note that while our 3 auction galleries are down, this only affects the auctions in that our images do not display on them. Because there are 12 full days to go before the first set of auctions begin to end May 10th, we will not extend the auctions for this "down time", and we have every hope the auctions (and our site) will all be restored no later than the morning of the 29th, if not much sooner.

Our site has had remarkable stability the past 23 years, with only a very few outages, and we hope all of you can be understanding of this unfortunate event, and know that we are doing all we can to restore the site as quickly as possible. Thank you all very much.


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