Author Topic: GOP Governance & Postmaster DeJoy have killed the post office & Hurt Consumers  (Read 6131 times)


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Folks. Here is a hard message about what is wrong with GOP politics.
The current postmaster is Louis DeJoy. DeJoy's business prior to his appointment to the seat by Trump, was shipping. His first task after he took control of the USPS was to remove & destroy a dozen enormous mail sorting machines at hub facilities around the nation. This was done 6 weeks before the 2020 election, no doubt to sabotage the handling of mail in ballots, which are more Democrat than Republican. It failed to keep Trump in office, because ballots are special handled and are sorted & delivered before all other mail, by law. Note that according to government filings, DeJoy & his wife as of June 2020 owned up to $75M in stock in companies that compete with the USPS, and he is not required to divest, because he is a postal employee, not a government employee. A clear conflict of interest.

However, this GOP operative has continued to create other rules, that hobble the post office and make it a lesser choice for shipping.
For instance, on Nov 1st of last year, he instituted a $15.00 surcharge to tube mailing to international destinations for size, as well as a $15.00+ surcharge for 'peak holiday shipping'. These were surcharges added onto  standard shipping costs. So a 2lb package that cost $27 to ship to the UK from Vegas became $61.00.
The package did not change, only the rate.
It was supposed to be temporary, ending on Dec 26th (the day after Christmas..). It did not. This surcharge is still in force.

Now the surcharge has come to domestic mail. Take a look at this photo. You have a comparison for a rate for a 32" tubes shipping to NYC from Vegas today, and Monday.

This is anti-consumer and anti-small business.
The Republicans have been trying to destroy the post office for 4 decades and I fear this may be getting them one major step towards that end.

The only way to get rid of these Neanderthal policies is to get rid of Republican legislators and top level seats when you vote.

Vote Democrats.. Fuck the GOP

« Last Edit: March 31, 2022, 03:14:03 PM by » is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Offline kovacs01

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The postal service has been failing for decades independent of politics.  The only way for it to succeed is to charge more, and that goes is even more emphasized right now given fuel prices.  We all would have been better off if they shuttered the whole thing then in favor of the private sector (FedEx, US, DHL, etc).  But, alas they did not.  Now, in order to get back right, they have to make abrupt increases that theye should have been made incrementally.  And they have to go well beyond actual cost because they took themselves so far into the red before doing anything about it.

Basically, it is a microcosm of our government as a whole.  The difference is that the postmaster is taking actions within his realm of control to get out of the red while the rest of the government is doing nothing.  The bottom line is that is that if you want an entity to be successful (or even level) financially, then it needs to be treated like a business.  Given the bureaucracy our government creates, it is nigh impossible to have the flexibility and reactivity required to do that. 

Cute political rant though.........
« Last Edit: March 31, 2022, 03:53:39 PM by kovacs01 »
Thanks.  You know what you did.
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NO government agency is required to make profits.

what financial benefit does military spending achieve for the populace?

We subsidize very profitable oil companies very handsomely.

Subsidizing the post office should be a no-brainer and only a fool would think otherwise is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Offline kovacs01

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NO government agency is required to make profits.

what financial benefit does military spending achieve for the populace?

We subsidize very profitable oil companies very handsomely.

Subsidizing the post office should be a no-brainer and only a fool would think otherwise

No, but they are required not to continually operate in the red.  And once they find themselves in the red, they are eventually required to make a plan to fix it and recoup the money.  That can be achieved via making a profit temporarily until it is fixed or by increasing taxes on the citizens to fix it.

Ask Ukraine what benefit military spending achieves.  They can probably articulate it well right now.  It is actually concerning that you would even ask that question given what is going on there right now and makes everything you are trying to argue less credible.  Check that.......not credible at all.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2022, 04:13:52 PM by kovacs01 »
Thanks.  You know what you did.
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......they are required not to continually operate in the red. 

WTF are you talking about.. Money we spend on military doesn't come back to anything.
Pentagon money never comes back to anything and over $21T of Pentagon spending over the past 30 years is unaccounted for.
Oil companies are not doing anything for consumers right now under the guise of paying back money to investors, why are we even giving them subsidies anymore.

there isn't one dollar that our government spends on anything that is not operating in the red. is the FIRST All-Movie Poster Auction Site. We're not #1, but we try harder
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Offline kovacs01

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WTF are you talking about.. Money we spend on military doesn't come back to anything.
Pentagon money never comes back to anything and over $21T of Pentagon spending over the past 30 years is unaccounted for.
Oil companies are not doing anything for consumers right now under the guise of paying back money to investors, why are we even giving them subsidies anymore.

there isn't one dollar that our government spends on anything that is not operating in the red.

WTF am I talking about?  Rich, you went from postal service to military to oil, and you want to know what I am talking about?  Random babbling of a confused older gentleman.  We get it, and it was cute as I said previously.  YES, our government has been operating in the red for a long time.  YES, eventually it is going to have to be rectified.  The government has the ability to take in money via several sources (taxes, aid, bonds, etc, etc).  The government then spends money in the interest of the people.  When the government spends more than it receives, it is operating in the red.  It is because people do not understand this concept (like politicians, many of whom are also ranting older gentlemen), that our government is in its current financial state.  Just because it has been going on doesn't mean it is ok and can go on forever.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2022, 06:49:56 PM by kovacs01 »
Thanks.  You know what you did.
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Is your contention that if we vote Democrat that they will revoke the $15 oversize package surcharge?
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I have given USPS 20K-60K a year for probably 20 years, unfortunately I have now had to pivot to UPS. I have zero love for UPS with their random charges beyond quoted prices and zero insurance coverages, but when it is taking USPS 3 weeks+ to deliver tubes 4 hours from me consistently and causing me to refund 10%+ of packages sent due to missing their deliver "guarantee" and the need it now generation of complainers, I can no longer stick with them.  This route/sort facility consolidation they have done the last 6 months has just put a nail in the coffin of most small business using them.