As a UK collector I have previously visited his studio. I prefer my very occasional linen-backing to be done in the US/Canada.
Alain Bourgouin would also hold people's posters "hostage" to the point that some collectors either threatened or actually DID call the police to get involved, so they could get their property back, as well as his known drinking problem, I think any and all would be wise to stay away from this character. Other tales included him NOT even answering his door, when a collector came to gather posters, that, at times, were either hastily or only partly finished.
And if I recall, he re-located, too, as part of all his mess in handling people's posters. Almost like he was hoping to put his less-than-unprofessional past behind him, when he moved to Kent.
I have no doubt he carried his linen, wheat paste and cognac with him to his new locale, too.