On the Clerks, were all 1st release prints signed and numbered? Also, where were the 2nd release prints marked with pencil? I bought a Clerks (gold edition) around 6 months ago and this one has no signature or edition size marked anywhere.
For the original release, a number of silvers and a few gold sold through mondo. A good chunk of the original gold version was damaged beyond saleability in transit to mondo, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were far fewer than 40 that actually sold.
The majority of the 1st edition run sold at the showing, where Smith signed a bunch. If you buy the second edition, which, apart from the pencil notation, is identical to the original run, now from his site they are also sign by him (in ink, I am guessing), but this was not the case initially. I have a low number Gold 2nd edition that was not signed by Smith, but was signed & numbered by Slater in pencil on the bottom right with the 'Second Edition', if memory serves.
I think that when Slater sold his copies that they may have been sign & numbered, similar to what Stout did with his.
Basically, it's a great big clusterfark...
Where did you get it and who was the seller?