I don't think its wrong morally myself, a few big stores in Australia are at the moment trying to get GST added to items under $1K imported. Screw them, they cant compete with overseas, even IF we add GST.
A DVD in Australia for $30 or one from Amazon for $8, even with postage AND if they Add 10% GST, still cheaper - if retailers here cant make a buck from that RETAIL then they are doing something wrong, but they get WHOLESALE.
I personally dont buy anything at the moment except things to keep me alive, BUT much as I like Australia, if its cheaper to buy OS and pay postage etc, I will still go OS, and so will anyone. STORES here need to realise that and stop charging so much.
SO sorry to go off tangent but I think sellers should mark AS GIFT/NO VALUE, so long as the buyer realises no insurance is covered.
Its as ridiculous as USA charging us Aussie $9 to send a parcel to your country, to pay your people to check it for bombs or arsenic or whatever they think. PAY IT YOUR SELF . Not me. OH wait I charge the customer, think anyone will pay $25 postage for a $10 poster? I dont. I dont blame them. But I cant cover the extra $9 fee in my postage for a $10 poster, and sadly I am usually a low end, el cheapo, seller.
Ahh well, it all sucks and we manage somehow.
Rant over, must be monday (wait it isnt yet), ahh well again.