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Movie & TV Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: eatbrie on December 18, 2009, 11:29:33 PM

Title: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: eatbrie on December 18, 2009, 11:29:33 PM
I'd love to know how it ends.



(PS: Private joke to my good NS4 buddy Eric aka Magnum55 - Can't wait for the world cup to begin!)
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: CSM on December 18, 2009, 11:42:45 PM

Speaking of that, here's a cross post (referencing the new forum) from NS4 that I am sure the 'Erotic one' won't mind me posting:

"With Thierry's involvement, you can pretty much guarantee that all film and sports spoilers will be revealed upfront, in bold typeface"
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: cinemarts on December 19, 2009, 12:04:47 AM
Saw it in 3D.
But see it in 3D.
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: eatbrie on December 19, 2009, 12:35:51 AM
I'm seeing Sunday night, in 3D.  Can't wait.
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: eatbrie on December 19, 2009, 12:38:58 AM
"With Thierry's involvement, you can pretty much guarantee that all film and sports spoilers will be revealed upfront, in bold typeface"

It will be my pleasure, honor and duty to fulfill Eric's desires.

Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: holiday on December 19, 2009, 01:16:48 PM
Why him and not me?!
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: kauaitx on December 19, 2009, 01:55:17 PM

Because you're not Er(OT)ic. 


Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: wonka on December 19, 2009, 07:46:55 PM
Sorry to rain on the parade here, but I just got back from seeing it in 3D and its my honest opinion that its the silliest film ever made.

It makes Indy 4 sound like The Godfather.  Worst script ever put to screen.  He had what, 12 or so years to write it and this is the final product?!?

Here are some 'classic' lines that will unfortunately never leave my head:

"Welcome to Pandora.  You're not in Kansas anymore."

"Ok, who's got my cigarettes?"  (First thing Sigorney Weaver says on screen, just after she gets out of her pod thingy).

"I've got guns too, Bitch!"

"You haven't got lost in the woods, have you? You still remember what team you're playing for?"

"Gives me the goosebumps!"

Could go on and on...

I will say that the 3D effects are top notch.  There were these bugs flying around and at first I literally tried to brush them away. 

The main problem is this: its like two films in one.  One film is like a bad sci-fi space marine drama on the WB network.  The other film is just a series of cut scenes from a Final Fantasy game.  It just doesn't mix that well.

Remember Who Framed Roger Rabbit?  You have the world of real people and the world of toons, both living and sharing space together...and you never question makes sense.  But now, Avatar is so disjointed between the two species at was too jarring for me when it cut back and forth.  Oh well, sorry to be Debbie Downer, I hope some of you like it.

Maybe it was worth it, cool 3D (if you see it in regular screenings, you gotta be nuts) and made me realize I am not so bad at writing screenplays myself.
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: eatbrie on December 19, 2009, 09:21:25 PM
Well, I still can't wait to see it, if only for its 82% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.  Pretty impressive for a movie of this scope. (

Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: wonka on December 19, 2009, 09:56:46 PM
Ironically, that very page is what I looked over earlier today...I wasn't going to see it until I saw all the glowing reviews.

Cameron must have passed around some neon blue kool-aid to the critics.
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: CSM on December 20, 2009, 04:47:34 PM
Convinced the woman that we should go see this tonight - I bribed her with the idea of a 3D movie being a new experience...
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: guest8 on December 20, 2009, 04:53:28 PM
LOL .. Be sure to "drink the blue kool-aid" before you go :P

I havent seen this yet .. Im waiting to see if the "real" imax here in indy gets this in 3D before I decide to go see it .. But, im really wanting to like it .. I guess like everything it comes down to personal opinions .. Im sure that there are some people (be it few and far between) that actually like Indiana Jones 4 ;D
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: wonka on December 20, 2009, 05:00:39 PM
Actually, after seeing it and disagree with my opinion, you are wrong.

Indy 4?  Whoever likes that movie needs to reassess their life.
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: guest8 on December 20, 2009, 05:03:59 PM
LOL .. I think if Indy4 would have mad it a lost culture or something like that instead of aliens it would have been better :P
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: eatbrie on December 21, 2009, 02:08:52 AM
So my review is as follow: Mesmerizing!!!

Anyone who sees this movie has to see it in 3D, otherwise you miss half the spectacle.  A couple of years ago, my wife had an opportunity to work on the movie in special effects.  I advised her to stay at DreamWorks where the work is more stable.  With Avatar, she would have gone from one project to the next with no guarantees.  At DreamWorks, she's an employee with steady work.  I was wrong.  Dead wrong.  Avatar sets the level to a whole new height.  For people 40 and under, it is our Star Wars, no questions about it.  If cinema was created for spectacle and evasion, this is Cinema.  I cannot recommend it more, but in 3D!


Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: joneyyy on December 21, 2009, 05:29:19 AM
i watched avatar last night. i really liked it. more than worth watching again.. ;D

please dont talk about indy 4, im still coming to terms with it. :'( ( (
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: wonka on December 21, 2009, 10:28:50 AM
Shocked to say the least re: your review, Thierry.

Not sure why this movie gets a pass.  Sure it looked great, but crap wrapped up with a beautiful bow on top is still crap.

Is there a worse script full of cliche after cliche after recycled story lines? 

Seems the bar is just lower now, I guess.
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: Dread_Pirate_Mel on December 29, 2009, 09:39:26 AM
The janitor (or "custodian technician") tells me he has seen Avatar five times.

If it's inspiring that much devotion, maybe it will be the next Titanic.

I remember teenage girls went to see Titanic 10+ times.
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: guest8 on December 29, 2009, 09:46:39 AM
I saw this movie in fake IMAX 3D this past weekend .. and to me visually its a stunning film .. But the story is sophomoric at best .. It reminds me of so many other movies that have already been done and the same story lines from as far back as I can remember...

While I was in the theater I typically wait for the credits to finish before I leave and there were 3 guys/friends sitting in front of me and one of them stood up and said "that was the best movie ever" My friend and I looked at one another and laughed literally out loud .. We both concede its a fun movie but by no mean the "best movie ever" .. To me this is just a kids movie on steroids.. Simple basic story line thats easy to follow and has lots of bright colors .. ;)

Now thats not to say it wasnt enjoyable .. I will probably get it on Bluray just because of the amazing visual effects! Its never going to be in any top 10 lists though.
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: wonka on December 29, 2009, 02:17:25 PM
Avatar is just plain silly.

Its like Dances With Wolves had a baby with Ferngully: The Last Rainforest, and the baby dropped acid instead of drinking formula.
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: guest8 on December 29, 2009, 02:36:23 PM
LOL .. True .. I do not dispute that plot-wise .. Its the same old story line thats been used time and time again .. Its a film for the masses and sadly the masses are somewhat simple minded .. hence my comparison of this movie to a kids film .. Not too much thought is needed.. People can just sit back in autopilot and ohh and ahhh the special effects ;)
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: supraman079 on December 29, 2009, 04:27:03 PM
I haven't seen it yet, but a friend of my saw the film on opening day and I saw him at a party later that night. He told me about the film and my comment to him was that the story sounds like a Last of the Mohican's and Dances With Wolves type movie.

Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: kovacs01 on December 30, 2009, 07:53:37 AM
I hope it is still running in 3D when I am home next month.
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: guest8 on December 30, 2009, 08:42:19 AM
I dont see why it wouldnt .. Unless they plan on a quick BD/DVD release .. Hard telling with the studios sometimes .. But the next IMAX release will be Alice in Wonderland in March .. So I suspect they will hold on to Avatar as long as they can ;)
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: supraman079 on December 30, 2009, 03:09:25 PM
You should be good. The Dark Knight had a long run for the Imax theater and then they did a rerelease for it again 6 months later. This movie has made a ton of money so they won't pull it until it milks everything it can out of the viewers.

Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: Carson on December 31, 2009, 02:06:07 AM
Loved it. If you're looking for fun, it's the funnest. If you're looking for depth of character, unique plot, original story line, then no, of course not. That's not what Avatar is.

Based on my viewing I'd say Avatar is a viscerally brilliant, endlessly creative, technical showcase meant to amuse the masses. It's not Memento. I found it a brilliant 3D amusement park ride. I saw it in IMAX 3D Digital as well as RealD 3D.

Is it a "good movie"? In context of what it is it's the best to date. But if you're looking for a movie that meets all criteria of a truly "great film" (e.g. Citizen Kane, Pianist, Gone with the Wind, Raiders) of course not. Not even close. Two completely different types of movie experience.

Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: supraman079 on December 31, 2009, 12:40:00 PM
Loved it. If you're looking for fun, it's the funnest. If you're looking for depth of character, unique plot, original story line, then no, of course not. That's not what Avatar is.

Based on my viewing I'd say Avatar is a viscerally brilliant, endlessly creative, technical showcase meant to amuse the masses. It's not Memento. I found it a brilliant 3D amusement park ride. I saw it in IMAX 3D Digital as well as RealD 3D.

Is it a "good movie"? In context of what it is it's the best to date. But if you're looking for a movie that meets all criteria of a truly "great film" (e.g. Citizen Kane, Pianist, Gone with the Wind, Raiders) of course not. Not even close. Two completely different types of movie experience.

What was better to see it in, Imax or RealD 3D?

Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: guest8 on December 31, 2009, 12:51:07 PM
I wonder if there is a difference (3D wise) from a fake IMAX 3D (an over sized digital screen) and a RealD 3D (all digital 3D) .. Not knowing anything about the technical side of it all Id say that IMAX 3D would be better jsut because the screen is larger .. :???
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: Carson on December 31, 2009, 08:55:23 PM
There are two types of IMAX 3D.

IMAX 3D Digital (also called miniMAX) is new. IMAX Digital rolled out in 2008 so it's tougher to find these showings. IMAX Digital can project 3D and non-3D content of course; it uses two Christie projectors which use a combination of Texas Instruments DLP chips and IMAX's own proprietary tech.

IMAX 3D Film (original IMAX standard using 15 sprocket 70mm film) has been around for a while so most seeing Avatar in IMAX 3D are seeing it in 70mm film.

And of course you can see Avatar in RealD 3D, Dolby 3D or traditional 35mm film all on conventional sized screens for those who don't care about the directors intent. 5 different options; pretty hilarious.

Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: supraman079 on December 31, 2009, 09:09:39 PM
Did you find yourself noticing much of a difference between the two Carson?

Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: kovacs01 on December 31, 2009, 10:55:23 PM
yeah, which one is best?
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: Carson on January 01, 2010, 06:50:03 PM
My order of personal preference for Avatar is:

1. IMAX 3D Film
2. RealD 3D
3. IMAX 3D Digital

That is my order of preference for, Avatar, specifically. Different movies present better in different mediums and different screen sizes. In the case of Avatar I prefer the immersiveness of the 70mm film shown on traditional 72(wide) x 52 (high) IMAX screens ahead of any 3D concerns or slighty crisper clarity of digital showings.

If you're a 3D purist in search of the best three dimensional depth of field, screen size be damned, absolutely see the RealD 3D showing on a conventional sized screen. If you don't like to move your neck to watch a movie, can't enjoy the humongous 72 x 52 IMAX screen, or don't like digitally shot movies blown-up to 70mm film then see the much smaller IMAX 3D Digital showing. If you're in L.A. you can also sample the XpanD 3D system at the Arclight Cinerama Dome.

As mentioned there is also Dolby 3D, Standard Digital and of course 35mm film; all of which I'd avoid. As always the variables that contribute to great screening are endless including a knowledgeable projectionist and a good bulb. If you go to see a RealD 3D showing of Avatar and a 20 year old projectionist is more concerned with texting his buttbuddy about Lady GaGa's new album than your movie then all bets are off.

Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: kovacs01 on January 02, 2010, 05:46:07 AM
Where would you recommend in the DFW area?
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: Carson on January 02, 2010, 04:17:43 PM
There is one theater and one theater only for your departure from DFW to Pandora. While you're home, and Chad as well, head south to 635 (LBJ) and exit Webb Chapel for the Cinemark IMAX Theatre at Cinemark 17 ( This is the only authentic 70mm IMAX 3D Film showing of Avatar in all of DFW.

Any other IMAX you see advertised in our area are the new, much smaller IMAX digital theaters in which IMAX corp recently (2008) signed a deal with AMC and Regal theaters to retrofit a number of pre-existing theaters with just slightly larger than normal screens and digital projectors to cut costs. The concern is IMAX corp. is knowingly omitting the fact the screens are smaller in hope movie goers will assume it's the traditional 72 x 52 IMAX. You can read about the controversy here (
Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: kovacs01 on January 03, 2010, 12:45:59 AM
Thats what I was thinking Carson, Webb Chapel and 635.......thanks for the conformation, and I will most definitely be checking it out!

Title: Re: Anyone's seen AVATAR yet?
Post by: supraman079 on January 03, 2010, 08:48:34 PM
yeah, Carson, that's the place I saw The Dark Knight in. I figured it would be the best to watch it but I was just curious to hear from you if you could really tell that much of a difference between that medium and the other 3D mediums. Working in the industry I figured I would notice it more than most people probably would, just because they are usually not looking for stuff like that when viewing movies.
